Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Murk-kin


NAME: Murk-kin (wild; can be named by master if tamed)



SPECIES: Murk-kin

AGE: 4 Galactic Standard

SEX: Unisex

HEIGHT: 1.1 meters

WEIGHT: 60 kg

EYES: None

HAIR: None

SKIN: dark brown with reddish-indigo accents

FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes (see strengths and weaknesses)

  • Primal Force senses; every Murk-kin can "feel" other force users within a seven meter radius, although based on side (light or dark) they will have different reactions.
  • Telekinetic Force-link; they can communicate from afar through the force. Presumably....
  • Keen smell; they can smell blood through the air like (insert water predator here) can smell blood through water.
  • Pack Tactics; when in doubt, AMBUSH EVERYTHING.
  • Short; easily vanquished in a "mono y mono."
  • Blind; they have no eyes... so naturally they cannot see.
  • Untrained force capabilities; so far, they are untrainable, making them only able to use the force to sense other force-users and communicate with each other.
  • Fearful-underling; they fear the power of the Sith. (aka; the dark side, if you somehow didn't know that).

Standing no higher than the average human's waist, a Murk-kin seemingly poses little to no threat, but when three more of them drop onto your back when you're observing one from afar, then they seem quite a little more threatening. The average Murk-kin bares no eyes, one nostril and a maw filled with long, sharp canines. A Murk-kin's claws are just as sharp as their teeth, and their innate sense of smell. They have quite the voracious appetite to boot. A single Murk-kin can devour an entire adolescent human in under three minutes. Murks are nocturnal hunters by genetic means.

Murks first appeared on the bog-planet Dagobah mere decades after a Sith experiment took place involving two lesser (one sentient force user, the other a savage ape) beings' DNA. While the data of the initial experiment was lost, some inferences can be made based off of clues in the mere looks of Murks as to what really happened.





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