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Faction Moral Ethics & Diplomacy 101 [New Jedi Order]

Caedyn Arenais


Curriculum: Philosophy, Ethics & Diplomacy.
Class Tutor: Caedyn Arenais.
Location: The Jedi Temple of Coruscant | Meditation Chamber.
Candidates: Open to all Jedi Padawan & Supervising Mentors.

It was Caedyn's first week on duty within the New Jedi Order of the Galactic Alliance. As he had offered to Valery Noble Valery Noble during his induction to the Coruscanti Jedi Temple, the Jedi Knight had booked out one of the larger Meditation Chambers, scheduling a class for voluntary choosing by Students and their mentors alike. An invitation to this class could be found for those utilizing the Jedi Comport (If anyone still used this at all), the numerous notice schedules that went out to Students on the regular, and forward to all Jedi Knights and Masters under the Temple's roster of personnel.

Following in the habitual practices of his father's former style of teaching, he adopted Veiere's curriculum, and the first of what he hoped would be consistent lessons was to be a class on Philosophy, Ethics and Diplomacy within the Jedi Order and their way of practice both in and outside of the Temple grounds. This meant that it was entirely theoretical, a group-led discussion rather than something practical such as Lightsaber Arts & Theory, another of the curriculums that he would offer.

The setting was a very spacious and comfortable one. Meditation Cushions had been placed in a wide arcing semi-circle with several rows to ensure that the students had a good line of sight of Caedyn, who would be seated a little ways in the centre of the room. In contrast, seating had been arranged at the back of the chambers for attending Knights and Masters to sit and observe both the lesson plan and their Padawan Learners.

With a bit of luck and no small amount of optimism, Caedyn sat himself down upon his cushion. He was a little early, however not without good cause as he handled his datapad in both hands, looking over a range of subjects that might be preferrable or most important to the learning of the students ranging from the Jedi Code, Training Etiquette, Temple Etiquette, Field Conduct, and much more.
The silver jedi had been given an open invitation and well the ideas behind it were quite fun. Ethics within the jedi order were always something to take notes on and she did enjoy properly learning about many of the things. The Nameless jedi was well she rarely left the grand library developing an upgrade for many droids that uploaded information for her so that was how she had learned about this class and headed out. Her grey bodysuit was developed to be form fitted but it wasn't made to draw attention. With a cloak that came off of her shoulders and covered her body. Her hip holding her lightsaber on one side and a tome developed from Sasori to access her interface with the great library of manuals database connected to other things like the jedi archives or networks.

Zoar didn't like talking.

As Jedi, they were expected to be peacekeepers. Which was easy to forget, given the long and arduous wars the Galactic Alliance found itself in. To forsake the conflict would be irresponsible, but diplomacy was just as important, no, more important to the life of a knight. Knowing how to talk was crucial, moreso than knowing how to swing a laser sword.

This class was especially important for Zoar, considering he found meeting new people utterly terrifying.

Which is why an enormous powersuit entered the meditation chamber, plodding slowly towards the side of the semi-circle of seats. The clanky mech lowered to the floor, folding it's manipulators in a strangely timid fashion.

Zoar was hoping to break out of his shell with this class. Figuratively. Not literally.

He enjoyed his literal shell very much, thank you.

- Caedyn Arenais - Nameless One Nameless One -

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Coruscant, Jedi Temple
Tags: Caedyn Arenais, Zoar Zoar , Nameless One Nameless One

It was weird to be back in classes again after being absent from the Temple for two years, but Jasper was ready to get back into the swing of things and keep his momentum up. Before, he had been reserved and rather isolated, something that had left him alone in his youth, or at least the early part of his youth. Now he was determined to put his best foot forward and become an active member of the New Jedi Order. And of course, what future knight was to become so without Ethics and Diplomacy.

Jasper made his way into the meditation chamber that had been reserved by Caedyn Arenais for the class, a master he had not had the pleasure of meeting as of yet. If he was anything like the masters that Jasper had met since coming out of exile, this would be an interesting class. Pyf, his floating droid companion, accompanied him, mainly to record the lecture for later use.

“Jeez,” Jasper whispered to Pyf. “I don’t know where to sit. I wanna be close to where the lecture is happening, but not too close. Ya know?”

“You are so indecisive,” Pyf informed him. “Just sit by someone you don’t know, introduce yourself. This isn’t quantum mechanics.”

