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Work In Progress E-1 E-wing Air Superiority Vector Interceptor "Nightsinger"

Good Men Don't Need Rules

  • Standard Sensor and Targeting Systems.
  • Standard Avionics Package and Navigation System.
    • Precision MicroJump Computer.
  • Standard Life Support System, with Inertial Compensation System.
    • Automatic Polarizing Canopy (Integrated Resistance to Blinding Lights; Synthetic or Natural.)
  • Standard Damage and Hazard Control Systems.
  • Standard Anti-Ion Emission Tracker (Anti-Hyperspace Tracking.)
  • Standard Tractor Beam Shroud; Anti-Tractor Beam - Activated System.
  • Standard Communication Systems, with Encrypted Military Keys.
  • Standard Shift and Relativistic Shielding.
  • Standard Landing Configuration and Retractable Struts.
  • Standard S-Foils - Attack and Locked Positions.
  • Redalur Maneuvering Thruster Array VTOL system
  • R7 Astromech Droid Housing unit


  • Has the ability to change "modes" where energy reserves can be redirected from a High Damage, Low Shielding set up, to a Low Damage, to High Shielding system.
  • Razzle Dazzle mode has superior firepower to comparable Interceptors and Starfighters
  • Scrambling Mode has superior shielding power to allow better evasive maneuvers while being heavily shielded to escape situations.
  • Extremely Fast and Agile Fighter.
  • Boasts Superior firepower for dog fights, air to ground ordinance, and exotic weaponry.
  • Lightsaber Lock. Requiring only one specific Lightsaber designed to be entered so that the vehicle can power on.
  • Eco-Fuel sources, and a Matter Reactor means that the pilot can use pretty much anything to fuel the ship.
  • Isotope-5 Reactor provides a huge power source from the get go. Its also very energy efficient. Requiring little refueling.
  • N2 Neuro Interface provides a wealth of information and increases reaction speeds to be near the speed of literal thought.
  • The Screeching noise that is produced by this vehicle can cause damage to hearing, ear drums, and in sustained environments could cause further damage the body's organs. Causing severe nausea and headaches. This sound can be heard from
  • Changing the "Modes" requires a few seconds in combat. This process power downs one aspect of the vessel, before powering up the other aspect of either mode. These precious seconds count when in naval combat.
  • Razzle Dazzle Mode has very low defensives. Nearly requiring the hull itself to withstand oncoming fire. In either mode small arms fire wouldn't be able to take it down, any ship-worthy weaponry meant to take down other starfighters could easily do so.
  • Scrambling Mode has very low offensive pressure. As all the power is redirected to shielding systems, the weapons produce almost no substantial damage to anything less than a starfighter. Sure hitting human targets is possible, Starfighters could withstand it easily.
  • With how fast and agile the vessel is, it requires a steady hand, and Ace Pilot level skills. A massive skill ceiling is required.
  • The Exotic weaponry means should the ship be damage, it would require extensive repairs when not in combat.
  • Should the Lightsaber Key required be damaged, or if the Lightsaber is lost or damaged, it would prevent usage of the vessel.
  • Reactor combinations if compromised can leak radiation, or blow up supernova style.
  • N2 Neuro Interface could overload the mind of the wearer if not trained properly, or in extremely tense situations.
  • While the Neuro Interface can receive information extremely quickly, it cannot enact the ship just as fast.
  • Screaming, The ship has a unique sound profile that is pretty much equated to Howling, Screaming, or Shrieking. This also follows the namesake of the Nightsinger. The creatures having an eerie calls or whistling, but when dive bombing on prey, it has a high pitched scream.
For a while, Kale has been using a redesigned Delta-7 Interceptor, The Azure Sun, which has subsequently been shot down while on a Mission. Due to this Kale has opted to commission another Interceptor style craft. One that is more suitable to taking hits, just as well as it could dish it out. Utilizing many open market modifications upon the vessel, as well as improvements from the previous ship he used, The Nightsinger aptly named after the idea of a fast, agile bat creature that can zoom down on a foe, take them out, and then run away in a guerilla style tactic of combat.

The basis of the vessel is an old E-wing pattern starfighter. Due to their ability to have their roles change depending upon the mission or how it was loaded out for the objective presented before it. However, this aspect of the starfighter was taken to the extreme. Having literal "modes" in which would provide a wider range of viability in battle. Zooming into position to perform bombing runs, Air to ground support, Dog fighting, and even damaging slightly larger vessels. All while maintaining an extreme amount of speed, and agility.

When firing up the engines, the whine at first seems just a little higher pitched than most starships. However, due to the shape of the vessel, as well as the various engines, and drives, the vessel at high speeds screams very loudly when in an atmosphere. Essentially producing massive sonic booms as it travels through the air. This is even more pronounced when utilizing the SLAM system in which the vehicle becomes Hypersonic. This asset of being so fast, would be extremely dangerous for an individual to be near.

This vessel would be the personification of a Blur. With bullets themselves in many cases breaking the sound barrier, and being extremely difficult to track with the naked eye, This ship is able to fly faster. Thus really the only reason an individual would know it was there, is the wake of air waves pushing the individual down, and the extremely loud cracking of the sound barrier being broken. Thus, while Kale may call the vessel Nightsinger, Others have given it a secondary nick name. The Mighty Ear Banger
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