Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Your Character's Biggest Weakness that ISN'T a Personality Trait

Does not use any form of small arms blasters in a ship as she is a traditional Warden of the Sky. If she finds out you have a blaster on board, she will take it apart and hide the pieces.

Only moderately Force-Sensitive.

Her form of choice is Soresu; as she isn't favorable to the more aggressive forms; she rarely if ever uses her lightsaber.

She also is unable to use telepathy; sending out or receiving in. She is open to suggestion for a single telepathy sentence while asleep, but other than that, she cannot do telepathy.
  • Weaknesses include a lack of mastery in the majority of forms with a lightsaber; so she rarely uses it. As such, during her travels, she learned to master Stava and K'tara martial art forms and has only an average knowledge of the Echani martial art form.
  • The scent of deathsticks affects Cira in an adverse manner, granting her higher than normal hallucinations.
  • She is also mildly claustrophobic, with a severe dislike of having knock out drugs used on her.
  • Her Shi'ido linage gives her telepathy, but requires great concentration, and she would lose control of it if she is distracted. She is unable to fully transform into larger creatures.


Professor of Alchemy
Like Rave Merrill, Valik is just not a strong Force User. Combat wise he's a generalist with lightning and TK, poor but serviceable saber skills. Good thing he has gadgets, or he'd be screwed. Speaking of which, I really should make some more gadgets.

Jak Sandrow

"Nobody cares for the woods anymore."
Until he learns to control it himself, Jak is completely vulnerable to Plant Surge.

That, and everyone thinks fire works on him.... It does. Once.

It's not a personality weakness, per se, but he has a reluctance to use the Force.
- As she is a clone, while having been 'cooking' for a long while, she is very very limited in her Force use potential. Her only 'gift' is that of farseeing, or prophesying --- which she uses a Sabaac Card deck for.
- Due to her DNA structure, she is heavily allergic to pheromones.
- Small of frame, Spenser has not been trained to sustain a physical confrontation for long; her skillset is focused on smoothing over any altercations before they become physical.
- No phone home: She has zero capability for telepathic communication due to the cloning. There will be no long distance calls with this one; all you will get is static. Same goes for any attempt at mindtricking or control of her mind.

Io Akima

Queen of Hologram Fun World
Io contracted some sort of disease around 67 ABY, they put her in a droid body and left her to believe that she was still alive.

Every few years, she'd start to figure it out, but she was so beloved that they kept resetting her memory of time. When the Gulag Plague hit, no one was left to reset her memory.

So while she thinks she's only been a droid for 400 years, it's actually been closer to 900. As a result of the Gulag Virus, Hologram Fun World has been floating around Hutt space for the past 400 years, the once lively space station a ghost ship with only Io Akima's holograms for company.

- Can get reprogrammed.
- Can be fried via ionized if it's her main motherboard at HFW.

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