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Populate Monty Tython and the Holy Core | GA Populate of Trevura

Narrator of The Galactic Alliance


“There is no politics, nor is there blame;
there is only the path that will lead us to the end of these evils,
and that is a path we walk together.”
- Auteme Auteme Denko-Durren, Senator of Epoch

Despite the valiant effort on Empress Teta, the loss of the stronghold is felt throughout The Core. Stricken during a ceremony of hope, The Brotherhood of The Maw forced an Iron Titan to rise, proud civilians to evacuate for their lives and engaged the Defense Force in a gruelling exchange that filled too many Alliance-marked graves.

As soon as the outcomes of the attack were clear, the Alliance’s best astro-navigators raised the alarms that Empress Teta was only a stepping stone to a greater pathway.

Recognizing the severity of the threat, Alliance High Command reacted to the news immediately and assembled a conference alongside The Senate’s core representatives and The Council of The New Jedi Order. With all the disparate facts all convened and connected, it didn’t take long for the respective parties to turn their attention to Tython, and the importance of fortifying it for the coming days.

Equipped with sombre news, and great responsibility, all three parties, The Alliance High Command, The Senate, and The Jedi Council, agreed to reach out to their respective allies and begin the preparation for the imminent attack on Tython.



“Tython revealed the shatterpoint so that we may challenge it. We are the guardians of peace; it is our solemn duty to ensure the conduits of darkness do not tip the scales of balance.” - The Watchman of Tython, Jedi Master Henna Ashina Henna Ashina

Informed by visions from The Warden and The Watchman of Tython, The Jedi Council has sent out an urgent invitation to all Jedi from all around the galaxy to converge on Tython.

Titles, allegiance, rank, anything that could cause differences or stir, are all left behind by the Jedi who arrive planetside. Harmony is found in hope, and the zeal and desire to protect that which represents the very foundation of The Force and the history of several versions of The Jedi Order.

Organized by The Watchmen of Tython, the Jedi that are willing to help find themselves stationed at various outposts throughout the planet — not unlike the last time — to either aid civilians and prepare for the coming war, reinforce strongholds, or use the time to connect to Tython’s powerful wellspring of The Force and dwell in the light before the coming darkness.


"We lost Foerost, Empress Teta is burning, the Brotherhood's moving for Tython, and my fleet's in shambles! What the feth do you want me to do about it?!"

"Call the fire department, admiral-"

"You karking-"

"-I'm sure we have plenty of allies to draw from– to muster our forces– if you're up to the task…?" -Rear Admiral Liedran Kathause Liedran Kathause to Admiral not-calling-the-fire-department

Alliance High Command has been steadfast throughout the Second Great Hyperspace war, but the loss felt on Empress Teta has reminded them of their mortality.

Once the potential fate of Tython was realized, high-ranking officials within the Defense Force reached out to allies both for aid in the coming battle, and to devise a plan to defend the ancient and mysterious planet of Tython.


Do what you need to do to see your story through.


Location: Tython
Appearance: Link
Outfit: Factory Link
Tag: -

Somewhere deep within the Tython Mountains...

Slowly, Valery settled down on top of the rock that helped her oversee the vast Tython mountain range. Soon, this entire region was going to be ravaged in what she expected to be the largest battle of this war. But right now, it was quiet and peaceful, like a true calm before the storm. It helped ease the troubled mind of a Jedi Master who had settled into a different Galaxy and found herself at the forefront of the battle between Dark and Light once again.

But it wasn't just the time that had changed for her.

She had started a family that had grown beyond just her and her partner with the birth of their daughter, and now that their home on Empress Teta was destroyed, Valery really began to realize just how difficult and complicated her life had become.

Duty and personal life were clashing harder than she had ever experienced before, the war was closing in on the core and everything she had sworn to protect, and there was nothing a single person could do to stop or control it all.

Change is never easy, but one way or another, it was a reality she was going to have to accept sooner or later. Tython, whether the defenders would keep back the Maw or not, was going to change everything.




TAGS: Linny Rennis Linny Rennis |


Mylo flicked on the com on his command terminal. He switched to frequency ConOne, which was the frequency used to communicate with the makeshift control tower on Kaleth. "Tython Air Traffic Control, this is Revenant Six, requesting permission to land." A cool, even voice crackled through his com with a reply.

"Control to Revenant Six, we copy, please transmit clearance codes."

Mylo frowned. He usually didn't have to present a clearance code. 'Usually' meant within the countless patrols he had been on ever since a large chunk of the Fleet had been immeadiately transferred to Tython. It really seemed that High Command was on their toes. The haphazardly put together initial expeditionary forces that had been sent to the ancient Jedi homeworld were known as Tython Command, and had been ramping up daily patrols. Especially from Revenant Squadron. Being the youngest pilot by far, he always seemed to draw the shortest straw, and was usually sent out on patrols, alongside pilots from other squadrons who had been similarly unlucky. When he'd expressed some annoyance, Commander Chaar had "persuaded" him to go. Something involving the cutting of recreation privileges.

