Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. L

    Meeting of Minds

    Neimoidia Orbit Trade Station Tango Urilla Draco sat in an office aboard the Trade Station in Coalition Space scribbling on a datapad with a stylus absent mindedly. Amidst the many notifications about policy updates there were doodles of stick figures fighting, explosions, and the occasional...
  2. Garith Organa

    The Light of Ashla SJO/FWC Thread We have friends visiting. You don't have to be a force user to stop by and say hello to them.
  3. Garith Organa

    The Light of Ashla

    I had attended to say this earlier but got distracted with real life and work and all. The Alderaan Jedi Temple doors are open to any Jedi that is a member of the NJO. Feel free to stop by in your travels if you need a place to stay or for training. It does not matter if your light sided or...
  4. Valae Heavenshield

    The Light of Ashla [SJO]

    The Light of Ashla Aldera City, Alderaan Just outside the capital city, a group of members of the Silver Jedi Order began their trek to the Jedi Temple. They would be leaving the city landscape behind, and taking a short trek into the woods of Alderaan. It was a pleasant day, but despite the...
  5. Camellia Swift

    Welcoming a Guest

    [member="Faith Organa"] The Free Worlds Coalition As far as most matters were concerned, the head of Rendili Stardrive supposed that among the various powers in play in the galaxy for the time being that the Free World Coalition was probably the best one for her homeworld to fall under. It was...
  6. Amelia von Sorenn

    The Corporatocracy of the Recopia System

    The Recopia System Lacia The Fifth Moon "Three Great Governments converge, and between them must lay a pillar of strength that shall guide them, aid them, nourish them and ultimately rise them up so that stability or some semblance of that may return to the Galaxy. For many though there are...
  7. Amelia von Sorenn

    The Foundry

    Free Worlds Coalition Space Foundry The woman stood quietly in the large office, the spire overlooking much of the current landscape below it as smoke churned out from large stacks. Every now and then a smaller ship would zip pass the window, the world below one of noise as it bellowed out...
  8. Amelia von Sorenn

    The Shipyards of Manwess III

    Golden hues fell upon the skeletal structure before the woman, watching as the smaller craft pulled the various parts into place. Slowly, piece by piece, the form was coming together. The company was still small, though with this expansion, this broad stroke, it was meant to push them further...
  9. Amelia von Sorenn

    The Praetorians of Commenor

    For a moment the backdrop of the void was left untouched, stars twinkling and shimmering in the distance. The darkness and stillness of space only to be disturbed by the vessel that came tearing through the fabric of real space. Dropping from hyperspace, the large Cathedral vessel slowed as it...
  10. Faith Organa

    Looking for a few stories

    1 x 1 or a small group Alderaan is pretty settled at the moment. We have established the University, Hospital and are working on our music hall. Like to do a few threads with individuals or groups to utilize these buildings. Maybe a visiting teacher to the university, a doctor to the...
  11. Amelia von Sorenn

    Approved Tech  Sorenn-Syrush Industries Hadur class Light Armor

    --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ..:: Out of Character Information ::.. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Intent: The creation of a Light Armor to be mass produced by Sorenn-Syrush Industries; to...
  12. Amelia von Sorenn

    Shareholders Meeting

    The armor clad woman stood silently at the head of the table, her back to the door whilst her attention was focused upon the skyline below. Her golden hues fell upon the shimmering city, the bustling night life just beginning to creep out as the sun set over the horizon. A soft smirk crossed her...
  13. Myles Davorak

    [Chapter 1] Laying Plans [FWC]

    A few days had passed since Myles got acquainted with his new office space. The information he requested on recent attacks were laying before him on his new desk. He had just about everything he needed. He was tasked by Queen [member="Faith Organa"] to find out who the insurgents were, who...
  14. Amelia von Sorenn

    Approved Tech  Praetorian Guard Battle Armor

    --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ..:: Out of Character Information ::.. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Intent: A battle armor for use by the House Syrush Praetorian Guard during non-state...
  15. Hadleigh Purkis

    Hunting In Plain Sight | Free Worlds Coalition

    Kuat has come under attack, but those responsible--as hidden as they remain--would paint the Coalition itself as their enemy. In Kuat City's entertainment district, several bombings and attacks had occurred. The assailants turn out to be mercenaries, low lives, and various anarchist groups all...
  16. Hadleigh Purkis

    Free Worlds Coalition

    Free Worlds Coalition In the heart of the galaxy; Alderaan, Kuat, Humbarine, and Balmorra are free from occupation. With the fall of the One Sith and Galactic Republic, these beaten worlds are rebuilding. To defend their newfound independence they form the Free Worlds Coalition. Intent on...
  17. Hadleigh Purkis

    The Quiet Hours | Free Worlds & OSL

    Evening settled over Kuat City, the bustling nightlife of the entertainment district becoming more apparent... Hadleigh leans over the balcony of her home, the sound of the city filling her ears as ambiance. "My Lady, it is time." One of her aides stepped forth to remind her of more pressing...
  18. Jairus Starvald

    Energy Must Flow | The Free Worlds Coalition

    Sarapin - Sarapin System Free Worlds Space Sarapin was a world of change. Insistent and aggressive change just under the crust of the surface. It boiled over and then it calmed down again, before returning with an aggression that could challenge the Galaxy. In a way it was inspiring to the...
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