“Easy for you to say,” Jasper frowned.

“How about over there?” Pyf suggested. “Suit of power armor. Could be a conversation starter.”

Jasper looked over to where Zoar Zoar was sitting. It was odd to see a Jedi in a suit of power armor, but there certainly was some intrigue there. And what better way to get better at talking to people than introducing yourself to the most intimidating individual.

“Alright,” Jasper sighed. “If I look stupid, I’m blaming you.”

Jasper made his way over to where the armored individual was sitting, getting their attention.

“Hey,” Jasper announced awkwardly. “Er, mind if I sit here?”



No master, no saber of his own (the training saber on his belt didn't count), and no exciting missions to go on. That meant he had the days all to himself, right?


Gabe sat in his seat for the umpteenth lecture since he'd moved into his spartan room in the Coruscant Jedi Temple after its opening. 'A lot of things aren't turning like you thought they would.' he thought to himself bitterly. He'd thought that as soon as Osarla returned, he always knew she would, that she would take him on as her padawan immediately, no questions asked. He also thought he'd see his father a lot more but apparently, the campaign trail for his running mate meant that he wasn't even ON Coruscant that much right now. He also imagined Padawan Learner training having a lot more combat and technical stuff than research and lecture. But so far since he'd ben here he'd done two reports on ancient Jedi, read three holobooks on proper lightsaber care, and helped organize the new archives EIGHT times.

And now he was in his umpteenth lecture. Was it something actually interesting like War history or a lecture on starship piloting? No. It was a kriffing lecture on "Jedi Ethics and Diplomacy". He rolled his eyes and eyed the big robot man. He'd seen the thing around the temple a few times, but he'd always assumed it was some sort of advanced Jedi Defense droid, like a suped up KJ Page Droid. But droids didn't attend lectures. Curious.

Forced into attendance, the Padawan had all the disinterest Coruscant could muster thrown across his face. He wondered as to the benefits of a masterless Padawan, if Kai had been threatened with the notion of an ethics discussion. Yet those moments of his life were over, the voice inside his head made sure to note in a thankful tune, now so rife with responsibilities and duties to adhere to. Sometimes, Corin wished to shun them. Set them aside, lead his life in whatever manner the teen wished. But there was no return from this road, Corin soon admitted, that the thirst for this life could never be set aside.

But his desires lied in the war. In the need to face the Sith and face them head on, as all his old heroes had. He sat and mused on the matter, had his Jedi heroes come to think of their ethics of what diplomatic repercussions would come from the destruction of their foes, of the Sith? The Jedi had been the force of ultimate reason, and their enemies were evil incarnate. For what need did each of them have for either, he asked, and for what need did the lot of them have for those two now? The Maw infiltrated the core, tore a hole into it, and instead of the frontlines all of them sat about in discussion. In a lecture, and of what right did this man have to lecture him, a frustrated Corin pondered.

The Silver Jedi had been in league with the Sith, he all too often recollected, even now as he stared into the eyes of Caedyn Arenais and internally denounced him as a Jedi. Of what authority had they been to comment on ethics at all. None, he considered as he leaned back - with legs crossed over one another and arms held behind him, the learner was both present and not.

How he longed to be back on Denon. Already tired of what the Jedi Temple had in store.


"You really don't want to be here?"

Usual people would figure it'd be from the checked out expression Corin had or the posture. Iris though, she still didn't know how to read body language. So the question was genuine, filled with surprise instead of judgement. Ethics, diplomacy, they were facts of a Jedi life if what she'd been reading up had any proof. And it wasn't like Master Noble didn't teach her the importance of it all.

Just, usually ended with one of them getting shot. Aggressive negotiations wasn't how all diplomacy went, surely.

And yet, here was a Padawan that just seemed incredibly unwilling to be here. At least going by the colors around him. The scarred Keshain sat beside him, looking over those very same colors. Not actually looking at him.

Oh wait this was the guy Kai got into a fist fight the other day. Realization settled in pretty quick as she blinked and actually looked at him.

".. Oh. Um. I'm Iris."

Corin Trenor Corin Trenor | @Others
Another lesson on Coruscant? he wasn't against the whole idea but sometimes they could really wear you down, especially when you were already tired to begin with. His lack of sleep and worry had finally returned after a short spell of peace, something which was a nice change compared to feeling exhausted and miserable all the time. The only reason he was granted such a release was from telling Starlin Rand Starlin Rand about who he really was, but now it had come back to remind the poor padawan he had someone else more important to tell before his head could somewhat ease itself again.