He briefly switched off his com, and spoke out loud in the cockpit. "Mig, can you do me a solid and send them. Thanks." He ordered his new droid brain, whom he had become accustomed to calling 'Mig', after a pet Loth Cat that he had in his youth. The droid brain had been incredibly reliable across the time that it had taken him to switch assignments from the REC-AI01 A-Wing Interceptor to the REC-SS01 X-Wing Starfighter. It was due to his droid companion that the transition had been comfortably smooth, with little to no mishaps or hitches. It seemed that Mig had complied, as he now heard the voice of the being come through the com once more, same even tone, but maybe a little warmer.

"Alright you're clear. Please proceed to Bay Three, welcome home, Flight Officer."

"Thanks control, Revenant Six out."

Mylo kept a foot on the right etheric rudder pedal, the X-Wing banking out into a soft arc over the rolling hills and mountains of the lush, emerald-covered world. He throttled back, slowly but surely, causing the X-Wing to decelerate carefully as he began to decrease in altitude. The force pushed him back a little, and he felt tempted to increase his intertial compensator by about point five, but decided against it, reasoning that flying in atmosphere was when one most needed to feel their surrondings. At about 1000 metres, he cut some of the power to his atmospheric thrusters, and let most of it flow to his repusorlift generators. The sudden surge caused him to roll from side to side which he managed to keep under control. The pilot pitched his nosecone down slightly, going into a steep dive, which caused him to shift forward in his seat slightly. Mylo definitely needed to see a mechanic about that. Eventually he levelled off at about 500 metres.

By this time, Mylo had cut most of his power to his atmospheric thrusters, and out of his viewport, could see a dimunitive-looking Ugnaught ground crew waving batons that pointed to Bay Three. He flicked a switch above his head which caused his stabilizer foils to slowly close. There was a slight thud as he touched down. Ground crew swarmed his fighter, rolling up some yellow ladders to the cockpit as he strained to push open the hatch. That was one feature he had to see a mech about. Panting like a akk dog, he doffed his helmet and descended down the stairs, thanking the ground crew before heading off to try and possibly get some rest.

About to remove his gloves, he peered out into the distance. A soothing warm breeze rustled his hair, and made him even more eager to return to barracks. The beret made her instantly recognisable. Nodding to a confused tech, he jogged over, a characteristic grin painted on his face. "Hey Rennis!" He called out to her. "Fancy seeing you here."


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"Asha's gonna kill me if I make it out of this, isn't she, Kiss?"

The droid at his side was uncharacteristically silent, not even giving a response. It might have been because of what they both knew was coming; the death of a planet, or perhaps more, was a hard possibility to accept, even after the numerous times it had happened throughout galactic history. Especially recently, after Csilla; that had been a crushing loss for everybody, and even after having reviewed everything he could find of the battle, he couldn't help feeling guilty for not being there. Something he couldn't allow to happen again, not on a world like Tython.

Even if the revived Je'daii had long since left the world, practicing and teaching their ways elsewhere, from Aurum to Bakura and Svivren and now deep in the Kathol Outback, the importance of Tython to their history couldn't possibly be denied; the same went for the Jedi that had since held the planet the most. The homeworld of two of the most important Force-using orders ever founded in the galaxy, and a planetary nexus the like of which was rarely matched by any others. A site of great power and danger both, and now, at long last, the Sith seemed to have found a way that they might come to twist something so unspoiled to their own purposes, and to try and twist the Tho Yor in a way that hadn't been seen since the ancient Force Wars.

Not purely for power, but for senseless destruction.

But, perhaps the droid was silent because of the location—for despite whatever the future may hold, the ancient site of Akar Kesh was, at least at that moment, perfectly tranquil. Between efforts at restoration through the years and some outright rebuilding, the pillars still stood, though chipped, covered with moss and plantlife; the forest that surrounded it atop the stone pillar had been encroaching through the years, and many of the paving stones were cracked and lifted from roots that ran underneath.

And the largest of the Tho Yor still remained above it, weathered and scarred after nearly twenty-seven millennia, but present nonetheless. Though whether to protect or destroy would remain to be seen. "Go on back to the ship, Kiss, and make sure Auteme Auteme knows I'm already here," he told his droid, nodding back away from the temple to where he'd landed. "I want you out of the system. I'll call you in once everything is done, or find my own way off planet, and if I don't do either..." He shrugged, patting the top of the astromech. "Asha will need you around to help her keep everything running. Same as ever." Hopefully it wouldn't come to that, but if it wouldn't exactly be unexpected to either of them. They'd both had to come to terms with the possibility long ago.

K1-s5 nodded once, and sped off back towards the ship, leaving Cotan alone in front of the pool of water. Silent, for few animals ever even came up to this site. Precious few other than birds could even reach it to begin with, but as always, it seemed like even they knew what was coming. Where to avoid. "Master, if you could see me now," he muttered to himself. "Not a Jedi, I tried to get away from them, but that was doomed from the start. But now...part warrior, part Je'daii, part Temple Master. What happened to being an archivist? Or did you see all of this from the start?" He'd never known if Kha'rii had been given the 'gift' of foresight or not, but he'd come to wonder many times through the years. His training had been different, unorthodox, strange even compared to how the old Rishii had trained any of his prior apprentices. And it had all culminated to push him down a far different path than any he'd likely have taken otherwise, with any other, more normal master. "If you did...that business on Atrisia was a dirty trick. All of it was, but that especially."

