Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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What are you drinking?

[member="Marina DeVoe"]

yea thats what I ment, 3 liters. Each liter comes in a carton. Maby thats not the right term in english, a... card-board like box vith a screw on top?

speaking of, more PJ today.
Watered-down pineaple juice. I tryed a new brand today, and this thing is so DENSE. Almost like a syrup koncentrate, but it sayes on the botle its not. But i feel it needs watering down.

Il be going back to the old brand i think.

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
But why? If this PJ brand needs you to cut it, then you can drink more of it for less money. You're getting more in a way...right? :D

Anywho, had to get some coffee as I'm working overtime.
[member="Marina DeVoe"] cuz its the only NATURAL one. Anithing that needs to be watered-down isnt the real thing, its a koncentrate dezigned to aproximate pineapple juice. Also money is no-issue for me, so i can aford to spend a extra buck for top-quality stuff. Vith the kind of money i earn, doing my 2 "jobs", i realy dont have to muhc else to spend it on, exept making sure vhat i eat and drink is 1st rate.

Wel, that and leather stuff. And jewelry. And blades. And suplements. And traveling. And... you get the idea. Money is there to be spended, not hoarded. No-body can take there money to there grave, so... live it up :D .

So yea, im back to my old brand of PJ. I missed it!

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
Oh my...isn't that like over expired?
No freshly distilled scotch?..?? :huh:

Coffee, for me.
Not usually on line weekends... but my bestie [member="Mariya Fleischer"] is back and ..YEA, had to reply to a thread. :D
Lifelong Nerd, Roleplayer, Writer and Philosopher
Dr. Pepper... Because I stopped caring about my health several years back and because I'm a caffeine addict, at this point.

Oh well.

[member="Marina DeVoe"]

Hope you've been well, by the way. Missed you. <3

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
I've been fine, thank you, [member="Last-Nerd-Bard"] :D
I've looked up Bothans and now have a much clearer understanding as whom they are in our Universe.
So how are you liking this little corner of the galaxy?..??

Oops..almost forgot.
Coffee with french Vanilla cream. :)

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