Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Free Worlds Coalition Space
The woman stood quietly in the large office, the spire overlooking much of the current landscape below it as smoke churned out from large stacks. Every now and then a smaller ship would zip pass the window, the world below one of noise as it bellowed out, the machinery groaning. Heavy cogs spinning as pumps and pistons hissed away, though the office that the woman stood in was silent, almost eerily so as she stood there.

For the moment she was worried, or rather anxious, unsure if those that she had invited would arrive or even have considered taking time out of their busy days in order to arrive. Even if only one did make it, it would still be considered a bonus for her. After all the reason for the meeting was one of defense and it was one that she wanted to ensure all the right parties were privy.

Taking a deep breath, she pivoted upon her hind leg, lifting up the glass that sat on the table as she took a sip of the sanguine liquid before setting the glass back down. Her golden hues falling upon the heavy doors before she nodded. The two armored individuals with her pulled open the set of double doors, revealing a comfortable lobby and sitting area with a protocol droid behind a heavy desk.

"Please enter, Miss Sorenn-Syrush will see you now honored guests."

The synthetic voice squeaked out of the protocol droid as it motioned towards the doors. The woman stood silent, and for once she wasn't in some heavy set of armor. Rather she was in a gown, one that she had managed to find that also brought a thinning feature to her own curvy figure. Taking another breath, she offered a polite smile, her fangs hinting for a moment as she motioned towards the chairs.

"Please take your seats and we may begin."

[member="Asha Mataya-Syrush"] | [member="Lady Kay"] | [member="Faith Organa"] | [member="Ardgal Raxis"] | [member="HK-36"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay had arrived nearly an hour before the scheduled meeting time. Her ship, The Free Lady was docked on one of the landing platforms nearby. It was the first time that she could remember being in this sector of space. So much had gone on recently that at times she was unsure of what were real memories and what were merely dreams that had haunted her in her sleep. Even in her nights, her brain was still working hard on tasks that gave her stress. But she'd take that over the nightmares any day.

Normally she'd have her Minister of Defence with her, but he had his hands full with other matters, so Kay had arrived on her own. Only two guards came with her, dressed in uniform bearing the Commenori colours of blue and grey, as opposed to wearing armour. One of them carried a mid sized box for their host.

Kay nodded her head in thanks to the droid that greeted them, as well as to the two guards that held the doors open for her. She paused briefly and gave [member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"] a bow of her head before continuing inside and sat down on one of the offered chairs. The guard carrying the box set it down on a side table.

"Thank you for the invite Countess. Normally I'd have a chest full of gifts, but given that you'd have no use for two of them, I brought half instead. Inside you'll find some gorgeous fabrics and some uncut chrysopaz gemstones for you to fashion into anything that you wish." Normally she'd have Commenori Brandy and Sapir tea as well, but given that Amelia was a vampiric species, those would just go to waste.

[member="HK-36"] [member="Faith Organa"] [member="Asha Mataya-Syrush"] [member="Ardgal Raxis"]
The great thing about being a Mandalorian was you really only ever had to own one out fit; a great set of armor. Really, that was all that people expected you to wear. And sure, while that was fantastic for business, Ardgal heard that this was a little more up-scale. So the man decided to wear something a little nicer. After all, he was not only a Mandalorian but he was also a respectable businessman with a classy lady that had a fair amount of fashion sense. Being with [member="Rashae"] had given him a few of the finer graces.

The warrior this time, was clad in a form fitting navy blue pinstripe suit with a lovely brown shirt and dark brown rancor hide leather loafers and a snazzy powertie. And to top it all off, the gentleman carried a very manly, totally awesome matching purse man-bag, made of leather cut from the same rancor. Inside he had his weapons for this encounter. This time the day wouldn't be won with blasters and blades, but with figures and a firm handshake.

His Slatin Gunship came in for a gentle landing in the open air near the industrial complex. The general stepped out in the open, smog filled air and took a deep wiff. A pleased smile crossed his lips. Nothing smelt better than productivity. Behind the suit clad man, Virgil Raxis, dressed from head to toe in her own polished black beskar'gam, and Alexa moved behind him. They were here for two reasons: 1) Psychological impact. It helped people to visually see who and what they were hiring. 2) Virgil was too paranoid to let him go alone.

