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Faction The Siege of Alanciar (Confederacy Faction Thread, ask to join)


Alanciar Continent, Kesh

Objective: Assault the main Bryn'adul Nest, Eliminate the remaining leadership of the forces and exterminate their forces.
Enemies: Draelvasier, Tyr'kaditus, Servitor Excavator, Vaydralen

Solan sighed, the last few weeks having been focused on the reclamation of his homeland in fully. He had reached out, calling for help from Vulpesen Vulpesen and his own contacts, letting him know it was finally time to make their move. He knew the man would likely not be far behind but there was no time to be waiting for him as he stepped up onto the observation post infront of him. The Bryn'adul had been forced back to their last hive, their creatures of brutal creation still working through the forces Solan had been able to gather. The forges on Daiyu had aided in the production of the droids being used,, and there was of course some models and vehicles produced by Taeli's Aurora industries, but at the end of the day this would be a battle hard fought and won. It wasn't the strategic take over of a planet like Daiyu, nor the quick strike at Kegan that had happened against the imperials near his home.

He grimaced as he looked down and to the right, seeing the scattered bits of droids and a few injured Keshiri. His people refused to let their home be retaken just by droids, knowing that that would be shameful to let someone else fight for them. It was why Solan would not let them feel that shame and had taken as many volunteers with him on this siege. He was certain Darth Vodrux Darth Vodrux would likely have brought some of his own bruisers, the man having apparently gathered quite the collection of individuals to take Daiyu and hold it.

Still, Solan would cross his hands over his chest, thinking about things as a round whizzed past his head. He didn't quite understand Bryn'adul weaponry, it being rather organic in nature. There was that Vong Shaper he had met before named Elafuh, one he needed to sit down with and truly have a long conversation with. Perhaps the being could help him to understand how these creatures work... or perhaps Skylar Lesrekta Skylar Lesrekta might have some interest in their makeup. Her work with her people would benefit from understanding gene therapy further considering it could do to aid in the rebuilding of her people and their society.

Solan's mind paused, looking to his right and left, turning and staring before his hands reached out. Grabbing two of the guards nearby, he pulled them over to him as blades came down and cut through the floor of the observation post. Two Vaydralen seemed to have made their way behind enemy lines, something he wasn't expecting as he looked at the armored creatures. He waved for his men to stay there as a third emerged, each with rifles and some kind of shortsword, two of them holding such. He would reach down, pulling the saber from his side and activating the icy blue blade as he stood there before his stare turned into a glare. His men would be pushed off the observation deck, the fall far enough that they would be fine as they hit the ground below, his focus on the creatures as the lead let rip a blast from it's rifle.

Solan had fought against enough slugthrowers and the type to know not to get hit by whatever was to come, his body moving to the side rather than trying to block it even if the wepaonry was laser based. He was trying to get closer with one of the ones holding the blades, pushing around and up on it as he brought his saber down and raised a brow when the sword stopped it.

That wasn't good.

He watched the lead pulling its own blade as well as the third moving around to get on his right. He wanted to get moving as the one he faced moved its hand and slammed the fist right into Solan's gut, causing Solan to cough and grimace as he had not realized just how out of practice he was. The result wasn't him crumpling over, instead Solan's freehand grabbed the Vaydralen's hand and his grin became a wicked smile. Teeth showed as Solan started to laugh and the veins of the creature turned black in color. The force sapped away at the life of the Bryn'adul creature, it's body starting to get thinner and thinner before it dropped the blade it held itself. Solan caught the blade, holding it and cutting across to sever the creature's head from its body. He coughed hard, blood coming up and he could taste that iron bile as he realized that using the force like that would only hurt him in the long run.

"Ok... lets do this then." He dropped the blade, causing the other two to pause before he reached behind himself and pulled out something else, activating it and tossing it into the room with the three of them.