He unbuckled the weapons from his belt. Blasters, lightsabers, and lastly, his sword, laying them out in front of them as he kneeled before the pool. Closing his eyes, and reaching out to Tython itself; while the planet had calmed considerably since the days of the Je'daii, no longer reacting violently to having such a mass of those who walked squarely in the light upon it, the power was still there, and it still shuddered under their steps. And with what was to come, no doubt that calm would break. "And now here I am, where Telaat once stood, with invaders soon to come from the fringe of the system to put Tython to the sword." He breathed out, slowly. He could sense...not nearby, not in any sense, but no doubt in transit, the shadows that rushed for the world, ready to plunge it into war. Not even just the Maw, not just Caelitus, but...others. Rurik, likely. Erskine.

Tensions had already hit a breaking point before, so if his gut was right, and they truly were to come...friend against friend, brother against brother.

"Here I am, where Ketu stood, with the aftermath of the Force Wars raging around me, a rift that's impossible to mend, only a slim chance to keep everything in one piece for another hour. How did you manage to push me into this mess?"


"Hell, how did I manage to walk myself right into the middle of it? Why can't I ever just let go?"

It was impossible; he'd never been able to, not truly. Not when he was just a kid running around on Naboo, certainly not after the Jedi first took him in. Even in the face of what was to come, with that sense of dreadful finality to it that told him that people he knew and cared about were going to fall, almost as if it was fate, he couldn't stay away, turn his sight to other goals. Even if everybody he knew was to die around him, he still had to be there, he still had to try to protect them. Sometimes it felt like his own personal rebellion against the Will of the Force, even when it always felt like the Force itself was pushing him into it. A compulsion almost as strong as Asha's, but he'd always been lucky enough—or perhaps unlucky enough—that he'd never fallen as it pushed him along.

Always a witness, always learning, even when he wasn't successful, though he never knew what for. Perhaps someday it would be revealed to him, or he would wind up in the battle where he was meant to find his end, alongside so many others through the years. Kha'rii, the acolyte on Atrisia, Vaulkhar, whoever he might lose in the coming battle, and more than them besides, and in turn force others to deal with more of the same loss he'd had to learn to live with. "But never let it be said I'd abandon what needs to be done, least of all for fear of pain," he said out loud.

Asha, Rhia, Auteme, Romi, Ryv, Coren...any of them could live without him, if it came down to it.

He grasped the presence of the Force suffusing the planet, a source of power he'd likely need to draw on, but one he also had to try and protect from Solipsis and the others. "Calm, Tython," he whispered, laying one hand flat against the ground, as the nexus shuddered again, slowly waking to the presence of those who walked upon it and those who came to scour it. "I will tame your storms, if need be. Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis can't be allowed to enact another abomination so easily, and even if it's just one of me against a hundred of him, and even a hundred more of his slaves, I won't let you be turned against yourself."
The Reef, Coruscant

His home had fallen into disrepair.

Absent their leader Damsy Callat Damsy Callat , the abandoned factory where the Sithspawn Sanctorium had made their nest grew steadily more deserted with each passing week. The caverns where ancient machinery languished, given over to rust and decay, echoed with the sound of Kai’s footsteps.

He found Claudia in the common area, seated atop her luggage. She was dressed to travel, wrapped in a warm wool coat and hat. When he entered the room, she rose to her feet—a feat she hadn’t been capable of only a month or so ago, when her condition had kept her bound to a hoverchair. She was cured now, and very happy. Kai tried to be happy for her, as he bent to pick up her bags.

“Wait,” she said. Kai paused, his hand poised before the handle of a suitcase, and looked up at her.

She pursed her lips and asked, “Have you considered Erictho’s offer?”

Erictho offered a cure for darkness. A slate wiped clean. A ticket to a new life, and all the freedom that entailed. Claudia had already taken the witch’s offer, and now she was leaving them. Going to live out her life, with a pure, clean body.

Kai shut his eyes, then sighed. <I can’t.>

“But do you want to?” Claudia persisted. “If you could, would you?”

<Of course,> he replied, almost angrily. <What kind of question is that? Everyone who’s ever lived has wanted something they couldn’t have, something wrong or evil—>

Seeing the expression on her face, he broke off without finishing his thought.

“What if it isn’t evil?” she whispered. “What if refusing it is the wrong thing to do? What if you’re just being stubborn, and that’s all that’s keeping you from salvation?”

Kai hesitated, unsure of what to say. He had wrestled with this so many times, going over it with her again and again, but he’d never truly been able to articulate why he had to refuse this “salvation”. It was a feeling in his gut, a sense that what they were doing simply wasn’t right…

“See me,” Claudia went on, grabbing his hand. “Look at me with the Force. Am I corrupted? Do you see the Dark Side in me?”


“Then how can it be wrong? Kai, if you let Erictho help you, you won’t have to stay here in this dead place. You can come with me, and we can both be free.”

She took his other hand. Kai’s resolve began to waver. He was filled with far more uncertainty than he showed, weakening under the pressure. If there was a way out, a way to start over, how could he deny it? It was an offer he couldn’t refuse.

<I…> he began, trailing off. Stubbornness and pride were the only things keeping him from saying yes now. Yes, yes, of course! It was always this choice. This was his destiny. He was meant to be clean and pure.