The man came in not long after [member="Lady Kay"]. Ardgal gave her a smart salute and a polite smile before turning to hostess and offering his hand in a firm shake, "Su cuy'gar, its good to meet you in person, ma'am. Ardgal Raxis." The man motioned back to the beskar clad woman behind him, "Allow me to introduce my esteemed Akaan'Kalyr Virgil," he motioned to the large war machine on his other side as it came close, looking up at Kay and Amelia with curious photoceptors, "And this is Alexa. My Basilisk and faithful companion."

[member="HK-36"] I [member="Faith Organa"] I [member="Asha Mataya-Syrush"]​


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Ardgal Raxis"], [member="Lady Kay"], [member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"],

"Hey, how is it going?"

The Droid Lord casually greeted Amelia and others as he was allowed inside with others. HK was in his usual Phrik combat body, his tall slender frame was covered in a black fleshy layer of what seemed to be Vong-shaped armor, clad in chitinous hard armored plates attached to strategic locations and joints on his body, all wrapped in a heavy black cloak. His faceplate was visible, as usually, its pale polished surface looked more like bone than metal, yet the metallic sheen over it would be able to tell, to those who knew of such things, that it was fashioned out of Phrik.

HK came in alone there, using his usual sleek black matte stealth transport called the Knight of the Eclipse, and barely armed, he trusted Amelia to not backstab or lure them into a trap so he considered bringing weapons pretty unnecessary, plus as far as he reckoned he didn't exactly need weapons to take on a bunch of representatives and emissaries.

Either way, he met Amelia already during a ball on Alderaan, and although he was interested in her company and the goods they produced, they never really finished their conversation or came to set up a concrete deal between Metal Lord holdings and SSC. He also met somebody else in their company, slowly turning his faceplate to look at Lady Kay, the machine would address her,

"Queen Kay, it is good to see you again."
[member="HK-36"] [member="Ardgal Raxis"] [member="Lady Kay"] [member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"]​
Faith had arrived late she walked in alone the Alderaani guards stood outside the building and one had accompanied her upstairs. She had told them there was no reason to come with her for certainly Amelia would see to her safety. Faith put on her best smile smoothing out the gown in its muted color paired with the black. It was a comfortable gown for meetings such as this.

She was meeting with old friends, and one new. She did not know Ardgal Raxis but she knew from her Minister of Medicine, [member="Rashae"] that he was a mandalorian. The way Rashae's eyes lit up when she spoke his name Faith knew there was more to them than just friends. Faith wanted to know this man to make sure Rashae was in good hands.

Kay now, she had known forever it seemed. They had run off one weekend but for some reason Kay never stayed long Faith thought it might be because of Draco. She had tried a few times to get him to mend his relationship with her but he had shook his head saying he wasn't ready.

Now HK she enjoyed the droid his sarcasm was the welcome change from all the political correctness so many were consumed with.

She stood only for a moment in the door looking this meeting should go well.