In the morning, Valery Noble Valery Noble contacted him to attend such a lesson as it would prove beneficial to his training. Ethics seemed to be important considering they'd be encountering all sorts of aliens and civilizations along the way, however, the sound of it wanted to make Silas's already exhausted state fall to the floor and sleep through the entirety of the lesson. He just hoped with the little energy he had would be enough to get through this snail's pace of a lecture.

As he walked through the front entrance of a large meditation chamber he noticed some unfamiliar faces. That's right, Master Valery did mention that some Silver Jedi would be in attendance this evening. Why they were here was unknown to Silas, but he was sure they were decent enough warriors either way.

Silas made his way towards the front and noticed one of the familiar faces of the trouble makers from the padawan exhibition. Sighing, he lowered himself down next to him and crossed his legs, the corner of his tired eyes giving him a stern look briefly before looking back to Caedyn Arenais on the cushions

"I'm surprised you decided to show up to one of these events considering what happened last time..."

Then, not a moment later Iris Arani Iris Arani stood next to them and introduced herself. With a respectful nod, he gave a short wave and smile "Evening Iris, I'm sure you are more excited than I am about this lesson"
Corin was content to sit and allow all the noise to become a blur. Let it sit in the air, hover. Stir. He came a decision in less than a second, and that was that this lecture was a waste of his time. Their time, all of them. Whatever. He settled into the most comfortable stance he could, soon to enter an almost meditative state to zone out into.

Or so he thought.

He rolled his head around to face the younger boy, "It's uh, punishment." A brief, forced and strained smile met his features. Intentionally so.

The Padawan knew little of Silas, other than that he was the apprentice to Valery Noble. Another member of the Council, much like his own Master. He wondered if there was a certain prestige in being the student of a Council member, or mere luck of the draw. Just a momentary thought. Elitism, no matter where, was too much of an effort for Corin to care for.

He craned his neck to face Iris, another Padawan he was unfamiliar with. "Corin," he said with a slight nod, "Good meeting you."

Much of his Jedi career had been spent in seclusion from his fellows. He was often attached to Dagon, surrounded by other Knights and Masters. Left to shut his mouth, to watch and to listen. Maybe the reason he became so vocal in the face of others intended to be his equals.

But that was that, and Corin became front-facing once more. Though his eyebrows certainly lifted with some humoured surprise as to what Silas said to Iris next.

Silas Westgard Silas Westgard Iris Arani Iris Arani


Iris returned the friendly wave to Silas. And nodded. Yeah, she was actually excited to learn these kinds of lessons. Talking to people was probably the thing she sucked the most with, of all the things she was bad at anyway. "Are you not? Diplomacy is an important part about being a Jedi. Not everything needs to be solved through violence. No, we shouldn't be trying to solve anything through violence if we can, right?"

Her gaze shifted, glancing towards the front of the class room. Watching the others filter in. She recognized a couple more faces. Zoar most of all. She offered the mech suit a wave and a bright smile.

"I'm sure Ma.. Knight? Do we call him teacher?" And like that whatever thought process she had fell to the wayside as Iris instead contemplated the appropriate title for the leader of the lesson. Caedyn wasn't a Master, right? Would it be wrong then to call him Master Arenais? Would Knight be better? Maybe just teacher. Teacher was weird to use, though? She frowned, brow furrowed.

This was a serious topic in her mind.

Silas Westgard Silas Westgard | Corin Trenor Corin Trenor

Location: Coruscant Temple

After her first meeting with Caedyn Arenais, she had been excited to see how he'd settle in and jump into the busy life of an NJO Jedi. She had expected that he'd need some time to get adjusted and determine where he could help out the most, but to her surprise, he had it figured out very quickly. With a war devastating the Galaxy, it was important that Jedi remained true to the Code and what they believed in, so when she heard he had scheduled a class on ethics and diplomacy, it had piqued her interest.

Both her Padawans were updated so they could be in attendance, and the moment she got out of her early morning meetings, she quietly slipped into the room and sat down in the back while she tried not to draw any attention to her. She just flashed Caedyn a quick smile and a nod of her head, but the students were likely all too focused on the teacher.

