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E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Location: ???
Equipment: The Soulsabers (hidden) | Brynja coat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland
Tag: Darth Voyance Darth Voyance

Ingrid was just on Dromund Kaas to deal with Tower Vandiir when she received an invitation from Darth Voyance Darth Voyance . To tell the truth, the invitation was unexpected for her because she did not expect the woman to be interested in her. They had never met before, but if all was true, she could feel the woman's aura several times. Most recently at Korriban. She read files about the Sith Lord, just as heard rumours. They were essentially perfect opposites of each other. That's why she didn't understand what she wanted.

True, the woman was a Sith, which is why the red-haired woman did not even try to find meaning or an explanation. Ingrid has already learned that in many cases it is unnecessary to look for something like this. However, since the other woman was a leader of an emerging power, she could not say no to the invitation. She was aware that this was also part of her duties, but she would have rather spent her time trying to solve Adrian's mystery and resurrect her dead husband.

As usual, she was travelling on the Sith Lord’s former yacht, which she inherited after her husband’s death. As always she wears her military uniform, she controls the yacht herself, no live escorts went with her, only droids on board. While travelling, she still spent her time in the laboratory, and of course she dealt with imperial matters. But returning to the present, when she got close to the given coordinates, exited from the hyperspace with the ship and then went to the meeting place.

Depending on whether it was a ship or a planet, it landed in the ship’s hangar, if it was a planet, then in the specified spaceport. Once the landing was over, she got out of the luxury yacht and walked to the reception committee.

"Lead me to Darth Voyance!" said in her usual cold, military voice.




The luxury yacht belonging to the Lady Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim landed on the landing pad of one of the Mega-Towers that straddled the many rivers of the Shoengen Delta. The delta's rivers divided the city of Sheongen into many smaller island districts, each commanded by a Mega-Tower. The one Lady Ingrid had landed upon was the prime tower of the city, and the one by which the Ore-Duke of Brosi, installed by the Warlords of the Sith after the planet's conquest, occupied. But, instead of the Ore-Duke, the Dark Saint of the Warlords of the Sith, Darth Voyance, was first to greet Lady Ingrid upon her entry into the reception committee's offices. The office was a floor-spanning room with panoramic windows displaying the river and city vistas of Sheongen. Darth Voyance was in her dark red robes and coat peering out from one of the windows. As Lady Ingrid entered Voyance turned her head first, flashing a brief grin and then turning her whole body to eye the Eternal Empress.​

"The Eternal Empress," said Darth Voyance, continuing, "I had hoped you would agree to our meeting."

Voyance strolled at a purposely measured and leisurely pace towards Ingrid, her black-gloved hands clasped behind her back. "I am glad you have come to me," Voyance said. "I have been looking forward to this moment for a long time. Ever since my days as an apprentice in the Sith Empire's crucible of malformed education."

The Rutian Sith Twi'Lek reach out with a hand and gestured for Ingrid to come closer and share the view with her, as Voyance turned away to stop and look out from one of the panoramic windows again. "But..." Voyance said her voice dropping platitudes to be cold and low, " seems our meeting comes at a dark time for you, Empress." Her golden eye rolled to the side to glance back at Ingrid, "My condolences. Loss is something, even for Sith, a tragic thing to bear...especially you have. But of course...such things a great fuel for us dark ones. Loss breeds anger to persevere, to venerate the fallen, and grow in power in their memory."

"Don't you agree? Empress?"
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Location: Shoengen City, Brosi
Equipment: The Soulsabers (hidden) | Brynja coat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland
Tag: Darth Voyance Darth Voyance

Ingrid couldn't argue with the fact that Brosi was impressive. In fact, Tubrok would have appreciated this place much better because the man loved architecture in particular. She didn't know much about the design of the city, but when she entered the office, immediately saw the Dark Saint; she had felt her aura (unless the twi’lek had hidden it) before. She really was one of the people she felt. As she entered the room, looked through the twi’lek woman and then nodded at her.

"Dark Saint, Darth Voyance! Nice to meet you!" her voice was cold, military and emotionless as usual.

Now that she had stopped, she had also taken up her usual military position; little straddle and hands clasped behind her back. After the hand moved, walked closer and joined the other woman at the window. The Empress also looked out over the city. She missed the snow and the traces of the tundra, or just the permanent snow and ice cover. She had been used to this all her life when she was at home, always loved the cold, frosty environment.

Another condolence; she probably didn't take that seriously either. As Voyance began to speak, the red-haired woman looked at her. As for her, others could feel her completely neutral in the Force, neither on the Light Side nor on the Dark Side. She looked into the golden eyes with her blue eyes. Ingrid suppressed all her emotions, only pain and emptiness were present, but by now she had been able to hide them as well from others. Only very few who were like her could feel it. Who felt the same way she did; as last time it was @Rurik Fel…

"Thank you, Darth Voyance. And no, I don't agree with you. I am not a Sith, my masters and teachers may have been Sith, or they once were, but I was taught according to other views. I was never a Sith. For you, or another Sith, the emotions you list might be fuel, but I don’t feel anything. Neither do I feel anger or hatred when I killed Runi Verin Runi Verin because she killed Darth Prospero. She killed my husband, yes. I did not kill her out of revenge, but because it was my duty. I wanted to hate her for it? Yes, but I wasn’t and I can’t do so."

