Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Weeding out the Kiros-tition (Clans of Mandalore Dominion of Kiros)

Objective 2: Togruta Fever
Allies: [member="Ruus"] [member="Valdus Bral"] [member="Niamh Jones"] [member="Darlyn Excron"] [member="Adenn Kyramud"] [member="Beth Cadera"]

“I think I’m asking for my credits back… the chicken strips came from… this?” Ginnie leaned in to the dormant deep fat fryer. It bubbled a bit, and Ginnie leaned over to turn off the heat. “… so delicious.”

Rushing the closet, Ginnie pulled two Togruta out at a time, until all six of the original negotiating Togruta were safe. She sliced off their rope bonds, sitting each of them down at a table in the bar-section of the place.

“Beth here will heal your wounds, and I’ve got this bunion-face…” Ginnie raised Felicity’s head, then dropped it down. Felicity snored, as Ginnie cuffed her. “… under lock. So, feeling better yet?”

“Yes, thank you. She was the bartender… drugged our stim-caf. I… on behalf of the New Budsley City Council, and the Togrutan population of Kiros, I would like to welcome you properly and say….” The first Togruta man rubbed his wrists. “Thank you. Thank you for saving our lives. That cyborg, Dono, did you get him?”

Ginnie looked to Beth, then back to the Togruta male. “Yeah, no. But if he’s going toward our fellows, then… we’ll have him soon. So! Ah… Beth here is Mand’alor the Infernal’s official Ambassador, and… do the thing, Beth?”

Tottering into her seat, Ginnie poured herself another shot and raised it in salute for the Togruta.

“Anyone for a shot?”

“… isn’t that engine coolant?”

“……. dang.”
Beth frowned at the deep fat fryer, especially as she caught the sight of the bubbles. Disgusting, in truth. She shook her head, clearly disgusted. Perhaps it wouldn't have been as bad if she wasn't about to pop. Beth worked with each of the Togruta as [member="Ginnie Dib"] moved them from the closet and onto the table at the bar-section.

Beth tsked as she carefully examined each one, carefully. They luckily had no major injuries, at least nothing that would show up anytime soon. Mostly it was simple skin healing from rope burn and the light. One had a sprained ankle, which was easily fixed as well. "We're happy to see you are alive, Councilman, along with your colleagues," she said with a smile.

Taking the lead in terms of being the ambassador, she took the seemingly Chief Councilperson hand in hers and gave it a squeze. "I can assure you - things will be better. You are under a hard time - but, discussing the annexation is of utmost importance, especially if we are to have the authority to apprehend Mr... Dono." She glanced to Ginnie, clearly unsure who the heck that was. Or what it was.

"... So long as Ginnie doesn't drink engine coolant, oh Gods," she mutered after a second.
Tʜᴇ Cʜᴀʀʜᴏᴜɴᴅ
Objectives:1 and 3
Allies: [member="Ruus"], other Mandalorians
Post #: 2

"Brilliant. A planet with man-eating plants. Novel idea!" Quintus cursed to himself, slashing at the now active and violent plants that were attacking himself and his party. He let these creatures made of over-grown salad taste the edge of Mandalorian iron. A vine lunged at his sword-less arm, wherein the Hellyni-esque Mandalorian activated his energy shield, causing the vine to recoil back in an apparent pain. He kept up with the slicing and dicing. He noticed that others were converging on the pods of the plants, which seemed to hold the carnivore's....meals. He also recieved the coordinates from Mand'alor, but he made a decision. He went to his nearest pod, and carefully stuck his sword in it, carving open a slit. He carefully pulled out its occupant, thankfully who was still breathing. Making sure they were safe, he walked over to the Guard Captain.

"Guardsman." Quintus nodded his helmet to the man, "I'm here to offer my help. In all honesty, we need to get these people out of here. And simply setting them loose offers themselves to becoming plant food once more." The warrior sheathed his sword, and pulled his carbine blaster from its holster on his back. He turned away a moment, firing a couple of shots at some of the still active plants. "If need be, I can attempt to comm someone up above for a rescue drop, but I need someone to help rally survivors to safety." With that, Quintus turned back again once more to provide protective cover for those still attempting to save those trapped in the pods. "What's your answer, soldier?"
Objective 2: Togruta Fever
Allies: [member="Ruus"] [member="Valdus Bral"] [member="Niamh Jones"] [member="Darlyn Excron"] [member="Adenn Kyramud"] [member="Beth Cadera"]

“Really did taste like hooch…” Ginnie grunted, staring at the bottle of engine coolant. Staggering to her feet, the grieving goran reached over the bar to grab a bottle of something with a clearer label. She cracked the seal and guzzled, sitting back down with a huff. “Better… yeah, keep the talky-talking. Beth… Beth’s got you.”

The Councilman grimaced at Ginnie’s display, yet did not question her when she put both armour-clad feet on top of Felicity’s comatose, but unharmed body. He eyed the room, seeing a well defended space and finally squeezed Beth’s hand back.