There, she'd remain quiet so she could observe how it all went, but she was ready to assist if it was required at any point too. Not that she expected it to be necessary — she trusted Caedyn would handle it just fine with all of his experience.

Be careful what you wish for.

The last thing that evil wants...


Location: Coruscant - Jedi Temple - Classroom

"Vanguard" (Secondary - Long Handle)

"CONSERVATOR" (Primary - Long Handle)
Robes, Battle Armor,Toraynor-Henkan(mind crystal added) Advanced Jedi Utility Belt
Starship: Spectre, HK-88 (Jedi Interceptor in the hangar, Dilorian, and Bike both in the cargo bay, the late Karki Eusith's Armor, Shield, Temple Guard Lightsaber mounted on the wall)
Allies: Caedyn Arenais Valery Noble Valery Noble / Anyone who wishes to converse!

“Ethics is knowing the difference between what you have a right to do and what is right to do.” ― Potter Stewart

They had just bought a new apartment nearby, it was a nice one, once belonging to a Senator from Naboo… former Chancellor. The history books would reveal his name in several different lights if enough searches were done, but the massive Jedi Master knew who it belonged to. He could feel it. So could Chrysa. She did not care for the lingering sensations in the air, but knew how to counter them (after all, they were over eight hundred years old). Besides, she loved how the place looked, and the location.

She “kicked” Caltin out for the day so that she could decorate, so he willingly (laughingly) went about his own business. It was cool, there was something interesting going on at the Temple, there was an ethics class that an old friend, Caedyn Arenais, was teaching. He was trying to get back into the swing of things. The group setting would be a good class for that so the big man decided to sit in, not necessarily to provide a presence but because he wanted to be there for the experience.

Walking into the chamber was simple enough , there were several Padawans in there. Some of them were nervous, a couple of them looked like this was a waste of time. There was a “Silver” to which he did not know the name, but knew her from her unending time in the archives and the Library, and there was Valery. Sliding up next to her, Caltin had no intention of interrupting the proceedings, but he could chat with another.

I actually feel like a Padawan walking in here. I don’t know whether that is a good thing, or a bad thing.

Oh, he tried so hard to be funny there.

Tags Allies: Caedyn Arenais, Valery Noble Valery Noble , Anyone who wishes to converse!

... is my undivided attention.


Suddenly, the room was crowded.

Scanning the meditation chamber as learners and masters alike filtered in, Zoar's power armor masked his growing unease well. Golem was the very image of calm and collected, while the Miln piloting it felt like his heart would punch it's way from his chest and flee the scene.

Deep breaths. They're all Jedi. They're either here to help, or learn like you. You're safe.

Zoar exhaled, just in time to be approached by Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el . He regarded the padawan, a cautious, anxious edge sharpening his mechanically-altered, squeaking voice.
//Y-yeah, yeah, sure. Go ahead.//

Instinctively, the lumbering padawan looked away from the stranger, noticing Iris Arani Iris Arani , the only person he knew here, give him a silent wave. Zoar waved back jerkily, happy to see someone he recognized. Well, besides the big shot Jedi masters piling up in the back.

How could they all just... walk up to people they don't know, and start a conversation? It sounded awful. What were they even supposed to talk about?

Oh, that's right. Someone walked up to me. I'd better talk to him.

//So... My name's Zoar. What's yours?// The suit turned towards Jasper once more. //I don't think I've seen you around much.//
Starlin was sitting in the classroom, flicking through a holobook titled Famous Ethical Dilemmas. His eyebrows kept climbing higher and higher the more he read of it.

Hey Miri, check this one out.” Turning toward the young woman seated beside him, he began to read aloud. “‘You, your baby, and the people of your town are being chased by a band of bad people who will kill you all if they find you. All of you decide to hide in a secret place and are silently waiting for the bad guys to move away. However you know that your baby WILL cough and the band will hear him. Then they will find you, your baby, and the townspeople and kill all of you. You have two choices: kill your baby and save yourself and the entire town, or let your baby cough and get yourself, your baby, and the entire town killed.’

Miri blinked. “I don’t think that situation is very relatable to the Jedi here.”

Heh, you’re right. Most of us would fight back, not hide.” Starlin shook his head and closed the book. “I just hate it when they try to say there are no other options. There always are. You just need to get creative.