The doppelganger’s eyes darted, searching for a heat signature, yet found none. His ears picked up a faint noise nearby, like scales scraping across stone, before Erictho emerged from the shadows.

<Have you changed your mind?> she asked, her mood fur shifting from black to a fair, spotless white.

Kai glanced at Claudia again, seeing the hope in her gaze. Then he turned to face Erictho, and finally nodded his head.

<I accept your offer.>


Location: Tython
Equipment: Jedi Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain, Eyepatch
Tag: Anneliese Anneliese

To say Jax was emotionally drained would be an understatement.

As he sat down on the grassy fields deep in meditation Jax attempted to reach out to the Force. He felt like a teenager trying to understand the world around him. The events of Empress Tetra shook the Jedi Master to the core so much that he hadn't eaten for weeks. In fact, Jax didn't know when the last time he got out of bed. His thoughts were still dwelling on what Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex told him.

"I am your father."

Jax didn't want to believe it, he wanted to fight it, deny it but there was a small yet growing part of him that whispered that he was speaking the truth. It was that truth that shattered Jax's worldview, leaving him a confused mess. Who was he? Was he a true born son of the Monster that constantly tried to attack the Galaxy? Was he some vat spawned baby like the Clones of Kamino? The Dark Side did fester in Jax as it did in all Jedi but for Jax, it was a struggle keep the Dark Side at bay. Was Jax a monster? Could he be like Carnifex if he embraced the Dark Side? He always told the Jedi and his Padawans that the Dark Side was only a tool but what if he was a tool of Carnifex? What's to stop him from taking over his body?

It was said that the Dark Lord had that ability, to traverse his consciousness to his children. To make them his puppets, Jax didn't want to be a vessel of Carnifex. He would rather die before he would turn against the people he loved.

"Die....." Jax told Jairdain Jairdain that he was ready to lay down his life for his beliefs one time. Right now he didn't know what to believe in, to be the son of a Monster, to skirt so easily towards the dark, to be vulnerable to Carnifex's machinations. Was it the right thing to be a part of the NJO? It wasn't like he was overly popular amongst his peers.

There were so many questions...... and the Force didn't seem to care about Jax's conundrum. For the first time, Jax felt alone.

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feel the fury closing in
Bernard Bernard | Keiran Varn Keiran Varn | OPEN

So much to do, so little time. Henna paced across the chamber that the Watchmen had claimed as their war room. Various scrolls and datapads littered the grand table at its center. They had been pulled from the archive per her desperate gambit, each more useless than the last. No amount of knowledge would stem the coming tide. It would be a battle of wills, light and darkness crashing violently; the eternal struggle to tip the scales.

The floor below them rumbled softly as if testament to that fact. Many of the defenders had arrived already-- and Tython already felt the effects of the plethora of light siders. The master could feel them through the planet, the warmth and determination of Ashla surrounding them, leaking into the wellsprings beneath the surface.

With a frown, the master ceased her pacing, turning to face the window which overlooked the gardens below. Jedi trained beneath the shadows of ancient trees. Giving apprehension it's due while they waited on their next arrival accomplished nothing but undoing the balance within herself.

"It soothes the soul to see so many of them. To know we are not alone in our burden."

Henna glanced over her shoulder, her expression one of somberness.

"We've told others their positions, Bernard. We must figure out our own."

There was a short pause as she considered the weight of her next words.

"Initially, I thought it best if we traversed the field together. The sword and the shield work best in tandem. Teta and reflection have made me believe otherwise. My strengths are not one of a warrior." Henna shook her head, bitterness in her words. "You must be Tython's blade. You must be at Akar Kesh."
Archaeological Site, Tython
Tags: Open

Having picked a spot with a good view of the site, Nimdok surveyed the dig. His eyes wandered the trenches, where worker droids and archaeologists mingled. Machinery whirred and shovels struck earth like pounding drums. Sifted dirt kicked up clouds of dust, clouding the hot, humid air.

Stalking along the edges of the dig was a young woman with blonde hair. She wore a plain brown dress and carried a bow and a quiver full of arrows slung across her back. Nimdok studied her from afar as she trekked around the excavated ruins, wondering who she was. A native, perhaps? He wondered what she thought of the NJO coming here and establishing Tython as their new headquarters…

The woman took a turn, and Nimdok realized she was headed straight for him. He straightened up as she drew near, unsure of what to expect.

She stopped before him, shielding her eyes from the sun with one hand. “Are you the, uh, the professor?”

Yes. Professor Errik Nimdok. How can I help you?

“You’re the one in charge of this dig, right? An archaeologist.” She gestured vaguely. “I’m also here on Tython to explore all the ruins. I wanted to tell you about this place I found over there. It was an ancient tomb of a Je'daii woman. I couldn’t read any of the inscriptions, but there were frescoes showing the story of her life. She died a hero.”

Well, the frescoes might not necessarily tell the life story of the person buried there, but that’s not a bad guess,” Nimdok said, his tone and manner growing more friendly now that she was speaking his language, that of historical inquiry and speculation. “How long ago did you enter this tomb?

“Couple months ago, I guess? There was another girl, uh, woman with me. A Jedi.” She said the word with a slightly sour expression. "She was a bit of a, heh, well..."

