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Diplomacy The Hirkenburg Accords [Open to FACTION LEADERS and KEY DIPLOMATS]

1st Post










Tags (Mediators): Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr

Tags (Delegates): Bex Tarring Bex Tarring Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim
Marcus Bastion Marcus Bastion Castor Crane Castor Crane Velran Kilran Velran Kilran Onrai Onrai




I knew I'd miss the rain.... As Preach would, if he wasn't on the run.
The rains on Nirauan just don't feel the same, do they?

I don't want to dance for a downpour, I want my friend to do it.

The word had come through, of all those who had accepted invitations to Archais, and unlikely though this gathering had seemed before - all had arrived to the former capital city of Siyarr's previous overlords.

Hirkenburg, a budding metropolis in it's own right, even by the turn of the next century, long after Galidraan's, and the Empire's influence had vanished. Overlords of whom Arr'Huwal's Dreamer still loved, just as he had come to love the city that once represented all the human colonists who ruled Perlemia before them, as just like the trust built between Arkanian Theocracy and Imperial doctrine, the slow-building appreciation for the planet's capital city would grow, brick by brick.
'Brother Tuwarran, ready the guards.'
With his own appointed guard-detail of War-Shamans for the occasion, the entrance to the conference hall would be handled with professional, streamlined fluidity, allowing Archais' independent senator to convene the gathering once and for all. All that remained to endeavour by then was the mere act of turning to gesture readiness to the other two mediators of the debate, nodding to Malum and Elise with smiles of sincere gratitude before he finally beckoned,'I think its time.... Let us convene this meeting, shall we?', fixing the positioning of his cuff-links whilst the blaster-toting security detail coordinated movements behind him. Then not a moment after the Senator turned to the door, the way was open and soldiers were already filing out, ready to escort the Mediator-in-chief to the most-important debate of his life.

'Right this way, sir.'


Just a short walk later, the threshold of the Senator's personal entrance was crossed, and without so much as another word shared between Siyarr and his security detail, granting the Dreamer's oratory introduction without interruption to his train of thought. Choosing then to remain upright for the first segment, the Novanian-born Senator quickly convened,'Marking commencement to proceedings at.... Midday exactly - welcome to Parliament Row, ladies and gentlemen. My apologies if I kept you waiting.', pausing in the amble of his opening statement, approaching with lips pursed for effect as he walked his way to the open floor.

'Now let me begin.... For all with doubts or concerns for safety, worry not - as all promises will be honoured. Completion of our tasks would mean the unharmed return of all guests to their homeworlds, right down to the last escort-detail. I would stake my reputation on that, so settle in - we're in for a looooong debate.'

Though none quite so acutely as the Dreamer himself, unenviably gathering the Galaxy's leaders to defend the indefensible on the grandest of his homeworld's speaking stages, and by expected consequence, the longest day of all. The proverbial wind was treacherous enough to take whichever direction nature allowed, but regardless of whether it panned out in favour of his friend's return or not, the fact Siyarr was gambling with the Godseer's freedom would only serve to make the passing seconds feel like hours before the end. Neither wise nor considered, or at least, not at any, reflective extent, but as far as the Senator saw it, this conference was all he had to play a hand that had a chance of winning back his people's rightful ruler.

'Now, from the offset, I believe this gathering of faction leaders should know that Archais has suffered much over the centuries, though mostly in the act of shielding our children from War.... From the death and blood the overlords spilled of our warriors, to the revilement of our people in narratives that painted Novanians as savages, we suffered much in keeping with the laws of our people - for there were none alive in the Galaxy who would dare to dream of restraint at the time.'

Raising his own hands in surrender to guilt, though somewhat sheepishly, it was enough to assure the Senator had fought enough in life to speak from experience, and it was in this moment that certain memories began to flood to the forefront of his mind. Memories of life before the arrival of the Galidraani Imperial State, memories of life in an ill-fated war across the stars, standing proudly among those who brought Novania from the brink of collapse, thoughts of all that IMPAF and the Highland Brotherhood would see before long before the last Great War ended. But the pause was not for effect this time, though Siyarr was quick to straighten his posture once more, wishing to get to the point as quickly as possible, especially for the sake of the delegations that had travelled far and wide for to speak their minds.

'If you must take up arms, I dare not rob your people of that right to battle for survival, knowing I would be robbing my own of that selfsame right, but we have to draw the line somewhere. As only the blight of ferality awaits a Galaxy that rejects common sense, and next time - we all know where that sort of mass-frenzy might lead if left unchecked.'
Siyarr's gaze would then drift left and right momentarily, then bow to the attending delegates, marking the end of the Senator's opening statement as he turned to the Mediators' podium-stand. Not even reaching his seat before snatching up gavel, already slamming it down by the time the other mediators were within reach, and though it cracked the air just once with polite patience, it was obvious that the Dreamer was more eager than ever to begin the conference properly. Commencement was already time-marked, and in seeing more than a few eager faces among the delegation collective, the white-eyed Senator smiled as he inquired,'Who would speak first among you? Those podiums are yours to utilise.', sitting back with curiousity on which voice to expect in response.

[OOC NOTE - excuse the lateness, no time-limits requirements tho. reply at your own pace.]


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The Commanding Viceroy of the Trade Federation possessed extensive knowledge in the intricacies of diplomatic strategies, enabling him to strategically place the mega-conglomerate within the hierarchial framework of every faction in the galactic struggle for complete dominion of the galaxy.

They had not fully capitalized on their gains within the latest prominent group in the Dark Empire, nor had they successfully connected with the Mandalorian Protectors despite a brief encounter at the Second Galactic Conference. Nevertheless, they had encountered remarkable expansion in the Interstellar Stock Market and initiated the provision of weapons and military equipment to autonomous planets in order to resist potential invaders.

Becoming a sponsor of the Hirkenburg Accords presented an opportunity for profit, despite the uncertain future it faced due to the fate of the Bastion Accords, which were broken by Emperor Rurik Fel during the peak of the New Imperial Order. However, if the Federation could ensure that commerce and trade would continue uninterrupted, regardless of faction loyalties, the duration of the accord would hold little significance once it was signed and ratified by the delegates in attendance.

There was a glance towards each and every member of the assembly, from major factions to corporate powerhouses as opportunity to speak arose. The Skakoan moved like a ghost towards the podium, wanting to engage first to set the stage for the dicussion.

"If there is to be a serious discussion about some sort of Galactic Treaty, then productive dialogue on the neutrailty of hyperspaces lanes in potential conflicts will be essential. Allowing the flow of commerce and trade will be advantageous for all parties involved, leading to a gradual increase in the growth of the galactic economy by at least 12% over the next quarter. This in turn will result in an overall decrease in certain protectionists measures and a reduction of unncessary inspections of goods and services passing through said lanes."

The Skakoan emphasized the importance of considering the neutrality of all hyperspace lanes across the galactic frontier in any significant discussion regarding an Accord.

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Maldor glanced at his companion on this trip as the Trade Federation concluded its statements.

Then he stood.

"Greetings to you all. I am Lord Moff Maldor Mecetti, representing the Empire at this conference."

He did not say 'Empire of the Lost.' To specify would have implied that there was more than one Empire worth considering. Even with the so-called Dark Empire at the Galactic Alliance's throat, the Emperor was not prepared to grant an inch to their validity, even by implication.

