Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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What are you drinking?

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
Hmm...nothing like a good glass of chocolate milk.
I can't seem to drink milk unless it's chocolate milk. I know, I know...weird. But i don't like the taste of plain milk at all. And the low fat is even worse!
Chocolate in my milk, be it whole or low fat milk.
Chocolate all the way. :D

I'm going for a cup of coffee as soon as I cycle through the you know. :p
Hehe, maby. More likely tho, i over-did the workout and didnt back it up vith enogh suplements (I ran out of beef protein, and NO boosters, and the new batch i ordered didnt arive yet). it is amazing how fast the body just gives in vhen it gets exerted and not get enogh sustenance. And regular food just dont cut it, unles i eat 6-7 meals a day XD .

Aniway, today I'm feeling a bit beter, so its ok.


Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.

Hello [member="Last-Nerd-Bard"]
I see you made it to the games. Awesome! :D
Just so you know... it's OK to be IC here despite this is a kind of OOC forum. Anywho, I'm like IC 94.3% of the time here... hehe :)

Those are real SW statistics by the way. :p
Lifelong Nerd, Roleplayer, Writer and Philosopher
(Hi [member="Marina DeVoe"] , it's good to hear from you again, and I wish you a good morning, Dear! I'm usually IC 99.9% of the time as well - I'm here to engage in escapism, after all! It's second nature, at this point, for better or worse.)

The Bothan offered the human a small, left-sided smile, casually tossing a credit up and down into the air, her other hand nursing her drink off to one side. One leg was folded over its twin as the tan-furred female offered the other a lazy smile...

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
What? You're not drinking anything, [member="Natalija"] ?..?? :(
Well, currently neither am I. But if I was, it would be water... yea... *looks over to her left at the water cooler, but too glued to her console to reach for a cup* ... water... :huh:

Anywho, I kinda think that staying IC is like rehearsals. You know, rehearse before doing a scene? It kinda makes it so easy to reply in posts and in great lengths mind you.
Well, unless I need to change costumes and post with my other alts. Then it's a moment of meditation while my brain switches personalities. yea, like that. :D

Hehe... I'm actually going to have to look up Bothans again as I never interacted with one before. I have come across them in reference, just never met one IC. You, uhm...don't bite...hard.... do you, [member="Last-Nerd-Bard"] ?..?? :blush:
Marina DeVoe said:
Anywho, I kinda think that staying IC is like rehearsals.
I dont see the point. My IC and my OOC are very separate, and i like to keep them that way. I base my characters on certin aspekts of my-self, but i dont identify vith them. Im emotionaly in-capable of that. And i dont generaly think ahead alot, about a RP post. Vhen it comes to me, it comes, until then, i think about and do something else.

pineapple juice

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
Cool. Nothing wrong as to anyone's concept of how they choose to interact on line. I'm me myself and I in the real world, and who/what ever I am is whom I'll most likely be until it's my time to push up daises. :)

But here and elsewhere on line, I can be anything of my choosing. I don't view the internet as a real means of existence. Anyone/thing can be misrepresented. The only real use I see, aside from writing in these forums is on-line shopping and information (although a lot of info on line, one must take with a grain of salt).
I communicate with RL friends and family through my iPhone service....blah, blah, blah....boring, I know. :p

Ok, then...lemon water. :)
Lifelong Nerd, Roleplayer, Writer and Philosopher
[member="Marina DeVoe"] Eh, only one of my Bothans was actually raised by other Bothans, believe it or not. The other two would be just as awkward around their own kind as you would be, Dear Alderaanian. And neither of the girls bite unless they're threatened, no worries in that department... Though Risk's droid might get touchy if his Master's daughter is threatened, however, or if he perceives such to be the case.

Despite being a pacifist, do you bite at all? O.O

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
Kind of in unexpected ways, @Last-Nerd-Bard . I surprise myself with some of the innovations that I come up with when under fire. But none of them really hurt anyone seriously. Maybe knock them off their feet or...or leave them with their mouths agape realizing the little happy-go-lucky blonde got the best of them...yea! :D
Anywho, being a pacifist doesn't mean I don't head into the heat of a battlefront if there are innocent lives to be saved. I may wet my panties doing so, but that's just fear that I often have to wrestle with too.


...damn it. Now I have to go pee again. :(

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