Nimdok raised an eyebrow. "What about her?"

"Annoying. She was annoying." The woman tucked a lock of blonde hair behind her ear.

By now Nimdok had produced his datapad and was taking notes. “Do you know her name?

“Uh, Ara something-or-other? She was a Zabrak.” Pointing to herself, she added, “My name is Rhiannon. Rhiannon Dinn.”

There was something odd about the way she said her name, as if she took some peculiar delight in announcing herself, which Nimdok found quite amusing. “Indeed. Could you show me where you found this tomb?” he asked, suppressing a smile.

"Right this way."
T h e D e s e r t R o s e

The Grassy Plains of Tython
Priority Meeting l Master - Padawan Bonding
Jax Thio Jax Thio

The wind hit her face as her wild and unruly hair flowed freely in its care. Anneliese stood on the hilltop as she closed her eyes, taking in this moment, this day... its arrival had felt like an eternity, but, just like back on Tatooine just mere weeks ago now, it was out of the frying pan and into the fire. War, loomed just on the horizon.

Her mind wandering she recalled back upon her arrival at the Silver Rest after the fiasco on Tatooine. She recalled the exact moment when the Council had called upon her. Standing before them, aniexty at an all time high, her mouth so dry she felt as if she wouldn't even be able to talk.... she wasn't for sure if she was going to be moved to the Reassignment Councils jurisdiction and authority... but standing there, she simply saw smiles across the room on each Council Members face. "Anneliese Kaohal.... you have endured, you have persevered and you have waited long enough. We the Council, along with his blessing assign you to Master Jax Thio, as his new Padawan Learner. You are to report to Tython immediately to his side. May the Force be with you... and Anneliese? We are proud of you." Her knees felt weak, tears flowed down from her face as she just nodded wiping them away... she had been picked. She, was a true Padawan Learner now... someone, saw her.

Coming back to reality, Anneliese peered back over to the area where Jax sat, in what appeared to be deep mediation and thought. Quietly and purposefully making her way towards him, she saw with a gentle 'plop' in the grass next to him as she crossed her legs and folded her hands together. Speaking softly, she addressed him. "Master Thio?... Um, Master?... I'm here as requested." Outwardly trying to hide her sheer excitement and urge to cry again, inwardly, Anneliese was hollering to no end in sheer enthusiasm as she awaited his response.



All Roads Lead to Tython, Pt. I


Location: Kaleth Temple, Tython
Tags: OPEN
Objective: Prepare for the end
Soundtrack: No Stone Unturned

"All roads lead to Tython."

Those words seemed to echo in Cailen's mind as he walked along the mountain trail that overlooked the Alliance command center in the valley below. The structure had once been a Jedi temple, but its grandeur had since been retrofitted to serve as headquarters of the Defense Force for the coming invasion.

"Invasion...” It hardly seemed possible.

Just months ago, Cailen had completed the Gathering and joined the ranks of the New Jedi Order as a Padawan Learner. Now...

Now he was preparing to brandish his lightsaber against the Brotherhood of the Maw. He wasn't sure if he was ready for the conflict that would ensue, but then again, is anyone ever truly ready to strike down another person?

"The Maw are ready," he thought to himself. They wouldn't hesitate to kill him.

A few steps forward and Cailen found himself next to a boulder large enough to sit on, a perfect spot to meditate on the lessons he'd learned since becoming a Padawan. He hoped they were enough to stand against the Maw.

Cailen closed his eyes and trained his focus on the overwhelming energies of the Force, stirred wildly by the hundreds of Jedi Masters, Knights, and Padawans who'd come to Tython's defense. It gave him hope that the Alliance and the Jedi Order would finally put an end to the Maw's endless march into the Core.

All that was left to do was wait...

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Location: Tython
Equipment: Jedi Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Anneliese Anneliese

Jax went deeper into his mediations trying in vain to reach out to the Force yet he heard nothing. Jax could feel the Force, control it even but the Force's remained silent. Maybe it was because Jax already knew the truth or maybe there was a lot about the Force that he did not understand. "Who am I?" Jax thought. "What am I supposed to do?"

Just then, the Jedi Master felt a familiar presence sitting next to him. Opening his eye, Jax saw the red headed Anneliese beaming at him as if she won the trillion-credit lottery. Jax stared blankly at her though, still shell-shocked from Empress Teta before adjusting. "Anneliese," Jax said stretching out his arms. "It's been a while since Tatooine, I trust that you've learned a lot from your experience?"

And she's been through a lot, a young girl like Annelise shouldn't be on the battlefield especially if she did not have any guidance. "I.... don't recall summoning you here but It's not the first time that I've been assigned to Padawan without my knowledge," the Jedi Master chuckled. "I know why you're here and the answer is yes, I accept as my Padawan."

T h e D e s e r t R o s e

The Grassy Plains of Tython
Priority Meeting l Master - Padawan Bonding
Jax Thio Jax Thio

"Anneliese," Jax said stretching out his arms. "It's been a while since Tatooine, I trust that you've learned a lot from your experience?"