"The Empire agrees with the premise that even in the chaos of war, there must be some rules by which we abide. We are thinking beings, with rational objectives. Random chaos serves no one. And neither does conquest if there is nothing left to conquer when the fighting is done.

As such, I must echo the Trade Federation representative's sentiment.

Free trade must be maintained regardless of the squabbles engaged in by the major powers. The innocent beings of the Galaxy, who wait for the matters of giants to be settled, must not be subject to trade blockades or attacks on trade vessels that endanger their livelihoods and even their lives.

To engage in a war against trade is to engage in a war against the citizen, and not his government. It is as sure an attack on civilian targets as any bomb would be, if dropped into a local supermarket."

He held up a fiinger.

"I would add that civilian transports and medical frigates must also remain free from attack, detainment, or other interference.

Civilians must be free to flee areas of conflict. And the wounded must be free to obtain aid.

Gentlebeings know how to slay each other on the battlefield while maintaining the etiquette necessary to protect the common man.

Let us all agree to be gentlebeings, today. Let us agree to fight for land, fight for resources, fight for political principles, and even fight for honor.

But let us also agree that we are not fighting the people, or setting out to cause them harm."

With his piece said, he sat again. Perhaps leaving some attendees mystified as to the Empire's benevolent face.

Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran
Moff Marcus Bastion had entered the room early as the delegates had filled up their seats on the podiums. Bastion still clung to the title of Moff, even if he wasn't currently part of any of the Imperial factions at this point in time. He stood apart, although hopefully by the time the meeting was over that would change. From the perspective of the delegates he was a minor independent power. Enough to warrant an invitation to the events and decisions discussed here today, but of no real benefit or threat. Other than perhaps which nation he would join.

Which was the point of course. To all appearances that's what he was doing deciding which one to join to gain their protection for him and his men. Perhaps to give him purpose again. An independent imperial fleet floating in space on it's own was vulnerable in the current era. Just as it had been for Natasi Dala in the Legends of old.

So he kept quiet while he judged and assessed. Political skirmishes like this one could be crucial for judging the strength, position and disposition of the various nations, powers and factions of the galaxy.

The Trade Federation was living up to it's name of course. The first issue to be addressed was of course trade. More specifically Free Trade. Of course when politics emerged, economy or more accurately profit emerged with it. The two were hand in hand, like two ingredients of a recipe that didn't work without the other.

The representative from the Empire of the Lost also made a decent point about the protection and safety of civilians. Collateral damage was a natural part of war but should never be seeked for it's own case. A fact which he wasn't sure all of the factions appreciated.

There was also a tactical advantage beyond economics for free trade and the protection of civilians of course. Closed borders meant it was that much more difficult to infiltrate rival nations. Blockades did as much to stop the flow of information as it did the flow of trade.

Marcus cleared his throat.

"Moff Marcus Bastion. Currently I am independent though that may change. My own thoughts on the matter run in line with what has already been said."

"Another advantage to consider is the continual open discussion of diplomacy such as this meeting here. As long as diplomacy is open a peaceful truce or settlement is possible. Closed contact means limited forms of communication through back channels. Which are hardly reliable."

"Another matter to consider is the lack of opportunity for criminals. Closed borders means thieves and smugglers, which leads to Syndicates such as the Hutts. Open trade cuts down on the opportunity for the growth of a black market. With closed borders people will spend their life savings to acquire luxuries and trinkets let alone valuable supplies. Open Trade is as important for law and order as it is for profit."

Marcus made his point firmly and as dignified as he knew how. He wasn't sure how welcome his opinion would be at this gathering and he played his first hand cautiously. Agreeing with what was said and adding his own contribution. The next player would have to respond.

Let the games begin.

Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti
In Umbris Potestas Est
Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr Bex Tarring Bex Tarring Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Marcus Bastion Marcus Bastion Castor Crane Castor Crane Velran Kilran Velran Kilran Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran

The fingers of the blonde pursed beneath her otherwise plain black robes as she eyed the senator. the Trade Federation viceroy made the initial opening with a soliloquy that Nute Griimda Nute Griimda would've been proud of. The level of corporate intrigue they were seeking to push on everyone was, to say the least, something she found concerning - when a corporation sought to hold influence in all factions, it was loyal to none of them. That they were pushing independently for an agreement with Archais was something she would need to deliberate with a good number of others about.

Then spoke the representative of the Empire of the Lost - how curious that he worked to forget the galactic power's true title. So it was that pushed for rules of war - the very concept of which seemed utterly anathema to any Imperial who had ever stepped foot in a war zone. Onrai listened as he attempted to flatter the attendees with such concepts as respect for the lives of sentient beings, of not infringing on trade, and of not promoting "chaos" in wartime.

That was funny.

The independence of Moff Bastion's position was most interesting. She would need to speak more with him regarding dissuading his alignment with other Imperial factions and instead encouraging him to work with her peers.

At last, she had the opportunity to speak. Carefully walking to her podium, she adjusted her microphone and began to speak.

"A pleasure. I am Vanessa Vantai of the Empire - specifically the Dark Empire. I believe the dear Moff before me forgot to give his galactic power's full identity as the Empire of the Lost." She gave a clear inflection to the word 'lost,' indicating that she would not tolerate the illusion that Messere Mecetti's lords and lieges were somehow the 'true' Empire.

"I am of the complete and utter understanding that there are those among the galactic powers, or perhaps minor instigators, who have no compulsions of engaging in the most heinous actions among the galaxy - for example, the destruction of Panatha at the hands of the Eternal Empire and the killing of innumerable millions of Epicanthix. I also know there is no rule, no treaty, and no agreement that will ever actually persuade such people from choosing to not do such." She of course had chosen not to comment on her salvation of a percentage of the world's population, nor that their feral devotion to their God-Emperor had yet been broken and replaced with a new faith.

"Thus, I would like to propose a more sensible approach to the 'rules of war' - the utilization of all available resources. There is no reason to mass-murder entire worlds of people, suck the life out of them using profane rituals, or shoot a resonance torpedo into the sun. All this does is deprive the galaxy of long-term use of these resources, and in due time, we're all reduced to fighting over the shattered ruins of several remaining systems superweapons have yet to devastate. Keep worlds industrially intact after conquering them, don't senselessly exterminate their population, and maintain their economic viability. Anyone with a modicum of sense would want to ensure such preservation of resources - as well as their rebuilding." It was admittedly more Onrai's philosophy than that of the Dark Empire, but it was positive enough.

"Pangalactic commercial trade should indeed be encouraged - for civilian-grade goods. Obviously the free-flow of a party's military equipment from one faction to another would be a catastrophe. Criminal syndicates should be whittled away as well as pirate groups, given their negative predatory impacts on such territory. Less piracy means people have more a reason to trust in and support their government, since it can provide them the security and safety they so very much desire."

She cleared her throat. "In short, a focus on the raising of conditions of the citizenry is particularly important. Minimizing the impact of our wars to their lives is paramount above all other things - and such benefits us."
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Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr

Bex Tarring Bex Tarring Thade Rhas Thade Rhas Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr
Marcus Bastion Marcus Bastion Castor Crane Castor Crane Onrai Onrai Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti




Aaaaaand they're off the line - a quick start for this sort o' meeting.

