Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Severon Valgor

    Approved Species  Morsguibus

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a species for a planet that is also being created. Image Credit: Source Permissions: Severon Valgor Anyone using Omnia GENERAL INFORMATION Name: Morsguibus Designation: Semi-sentient Origins: Omnia Average Lifespan: Seventy-Five Years Estimated...
  2. Vergessen Contii

    LFG  Let's slay a beast...

    Here's the idea I'm throwing out here: Location - Zonju V, Outskirts of Zoronhed Objective - "Slay the beast." Within a hidden outpost on the outskirts of Zoronhed, the lord of the neighboring planet of Gefängnis has established a secretive bunker among the canyons and gorges of Zonju V...
  3. Draco Miles

    Private  Clash of the Titans

    Draco had reached out to a once famous gladiator, wanting to refresh on her hand to hand combat as well as test out what her new combat capabilities could do in an actual fight. The victor would receive a hefty sum of credits, so they definitely fought like their life depended on it... At some...
  4. Chaaj Priest

    Approved Starship  Jai'galaar Bes'uiik - Shriek-Hawk Iron Beast

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a series of new age Bes'uliik for the Mandalorian Protectors Image Source: Here - Dreadwing, Horizon Forbidden West Game Canon Link: N/A Permissions: Here Primary Source: Basilisk War Droid Xiemandokas Jivanikas PRODUCTION INFORMATION...
  5. Jonyna Si

    Private  The Beast Within

    Location: New Cov Jedi Temple The trip to New Cov was a quiet one. The Knight of 900 years wasn't exactly sure how to address the situation, but she knew she wanted it somewhere quiet. If her padawan was capable of this, then she wanted answers where they wouldn't risk interruption. Jonyna...
  6. Lily Decoria

    Private  Calming the Beast Within

    fa-play fa-pause Outfit: Jedi Attire Equipment: Training Saber Location: Naboo Tags: Briana Sal-Soren The chance to visit her Master's home of Naboo once more, after the incident of Briana's parents passing and the attack of the New Way, it was definitely something that Lily was excited for...
  7. Skellege Nauss

    Character  Murk-kin

    NAME: Murk-kin (wild; can be named by master if tamed) FACTION: None RANK: N/A SPECIES: Murk-kin AGE: 4 Galactic Standard SEX: Unisex HEIGHT: 1.1 meters WEIGHT: 60 kg EYES: None HAIR: None SKIN: dark brown with reddish-indigo accents FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes (see strengths and weaknesses)...
  8. Darth Carnifex

    Private  The Belly of the Beast [Jackal]

    They detected her even before she exited hyperspace. Cresting the eclipse of a dying star was a vast array of starships, sharp and angular. The largest among them were like stiletto daggers, elongated shapes that tapered off to a razor-sharp point. Their superstructures bristled with...
  9. Mig Gred

    Faction  Beast in Hiding (House Solus/SJC)

    Mig sat aboard the Er'sola, a Sorgan-class cruiser that today was serving as transport into the asteroid belt of the Taanab System. Aboard were other members of House Solus, plus a few key members of the Silver Jedi Concord. He wasn't sure how the rest of his house would exactly take that, but...
  10. Orn'om

    Dominion  Beltrix and the Beast [GA Dominion of Beltrix III]

    A Battle for Democracy Beltrix and the Beast fa-play fa-pause All Eyes on Beltrix Suggested for: Members of the GADF and SIA All eyes on Beltrix as Civil War rages in the “Six Local Systems”. Beltrix has become a battleground for Democracy as Imperial sympathizers fight to keep the...
  11. Onrai

    Private  Curious Treatment in the Belly of the Beast

    Runi Kuryida Kiross The experience that Onrai had gone through during her defense of the Maw's superweapon while she possessed it had been especially unique. Possessing a weapon of such tremendous power had been an interesting experience, especially the presence of the biological construct's...
  12. R

    Faction  Mark of the Beast | Eternal Empire

    In spite of the threat of the Shadow Empire and the looming evil of the Maw, lurking within the Unknown Territories, the Eternal Empire has seen a meteoric rise as the young nation begins to establish itself as a beacon of stability in an otherwise chaotic galaxy. To maintain that stability, the...
  13. Credit Wizard

    Approved Species  Styrosag Artillery Beast

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a unique creature for the Hutt Species and the Hutt Republic Image Credit: Credit to Creator Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: Darvannis GENERAL INFORMATION Name: Styrosag Artillery Beast Designation: Semi-Sentient Origins: Darvannis Average...
  14. Irratar Hemstagon

    Approved Species  Naktidis Beast "The Night Stalkers of Kratos"

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a stealthy mount for the Black Valkyrie warbands of the Athysian League Image Credit: All Imagery used is drawn from here Canon: NA Permissions: NA Links: NA PHYSICAL INFORMATION Name: Naktidis Beast "Kratosian Night Stalker' Designation...
  15. Kaleleon

    Approved NPC  Narma - Tuk'ata Nobilis Good Girl

    Image One - Side/Length Image Two - Height/Back Image Three - Back/Tails Image Four - Chest/Jaw OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Create a Beast Companion that can be a sidekick, or be ridden into battle. Cus why not? ​Image Credit: Artstation - Darren Bartley Role: War Mount, Beast...
  16. Mascoo

    Approved NPC  Melty

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Sakka's pet ​Image...
  17. Eugen Aker

    Approved NPC  Miyako (Arisa Yune's Pet Vornskr) Name: Miyako Loyalties: Arisa Yune Role: Pet, Guard, Military Working Vornskr Age: 18 months Species: Vornskr Appearance: Miyako is about a little larger than the average Vornskr, but otherwise is unremarkable in appearance. She...
  18. Tsavong Kraal

    Approved Species  Grokata

    Images: Name: Grokata Designation: Semi-Sentient Homeworld: Yuuzhan'tar Language: None Average height of adults: 17 meters Skin color: Gray, Green, Olive, Brown Hair color: None Breathes: Type I Strengths: +...
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