“You’re brave to come, Ambassador. And you did save us, while your troops cleanse our invasive weed problem. Although, I fear there is more to do, the weeds are scattered through our planet. We love this world, and having heard and seen what you’ve done with Kalevala and Mandalore, it is the desire of the Council to sign your allegiance documents. Yes, we will give you this treaty to bring Kiros and our corresponding space into the Clans of Mandalore… although… you might want to heal your compatriot before she gets alcohol poisoning. That engine coolant mustn’t have been good.” The councilman winced again, letting go of Beth’s hand to sit on the table surrounded by his fellows.

The Togruta of Kiros agreed. Mandalore could have this space, and use their talents to apprehend the caustic Dono and his plants of doom.

“Didwewin?” Ginnie slurred, elbows slouching on the table top.
Beth perked a brow, although mostly ignored [member="Ginnie Dib"]. Indeed, she... She would keep the talky talky while Ginnie likely poisoned herself with engine coolant. Beth did her best to give attention to the Ambassador, and a genuine smile at their words.

"Wonderful. This will be a wonderful, new era between the Clans and Kiros. We'll see to it that Dono is taken captive, and..." She paused, watching Ginnie once more. "I, uh, excuse me, you are quite right," she muttered as she ran over to Ginnie.

How to exactly pull poison out of someones system was new to Beth, but through the Force she did manage to slowly pull the liquid out, albeit likely with some much needed hydration. She was going to have one bad hangover... But at least she wasn't about to like, die or whatever happened to people who drank engine coolant.

Clearing her throat, she brought her datapad. "Please, sign and submit your thumbprint. You will see the the Mand'alor and the Council have already signed their portion."
Objective 2: Togruta Fever
Allies: [member="Ruus"] [member="Valdus Bral"] [member="Niamh Jones"] [member="Darlyn Excron"] [member="Adenn Kyramud"] [member="Beth Cadera"]

Ginnie huddled in her chair, kicking her legs up on the table and cuddling the bottle of schnapps she grabbed after the glorified turpentine. Her chin tilted down, and for a moment looked as if the pyromancer fell asleep. Beth came to her right on time, cleansing the poisonous liquid from Ginnie’s body before it could shut her liver down.

“Oooohh I’m going to hate you later…” Ginnie mumbled, before reaching her hand to the side and telekinetically procuring a bottle of water. She cracked the seal and drank heartily, before combusting the glass bottle into sand in her hand.

The Councilman blinked heartily, mouth opening. “I… suppose that answers the question of the Force… yes.. yes! Let’s sign. Yes. Welcome to Kiros, you are most welcome indeed… does she need a place to crash? We have a hotel… I’ll… register a room.”
Objective 1: Investigate Botanical Anomalies
Allies: [member="Ruus"] [member="Valdus Bral"] [member="Niamh Jones"] [member="Darlyn Excron"] [member="Adenn Kyramud"] [member="Kaine Australis"] [member="Quintus Cadera"]

Yasha grunted as she triggered the lightning coils of her suit. The root ball of the poisonous vines shrivelled and smoked. Tang of lightning coated the air, as Yasha continued until the roots turned to ash. The entire tangle of vines began to spastically strike out before turning an acrid brown and flopping lifeless to the ground.

The Mandalorians sliding through the pods began releasing the captured people, as Niamh’s flames worked to destroy the vines. Reaching over to the next basket, Yasha triggered her ARC reactor once more, and the root ball combusted.

“Keep it up! We’ve got this, they’re dying!” Yasha hopped to her feet, and rushed the next vine bundle, slicing it with her katar. Darlyn rushed around and Valdus kept slicing. A dying vine wrapped around his armour, stuck with suckers.

Yet, Ruus and his guards began to secure the captured Togruta. Sizzling and sliced plant-flesh scattered around them, fizzling and smoking in their last coiling throes.

“Who would have thought a toxicodendron could develop like this? That’s incredible. I want to meet the mook who thought this up. And before cuffing him upside the head, I want to know how he did it.” Yasha stood up and dusted off, looking down at the muck of plant matter on her armour. The vines faded and died, brown messes on the ground.

“Anybody wounded? How are the locals?”
Objective: 1 and 3
Tags: [member="Aditya Fitz Kierke"] [member="Yasha Cadera"] [member="Darlyn Excron"] [member="Ruus"] [member="Valdus Bral"] [member="Niamh Jones"]

It was over far faster than Adenn expected, suddenly the vines were all dead. Looking down at the root ball in his hand, Adenn crushed the remains of it before looking to Yasha again. Shaking his head, Adenn wondered how and why Yasha loved plants so much. Not that it really mattered thought Adenn, to eaches own as they say. Shaking his head to free himself of his musings, Adenn holstered his pistol and pulled out a rag. Then he went to Aditya while cleaning his sword of gunk, the plants had caused plenty of it.

A few moments of walking later, Adenn was next to Aditya and Calyr. Finished with cleaning his sword, Adenn put the rag away and holstered his sword on his back. Then he patted Calyr's head and moved to scratch his neck, all while turning his attention to Aditya.
"Well done c'yare, we won. Again." Chuckling lightly, Adenn looked around once more, idly wondering what would come next. They'd basically finished up here, no doubt the negotiations were finished too, so what now?

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