Not bad, Heady.... Not bad at all.

Quite happy to sit back and watch on as the first statements came flying out from their respective podium, and more than enough in the way of proposals had already been offered for Lord Michael to know which way the wind was blowing.

'Interesting collective we have here.... Surprised the Dark Empire sent anyone at all, but I'll bite.'

Oddly civilian in nature, but this came as a welcome surprise in the wake of Siyarr's revelation, and in seeing the tensions steadily draw back to a professional calm, Barran would find himself all the more willing to sit back and watch the proceedings continue unabated. Preferring to mutter under-breath to his fellow Protectorate delegates and bodyguard alike, it seemed as though the old Woad's propensity for punditry would take hold for the early, opening stages of the debate, though most around the Lord-Imperator knew the Goidelic constant, like night follows day - knowing that something (or someone) would goad that Barran bluster into the open eventually.

'Empire - of the Lost? Lad's got a brass neck.... But that brazen streak is often a winning element in Imperial formulae. Points for audacity.'

Not that it would ever take too long for such an enticement to occur, and certainly not in Lord Michael's case, but he watched on, heedless of all things insult and slight for the sake of his own curiosity. Though a short, sidelong glance would still be afforded the one Independent speaker in attendance that day, letting a brief eyeroll reach the surface before returning once more to the statements of the other delegates, dropping tones once again in punditry with his peers as Barran muttered,'Vantai.... Familiar, though I know not how. But the Dark-Imperial podium is indicator enough for now.', leaning back into his seat to settle in for the long-haul of the meeting. The nature of the discussion was blessedly civilian after all, and the Tattered Regent was happy to concede this to be a good omen, seeing it's potential as a defensive shield for the Galaxy's citizens in the future, or at least, for those on worlds adherent to the laws of civilisation.
Though there was one line of thought that didn't sit soundly with the old Woad, not quite, and with two competing corporations sending representatives to speak that day, therein lay the hidden issues of the aforementioned affectations to trade and hyperlane travel-freedoms alike. An issue of which Lord Michael realised would commit him to the debate a little earlier than planned, even if his comments were only passing to the estimation of the other delegates in attendance, giving Barran no other choice but to interject,'Fellow speakers, if I may.... On the matter of hyperlanes, trade an' unfettered access in wartime.', pausing only to light a cigarra in his leisurely, relaxed seating-posture.
'Such full-route hyperlane assurances, as you may well know by now, require more investment than promises could ever provide.... Now take a moment to yourselves to dwell on the implications.'

Like Siyarr had personally known much of War's callous hand, Michael knew first-hand what sort of routes a smuggler could plan from the springboard of an unsupervised hyperlane, as even songs had been written and performed by Goidelic bards on the cunning of rogue-Reavers and smugglers - singing of legend's luckiest fools centuries before the Lord-Imperator was born.

'Like with all things in this Galaxy, credits are required, an' abundant reserves o' currency at that, but with investment comes competition - an' with that sort o' competition.... Blood-stained illicit substances often flood the market in it's wake, or have people suddenly changed in the last twenty years?'

It would take Barran every ounce of restraint he had to keep from singing like a drunken lout right there and then for effect, but alas the Goidel saw reason enough to speak with statesemanlike conduct, as if making a fool of himself on the grand Galactic stage wasn't reason enough. More than enough faces among the many had recognized Lord Michael's own, and thus more than enough people who knew Barran was smart enough not to let cultural behaviour impede interactions, not while the fates of many multitudes would be decided before the conference concluded, and certainly not with the fate of the entire Galaxy hanging in the balance.

Yet despite his comfort debating in a frank and conversational manner, Barran still carried an aura that befitted the name of his clan, and with it - a presence that required no introduction.

Lacking that same beard the Barrans were famed for bearing in wartime, and wearing nothing akin to Imperial attire at the time, and despite the old Woad's adaptation to the formal attires of the next century, the eyes still told the lion's share of the story. Eyes that could tell of all that Lord Michael had suffered in the name of Imperium, of the ideals of brazen defiance his people bled and died to uphold, and in his duty to the realm that once was, no lapse in decorum would besmirch the Lord-Imperator's reputation that day.
'As for me, personally, I don't believe so. The galaxy is populated enough that the absence of opportunists could only beget others of the sort, even worse if someone establishes a monopoly on treaty-guarded hyperlanes.... Perhaps that might warrant discussion at a later, devoted date, but with that being said, it still gladdens me to see that civilian matters take precedence like this - so let us specify means to eradicate the immediate issues for now.'


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Michael Barran Michael Barran Onrai Onrai Marcus Bastion Marcus Bastion
Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr

A sense of perpetual readiness fluttered about Shannic's stomach, not aided by the undergarment that fulfilled its function effectively, if not at the pleasure of its wearer. After all, a corset sought to please others, not the occupant. She still wore Imperial Mourning Dress, as all administrative officials did after the passing of somebody of great import. Korvan was such a figure.

She sat quietly and patiently, listening to the voices of the assembled as the bounced from idea to idea, hopelessly searching for something that resembled an iota of agreement.

As Administrator for the Empire, the so called 'Dark Empire' as so many detractors referred to it, she was privy to all sorts of decision making processes and abilities that so many simply were not. In the wake of the fallen political leader, she had redoubled her work load to take into the account the added pressure that Korvan's absence now piled on the administration. They had claimed new worlds, entire systems newly conquered and brought into the Imperial family.

She watched as Michael Barran lauded over the assembly with a growing sense of perplexity, her various attaches and assistants about the delegation. Onrai sat near to her in some role, never knowing what the Emperor saw in such a one. But she darent question Solipsis. Not even for a moment.

The topic at hand was civilian rights to protection. She found it ludicrous. But she had spied Barran early on and found him to be…muted.

He spoke and she stood, catching the attention as she was warranted to do.

'I thank the Chair for recognising me. Our Imperial Family continues to strive for the just treatment and the recognition of the sanctity of life of each and everyone of its brothers and sisters. It is the imperative of all Imperials to protect the lives of those who look to us for guidance.'

She smiled, reassuring all of those around her in the cool, calm way that she had done for decades.

'Unfettered access to homeworlds is a number one concern for the security and prosperity of indigenous peoples.'

She looked directly at Michael Barran.

'Wouldn't you say, Tattered Regent?'

Her voice was commanding yet retained a silky quality, as if weaving a web around those who listened.

'I would expect someone in your own particular circumstance to recognise the importance of this matter. The assembly will know of your own unique cause and how the Galactic community has treated you, in the wake of your own father's loss.'

She shuffled.

'But that is of the past. The great Erskine Barran is long gone. He is lost to time, like Bastion is lost to our esteemed friend. Like Serenno, like Archais, like Galidraan Three. Like Fel. Like Korvan. All lost to the march of time and progress.’

She paused, her words echoing seemingly.

'I do recognise that today is about the future, however. A future that belongs to all of us, as much as only bones and fallen memories belong to the Regent of Ashes.'

She ignored all others and made her glance towards the 'Goidel', as if a pinpointed laser beam looking for its target.

'Delegate Ventai speaks correctly. With such heinous acts committed by all manner of government every day, what is left to dictate? Who casts the stone that lands the judgement? Who is left without stain or blood on their hands?'