And she's been through a lot, a young girl like Annelise shouldn't be on the battlefield especially if she did not have any guidance. "I.... don't recall summoning you here but It's not the first time that I've been assigned to Padawan without my knowledge," the Jedi Master chuckled. "I know why you're here and the answer is yes, I accept as my Padawan."

Anneliese nodded her head as she relaxed just slightly. "I'm still processing, but yes, there is a lot of experience to gleen from. To be honest, I'm still slightly shocked that I was able to pull off some of the feats that I did Master, it all just -- just happened so fast. Ya know?" Her hand came up as she moved a few of the stray and following curls that managed to make their way into her eyes. Truth be told, Anneliese had no logical explanation for the events that occurred on Tatooine. During the incursion with the Tusken Raiders, she remembered the pull of the energy within nature -- but that was where things began to become... distorted. The sheer force, the raw pull, she just remembers the primal feeling, the need to protect the others... and then, nothing. She had woken up after being pulled out by Ghora, she had missed him.

Her heart dropped just slightly as Jax explained it was the Council's doing in regards to her assignment to him, but the moment he physically accepted her as his Padawan, tears brimmed into the corners of her eyes as she spoke, her voice cracking. "I promise -- I swear, I'll make you proud that you picked me. I swear it." Seven years, to the date - give or take, was how long Anneliese had hoped and dreamed for a Master, and now, it was a reality. Her mind moved at light-speed as she thought of question after question, but in reality, she knew only one mattered and had to be answered. "I won't lie Master Thio, I have hundreds of questions, but -- I'm unsure as to why I'm here. I've been told something is fixing to take place here, but I wasn't given 'exact' details. If it's to do with combat, I think we both know I'm still not up to par with my forms... I try, and try, but its just like something hasn't... 'clicked' yet."



Location: Tython
Equipment: Jedi Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Anneliese Anneliese

Jax gave Annelise a warm smile when she was practically jumping for joy at the fact that she was going to be a Padawan. In many ways, she reminded him of his first Padawan: Aveline Cuiléin Aveline Cuiléin . She was determined to be a Jedi, Jax hoped that he would help Anneliese achieve her dream. He failed with Aveline and even to this day, Jax's failure to Aveline still haunts him. "Now I don't remember picking you," Jax said chuckling. "But I do feel a connection to you Annelise. I'm going to be honest with you, being a Jedi won't be easy and even if you become a Jedi Knight. It's a tough life, you'll be constantly challenged, tempted. Many Jedi better than me had fallen to the Dark Side."

The Jedi Master shrugged. "My way of teaching is also.... different than you traditional Jedi," Jax said starting to get up. "I'll elaborate later but right now all I'm going to say is trust in the Living Force."

He frowned. "The reason why you're here is because the Jedi are preparing for what could be the largest battle in the Galaxy's history," Jax said his mind still fixated on what Carnifex told him. "The Brotherhood is coming, and they plan on destroying Tython. I won't lie to you Anneliese, if we lose Tython, we lose the war. The Core Worlds, the Galaxy, the Brotherhood will destroy it all. Every Jedi from the Galaxy has gathered along with the Mandalorians, the Ashlan Crusade, the Eternal Empire, and many more will come later."

Jax didn't even think about the battle, already he could feel the weight on bearing down on him as if he pushed down by a trash compactor. "Right now Anneliese," Jax said trying to change the subject. "Let's start with your Lightsaber training, show me what you know so far."

T h e D e s e r t R o s e

The Grassy Plains of Tython
Priority Meeting l Master - Padawan Bonding
Jax Thio Jax Thio
He frowned. "The reason why you're here is because the Jedi are preparing for what could be the largest battle in the Galaxy's history," Jax said his mind still fixated on what Carnifex told him. "The Brotherhood is coming, and they plan on destroying Tython. I won't lie to you Anneliese, if we lose Tython, we lose the war. The Core Worlds, the Galaxy, the Brotherhood will destroy it all. Every Jedi from the Galaxy has gathered along with the Mandalorians, the Ashlan Crusade, the Eternal Empire, and many more will come later."
Anneliese was, well to put it frank shocked. Her first day as a Padawan Learner... and there was a war. That was fair, totally. Opening her mouth to speak, and then pausing, she simply groaned a little bit. "No pressure right?" She shrugged her shoulders slightly as she looked towards the grass, picking a blade of grass up with her fingers and fiddling with it. Truth be told, it wasn't. Already, her mind moving and processing how she could aid in the war efforts, everyone had to do their part no matter how small it was.

Jax didn't even think about the battle, already he could feel the weight on bearing down on him as if he pushed down by a trash compactor. "Right now Anneliese," Jax said trying to change the subject. "Let's start with your Lightsaber training, show me what you know so far."

Yet again, with things that weren't her forte. Anneliese let out a small chuckle as she rubbed the backside of her head. "Well, don't say I didn't warn you Master, I'm not exactly the most proficient person when it comes to sabers." Standing up and dusting her clothing off, Anneliese unclipped the pristine, and almost non-existentially touched lightsaber from her belt, the blade igniting into a brilliant orange blade. "The council before I left allowed me to venture into the caves and pick out a kyber krystal..." A slight smile on her face, Anneliese awkwardly took the basic stance of form 1 and began to move in a series of blocks, slashes and cuts.