"How nice to see everyone. I appreciate the invitation." Faith moved over to a chair sliding into it, "I hope I didn't hold anything up." She hated to make people wait.
The woman offered a small nod and bow of her head to the esteemed Queen of Commenor, her golden hues falling upon the guard attending to the Queen as he set the heavy box down upon a side table. Remaining where she stood, she merely nodded to the guard before her attention fell upon the Queen.
"Thank you your highness, while no gift was needed, I graciously accept its gift."
Her golden hues quickly shot to the next individual entering the room, watching the dapper dressed individual enter the room. A silent nod would also greet the individual, however her hands would unclasp from where they were in front of her. Bringing up her right hand, she motioned to the droid and the heavily armored woman that attended the individual.
"I understand your worry for your safety, however I must request that they wait in the adjoining room for the duration of the talks. Likewise your Highness, I must request that your own guards remain in the adjoining room. The receptionist can see to their needs as required."
It was then that her attention was immediately pulled to the droid that so casually stepped into the room. She had remembered it, and for the life of her she couldn't truly remember what happened during their last conversation. Perhaps it had become so dull as watching paint dry that she had merely slipped away when she had the chance. Though one thought came to mind of their last conversation, its habit of rolling the piece of food around a plate in an attempt to make it appear as though it were eating.
"We were about to begin your highness, once we've gotten pass our pleasantries and drink orders. Just as always Queen Organa, you're right on time. I must ask though that your guard remain in the adjoining room before we begin."
She motioned with her hand before it came back down and clasped tightly to her left hand, a soft smile upon her lips revealing a hint of her fangs before her attention moved to the waiting droid in the corner. A silent nod of her head would send it towards the wall, a simple push slowly spinning a heavy cabinet open with a selection of drinks. It short order glasses were set out in front of each individual, with drinks to follow as requested. For Amelia and her daughter Asha, two glasses of sanguine liquid were brought out and set upon the table.
"Allow me to introduce myself to those that may not know me, or perhaps have forgotten. I am Amelia Sorenn-Syrush, Countess of Alderaan. This is my daughter [member="Asha Mataya-Syrush"], the Division Head of Epsilon Sector, our Droid Production Sector of Sorenn-Syrush Industries."
[member="Faith Organa"] | [member="Lady Kay"] | [member="HK-36"] | [member="Ardgal Raxis"]
As Amelia waited Asha stood beside her, similarly awaiting their guests as they made their way into the room. Mirroring the small nod and bow of her mother's when the queen of Commenor arrived she remained silent, leaving the verbal greetings to the one who would lead the meeting. During that time a good amount of nervousness started washing over her, but she hid it quite well outwardly. Not even that long ago she was only a step above a street rat, a lost woman randomly darting around the galaxy to find a place where she belonged, and now... To say it was a big change was a massive understatement. Focussing on her breathing helped keep her nerves under control and in time things would get much easier. For now she much preferred working alone in her new office, however.

The rather well-dressed man that entered next received a non-verbal greeting mirrored from Amelia as well. The security he brought did not bother her much, but quietly supported the request to have his entourage wait in the adjoining room. He was followed by a droid who seemed to keep a more casual approach, and another queen, this one of Alderaan. All received a gesture of welcoming as her mother turned to the cabinet with drinks. When the silver-haired woman took her place a glass with red liquid was served to her and let it remain on the table untouched for the time being.

It was then that the meeting was properly started, with Amelia introducing herself and Asha. "It is good to meet you all," she remarked as a follow-up to the words that were spoken before, "I hope your trip here has been a comfortable one."

[member="Faith Organa"] | [member="Lady Kay"] | [member="HK-36"] | [member="Ardgal Raxis"] | [member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay raised a brow slightly as [member="Ardgal Raxis"] gave her a salute. Not to mention that despite how he was dressed, he still came quite armed or rather with well armed personnel. Perhaps he was the paranoid sort and couldn't go anywhere without a bunch of weapons. Some people were like that. Much like herself and her tea.

[member="HK-36"] came in next. Still she wasn't quite comfortable around him. And for good reason. Yet this was only the third time that she had encountered him, the others being in her labyrinth as well as at the ill fated meeting where it seemed that nearly everyone was fighting all around her husband and herself. Whether or not HK's views of her had changed remained to be seen. Still, she had to be polite. "And you too."

Next was [member="Faith Organa"] to come into the room. Kay remembered her from that same meeting that she had last seen HK, but not much else. There were still plenty of holes in her memory and it was hard to 'pretend' otherwise. She was always a bad liar.

Kay turned her attention to [member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"] and gave her a small smile. Sure a gift wasn't necessary, but Amelia had given one to her on her own visit, so she was merely returning the favour. She bowed her head and looked to her guards as Amelia requested that they leave. "It'll be alright." Kay returned her attention to her host and to [member="Asha Mataya-Syrush"] . "Good to meet you too."