She sat, her opening gambit out for all to see.

The Empire was not here for fun. These games were entirely different.
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Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr

Bex Tarring Bex Tarring Thade Rhas Thade Rhas Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr
Marcus Bastion Marcus Bastion Castor Crane Castor Crane Onrai Onrai Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti




And who might this be?
Wait a second, is she-?

Oh, so there is bite to the Dark Empire after all.

From the moment the Dark-Imperial speaker addressed her Protectorate counterpart, it would be clear to all that the gloves would be off between both podiums - eradicating all ambiguity on the nature of the interactions between both factions going forward.

And almost-instantly at that.

There was a reason his rival-to-be was making it personal, and though Lord Michael understood enough to know where this woman stood on the conference, on the very proceedings that brought them together that day, the Woad couldn't help but ponder on underlying, unmentioned reasons for such quickness to taunt at all that once was. It was too much to keep that sneer from creeping to the fore, bearing teeth in what was clearly something more than a rueful, disenchanted grin to all the eyes that looked to Barran for his response, the first of it's sort to the first of many tests of the Lord-Imperator's patience.

Fortunately, however, professionalism would once again prevail when cutting remarks finally gave way for a pertinent (though pointed-) query, drawing the debate back towards something resembling the crux of the issue, though this unintroduced delegate couldn't help but leave one last cutting remark before her opening statement concluded, a little sleight-of-hand to accompany a clear challenge to the validity of the chamber's intentions. It was then that Lord Michael's gaze crossed that of Siyarr, but when the latter tilted his head towards the latest Dark-Imperial speaker, the former slowly shook his head as wide-eyed warning not to interfere, a particularly-vicious look the Novanian understood all too well.

'A pertinent question, though as far as thats concerned - I think I know a certain fellow with a certain proposal at the ready, one such that specifically covers the issue of lawful integrity.... An' it just so happens that the one with said-proposal is the one chairing these proceedings today.'

With head bowing politely to the Mediators' podium-stand, the due reverence was offered the Dreamer for a short second or two before the cold, tempestuous glare dared turn to meet with it's Dark-Imperial counterpart, already glaring back at the Woad by the time their lines of sight aligned once more. The violent intent between them would be seen, and by all with eyes enough to see by then, and perhaps heard in the tones of voice among those without; but for all the decorum that guided their oratory, and all the professional, straight-postured competence on display, no courteous respect for structured debates could hide the early-tremors of war.

'But before we continue, I'd rather we held off on that for a brief moment - as I would first like to know who you might be.... Come, Solipsid.... Introduce yourself, an' proudly.'


Tags: Michael Barran Michael Barran | Bex Tarring Bex Tarring | Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim | Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr | Marcus Bastion Marcus Bastion | Castor Crane Castor Crane | Onrai Onrai | Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti | Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira | Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr | Shannic Wulf Shannic Wulf
Gear/Appearance: In Bio
Current Objective:
Guard Duty for Michael Barran Michael Barran

These sorts of affairs drew very little interest from Thade, his very silhouette a testament to a severe lacking in diplomatic reasoning; a lifeless, shadow-like glimmer danced across his visor like stars against the darkness of the galaxy's infinite void. Shoulders ramrod straight, spine firm and unflinching without even the slightest muscle twitch.

Across his backside hung a rather massive blade, a vibrosword seemingly unfit for most average men to carry, crude yet practical in its design, leaving not much to be imagined of what punishment the darkly clad soldier could deliver. His head shifted slowly as he observed those in attendance, a silent and obedient guardian of the Imperial Protectorate, a living wall of defiance vowing to never die, to never choke and go limp for all the galaxy to see.

Very little about the political realm imposed itself upon Thade's sense of reasoning, his mind a thing curated for the actions of what those speaking truly desire, for what their words would ultimately mean for him - combat. War. He was a man that did the killing and saw the dying, and for every inch towards diplomacy, Thade only ever saw the inevitable end of it all. Death.

Time was the only thing that allowed for peace, moments to slumber and lull the dragons and demons back into their caves and corners. Bored of being dashed across the planets they hold with iron fists, clutching at the lifeblood of any slight intrigue, be it a resource or foothold.

There he idly stood, towering and indifferent. Stalwart and bastion-like, a shield against the perceived offenses towards the Protectorate.

A blade, ready to be used.

Bogan, he hated Imperials.

He had been raised all his life to hate Imperials.

How many of his kind, how many of his kin had been butchered and killed at their hands?

Sons of traitors and betrayers who had turned on their fellows for their own selfish desires. Gazing about this room, through ocean blue contacts that would reveal to them all who exactly he was, or perhaps more importantly, what he was, he made certain that his concealment was active, though some among this number reeked of the darkness.

They thought themselves somehow distinct from the Sith they had betrayed.

For all he would hate the Zambrano monarchy for their sins, and their sins were something incalculable, their leadership which had led to the rise of the New Imperial Order in the first place.

So too would he equally hate those that so wilfully betrayed their oaths.

Well, their rebellion was at an end, even if it had succeeded, the Zambrano Sith Empire was at an end, and yet another had taken its place.

While the Imperials without foe to fight, had chosen to fight themselves, splinter a hundred feuding fiefdoms. Two Empires remained, a third sought to rise, and who knew how many others there were?

One faction had willingly bowed to the Sith again, simply the wrong Sith, alas, he cared little for the distinction.

Another had claimed the legacy of the New Imperial Order, and had already battled the true Sith in the jungles of Felucia.

And the last.

Might indeed carry the true legacy of the New Imperial Order.

And alas... he found that one of its key leaders...

...Might be his future... some sort... of father-in-law.

Oh certainly he knew some of Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira 's familial relations, he had met Gwyneira Vizsla Gwyneira Vizsla , briefly... a long time ago, only to be the one to comfort his Elsie once... the news of her demise had arrived. He had never met Eliz Krayt Eliz Krayt , and for the most part, was unsure if he desired to, and it went beyond simply not desiring to meet the father of the woman you were cour- the woman you loved.

But further the fact, he was unsure if he could resist the temptation to punch him in the face for abandoning her.

And well... the least said of Mevia Vizsla Mevia Vizsla , the better, he thought.

That left her adopted family, he was on rather good terms with Mia Monroe Mia Monroe all things considered... a dusting of pink coating his face at the memory of him accidentally calling her mother...

Yes, good terms, is where he would leave that.

But there was another, Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran , he knew very little of the man, apart from his Imperial affiliations, which was well on its own a rather surprising revelation regarding Malum's own relationship with Elsie.

He thought them mismatched for the fact he was a Sith, and she was a Mor- Mandalorian, but indeed, they were even more mismatched for he was a Sith, and arguably... she was an Imperial.

Such was the strangeness of their galaxy.

But well despite his hatred for everything Imperial, when Elsie had pulled him to Archais to meet her father figure.

Well, it was troubling how much he found himself liking the man.

He was... eccentric, to say the least, but it seemed in these days, Malum only associated with the eccentric.

And when then he invited him to meet mediate his so-called Hirkenburg Summit? Well, he first was rather shocked that he would allow a Sith to do such a thing, and then he found himself... appreciating the trust.

Oh Bogan, what was Elsie doing to him, he actually liked an Imperial.