Location: Tython
Equipment: Jedi Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Anneliese Anneliese

Jax could sense that Anneliese was still shaken from the battle in Tatooine. It was pure chaos and while Anneliese displayed talent and determination, she was ultimately inexperienced and was panicking at the first sight of death. While it was natural to experience such intense emotions for the first time, as a combatant on the battlefield running around giving into the insanity of it all would make one an easy target. The young girl needed to have a clear mind, a focused mind and allow the Force to dictate her actions. "We all start from scratch," Jax said to Annelise. "You think I knew everything there is to Lightsaber combat when I was your age? No, It took me years to perfect my craft. What you need to be Anneliese is malleable like Beskar, adapt, be flexible. That's the key to being a good Lightsaber duelist."

Jax showed her his prosthetic arm the one he lost to Pom Stych Tivé Pom Stych Tivé during the Stygnan Campaign. "I got scars to prove it," he said. "It's good that you've built a Lightsaber though. It's funny how the Silvers allow trainees to build their Lightsabers so soon, I guess the war against the Bryn must've shaken things up."

The Jedi Master sighed. "Just show me a couple of moves," he said. "I don't expect you to be amazing, I just see where you at and which Forms that most fit you."

T h e D e s e r t R o s e

The Grassy Plains of Tython
Priority Meeting l Master - Padawan Bonding
Jax Thio Jax Thio

"We all start from scratch," Jax said to Annelise. "You think I knew everything there is to Lightsaber combat when I was your age? No, It took me years to perfect my craft. What you need to be Anneliese is malleable like Beskar, adapt, be flexible. That's the key to being a good Lightsaber duelist."

Jax showed her his prosthetic arm the one he lost to Pom Stych Tivé Pom Stych Tivé Pom Stych Tivé Pom Stych Tivé during the Stygnan Campaign. "I got scars to prove it," he said. "It's good that you've built a Lightsaber though. It's funny how the Silvers allow trainees to build their Lightsabers so soon, I guess the war against the Bryn must've shaken things up."

Anneliese nodded her head, malleable, she was, coordinated.... eh, not so much. But, where Anneliese lacked in Ashla given talent for saber combat, she made up for in the sheer genius of effort when it came to doing forms. Hours, upon hours - upon days and weeks to months of repetition allowed her to recall several forms. Inhaling and exhaling as she focused to relax her body and hone her thoughts she listened to the hum of the saber the Silvers had helped her make. It was, heavier than she'd expect... or maybe thats because she had grown so accustomed to her training saber, and this... this one was the real deal -- do, or die. In, and out her breathing continued as she stared at her Master and nodded her head again. "OK, I think I'm ready to show you."

Manifesting in her own mind the would be enemy in front of her Anneliese moved forwards in a straight path, falling into a Makashi style stance as the began to pressure her imaginary opponent. Striking, flourishing and even at times blocking as she kept the pressure to always move them forward in mind, until, the longer she fought, she relaxed more, and more, her own unique traits now emerging. As she proceeded to effectively pressure the imaginary man forwards, Anneliese would quickly side step, in a graceful manner, back and forth, weaving into the man as every once in a while, stepping back and launching a powerhouse of a downwards strike keep pressuring. Breathing heavy and a bead of sweat forming on her head Anneliese kept up the exercise, knowing she would go to the 'whistle', until Master Thio said to stop, because on that battlefield that lie ahead, she knew... no one would be there to blow the 'whistle'.... she had to get this, she had to, her Order, her pack, needed her to help contribute... and contribute somehow, she would.



Location: Tython
Equipment: Jedi Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Anneliese Anneliese

Jax remained stone-faced witnessing Annelise activating her Lightsaber, he saw her face scrunch up in shock for a brief moment as if she was having a bit of difficulty holding her weapon. Not a great sign if you're not familiar with your handiwork. Still, the Jedi Master observed Annelise's bladework the girl was trying hard to be graceful and eloquent. Familiar marks of a Makashi practitioner but her foot work was choppy, and Anneliese looked as though her feet were submerged in sand. She did hold her own during the Tusken Raider attack on Tatooine using the most basic moves of Shii-Cho. Looks, like Anneliese was experimenting with her style during them she was away from Jax.

It was something that he liked so far, always experiment during your downtimes because enslavement to form can make one predictable on the battlefield. Lightsaber duelists can easily exploit a style's weaknesses especially if they're robotic in their applications. Though Shii-Cho is Jax's main form and one that he knows inside and out. That did not mean he didn't adapt elements from other forms to fine tune his approach to combat. "Good," Jax raised his hand signaling Anneliese to stop. "Your approach is aggressive but at the same time you're trying to be graceful."

The Jedi Master chuckled. "While being graceful looks pretty, it won't mean much in a straight up fight. You've been studying Makashi huh? An interesting form, It's not the first option for many Padawans and unfortunately for good reason. It's a niche fighting style, great for one-on-one Lightsaber duels but terrible for everything else. If that's the form you wanna practice in, I won't stop you but you'll have to spend a lot of time practicing and experimenting to adjust to the blaster wielding assailants that you'll most likely face."