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Lady Kay"], [member="Asha Mataya-Syrush"], [member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"], [member="Faith Organa"], [member="Ardgal Raxis"],

HK waved off Amelia's request for leaving his guards behind,

"Do not worry, I brought no weapons and I came without guards. I am here with good faith and we are all friend here, besides, I am not the one who would potentially be in danger here. Like what is going to happen,"

The droid motioned to Faith,

"Queen Organa is going to tear my head off with her lithe wrists? Even if this body was to be destroyed I will come back in a replacement body in few days time like nothing happened. But I am glad the three of us are here together."

HK looked to Kay and then to Faith again,

"Once we finish discussing the commercial side of things there is something I wanted to propose for the three powers we represent."

The droid mentioned a bit ominously, foreshadowing what he wanted to pass later on, however the droid turned to look at Amelia, focusing on their host once more, especially when she mentioned droid production being part of her company,

"You say droid production, how big is that complex for you and how substantial the industry is for your company?"

HK prodded, for obvious reasons it would be an interesting and sensitive topic for him.
Shaidin Kamari - a relatively unknown Sith Lord/Master showed up late to the meeting. He pushed his way through the crowds of people his armor still adorned his visage as he made his way in to the meeting room; before quietly sitting down.

He didn't say a word to anyone upon entering and found a seat rather secluded from everyone else - he didn't care to speak with any other nobles or any other houses about his or their affairs he was here for the meeting in regards to security. The invitation was rather vague and this was probably the only thing that pulled Lord Depravious out of hiding from his caves on Korriban.

As he sat down his armor made a loud clank and he sniffed in through his nose to let those around him know that he was ready. This man used to be light on his feet, quick and ready for any battle at any time, sometimes of his own making. Anymore? He was just a beat down old war general looking for a reason to continue his fight. For which, he had not found one sufficient enough to keep his spirit going.
Ardgal gave a polite smile and spread his hands out to the hostess upon her request, 'Of course. That makes perfect sense to me." He gave Alexa a pat on the head, the droid gave a mechanical whine. "Now, now none of that. Go with Virgil and be a good girl."

"Here, take this," Virgil said as she unhosltered one of her flechete pistols and offered it grip first to Ardgal. "I don't like the looks of that brunette there. Way too innocent."

"I will be fine, Virgil," Ardgal said, well aware that everyone could hear his cousin's little comment, "And I am rather sure that [member="Lady Kay"] is on our side. She's hired us before, remember?"

"Exactly," Virigl said retracting her weapon, "I think she's following us. It makes no sense. She's probably been kidnapped and replaced with an HRD assassin droid. Do you want me to--"

"No, no, no, no, that won't be necessary," Ardgal cut her off. He didn't know exactly how that sentance was going to end, but what he did know was that it couldn't be good. "Please, just wait outside."

The armored woman gave a half shrug and led Alexa out with her. Ardgal turned back to the rest of the company and offered an embarrassed smile, "Sorry everyone. Virgil is having a harder time adjusting to civilian life than we anticipated."

The man gave a nod to the new young lady, "A pleasure to meet you too, ma'am."

[member="Lord Depravious"] I [member="HK-36"] I [member="Lady Kay"] I [member="Asha Mataya-Syrush"] I [member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"] I [member="Faith Organa"]​
Faith looked over to the guards and nodded that it was ok for them to go and wait. She smiled at each individual as Amelia began to speak and define her position within this meeting.

Water was on the table and Faith took advantage of its presence. She smiled at HK, "I'll be interested in hearing your ideas [member="HK-36"] you always have some interesting thoughts" He was eccentric to say the very least. However disturbing was how [member="Lady Kay"] looked at her as if this was the first time they had met. She and Kay had a history but had it become so much of a thorn that she would act indifferent? She would speak with her later.

The others were strangers to her but she faced [member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"] and [member="Asha Mataya-Syrush"] ready to hear what was being revealed today.