So here he was, quite so far, simply watching, despite the fact that his Emperor had been trusting him with more and more tasks of a diplomatic nature, he very much doubted he would approve of anything that would take place today. Thus, it would be Malum's view to simply observe, and make certain that none would trade blows too severe today.

Though... blows traded between Imperial traitors... he did not find himself caring too much.

And if the Imperials wished to sign accords between themselves to limit their ability to fight, such would be their prerogative.

Malum morphed his features into what resembled a smile, as he stood, "Perhaps it may be best to move on from judgement of personal affiliation and rather consider another topic... perhaps the treatment of prisoners of war?"

He turned to gaze all those in the room, "And for those who do not know me, which I would wager is most here, I am Malum, of House Marrtaniel, at your service." He knew he should have offered a small nod.

However, to take one's eyes off snakes, was inviting poison.

Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti Marcus Bastion Marcus Bastion Onrai Onrai Michael Barran Michael Barran Shannic Wulf Shannic Wulf Thade Rhas Thade Rhas Bex Tarring Bex Tarring Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Castor Crane Castor Crane
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E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S

Empress of the Eternal Empire and Terraris
Objective: To attend the Accord
Location: Cato hall, parliament row, Hirkenburg, Archais
Equipment: [Hersir Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tags: Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran | Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr | Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti | Marcus Bastion Marcus Bastion | Onrai Onrai | Michael Barran Michael Barran | Shannic Wulf Shannic Wulf | Thade Rhas Thade Rhas | Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr | Open
"Galactic Common" | <"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>


It had been a long time since Ingrid had appeared anywhere as Empress of the Eternal Empire. Back then, after the destruction of Panatha, she had to make a difficult decision to ensure the survival of the Empire and the Wardens of the Shroud. This meant letting the Empire, which had flourished for so long, collapse. Most of the leaders and initiates retreated to Kalidan and surrounded the planet with shields to continue their plans to protect it. They needed to ensure that there were survivors for the plan that Darth Tacitus had set up back in the days that the Wardens were created. The ultimate goal was to free the Galaxy from the chains of the Force and destroy the Force. This was something they could not share with anyone in the Galaxy because very few would accept it. They had to survive. As the Wardens say.

The Jedi do what is right. The Sith do what they want. We do what is necessary.

So the red-haired woman has mainly only been representing Terraris Command, or HPI for that matter, since she's been in the shadows. Until now. It was time for the Eternal Empire to emerge from obscurity once again. An empire built on lies and shadow plays. They had to dance and play between the shadows and the great powers of the galaxy so that none of them found their true purpose. The true purpose of the Eternal Empire. And this game will continue as long as anyone lives and follows the heavy burden of the Wardens.

In nearly three decades, the playground of the Galaxy has changed a lot, but there were still familiar faces. Once a spy, always a spy and an agent, and that was true for Ingrid. Although she wasn't an active participant, she tried to keep an eye on things and know everything. As always, she still wore the dark uniform, without medals or any insignia of rank. That never changed, nor did the fact that she was one of the first people to arrive on the scene. She just didn't say anything, she watched until everyone else arrived. Familiar and unfamiliar people. She hadn't aged a minute, partly because of her long life, and partly because as a shape-shifter it was easy to look just as young. Her blue eyes were cold even now, her posture stiff and soldierly, no emotion showing on her face, like a marble statue.

She listened to the speakers and their speeches in silence, one thing was for sure, the ego and conceit in the Galaxy was growing. To the Empress, it seemed that intelligence was beginning to be lost in the galaxy, or in these newfangled Empires. She knew full well that countless Eternal Imperials had fled to that Lost Empire. "Resources, political principles, and even honour"; she didn't know where he came from, but one thing was for sure, they all included "people". For the time being, however, she remained silent and did not express an opinion on the matter. Back then, Ingrid was always trying to protect civilians, which is why they often got their planet by bribing, blackmailing or even killing the leaders by assassins. She didn't want to waste her own resources either, not just the new world's...

"Let me remind a former warlord of the Maw that you were there at the destruction of Panatha, you played a part in what happened. Just like Maw and now all the plans of the Dark Empire." she said in an icy cold voice, without emotion to Onrai Onrai . " Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren was the one who destroyed the planet and almost everyone on it, not to mention the fact that he tore open the fabric of reality that could only be stopped by destroying the dead planet. The Eternal Empire had to choose between sacrificing a dead planet with not even a single-celled life form left, or hundreds of worlds and billions of people. I, unlike you, will take responsibility for this if, nearly thirty years later, you want to put me on trial for it."

Ingrid continued to speak in an impassive, ice-cold voice, like Kalidan or Terraris' coldest night. She turned her blue eyes to Onrai and looked into the other woman's eyes. Then she turned to the others.

"The Eternal Empire and the Terraris Command have always sought to occupy planets with as few casualties as possible and without civilian casualties." she said, it was common knowledge at the time that they were trying to keep civilians out of the war. Ingrid often said that war is between soldiers, not civilians.

She nodded at Malum's words about prisoners of war. The Eternal Empire has always treated them well, and in the case of Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex , even forewent giving him up to the Ashlan Crusade, even though the Eternal Empire would have condemned him to death. Ironically, she was also a prisoner of war with the Galactic Alliance and NIO duo, and the NIO didn't treat her exactly as she should have been treated.

"The gentleman's point is valid and correct. The question is who wants what. The establishment of a convention law that applies to the whole galaxy, or just a tacit agreement between those who are here now?" she said, her voice still cold and emotionless, this was an important issue, especially if they wanted to go Galaxy-wide, as the Galactic Alliance had not yet spoken up.

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"Surely we have better matters at hand than the airing of old grievances," Maldor interjected.

"We are holding this conference because we recognize that we are different peoples, with different histories, and even different priorities.

And yet, we also have things in common. Overlapping areas of self-interest.

We are here because we know the truth of things: It is not on altruism or goodness of heart upon which treaties are made.

That is a lie of the sort which the Galactic Alliance may pretend to believe. But we are more pragmatic peoples.

We do not protect the citizens of the galaxy because we care about them. Well, perhaps some of us do. But that is not our primary concern.

We protect them because the well-being of our nations and empires are dependent upon those citizens. They are the bedrock and foundation upon which power is built.

We do not protect trade because of some abstract economic philosophy about the movement of goods.

We do it because without working economies, there are no nations or empires. Only piles of dung upon which broken birds crow.

It is the same for everything we do. Medicine? Prisoners? Rules of War?

These are not products of a pure heart. They are products of pragmatism. Concrete necessities for obtaining everything we seek."

He gestured widely to the room.

"So let us work together, not because we like and respect each other. Nor out of any false declaration of love for our fellow men. Let us do it for the simple and pragmatic reason that we can not afford to destroy that which we desire to bring into our domains.

Restraint is not a burden. And it impinges not at all upon any revenges we may seek.

No. It is just one more tool by which we can all obtain the things we want."

He paused, then looked to Ingrid.

"As for the question of who is to be bound by these agreements... I say only the willing. Only those here who say Yes.

But those who make such a choice will grow. Because pragmatism is the only true good in the wide galaxy, and it requires no goodness inside for such good ends to become self-evident to the wise.

Those who do not sign this agreement will not be bound by it. But neither will they have its protections.

