Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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agents of chaos

  1. Scherezade deWinter

    Faction  Ready... Set... FIGHT! | Agents of Chaos

    Summer had arrived on Eve. In the city center, not too far away from the tower, stood the foundations of a building. There was still no name for what it would be called once it was done, but Scherezade already knew plenty about its contents. In a few months, this location would be her building...
  2. Mellifluous Magenta

    Approved Tech  Phase X-E "Hyper Frost" CryoSonic Heavy Pistol

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a unique and slightly experimental handgun for the Aspects of the Wild Hunt. Image Source: Tim Shumaker, Ikelos Hand Cannon Canon Link: CryoBan Weaponry, Sonic Weaponry Permissions: X (Whimsy) Primary Source: KG-04 “Yeti” Tensor Rifle (Conceptual...
  3. Paragon of Virtue

    Public  Galavision Song Contest 860 ABY

    The stage was shiny. The lights were lighty. Everything about the Conchetta Space Station had been made ready for the purpose of this sing and dance off competition. The performance chamber could hold well over a million people who had come from far and wide to witness the event, and millions...
  4. Mellifluous Magenta

    Approved Tech  Phase XI Anti-Materiel Sniper System

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a diminutive and mobile anti-materiel sniper system that is capable of punching far above its weight class. Image Source: Kris Thaler, Killzone Shadow Fall - LS70 Canon Link: Railgun, Sniper Rifle Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION...
  5. Scherezade deWinter

    Invasion  Thou Shalt Not Suffer an Empire to Live | AoC Invasion of CIS-Held Ryloth & Siskeen | OOC

    May 19th, 2020 Agents of Chaos was built on the foundations of a belief, a promise - freedom. Freedom which the Galaxy had never seen. It was a promise to bring empires to heel or defeat, to break the chains of servitude and offer free will in its stead. To replace the fear of eons with relief...
  6. Scherezade deWinter

    Approved NPC  Churi of War

    Intent: To codify the Churi of War, a giant squad of birds used in the field of battle. Image Credit: Top header here (couldn't find the original one I'd initially used without the text), edited by Scherezade deWinter. Category headers by Scherezade deWinter. Role: Infantry Permissions: n/a...
  7. Madalena Antares

    Faction  The Endless | Agents of Chaos | The Wild Hunt

    The Tower. Madalena sat behind her desk, her back towards the setting sun of Eve, as she gazed at the paperwork in front of her. It'd been a while since she'd returned from the captivity with the Outer Planets Alliance, and only now had she slowly begun to settle back into her position, the very...
  8. Scherezade deWinter

    Private  Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Clank?

    5U-K5 Against all reason and good sense, Scherezade had been granted an office in the Tower. She'd tried to fight against it at first, claiming that she had access to almost everything and didn't hold any official leadership position anyway, but Discordia had insisted. As a result, there was a...
  9. Scherezade deWinter

    Approved Tech  Panna Cake Batter

    Intent: To create a new fun way to destroy things! Image Source: Header and category headers made by Scherezade deWinter Permissions: n/a Primary Source: Panna Cake Durasteel Name: Panna Cake Batter Manufacturer: Whimsy Affiliation: Company - Whimsy Faction Name - Agents of Chaos...
  10. Paragon of Virtue

    Public  A Spoonful of Sugar

    The Shili/Corsin Hex. A modest fleet carrying the Agents of Chaos banners broke through hyperspace, coming to a near stop on the western edge of the territory they were in (X). The crews of the ships checked their data, looking around at what they could pick up. They had come with a very...
  11. Scherezade deWinter

    oops please delete <3

  12. Scherezade deWinter

    Approved Tech  The Armor of Doom

    Intent: To continue the line of gear and equipment for the Emus of War Churi of War. Image Source: Header Image: X, X Category headers made by Scherezade deWinter Canon Link: Churi Permissions: n/a Primary Source: n/a Manufacturer: Whimsy Affiliation: Faction: Agents of Chaos...
  13. Paragon of Virtue

    Public  Ashes of Horror | Agents of Chaos + Open

    For months now, the Agents of Chaos had been working tirelessly to recuperate from the losses they had suffered at the hands of the Brynadul during their stint on Kesh. While few were willing to mention it out loud, it had sucked some of the motivation out, leaving the leaders of the Agents with...
  14. Scherezade deWinter

    Approved Tech  The Beak of Doom

    Intent: To create the first piece of armor for the Emus of War Churi of War Image Source: Header Image: X, X Category headers made by Scherezade deWinter Last Image: X Canon Link: Churi Permissions: n/a Primary Source: n/a Manufacturer: Whimsy Affiliation: Faction - Agents of Chaos...
  15. D

    Character  Dimitri Lindzinsky

    NAME: Dimitri Lindzinsky FACTION: Agents Of Chaos RANK: Commander/Fleet Admiral SPECIES: Human AGE: 32 SEX: Male HEIGHT: 6’4” WEIGHT: 210 EYES: Gray HAIR: Black Brown SKIN: Tanned FORCE SENSITIVE: No STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) : + Physically Fit - Dimitri is very...
  16. Scherezade deWinter

    Private  Girls of Chaos

    Sasmay Cull Scherezade stood in the great dockyard of Eve, inspecting a Mark I Jammer ship from the outside as she considered her options. A new wave of battles was coming. She could feel it down to the depths of her core. Every night the tingling beneath her skin increased, not a sign of this...
  17. P

    Public  Ostara Festival | Agents of Chaos + Open

    SPRING IS H E R E For the second night of relaxation, Discordia organized a festival. The planning was done by a team of attendants as well as through public surveys and, as always, the Agents did not disappoint. The night of celebration was planned carefully for a week before the announcement...
  18. Kyrinov

    Ostara Festival | Agents of Chaos + Open

    Wrong Account
  19. Paragon of Virtue

    Public  Jar of Dirt | Agents of Chaos + Open

    For the past few months, moving parts and pieces among the Agents of Chaos had given special care into expanding the type of resources available to the organization. The riches of the Scintilla were ever on the rise, with new spheres forming into which more tech was used to create organic matter...
  20. Paragon of Virtue

    Public  Fit Hot Guys Have Problems Too | Agents of Chaos + Open

    Even the insurgents needed downtime every now and then. For too long, they had been spreading themselves thin, some would say too thin, across the galaxy, and it was time to call people home. By decree of Discordia, all non-urgent missions had been canceled for the current week, and Eve was set...
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