Looked out the window again and spoke again.

"I am confident that this trifle will not affect relations between our states…"





"Thank you, Darth Voyance. And no, I don't agree with you. I am not a Sith, my masters and teachers may have been Sith, or they once were, but I was taught according to other views. I was never a Sith. For you, or another Sith, the emotions you list might be fuel, but I don’t feel anything. Neither do I feel anger or hatred when I killed Runi Verin Runi Verin because she killed Darth Prospero. She killed my husband, yes. I did not kill her out of revenge, but because it was my duty. I wanted to hate her for it? Yes, but I wasn’t and I can’t do so."
said Ingrid.

Darth Voyance's eyes narrowed and she clung to every word with razor suspicion. Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim was indeed holding herself in check. Cold, militaristic silence armored herself from Voyance's prodding and the Force fell quiet around her. But Voyance knew, by the very need to be armored, the need to be disciplined in hiding - or to be franker, denying herself what she felt, meant there was something. Voyance was Sith. Sith used their emotions as weapons of create power and destruction. Ingrid was neither Jedi nor Sith, neither draconian in her control or unwieldy in her unleashing of emotions. But emotions cared little for which creed you followed. They lingered and if untouched, fester into darker things. For Voyance they festered into more - powerful things.

Looked out the window again and spoke again. "I am confident that this trifle will not affect relations between our states…"

Voyance watched Ingrid when she stopped speaking, quietly searching for a flaw in her emotional armor. The Rutian Twi'lek then suddenly stepped close to Ingrid. She moved into her space and stood right beside her. Voyance was a small breath away from Ingrid's face, her very scent close enough for Ingrid to sense. Voyance in the Force was a churning inferno, but, of not fuming terror like other Sith of her might. Voyance's storm was a cold fire, that burned bright with emotions chained to her will's rage. To Ingrid it perhaps felt like the chill of death - cold but embracing. Voyance leaned her head close, so close her nose almost touched Ingrid's. Softly, Voyance whispered into Ingrids ear, the small currents of her words brushing the air between them.

"I am afraid, your excellency, I don't believe you." whispered Darth Voyance, her words like a serpent slithering into Ingrid's ear. "I sense it. It is my power you see. Ever since I could remember I could peer into people like Force does into the fabric of reality. I see it in you. Deep grief that blinds you. And desperation to die. Die and meet the departed. Of course if you are so desperate I can oblige you and send you to meet your beloved. But...that would be such a waste...don't you think?"

Voyance leaned away but kept herself close, tightly so. "I do not fear our states coming to a clash. Rest assured," Voyance continued her voice still low, "My fear comes from you, Empress. You deny yourself the right to feel and threaten all you have created by it. This pressure in you will snap and destroy you. Unless you embrace it and master it. But of course...I am a Sith...what would I know of control...and power."
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Location: Shoengen City, Brosi
Equipment: The Soulsabers (hidden) | Brynja coat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland
Tag: Darth Voyance Darth Voyance

As Voyance stepped closer, Ingrid's whole body tensed, ready to jump. She wasn't used to having unauthorized people venture so close to her if she didn't allow it all. Usually, whoever does it will die. Now, however, she ordered her body to stop in time before she struck down to try to kill the woman. Now that she was successful with that, looked into the other woman's eyes with a cold look, she was able to be motionless again. The Empress thought it possible that the other woman didn't even know that her life depended on a moment.

Ingrid knew this frosty, cold fire perfectly. Her own aunt, or even Curse, was like that. Or she has already stolen / borrowed such an emotion from someone else. She knew it and was not afraid of them. Either way from any such emotion. She never feared herself, but sometimes others, for a moment before she suppressed that feeling as well. Not intentionally, instinctively. It was in someone if they had been raised up to suppress their emotions since they were barely a year old; not to mention her genetic inheritance, which she inherited from her father. Her unique genetic anomaly, what Adrian found quite interesting.

Did the woman notice that part of Ingrid's soul was missing? Or that Adrian’s two soulshards are here in three pieces? And is it part of Ingrid’s soul that is now missing part of Netherworld, and that’s why the red-haired woman is attached to the afterlife? Or what the woman really was? She didn’t know the answer.

"Then you also see the deep "constantly bleeding" wound on my soul caused by the destruction of the Force Bond between the two of us. You're wrong, Darth Voyance; it doesn’t blind me because I have a duty that makes me sober. To serve the Eternal Empire."

Paused for a moment.

"It may be my desire somewhere very deep, but I know my duties, they are ahead of my personal desires. I don't give my life for free anyway. Don’t think that’s how you know who I am, you can’t see more than one of my sides either. I do not deny these of myself; I control them perfectly, as do the emotions of others, when I take away their anger, hatred or any of them." said in a still cold voice. " And that’s the huge difference between us, Dark Saint. I don't care about power. I once felt what it was like to be a Sith, thanks to the wrath of Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter . I don’t ask for more anger, rage or lust for power. None of this will corrupt me. I control these unwanted feelings, even when I use others’, they don’t control or rule me."



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