It is with self-interest that the agreement shall be born. It is with self-interest that it shall grow. In time, all nations will be greedy for the benefits it provides."

Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti Marcus Bastion Marcus Bastion Onrai Onrai Michael Barran Michael Barran Shannic Wulf Shannic Wulf Thade Rhas Thade Rhas Bex Tarring Bex Tarring Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Castor Crane Castor Crane Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr
Bastion watched the various parties already turn to bickering and arguing, some about the matters at hand some about the events of history, some about the slight differences in their philosophies. Politics. It was typical galactic politics of course, but discussions like this were crucial. Not only for diplomacy that much was obvious but for getting a sense of the field. Who was who, what they stood for, who they stood with and against.

The first Dark Empire delegate Onrai Onrai to speak made some well thought out and argued points, though couldn't resist a pointed barb against the Eternal Empire. Not unfairly but perhaps not wise given the current environment. It was a bold move and a bold claim. Time would tell if it bore fruit.

Michael Barran Michael Barran was making a good show of it, positioning himself against the other Empire factions with a few choice statements.

The other Dark Empire delegate Shannic Wulf Shannic Wulf was doing her best to portray a position of strength and disdain. Marcus privately thought Tattered Regent was a rather quirked barb. He would have to remember that one.

Bastion himself quirked an eyebrow and a narrowed his eyes at being compared to relics of the past.

Still at least his own independence had apparently made if not a stir than an impression on atleast some of the representative. If he were an ambitious man he would use that to his advantage. Maintain his independence till the very end as a neutral arbitrator until he threw his support behind one of the factions.

Which one had already been decided of course but the others weren't to know that. Bastion would have to play the game carefully for the defection to be the most effective. There was he admitted an element of theatre towards the presentation. Honestly it was quite fun.

For now he retained his posture with nothing more than a raised eyebrow or a nod at the mention of his name.

Barrans response was quick to the point and effective. It was clear there would be no love lost between the Protectorate and the Dark Empire at these proceedings and very likely not on the galactic stage if these discussions were any indicator. Which as a diplomatic event they ought to be.

Bastions attention was turned towards a representative from an independent house. Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr . Bastion wasn't sure what that title designated but then he supposed he was here as an independent as well so was in no position to cast stones. Still he seemed to move the conversation forward to prisoners of war.

The shattered Eternal Empire's delegate Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim defended their questionable actions at Panatha with a salvo against the Dark Empire's being formed out of the remnants of the Maw.

The enemies of yesterday were the allies of today. Either that or blood feuds formed. Bastion wasn't sure which was worse, holding age old feuds for no purpose either side remembered or changing with the tides of the powers of the galaxy for safety and protection. Then again perhaps he wasn't in a position to judge on that front either.

Still if he was playing the role of an neutral independent arbiter perhaps he should do so.

"Well said Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti ."

"Please let us not descend into senseless bickering over the past. These accords are as some here have mentioned are to discuss the future so that the mistakes of the past may not repeat themselves."

"The topic presented I believe is prisoners of war. I think we can all agree full quarter and reasonable expectation of treatment are of paramount concern."

Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti
In Umbris Potestas Est
Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti Marcus Bastion Marcus Bastion Michael Barran Michael Barran Shannic Wulf Shannic Wulf Thade Rhas Thade Rhas Bex Tarring Bex Tarring Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Castor Crane Castor Crane Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira

The woman briefly responded to Michael Barran Michael Barran inquiring as to her familiarity, and she decided to humor him. "My mother was the one known as Darth Vitium, Silara Vantai. My legal father as of last I checked was one Alric Kuhn Alric Kuhn , long dead and reason enough for me to keep my mother's name." She said, hoping to clarify her origins - they were divorced enough from reality, after all.

Shannic Wulf Shannic Wulf , the one Onrai had shown distaste for the fanaticism of, had taken a forward position in the back-and-forth of the accords. She concurred with the logic that no one would ever be able to dictate what was and was not off-limits insofar as war went. Michael jousted back against her, until Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr intervened, suggesting a transition to treatment of prisoners of war.

"I have no reason to support their senseless execution." She said. "That said, use of penal labor is acceptable, as is interrogation of those who are believed to hold vital information pertaining to the secrets of the enemy. I for one see no reason to throw away the useful resources of men and women who may yet contribute to the galaxy." Historically she had never killed a prisoner despite several decades of work. Granted there had perhaps been unethical things done to them - experimentation, interrogation, even full-scale mental reprogramming in the case of RC 212 RC 212 - but no deaths. She had a track record to follow.

Then came the response from one Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim . Onrai smiled in response to the statements of the former Eternal Empress, the accusations of how she had 'played a part' in the destruction of Panatha. So it was that she chose to yet respond.

"I was there, oh beneficent Queen of the Night Spirit." She said, referencing the creature that Ingrid had subjugated and imbibed upon the moon of Endor. "And rather curiously, my forces did nothing to 'play a part' in what happened - unless you consider saving millions of Panathans from a doomed planet 'playing a part' in its destruction. The ritual Kyrel performed was a foolish act, no different from that of Ku'ar Danar on Nilrebmah XIII or Kara Volshe on Ambria. That is why I am here at the Empire's podium while his flesh rots and his soul burns in Chaos, a magnanimous apotheosis of charnel carnage denied." She said, before clearing her throat. "But I will yield to you that while the Eternal Empire destroyed Panatha, there wasn't exactly much to destroy."

The Mecrosan Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti raised a valid point, which Onrai admittedly agreed with. "Even in apathy one can benefit the galaxy. The irony is not lost." She said, before Marcus Bastion Marcus Bastion intervened and returned the topic to discussion of prisoners of war. "My comments on the matter stand. Nothing is gained through mass execution of prisoners - even if one more view them merely as human capital."


The Commanding Viceroy gracefully moved away from the central podium to allow other participants to engage in the conference, settling into a nearby chair to pondor the most strategic course of action. Several of the individuals in attendance, including himself, were not here with the intention of establishing an actual binding treaty merely using the event as an opportunity to acquire power and leverage, utilizing it as a mere stepping stone towards their ambitions that ranged from dominating the galaxy with authoritarian control to merely excerising influence within the shadows of the political realm.

Given the multitude of factions holding diverse viewpoints, it came as no surprise that the conference started to crumble even before reaching any consensus. As old grievances resurfaced and historical events were scrutinized, it became evident that the galaxy, much like certain market trends, perpetually repeats itself. To an external observer, each new stock introduced to the market appeared novel and invigorating. However, individuals with insider information recognized that these were merely existing products repackaged and marketed under a different label.

Laborr's lack of communication would be evident to anyone observant, as numerous plans and thoughts flooded his mind momentarily. Should the Federation seek to portray themselves as the good-guys in the conference or the corporation which was known for avarious and greed. Each avenue would be explored, as the conference would carry on.

"It is intriguing to observe the irony in a former member of the Mawite Brotherhood discussing mass execution and the value of human life, considering the brutal enslavement that was enforced during their reign and the countless planets destroyed for the so called 'Rebirth of the Galaxy'." The Viceroy explained, casting a solid look at Onrai Onrai as the mere suggestion that they valued human life.

