Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Jonah

    Private  Are You Alive?

    What comes around goes around. At least, if the ancient saying was to be believed. In today's case, it seemed that the words would hold true. For, within the region known as Hutt Space, there was a kingpin who was living large. He hailed from a long line of criminal scum and considered himself...
  2. Naria Prime

    Private  You Win Some, You...

    Naria stepped out of the museum meeting room, a frown tucked between the line of her brows. She had done business with this new curator for months now and he had turned down everything she had brought in to date. She half wondered if he just liked to spite her. The private room was next to...
  3. Declan Durinson

    Private  I Missed You: A Decky and Ellen Story.

    She made camp alone away from the rest of them and a sadness took his heart. The Aelin that he knew, and granted he may have presumed to know her better than he did, that Aelin would've been happy to be amongst them. She likely would've been quiet and reserved, observant of the strange Wolves...
  4. Jaa Ardan

    Private  It was great running into you.

    “‘Nother cup? It’s on the house!” A voice cheerily asked from behind. Jaa Ardan took his eyes away from the (tiny) market square and the handful of beings spending their morning there to turn over his shoulder. Standing behind him with a million credit smile and a pot of hot caf was the young...
  5. Zonn Geist

    Private  And the Wolf You Rode On

    Location: The glassed ruins of Lothal City Beskar Armor Lightsaber SE-44 Blaster Pistol Though the Battle of Lothal was concluded months ago, the dust and echoes of the battle and subsequent pacification that went afterwards was still present. With the death of Emperor Velran Kilran, the...
  6. Tertius C. Nargath

    Private  Can you can it.

    Location: Valkan Citadel, Eriadu Sitting in the study, his personal office, just as it had been for each generation's Head of House Nargath before him, the Marquis of Valkan ran through the plethora of notes, messages and quotations made in the N&Z and forwarded towards him. He truly did...
  7. Tycho Arak

    Private  Fighting the Crosshairs

    TAGS: Valery Noble The following is a live holonet report. "This is Stacy Odom coming to you live from just outside the quarantine zone in CoCo Town where security forces are currently assessing a report of a biological agent being unleashed in several buildings, including the newly...
  8. Laphisto

    LFG  The order wants you!

    Join the Lilaste Order: A Brotherhood of Strength, Honor, and Balance In Unity, We Find Strength; In Balance, We Forge Destiny. Are you ready to be part of something greater? The Lilaste Order, a warrior's society forged in the fires of battle and bound by honor, is calling for new recruits...
  9. Domina Prime

    Private  Cruel Intentions

    Merasyrr On the exotic planet of Felucia she began the delicate process of shedding the layers of her Beskar Armor. Each piece clinked and clattered as it fell to the ground, revealing the shimmer of dark scales and purple skin that had not seen daylight in what felt like ages. She could feel...
  10. Mia Monroe

    Private  Monster

    She shouldn’t be here. Here, was not this little shack at the edge of Mos Eisley on tatooine. Her was on this plane of existence. Mia had been torn from the netherworld for the third time, pulled back against her own will and given a task. Restore Manda’yaim, restore strength to her people...
  11. Teckla Tane

    Private  You Scratch My Back...

    Location: Office in Moff Council wing of Imperial Complex, Lianna City, Lianna Equipment: See Bio Entourage: N/A Tags: Marcus Bastion Dialogue Key: ”Galactic Basic” | <<Telepathic Communication>> Former Moff Teckla Tane had sent a message to Moff Bastion to meet her at a tapcaf near the newly...
  12. Firrerreo

    Private  You Were There

    Karok had completely countered him. He'd fully intended to cut up the worm for parts, even if he wasn't able to kill the Gen'dai, but Firrerreo had been outplayed. A Sith Sword was supposed to be able to cut anything, much like a lightsaber. But only on the edge. Turning the lighting the...
  13. Kitter Bitters

    Game  Guilty Pleasures Above You

    Choose a guilty pleasure for the character above you
  14. Srina Talon

    Question  Mandates? Like em, Hate em - How do you feel about them?

    Hi there! We've had quite a few new mandates to offer this year that are pretty fun and wild on paper. But, how do you guys feel about them? Those currently in use are: Dark Empire | Vassal State Empire of the Lost |Megacorpopolis Mandate Galactic Alliance | Relentless Horde Mandalorian...
  15. Tefka

    Question  Would you all be interested in a townhall VC discussing the pros and cons of using anime avatars?

    I feel like people get way too emotional over text criticism in this community so I'd like to offer another podcast segment where we discuss how anime is potentially hurting the Star Wars RP community. This allows an easier digestible dialogue, as was done recently with the Mandalorians Writing...
  16. Aerik Lechner

    Private  Do You Believe in Magik

    WEARING: xxx TAG: Lesaj The cityscape of Jutrand had been the home Aerik knew more than any other. His nature longed for the forests of Stewjon, the planet Gerwald had called home at one time. He loved visiting his father's old home, and roaming the woods to search out the cabin where his aunt...
  17. Palm-Imer

    Private  You Had A Life To Live

    C O N T R I T I O N LOCATION: Eriadu EQUIPMENT: Ghostfire crystal Twin Lightsabers WEARING: XxX. TAG: Gerwald Lechner The geminian frigate buzzed with movement as it jumped out of hyperspace into Eriadu's orbit. Palm kept a hurried step towards the hangar bay, surrounded by fellow Ambassadors...
  18. Alicia Drey

    Major Faction  You Were Found Wanting | Empire of the Lost

    S T A T E M E N T: The Staff Director of the New Imperial Security Bureau was found dead this morning in her apartment located in the Capital City upon the planet Lianna. Alicia Drey was 31 years of age at the time of her death, and a recent appointment to the premiere role within the Empire of...
  19. Darth Assimilus

    Discussion  Writers of Chaos, What are you interested in at the moment?

    Question is the same as the title. What is everyone interested in writing at this moment? Obviously the poll is not going to be as extensive as leaving a comment, so please if I missed one or if you are doing something new then I would love to hear about it.
  20. Connel Vanagor

    Private  "Bad Choices" you say? "Fighting" you say?

    LOCATION : Anaxes | OBJECTIVE : Investigation TAG (FRIENDLY) : Capris Halcyon | TAG (FOE) : @ "In my experience, when you think you understand the Force, you realize just how little you know" [COMM TRAFFIC] Connel had already landed on the rocky planet (which was little more than an...
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