A small little detonator, one that activated and a ball of flames consumed the entire room. The three bodies would be consumed in the flames, Solan raising up his hand and protecting himself from the flames even as the concussive wave launched him out of the room too and down onto the battlefield. The other two were not quite so lucky, torched and their bodies mangled by the proximity of the blast. Solan would groan, is soldiers who had been thrown out earlier there over him making sure he was ok as he started to cough up more blood from using the force again. This was going to be a long day he thought as he looked over and saw the battle continuing on, his soldiers and allies pushing into the main hive.

OOC NOTE: (This is a Faction Thread primarily for the Confederacy of the Scar Worlds, but anyone is welcome to join in on wiping out the last holdout of Bryn'adul on the planet, or possible achieving a goal of their own on the planet, be it trying to take down a target who is with the Confederacy, or simply wanting to have a nice little chat over the removal of the Bryn'adul remnants on the planet. Please just contact me in DMs or on the Confederacy's discord before joining in so we can get you something fun lined up and possibly a partner to write with!)

Solan Charr Solan Charr

Objective - war

Location - atmosphere, drop ship inbound for the battlefield

She had been idle for awhile on her clans home of vanquo, but like always the call of battle sang sweet words into her mind and she was once again taking a job to the outer rim, it was high priced and all she needed to do was kill a lot of bryn...which star had ZERO issue with do. The dropship she had boarded rushed through the air towards the already ongoing battle jostling the inside as flak began to target them, her Sabers and Blasters rested on her hips as she put her buyce on her Armor cleaned aside from a few dents and dings from various battles.

As the flak intensified stardust felt a nudge of the force and opened the back looking down at the ground, at that moment flak hit the front and rocked the shuttle, grunting a bit she slipped a ring off and grabbed onto the side as they started careening for the ground

Well so much for a soft landing, guess I need the workout anyways

She said to herself as she pushed the force to her feet and left out a good quarter mile in the air, putting her arms out she slowed herself and looked around feeling that rush as she laughed to herself and flipped around as she slowed her descent with her jetpack and the force hitting a bryn square in the chest as her sabers ignited and she spun taking 3 more out as she laughed and fire began to blanket the area around her as she shot out bursts of flames towards the enemy as she loudly declared


A saber went down and was replaced by a blaster, now a fury of bolts and slicing back in her favorite environment she was already settling in with zero issues

Oh yes she was back and ready
Objective: Bring the Thunder
Allies: Solan Charr Solan Charr | Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae | Confederacy of the Scar Worlds
Enemies: Monsters and uglies.

Once upon a time, Vulpesen had entered battle like a raindrop. He flew his ship high above the area, then leapt free from the boarding ramp, slowing his descend to make his splash amidst the enemy. Times had changed. Now, the Wilder came like the winds of a hurricane, metal wings flared before gathering clouds as he approached the city. Down below, Armis troops were marching, their weaponry, made after the horrors of the Brynadul war, now acting as a response for the blood the beasts had shed and making them pay with every drop with a bucket.

Vulpesen had promised his friend aid. It came now in a hail of blaster fire, and cracks of lightning and thunder as scores of the beasts were smitten by the heavens. "Its time you left! Kesh does not belong to the Brynadul!" he shouted, his saber igniting in his hand to reveal a gold and black blade. He remembered these wars. He had hated them. There's monsters came in an unstoppable tide and Vulpesen had needed to retreat to his home to ensure his people were secure and safe. The time of hiding however, was over. now it was time for retribution, a revenge he would take by leaving the creatures as smoking corpses should they leave any cover the city could provide.
Whilst Solan Charr Solan Charr and Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae and Vulpesen Vulpesen where battling in there own sections of the city Elafuh had other ideas, she had her contingent of warriors fighting but she also was capturing a small handful of Bryn for study and experimentation of her own, they willl have a place in there labs eventually, same went with the corpses of the bryn that where being taken down by her warrior cast, she had her Yorik Corals bomb areas of the field to draw out the bryn for her warriors to move in and either capture or kill either corraling or dragging the beasts into transports to be restrained and taken away those that she didn't care for she had her warriors execute and take the corpses away, she had one of her larger beats deal with there excavator with the intent of captuing she sent 4 of her Tank Beasts to tangle with it at the cost of her tank beasts they managed to take down the excavator it took several Yorik corals launched with Arrest Tentacles to pick up the beast and haul it back to the main ship.

