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Your Character's Biggest Weakness that ISN'T a Personality Trait

Got to talking with some folks, and we were thinking about the 'Weaknesses' line in the bio template. A lotta times, the 'Strengths' section reads 'invincible' and the 'Weaknesses' section reads 'stubborn and gets angry.' Figured it'd be worth something to toss this out there and see what people have put for their best, most interesting, most sigificant NON-personality-trait weaknesses - or the best ones they've noticed in others.

As far as my own people go, Rave's biggest functional weakness is probably just that she's...weak. She's not very strong in the Force, in combat situations. She knows a ton, sure, and she's a killer alchemist, but her combat skillset is all pretty basic for a Nightsister. In any direct contest of Force powers, she loses.

But my personal favorite of all time has gotta be @[member="Darth Voracitos"]. He was so fat that he was functionally immobile. :D

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Yeah, not much tops 'ghostling' for functional weaknesses, Alei :D

Killer limp in the right leg. Incompetent with any sabre Form that isn't Shii-Cho. Also, instincts are all out of whack due to going Light again. Ashin's first thought is still 'lightning' or something similar, and that pause to process what she should be doing has been known to slow her down more than once.
Soliael is completely useless when it comes to Technology. Most of his life he spent on Onderon and traveling so he was never really introduced to such things. If you told him you could hack an entire defense grid from a system over he would likely stare at you for a very long time. He can barely use a datapad!


Anzat's How it's Done
I'd say Menoetius' biggest weakness is part of his strength - his supernatural hunger.

If he doesn't feed often and well, the void within himself will start eating... Well, himself. So, yeah. There's also his biological hunger, where if he doesn't suck a sentient being's brain out of their nose for an extended period of time, he'll die.

Not too much on the physical side, since he's an Anzati. They're pretty much OP in every aspect, I'll admit. Whatever, it's an interesting character to roleplay! :p
Prosthetic arm goes wonky when hit with ion or electrical weaponry. By wonky I mean, maybe it'll just shut down, or maybe it'll spaz out and start having some nasty seizures as it tries to make sense of the impulses.


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
For HK it would be anything he didn't encounter before, due to his long lifespan and photographic memory he tries to have a way out of any attacks that already worked on him once, doing the whole "fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me thing" which right now makes Sith Sorcery, Sith Alchemy, and getting romantically involved best ways to get the better of him since he has relatively little experience facing that.

Also, watching civilians and innocent suffer or be in any kind of danger, it's technically a personality trait but as @[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] can testify, it's the best way to get him to almost destroy himself. By now to save war prisoners he took multiple bombs to the chest, almost let a whole building collapse on him, was captured by Bando Gora and possessed by their Machine God in an ambush, and allowed himself to be left behind in a space station about to blow up due to reactor going critical.
-Anything having to do with technology other than medical scanners and the like are too complicated for the witch. With some patient instruction; Ti'Cira has learned to pilot aircraft. Though not an "ace" she has thankfully managed to not crash... yet. Still working on it though!
-Because of her technical ineptitude, she is also unable to perform any sort of slicing, programing, etc. (She's working on getting better at this!)

For about ten years... Ti'Cira was also illterate. It made for hilarious roleplays where someone told her to read something...
Praxeum is rather weak all together. Barely capable of any Force powers, since he doesn't understand it. Not a fighter in any way. Also, he has a weak knee in his right leg.
Not a personality trait? Heresy! Siobhan has so many there.

Anyway, if we're talking about non-personality weaknesses then virtually Sio's entire skill set has been put into battering ramming. Force-wise she's very good at it, but little else. No mentalism beyond the simplest mind trick, no telepathy, zero healing powers, when faced with mental attacks or illusions her sole response is to violently lash out and tear things apart with AOE spam, without regard for collateral damage or even herself.

She's also very vulnerable to lightning or EMP based attacks due to half-machine as a result of losing lots of limbs. Not a particularly good pilot. Also not that great with a lightsabre.

Not particularly educated or bright in general. Moreover, she's frankly a terrible commander who's tactical repertoire is no more complex than throwing bodies and firepower at the enemy and battering ramming them to death. We Have Reserves Let's Death Charge indeed. Really, Butcher Kerrigan's the sort the grunts would frag...if they weren't too afraid.

Hmm. Technically a personality trait, but if Sio wasn't such a hedonistic narcissist susceptible to a flattery and a pretty face, a Sith assassin would never have gotten into a position to torture Tegs, so it had functional consequences!

Kira Talith

Kinetic Communication at its finest my Chick-e-dee
She is unable to use telepathy and her use of telekinetics is minimal, with anything larger than herself taking much energy to do, if at all. She is unable to adequately use much of the Sense powers, as her strengths lie in alter and control.

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