If you want to use UCs, there's nothing stopping anyone from using them with the bounty system or to start using them to start buying items from user storefronts again, like we did in the beginning. I know at one point people were trying to run a stock market.
Anyways, I guess if there was anything I'd like to see from Chaos, maybe bring back rebellions, with some updated ruleset mechanics to reflect the current state of the board?
I think I saw one of the admins posted to ask members about what kind of new codex/factory templates they would like to see, that'd be neat.
Members of the month fell to the wayside, but I enjoyed seeing users being highlighted for their efforts.
Maybe a board-wide event that brings in tech/species that are banned/not utilized? Or the ability to use banned tech, like in the case of annihilation threads. Rakatan or celestial tech would be fun to play around with.