"Prior to delving into the core details of any treaty, it is imperative to acknowledge that the efficacy of any document is contingent upon the existence of an enforcement mechanism. The question arises as to how we can guarantee that the agreements reached within this forum will not be disregarded and fade into oblivion once we depart from this assembly."


Crown Princess of Aaven, Priestess of Ashla
Objective: To attend the Accord and learn
Location: Cato hall, parliament row, Hirkenburg, Archais
Equipment: Noble Attire | Ashlan Rosary || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tags: Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran | Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr | Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti | Marcus Bastion Marcus Bastion | Onrai Onrai | Michael Barran Michael Barran | Shannic Wulf Shannic Wulf | Thade Rhas Thade Rhas | Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr | Open
"Galactic Common" | <"High Nelvaanian"> | ["Essonian"] | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>


My father sent me to this place because he said it was a great opportunity to learn how diplomacy works, on a galaxy-wide scale. I've never participated in an event like this before, except as an observer on our planet. I felt it was too early. Even with my distant aunt present, as their journey was so different from ours. When one of the delegates said she was from the Dark Empire, I looked over for a moment. Somewhere I wished my sister Ellayina had been there. She was the rightful heir to the throne of the planet before she decided to heed the call of Korvan and Darth Solipsis and betray our family and our religion.

Every day I have prayed to Ashla to bring my sister back to us, but so far without success. She was raised to be a ruler one day, not me. I felt that it was too much for me, as I could hardly leave my sterilised quarters before due to my autoimmune disease. This too was only recently solved, so I was finally free to move around at home and leave the planet where I was born, which was close to Ession.

I didn't understand much of the arguments, as I could see I must have been the youngest person in this place; on most planets I might not even have reached the age of majority. I was born years after the Second Great Hyperspace War, by which time the Maw was off the map, the Ashlans were off the map, the Empire was off the map. I only knew these empires from the "pages" of history books, or from my family history. I was not only L'lerim, but also Kala'myr from the planet Serenno. My bloodline was involved in both the Eternal Empire, the former NIO and the Ashlan Crusade. True, I was born on the planet where I will one day rule. If I live to see it, of course. But these were not important now. I was here to learn.

To gain some confidence, I tightened my rosary. I wanted a galaxy where there was no war, no hostility. But as long as Bogan was present, it was unthinkable and unreachable. I tried to listen and learn, but everything seemed so fast, I felt a little lost in the situation. Especially when old grievances come up. Finally, however, the issue of prisoners of war was raised. Here, what was said by the delegate from the Empire of the Lost did not please me. How can you think such a thing?

"I am Lady Lilianna Kala'myr-L'lerim and I would like to express my doubts about what Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti said about prisoners of war." I said a little hesitant and embarrassed, after all, a girl of barely seventeen or eighteen is not very forceful in such a community. "As for prisoners of war, not only those who sign the treaty must be protected, but everyone. To show the way. The same rights shall be enjoyed by the peoples of nations or states captured by the parties to this treaty. otherwise we are no better than those because of whom we would enter into this contract."

At the end of my words, I blushed deeply and closed my eyes in confusion. I think I spoke a little more passionately and romantically than I should have. But for the moment I didn't know how I should have said it. Perhaps I was too dreamy and romantic. I would have been happy if at least someone I knew had been here to support me. After my previous words, I chose not to speak, instead finding myself nervously wrinkling the sleeve of my dress. I was trying to force myself to sit in a manner befitting a heir to a throne, elegantly and as still as possible, but I was quite fidgety and nervous.

In Ashla's name; I wished my father had sent someone with me to help and support me. I think it's best to keep quiet after this and really just listen and learn from those who are more experienced in politics and diplomacy.

2nd Post










Tags (Mediators): Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr

Tags (Delegates): Bex Tarring Bex Tarring Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim
Marcus Bastion Marcus Bastion Castor Crane Castor Crane Velran Kilran Velran Kilran Onrai Onrai Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti




Well, I guess I better start amending.... More kindling for my proposal.

They sure like to talk fast though, so be it.
I can scribble faster than it takes for them to agree on this or that.

For such a grand array, it was all Siyarr could do to keep from professing the unexpectedly-acute boredom that assailed him, as like with all things Galactic, Novanians were always slow to evolve in some modernising aspects. It was much less the subject matter that glazed his eyes over, but rather the repetitive, monotonal, droning oration-tone all the politicians had adopted as a habit, though in understanding the general urgency of the matter at hand, the Dreamer kept his mind focused on the notes he was drafting at the time.

'Hmmm.... Trade-route/Hyperlane - assurances.... I'm sure we can lower death-rates easily on the hyperlane issue, and yet - they seem to be deathlooping on that in particular.'

Throwing hands up in surrender to the flow of the discussion, the Senator sighed in near-dejected acquiescence to the very conference Siyarr himself convened, though more matters would be lobbied along the way, or at least enough to justify keeping the Datapad handy. Muttering raised issues to himself like,'POW pro - tections.... Diplomatic lines - of communication.... Established rules - of war, Galactic standard - I like these.', whilst typing as quickly as he could, though it wouldn't take long for a sense of irritability to creep to the forefront of his thoughts. One of many teething pains in the early-stages of Heady's political tenure, but in absence of a tribal leader the Novanians could trust, the closest possible candidate to stand as their voice was but one person, just one Shaman across the entire planet to speak for their sake on the grand political stage.

'Ya know what? I want my Hookah.'

However, little did the white-eyed masses know that their independent Senator would hold to the ideals of his predecessor, even if only in private. Yet the blessings wouldn't stop there, as the one they chose to succeed their Priest-King was better-equipped for political service than even their Senator was willing to admit at the time, unorthodox though Siyarr's methods were; and thus, under other, similar circumstances, this informal approach would never change for as long as the Dreamer's tenure continued. Anything beyond the introductory pageantry, the moment of commencement-timing, was to be handled in frank, conversational flow, as was behaviourally sound for all who would speak publicly as Dreamseers.

'Kratharr, my good man! YOU KNOW WHAT I NEED, AND YOU KNOW I NEED IT NOW!!!! Look lively!'

Heedless of all the delegates, (all whom had eyes turned in the Senator's direction at the time) Heady would wait for his smoking apparatus, and when the Hookah was eventually placed on a plinth-table at the Senator's side, all delegations in attendance would be enticed into further, patient silence. All watching on as the elevated local eccentric lit and smoked his fill of inoffensive, flavoured daytime herbs, though the Dreamer was quick to break the silence and prompt,'Resume discussions, you can rest assured we're noting worthy suggestions for my proposal.', only to resume filling the conference hall with scented smoke in effortless, near-gormless neglect of formality.

'Keep brainstorming, and please, dispense with your enmities for now - I have your concerns in mind.... Continue.'




Location: ARCHAIS


The cyber-eyed ExO sat quietly among the panel reserved for the Corporatists, as they so astutely were named, peering through his artificial orbs at the delegation gathered before him. Castor couldn’t help but smirk to himself as agents from not one, or two, but three Empires bickered over the details of peace and amnesty. It was almost as if any superpower with the ‘E’ word in its exonym had been the good guys.

Not that Castor was here to be the good guy himself. The ExO had his own agenda to push. He just found it comical that things were already coming to verbal blows in the early hours of what was intended to be a war crime accord. Fingers pointing, blame shifting. When the opportunity came, Castor made it known he would like the stage. The well-groomed near-human rose and approached the podium no differently than in the countless board rooms he’d led. He was natural, calm, almost automated in his approach.