They will be useful dead or alive, as either materials for other projects or rengineered for her own uses, besides she had roomd and a whole planet to toy with and play around with as she observed from the command deck of her ship as her troopers continued there assault, they gave Stardust a wideberth she was aware that the beast can handle herself
Skylar looked around, crossing her arms for a moment. A part of her felt like she had been duped by Solan Charr Solan Charr . The man didn't even have his own throne world secured and yet he had made assurances that this Confederacy of the Scar Worlds will be able to protect her people. To help foster her ideals and ambitions. But here she was, helping secure Kesh for Solan. At least it did seem like the man had some allies. Skylar had noticed the warriors of Elafuh Thaal Elafuh Thaal the Vong's warlike nature proving their worth in dealing with the Bryn. Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae and Vulpesen Vulpesen both of them wielding their sabers as they charged into combat. Skylar wouldn't admit this but she was at least grateful Solan made powerful friends.

The Laporine would be going solo for this, seeing that the others were busy taking much of the Bryn's attention. What Skylar desired some of the genetic tailoring technology that the Bryn were known for doing. Using the frontier of the battlefield to help mask her movements, Skylar would move closer to one of the Bryn's laboratories, using a grapple hook she was given to climb through the window. Within the organic structure, Skylar noticed a couple soldiers. specifically Draelvasier. She would open up her book, flipping through the pages trying to figure out which spell to cast or curse to bestow upon the soldiers and staff below her. Upon finding a suitable spell, she would mutter some words, extending out her palm. Her body was enevloped in a slightly red hue, as both Sith and Nightsister runes glowed upon the pages of her book. From there, Skylar would unleash her magics against the unsuspecting Bryn. The spell took the form of green gas, that would enter the nostrils of the enemy below Skylar, choking them viciously, denying their bodies the ability to breathe the air around them. So as each Bryn scientist and guard fell to their knees, choking, their clawed hands on their throats, Skylar hopped down walking over the console.

One of the scientists grapped her leg, to which Skylar fired her energy bow, into the head of the creature before resuming her work. From the console she would begin to access the secrets of the Bryn hive technology and how they used sacs to grow the Draelvasier. Also, she found the workings of the Bryn's Adaption Mutagen, which will provide a massive boon to Skylar and her plans. If she could tweak it properly. But when Skylar was just about done, she heard the door behind her slide open and hevay footsteps. She would turn to see three Bryn Juggernaut Minors, all of them staring at the bodies of their comrades and then Skylar.

Skylar would unsheathe her energy bow, making sure she took the data she gathered and her spellbook on her hip.
"..This..will be fun.." Skylar said to herself as the door closed behind the three Bryn, locking her in with these three.
Good Men Don't Need Rules
Inventory: Sword, Lightsaber, Shield, Armor
Tags: Skylar Lesrekta Skylar Lesrekta Solan Charr Solan Charr Elafuh Thaal Elafuh Thaal Vulpesen Vulpesen Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae

A wayseeker such as myself was beholden to the Jedi Order, but at the same time, I sought to bring aid to any able bodies that required assistance. Even speaking to other members of the order who ushered me not to be so open and aidful towards other galactic powers. Why? Because there was a potential for a conflict of interest. Yet that was not the only reason why I was here. I came along ready for war in the explicit idea to bring the Brynadul further down onto their knees.

I could still hear the voices of my allies who had died by their hands. The worlds they razed and glassed. Innocents who died. It was only by sheer luck that I was able to protect the people I could back then. However now? I was more than well prepared. Holding aloft the Shieldbreaker, my other hand held upon the strap. Keeping me upright in the transport as we made our way down to the planet surface. However, there was a difference. I knew exactly what I would be taking on.