T h e D e s e r t R o s e

The Grassy Plains of Tython
Priority Meeting l Master - Padawan Bonding
Jax Thio Jax Thio

Anneliese withdrew her blade as she squared her stance with Jax, making sure to listen to her Masters words carefully as she pondered them… but just in the back of her mind, she remembered her last session with Aayla. She had learned a lot about herself over the course of the past month, and the more she learned, the more she felt she had to work on. Holding her saber up slightly, and gazing down onto it, she spoke. “Master, have you ever been afraid?” Pausing and knowing that the question at hand was broad, lacking direction and focus, she continued, elaborating on its true meaning. “Not of just anything, I get that fear is healthy at times… and it’s our job to work through that, but — have you ever been afraid of yourself?” Pausing again she looked at Jax, her jade eyes focused and serious, the concern clearly bothering the young woman. “Back at Tatooine… that was the first time I’d ever experienced death first hand, it was scary and I know, I know I’ll face that soon… but, it was also the first time I’d ever felt the rush and intensity to fight, and part of me seemed to enjoy that feeling. It scares me.” She paused yet again, as she hesitated and then spoke. “My… family history is, complicated, and I have this fear… this fear that when I hold this saber, when I fight, that I’ll like it too much… and that, I won’t be me.”



Akar Kesh, Tython


At the height of Akar Kesh, the great spire that housed the Temple of Balance, the clear skies between heaven and earth filled with a monstrous vacuum of funneling cloud. A storm, reaching out from the depths of hyperspace itself, unnatural in all it’s nature. This swirling, gnawing, miasma of malicious thunder was of the Dark Side, a powerful technique meant to shatter the fabric of space.

The whirling clouds funneled down toward the summit of the great spire, touching the temple as it passed the tranquil gardens that bordered the treacherous falls that dumped water into the chasm below to feed the great river. The wormhole halted, spinning violently as lightning arched over it’s gaping maw and within. Slowly, silhouettes unfamiliar and unwelcome arrived from belly of the tempest itself.

Smoke rolled off his body like a snake peeled it’s skin, shifting beyond the threshold of time and space to step foot on the object of his fixation. The planet that would serve as the crux of his ritual, the birthplace of the Galaxy to Come.

Cold, hateful orbs of sulfuric malice glared out into the expanse, surveying the land around him with distaste. He set his sights on the great Tho Yor above him, the largest of the legendary vessels floated peacefully without any stimulus from his presence.

“Destiny has arrived.”

Extending his hands to the heavens, the Dark Lord of the Sith touched upon the empyrean and spread his foul will upon the mighty Tho Yor. Black tendrils of invisible dread caressed the heavenly voyager, tainting it with utter corruption. A sickness fell over it, a darkness that spread forth a wicked call that sounded off into the Tythonian sky like the horns of apocalypse itself.

The call was made. The Tho Yor would come, the End.. had begun. His terrible glare fell upon the approaching form of the temple’s protector, Cotan Sar'andor Cotan Sar'andor .

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Heinrich Faust: Grand Marshal of the Ashlan Crusade

Valery Noble Valery Noble , Jax Thio Jax Thio , Cailen Corso Cailen Corso , Anneliese Anneliese , Henna Ashina Henna Ashina , Jacen Nimdok Jacen Nimdok , Cotan Sar'andor Cotan Sar'andor , Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri , Mylo Thorne Mylo Thorne , Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis


The energy on Tython seemed rather tense as the Crusader stepped out of the shuttle, overlooking the horizon as he made his way toward the Jedi forces gathered upon the planet. Several other transports were landing as well, bringing with them a large contingent of both Jedi and soldiers of the Ashlan army. There had been little debate within the upper echelons of Ashlan Command once the Maw's plans were revealed. Despite the growing political divides within the Crusade as of late, one simple fact remained...

Tython must be protected at all costs.

There were clear differences in approach when it came to interacting with the other Jedi orders of the galaxy. Some of the more fiery elements of the Crusade tended to look at the other orders as misguided at best, and borderline heretical at worst. As for the Grand Marshal, he simply saw them for what they were, fellow servants of the Light. The attack on Coruscant had stirred a greater sympathy for his Jedi brethren, having seen firsthand the tragedy that struck them within their very home. The incident reminded him all too well of the scourging of Ession, and all of the pain and death that came along with it.

He wouldn't allow it to happen again.

Heinrich made his way toward the other Jedi, followed by representatives of several Knightly Orders of Ashla. As Grand Marshal, Heinrich held the authority to call them together, should the need arise. And come together, they did. Shuttle after shuttle touched down upon the landing bay, and from them came the Ashlan Jedi in droves. The Knightly Orders may have had differing ideals when it came to the finer points of Ashlan belief, but they were comrades nonetheless. Soldiers one and all, ready to lay down their lives for the very planet that had spawned the predecessor of their orders, and the very moon who's name represented that of their beloved goddess.

As they approached the others, the Grand Marshal offered a bow, placing a hand over his chest in solidarity with his fellow Jedi.

"You called, and the Crusade has answered."

He looked back toward the ships that continued to descend to the planet below, carrying tanks, walkers, and supplies, all accompanied by more Ashlan soldiers.

"We have mobilized most of our forces, everyone that we can spare. I pray that it will be enough. The coming darkness will be unlike any we have ever seen. Only together, do we stand a chance against the machinations of the Dark Voice and his ilk."

Heinrich just hoped that it would be enough...


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