[member="Lord Depravious"] [member="Ardgal Raxis"]
With a quiet bow of her head, she waited for those interested parties to take their seats before her attention pulled towards the only droid in the room. Her golden hues falling upon its metallic husk for a moment as her left hand came down. Slowly slipping over the glass table top, she pressed a small button upon the screen on her side, the lights of the room dimming slightly.
Before them the image of a small remote began to flicker into appearance, the soft blue hue of the holographic image illuminating much of the room in a soft blue light. Motioning with her hand towards the remote, she kept her attention upon @HK-36.
"Our droid production is limited in scope, though still sizable enough to produce a myriad of production lines. Our most popular is our SSI Medical Remote MK I. A simple production that fulfills the normal operations of your standard remote, with the added capacity for a simple medkit that is carried internally. However..."
She said, her hand pressing on a few more buttons as additional images began to appear, though they each appeared individually in front of those gathered. The smaller projectors in the table appearing along with a series of controls so that each individual could flip through those images before them. Small readouts and description of each droid would slip across the table as Amelia offered a small smile towards HK once more.
"We have a series of production lines currently being developed or otherwise already on the market. As you no doubt noticed, even my personal assistant in the adjoining room is of these designs. The SSI N6-HRD, one of two Human Replica Droid models currently being developed by the company."
Clearing her throat, her golden hues slipped over the handful in attendance before nodding quietly, her hand lightly pressing the controls on the table as a holographic projector in the middle of the table came to life. The image flickered for a moment, revealing the structure that the meeting was currently taking place in, a lower series of levels however were highlighted. The image of that section softly flickering as though it had a heartbeat, only for Amelia to motion towards the image with her right hand.
"This is what I requested your presence here today on this world... It is within the interest of Sorenn-Syrush Industries to develop an Armor Production facility on Foundry. While it would produce armor for the galactic consumer, it would have a focus upon the production of armor for those Galactic Governments that many of those in attendance represent, specifically the Metal Lords, the Free Worlds Coalition, and the Commenor Systems Alliance..."
Amelia remained standing, ensuring that she was seen over the holographic images that danced across the table. Her golden hues moving from the individuals before they settled upon the armored male that had slipped in, albeit unnoticed at the time. She offered him a silent nod, and made a mental note to request his presence after the others left at the conclusion of the meeting. An individual with the air that he had about him was one to be utilized, not ignored.
[member="Faith Organa"] | [member="Asha Mataya-Syrush"] | [member="Ardgal Raxis"] | [member="Lady Kay"] | [member="Lord Depravious"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Medical droids and human replicas had their uses. Although the CSA wasn't a government that went into war, that didn't mean that they couldn't be prepared in case war arrived at their doorstep. [member="Ardgal Raxis"] and others had done well in providing for them tools to help them. Even [member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"] had recently started a contract with them. Kay was quite confident in what they had.

Her attention turned to the Foundry that was the main basis for this meeting. It appeared to be below their feet, many floors down. Kay had no idea of the extent of the building, but it appears to be far larger than she had expected. "I take it that repairs on the armour could be done here as well? Rather than just tossing them and getting new ones, I mean."

[member="Faith Organa"] [member="HK-36"] [member="Lord Depravious"] [member="Asha Mataya-Syrush"]


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Ardgal Raxis"],

"You know, we have support groups for that in Droid Space."

HK quipped as Ardgal mentioned Virgil having issues with adjusting to civilian life. However, before he could linger on the subject as [member="Faith Organa"] answered the droid but all he could do was give her a nod before [member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"] started the presentation to kick off the meeting in its earnest, focusing on her instead.

"When you speak about armor, do you refer to personal suits or mobile armored vehicles?"

The droid asked as he looked over the holoprojected image in front of them,

"Also what kind of materials are you using for the formation of your HRD's bones and are they given obedience protocols or free will once their programming is activated?"

At the question from [member="Lady Kay"] HK nodded, concurring,

"That is a good question."

And looking over the holoprojector once more,

"All the good women are married."

He would mutter to himself,

"And not into droids."

HK added after a brief pause,

"Or droids not into them."
Wars. Weapons. Since the ending of Sith occupation in Alderaan they had been working on defenses. Draco had ensured their protection.

What she needed to consider could they have too much? Did such buildups make them targets. She sighed softly.

Even though they were surrounded on almost all sides there could always be the twist that one of their neighbors change sides.

She nooded more for herself than any in the room.

[member="Lady Kay"] [member="HK-36"] [member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"]

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