They had what many called Walking Fortresses. Having spoken to some of the leadership, I brought along with me a couple volunteers in which were willing and able to join me in bringing this creature down. Due to their bio-organic nature as a creature, and being one of the main defensive placements which allows for their foothold of Alanciar, it would be best to bring it down. Having other forces draw its attention to all the other ships and vessels around it, so then our strike team could board and place explosives, or just outright taking it down however was necessary.

Having so many access points. Would allow the strike team to make an entrance, and work its way through the interior to take it down. Preparing myself to once more, fight the Brynadul, We were nearing the objective. Our shuttle zooming down towards it. Flack and Anti-Air weaponry were being fired up everywhere around us. However, I have been focusing a barrier to be around the ship. Allowing us to drop in as close as possible so that the strike team could air-drop directly onto it.

"Drop in 10!"

Over the communications, the Pilot and Navigator gave the vital information that we would be there in mere moments. I reached into my belt. Pulling out packets and preparing to drop down. Once we were near the top, they were launched down where we directly dropped onto them. A gelatin seemed to form on the top of this creature. Anti-energy aerosol exploded forth and allowed us to make our landing without too much difficulty. However, as soon as we did so, weapons fire from around us attempted to light us up like a Life-day tree.

"Perimeter, then follow through!"

Rushing out of the cloud of obscuring smoke, The energy activated on the greatsword. Rushing to the first Drael and met with a cleaving of his arm, a quick pommel slam to the face, before taking a step back, aiming the tip of the sword towards center mass, and then lunging forward to pierce through the armor. It took a lot of force, but it was there. The body dropping as I placed a foot on his chest, and yanked the weapon from it. Preparing to fight further into the belly of the beast.
Solan had to take a slower, more controlled approach to his own actions, his soldiers making sure the man wasn't in danger of getting further injury or damage from the earlier actions taken. He was getting news on how the push of the others was going, especially that of Vulpesen and Stardust. Unsurprisingly the two were making quite the show and he couldn't help but laugh at the information. He himself was not taking any hesitation in his own actions. He would certainly be thankful for their help in this matter and his eyes moved towards the central nest where he knew the leadership of these creatures likely was. He shifted, crossing his hands over his chest, still feeling the fresh pain from the grenade not thirty minutes prior.

He would push the pain to the back of his mind though, looking over to where a group of soldiers were getting geared up and deciding that sitting in the backlines while the others worked so hard would be nothing but wrong. He would struggle up to his feet, coughing a bit before breathing in and wiping the blood from his mouth. He needed to get the new body figured out, finish the essence transfer but that was something he could do at a later time.

Those thoughts made him pause though, but did not ultimately stop him as he moved over to the side of the gunship, joining the Keshiri who were getting ready with a few of his personal guards close on his heels. Nida as always his shadow in these situations, him looking over his shoulder at the Keshiri woman who motioned down to her own saber as if to prove she would be fine and he should worry about himself. The woman had known him too well for too long not to figure out what was going through his mind already and he could only cough a bit at that. It seemed she had requested to be frozen in carbonate over the years, something a few of his more trusted allies had requested of him and something he had found far to loyal.

They had trusted he would be back, and he would not let them down as he reached up and used the force to knit together any final damage, coughing again as he winced at the dark side of the force once more causing the reaction. Still he would harden his expression as the doors on the transport closed.

The trip would be quick, one he did not have to worry about taking any more than a few minutes as the craft started moving. The sound of the battle outside reverberating through the metal and shaking the craft, a blast or two of flak like weaponry going off near the ship. He wasn't sure how much damage that would do to the recently updated craft but he really did not want to test it as the Gunship started descending, the fight ahead going to be a rough one as Solan came down and the doors opened. He activated the saber in his hand seconds after leaving, his body moving before his eyes even landed on the approaching warrior that tried to slight at him. With a fluid movement he moved down and to the side, separating the creature in two before looking towards the main nest.

"Move in! Take it out!"

Vulpesen Vulpesen Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae Skylar Lesrekta Skylar Lesrekta Elafuh Thaal Elafuh Thaal Kaleleon Kaleleon

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