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Approved Starship Shatual Class Heavy Battleship MKII

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Shatual Class Heavy Battleship MKII

  • Standard Countermeasures
  • Standard Engine Unit
  • Standard Guidance Systems
  • Standard Hyperdrive System
  • Standard Life Support Systems
  • Standard Shielding System
  • Standard Targeting Systems
  • Power Generation
    • The Shatual Class is outfitted with a Hypermatter Annihilator System as a standard feature, enabling it to generate a significant amount of power to sustain its numerous systems and sub-systems. This capability allows the Shatual Class to have an extended operational duration compared to other battle cruisers of similar classification that are currently deployed throughout the galaxy.
  • Formidable Vessel
    • The Shatual Class is a highly formidable ship that can be compared to its Mandalorian Operators. It is equipped with a wide range of weapon emplacements and missile launchers, including Hypervelocity Cannons and Mass Driver Cannons, which enable it to effectively defend itself. These powerful cannons are capable of penetrating through standard shielding arrays. Moreover, the Shatual Class is equipped with advanced shield arrays that provide it with exceptional protection, allowing it to withstand damage that could potentially incapacitate other ships.
  • Extensive Hangers
    • The Shatual Class is outfitted with spacious hangars that can accommodate a maximum of 26 Starfighter Squadrons and 2 Support Craft Squadrons. This capability enables the Shatual Class to effectively engage carriers and other battleships in combat, as it is well-protected against enemy starfighter attacks from bombers and interceptors.
  • Very Low Maneuverability
    • To accommodate additional armaments and shielding arrays on the Battleship MKII, Byblos Star Drives made the decision to sacrifice maneuverability. Although this adjustment does not significantly impact the Battleship's combat effectiveness against similar vessels, it does increase the vulnerability to starfighters and smaller craft sneaking up from behind and targeting the engines with precision attacks.
  • Very Low Speed
    • The Shatual Class, despite its significant size, experiences a substantial reduction in acceleration, rendering it incapable of keeping pace with swifter spacecrafts like corvettes and smaller starfighter crafts that are presently deployed in the galactic frontier. Although this may not typically present a major issue, it does heighten the vulnerability of the Shatual Class to concentrated enemy fire, impeding its ability to effectively evade attacks.

The Shatual Class Heavy Battleship MKII represents the latest generation of Mandalorian Warships from Byblos Star Drives, featuring significant modernization upgrades and enhanced hull designs to adapt to the dynamic nature of modern warfare scenarios.

The Shatual Class was specifically crafted to venture beyond the confines of the Galactic Alliance Shipbuilding Market, aiming to establish a formidable presence in the Mandalorian Weapon Market. By doing so, it sought to rival the renowned MandalMotors and Kestri Hypernauntics. This strategic move was driven by the desire to safeguard the traditional homeworld of the Mandalorians from potential aggression by the Galactic Alliance should the Dark Empire Conflict spiral out of control.

The cutting-edge battleship is equipped with a wide range of weapons that are tailored to combat the most powerful adversaries in the galaxy, including the Imperial Holdouts from the Old New Imperial Order and the Formidable Armada of the Sith Order. Measuring approximately 5,000 meters in length and featuring robust shielding and heavy armor, the Shatual Class was created to dominate even the most resilient foes in individual confrontations.

One cannot overlook the significant drawbacks of this vessel, primarily its limited maneuverability and sluggish speed. These shortcomings render it susceptible to being outmaneuvered on the battlefield, especially by a skilled tactician.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Credit Wizard Credit Wizard

As usual very cool sub, but I found some problems:
  • Ham's permission's link is broken because it is a discord link, I would like to ask you to edit it.
  • As a company or Minor faction you cannot make or own 5.000 metres ships in Limited production scale only on a Unique scale. You can see here.
    • So what you imagined that is only possible with the MP as Manufacturer and Affiliation. I would like to ask you to rethink the ship's size or the affiliation and edit these.
Credit Wizard Credit Wizard

As usual very cool sub, but I found some problems:
  • Ham's permission's link is broken because it is a discord link, I would like to ask you to edit it.
  • As a company or Minor faction you cannot make or own 5.000 metres ships in Limited production scale only on a Unique scale. You can see here.
    • So what you imagined that is only possible with the MP as Manufacturer and Affiliation. I would like to ask you to rethink the ship's size or the affiliation and edit these.

Oops. Nice Catch

Fixed Per Request
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Credit Wizard Credit Wizard

Thank you!
About the production scale, I can only approve it something like this:
  • Limited - For Mandalorian Major Factions
  • Unique - For Mandalorian Minor Factions or Companies
Because only Major Factions can own/field/produce 5.000 metres ships as Limited. and for Companies and Minor factions this is only Unique.
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