I am ExO Castor Crane of the Corporate Sector Authority. I’m familiar with some of you,” he said, nodding to Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr and the Trade Federation delegates, “but many of you are strangers to the CSA - and we to you,” he admitted. “I hope to change that today by committing the Corporate Authorities to these Accords, should they prove mutually beneficial to all parties.” The ExO adjusted the CSA crest pinned to his lapel, then carried on.

People are a valuable resource, one that’s not as easy to replenish as it is to destroy. Total war carves out the enemy, but who’s left to till the scorched earth you leave behind? The Corporate Sector values sentient life; it is the very foundation of everything we have built. If the safeguarding of lives displaced by war is a priority, then we are in agreement.

There were many points and ideas floating in the air, still waiting to be plucked and expanded upon; he chose that of the crown princess Lilianna L'lerim Lilianna L'lerim first, nodding her direction as he spoke with an almost wolfish demeanor. “The protection of prisoners of war is certainly something the CSA can support. Especially considering that those displaced by conflict will be in dire need of housing, supplies, and work - all things we can provide, for a reasonable price. Corporate work contracts see that both my client corporations and needy workers are satisfied.

Life contracts,’ they called it, but Castor wouldn’t reveal that bit. It only ever took a lifetime if you piddled around instead of doing your job. He cast a brief glance to , knowing the Skakoan was likely well-versed in the manner of service he was describing. That, and he wanted to discuss the Trade Federation’s concerns next.

I imagine we will hold one another accountable for upholding the tenets of this accord with the looming threat of being excommunicated from its provisions.” Loss of access to protected hyperlanes, for example, would be enough to keep even middling members of this alliance on a tight leash. Economic collapse has claimed mightier nations than even some in attendance today, and that was just one potential punishment for crossing the pact; with players such as the Dark Empire, Castor wouldn’t put it past the member factions to simply wage war against defectors.

The ExO eyed the delegates carefully for a moment, then bowed his head respectfully. “I yield the floor,” he said, then returned to his seat with the Trade Federation panel.

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Tags: Michael Barran Michael Barran | Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr | Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim | Lilianna L'lerim Lilianna L'lerim | Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti | Marcus Bastion Marcus Bastion | Onrai Onrai | Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr | Shannic Wulf Shannic Wulf | Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran Siyarr Ahan-Mitharran | Castor Crane Castor Crane | Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira
Gear/Appearance: In Bio
Current Objective: Guard Duty for Michael Barran Michael Barran

For most of those in attendance, Thade would never see them again; they, the ones floating their well-meaning words and lies, drinking in the hot breath of one another as disagreement became jabs at moral integrity - at the foundation of who's at fault, whose sin outweighs the potential good. Bickering ensued, words and the smallest particulates of saliva venting into the air.

So much talking had already occurred that Thade halfway zoned out, hearing more or less the same game being played by all present. There was no true way to discern for himself who said what better, or what it would really change about this moment. "Lives are gambled regardless of what any of you do. I grew up fighting, felt the brunt of many conflicts in my years. I'll be down in the trenches once again I'd wager, and there I'll get to really see the good of your words."

Suddenly and without permission, Thade spoke out bluntly, painting the ugly reality of the only thing he truly understood. Some of these people had probably never raised a blaster in their life, never looked directly into the eyes of another life they'd just taken. He was not here to gloat about his own superiority, how hard it was for him to cope with the years of scars he'd endured, it was merely a fact.

Corporate logistics, contracts, lies, a politician's promise, the smile and wave of someone that will never truly know.

There could be good in the hearts of those present, Thade couldn't be the ultimate judge of their character. Perhaps he just misspoke, perhaps he'd never needed to make a noise at all, but alas his mouth had opened, and his tongue had shaped his statement.
3rd Post










Tags (Mediators): Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr

Tags (Delegates): Bex Tarring Bex Tarring Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Thade Rhas Thade Rhas
Marcus Bastion Marcus Bastion Castor Crane Castor Crane Onrai Onrai Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti




Some potential co-signers here?
Not bad, not bad at all.

Crane, and L'lerim - names of whom I ought to make personal note.

Despite the tension that clung to the air, cloying at the very prospect of peace like a viral infection, the Dreamer knew there was hope yet to be found, and though the thoughts and sayings of the Galaxy's leaders had little bearing on those of their citizens, it was enough to understand that the chance for real, positive change was enough to incite such ideals in others. All Siyarr needed then was to see more persuaded around to reason, more faction leaders who held sway among their peoples, as his very concept was gaining traction in ways the Senator himself never could have anticipated, though the call to debate itself was something like a shot in the dark.

Aiming at shadows in the off-chance he reached hope - a hope that could feed the souls of many.

'Lives are gambled regardless of what any of you do. I grew up fighting, felt the brunt of many conflicts in my years. I'll be down in the trenches once again I'd wager, and there I'll get to really see the good of your words.'

Quite right, lad.... Quite right.
War approaches, this none can deny.

And here I am, gambling the merit of a rulebook for war - on a dice-roll.

Taken aback at first, the Senator still couldn't help but appreciate the candour offered by the IMP delegation's assigned bodyguard, as it was spoken in brazen disregard for particular debating formalities, habits of which Siyarr himself was still learning at the time. Much to the Dreamer's chagrin, however, so it wouldn't take long for the Novanian to see the wisdom in the words of the sword-wielding warrior, seen standing proudly behind the Imperator at the time, and it was in the lad's eyes that Siyarr wished most to find hope for a better tomorrow. The end was not nigh upon them yet, the doom of the Galaxy itself was still in a future yet to be made real, and in the impending call to reason, (and perhaps even to an honourable aversion to barbarity) the Dreamer wished increased chances of survival for the outspoken warrior.

Damned I am already, this not even Arr'Huwal dared deny.
But why must the bright and the bold suffer damnation with me?

Even if the increased odds were indirectly effected, even if they bought the lad vital minutes to ready wounded for exfill, even if only to even the odds on one particular backdrop, Siyarr was content enough to know his conscience had steered more than just himself in the right direction. But in the affectations of the truth on the Senator's ears, it was clear that too many in attendance were in the midst of hubristic calm, as if the impending war was but a madman's whisper to the Galaxy itself; and in this, the Dreamer was gifted more than enough cause for concern, only to be compounded further by the verbalised reality of approaching conflict repeating in his mind.

'Fellow swordsman.... I hear you, believe me - I would hear you from the very depths of my soul.'

It was all the Senator could do to keep himself from adopting his priestly demeanour, as was the nature of response that Arr'Huwal himself dictated to the Dreamer, and to every Dreamer chosen before him for that matter, but the common-sense of the warrior within had prevailed. Sincere though Siyarr's hypothetical sermon would have been, the honesty of his heart was always understood to have belonged to his journey as a warrior most of all, and when the Senator turned to admit,'Its like a gut-feeling, isn't it? Like we're suddenly just cattle in the hours approaching the abbatoir, even worse when none around you seem to notice.... Walking with dulcet, gleeful eyes to their doom.... Maddening, isn't it?', reaching for the hilt of a sword that had been locked away for years by then.



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