Chucking the holobook over his shoulder, Starlin surveyed the group. The class hadn’t even officially started yet, but the majority of the Padawans in attendance already looked bored out of their minds.

I hope Caedyn knows what he’s doing,” he muttered in a low voice. The last time the two had met, he got a slightly judgmental vibe from the guy. And for what? All Starlin had done was offer the Padawans a reward for doing a good job. Sure, they were supposed to just do it without expectation of a reward. What Caedyn and his ilk seemed to have forgotten was that most of these Padawans were kids as well as Jedi. Anyone who tried to teach them was going to be competing with teenage hormones and Force knew what else for their attention. Why not make it fun?

Granted, there weren't many ways to make a discussion of ethics and diplomacy fun. But it could be interesting and engaging. Or so Starlin hoped...

Coruscant, Jedi Temple
Tags: Zoar Zoar , Caedyn Arenais, Gabriel Pryce Gabriel Pryce , etc…

//So... My name's Zoar. What's yours?// The suit turned towards Jasper once more. //I don't think I've seen you around much.//

“Jasper,” he replied with an awkward smile. “I haven’t been around much for a bit, so that’s probably why…”

Jasper was still a ‘new’ face, which would take some getting used to. Unfortunately that would mean breaking out of his comfort zone. He could do it, but it would take time. This was a good place to start. It was comforting to hear this Zoar individual sound much more anxious about the whole ordeal than he was.

“I’m trying to get back into the whole ‘Jedi’ thing, so I figured diplomacy was a good place to start,” Jasper explained. “Th-though I’ve never really been good at it.”

There had to be a better way to break the ice. Jasper wasn’t very good at starting conversations, so he scrambled to think of a topic. The answer hit him like a suit of armor.

“You an engineer?” Jasper asked. “I noticed that your rig looks pretty custom. I-I dabble in mechanics myself, but nothing too crazy.”

Hopefully he could start a conversation that wasn’t awkward, maybe even make a new friend.

Caedyn Arenais


Curriculum: Philosophy, Ethics & Diplomacy.
Class Tutor: Caedyn Arenais.
Location: The Jedi Temple of Coruscant | Meditation Chamber.
Tags: Nameless One Nameless One , Zoar Zoar , Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el , Gabriel Pryce Gabriel Pryce , Corin Trenor Corin Trenor , Iris Arani Iris Arani , Silas Westgard Silas Westgard , Valery Noble Valery Noble , Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor , Starlin Rand Starlin Rand .

Caedyn had been seated in silence for a time, watching and wearing a faint grin as students gradually made their way into the Meditation Chamber and proceeded to talk among themselves. Most of those who had arrived appeared to know someone else in the room, so there was an air of chatter between them. Others sat with anticipation, dread, resentment and/or frustration written on their faces, leaving Caedyn to keep himself from showing his amusement. No doubt some of these new faces would have preferred to be out on the sparring floor rather than listening to arguably the newest and least known Jedi Knight in a temple the size of a small city compared to his last.

Valery Noble Valery Noble and Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor arrived shortly after that, greeted in response by Caedyn with a broad smile and a nod of acknowledgement. Caltin and he went way back, and his first meeting with Caedyn was in a similar situation, only teaching Lightsaber Arts & Practice instead of Moral Ethics. On the other hand, Valery had been the one to induct Caedyn into the New Jedi Order by official means and, before that, had introduced him to the Temple of Coruscant, which he was convinced would be an endless journey of exploration before he had seen it all.

Nonetheless, it was time to get started as it seemed there were few other students to arrive. For now, at least. There were always late comers.

Moving to stand from his cushion, Caedyn rose and placed both hands behind his back as he looked across the rows of students before him; he soon spoke with a gladdened smile at the level of attendance for his first class on Coruscant. "Greetings all of you, and welcome to Moral Ethics and Diplomacy. Before we start, however, I need to introduce myself as this is only my first week here with the New Jedi Order. It's important that you know some of my experience before delving into Jedi ideologies and ethics" he gave pause to consider his following words, not wishing to bore the students with too many unnecessary details.

"My name is Caedyn Arenais, and I have been a Jedi Knight for seventeen years. The Je'daii Order initially trained me. I then turned to the Jedi when the Sith Empire invaded my homeworld of Commenor. In that time since I have served in the Order of the Silver Jedi, the Outer Rim Territories with the Rimward Trade League and before that, the Outer Planets Alliance. I have fought on the battlefield. Resided over Naval Operations and engagements, and at one stage managed a Jedi Enclave on Svivren myself." Caedyn gave another pause to let his words sink in, looking to gauge the responses of his Students before speaking further.

"My experience is widely varied, and while I am confident in my abilities with the lightsaber, like all things, at the very heart of my decisions and motivations are the teachings of ethical boundaries and moral conduct that many of you may have already been introduced to by now". Most of those who had arrived appeared to at least be in their mid-teens, leading Caedyn to expect that they'd have gone over the Jedi Code in some form before today.

"If you have any personal questions for me, you will have the chance to ask them following the conclusion of this lesson but for now, let us begin with why we're really here. Moral Ethics, Philosophy, Jedi Ettiqette and Diplomacy!" Caedyn smirked, peering across the rows of young Jedi. "The first thing you'll learn about me and my lessons is that I seek shared engagement. That means all of you will eventually have to pitch in on some of these topics..." he grinned, expecting a horrid reaction from that revelation; "And yes, I target the quiet ones so don't expect to hide in the back over there" Caedyn mused.

"As a warm-up round, let's go around the room, introducing ourselves and giving an example of what you think might fall under the discussion of Moral Ethics and Diplomacy..." Caedyn searched for his first victim, his left hand reaching out to point to Nameless One Nameless One ; "Starting with you! Doesn't need to be detailed; just give it your best shot".
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Caedyn Arenais

She looked at the others who were around her.. each of them talking with each other... some knew each other and she remained where she was taking it all in. Her glasses being pushed up the bridge of her nose with a small look through the crystal lenses. Then the one who was teaching and hosting this spoke explaining more to them. He talked about himself which she could cross check with her archives. He wantyed her to talk about herself and what she thought of morals and ethics... oh her mind raced in the fraction of a heartbeat. "I am the caretaker of the Great Library of Manuals on the Gree's archive world. I created the Lomi upgrade that updates the archives to make sure it has the latest information available and it exponentially harder to alter and delete information from." She said it and there was less pride in it.. a statement of the facts... a presentation of why she had been entrusted with a place like the library. "As to my definition of ethics Master Arenais, I would have to go to fraternization abd gow it can distract from communion with the force."

That means all of you will eventually have to pitch in on some of these topics..." he grinned, expecting a horrid reaction from that revelation; "And yes, I target the quiet ones so don't expect to hide in the back over there"

Gabe winced and groaned with the rest of the Padawans. He thought it was bad enough that he had to sit here and listen to this old dude. Outer Planets Alliance? What even was that? Sounded like it was far out on the Rim, maybe even Unknown Regions? The naval operations piqued his interest too, his father had been an Admiral in the old Alliance and a High Admiral in the GA of today. Maybe he knew him?

Either way now the Zeltron Master was speaking. Something about her made him want to pay attention to what she was saying but even still, it seemed boring. Archives? Another one? How many Jedi Archives could there be? And what did she mean by fraternization? He furrowed his brow and leaned on his elbow in boredom.
"Forced heh? I could say the same, but I choose to go. If I refused, master Valery wouldn't be impressed" he stated back to him with a short sigh. Valery Noble Valery Noble was only doing what was best for him in his development, so he couldn't complain in the slightest. Corin on the other hand didn't even want to be here even when his master forced him to. He couldn't tell if that was bad mentorship or lack of respect from Corin Trenor Corin Trenor as a whole, both were as bad as each other "By the way, the names Silas. Corin right? under knight Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze ?"

Silas let out a low pitched yawn and looked to Iris Arani Iris Arani who questioned him on his enthusiasm "You're right Iris, but right now I'm exhausted and just want to do other things that I can't learn from the texts" the boy replied respectfully, but if he wanted to learn he had to sit through even the most boring of sessions "And our talker for today? I'm not entirely sure I've seen him before unfortunately. It may be best to put your hand up and ask the man himself to avoid mishap" Silas suggests, before releasing a louder yawn.

Getting himself comfy, he listened best he could to the man at the front. Although, as time went on his eyes seemed to get heavier. The lesson hadn't properly started and his lack of sleep was starting to catch up with him. At one point, his eyes closed for a full five seconds and his body began leaning to the right, but luckily he managed to snap himself with a fast shake of his head.

Sleep was just his enemy right now...

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