Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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When he mentioned her talents, it was something Jairdain really hadn't talked much about. Diplomacy and counseling, yes but not what else she could do. That would be something that might take a long time. Over the years, she had learned so many skills with the Force. Taking her mind off of her husband, she thought about her various Padawans and wondered where they had all gone. This did not bring any sadness to her and she hoped they were all doing fine.

"You do what is natural for you, Jax. Just be patient with me."

Blinking slightly, she colored again and thankfully he didn't seem to notice this. Pushing away the menu that was placed in front of her, she gave him an amused look when he told her not to tell this to his droid.

"Guess it's a good thing I don't speak droid."

Another of her weaknesses...Listening to him make his suggestion on what to eat, she nodded and then lowered her eyebrows just a little. Sage perked up though and looked at him waiting with anticipation.

"I suppose."

In her opinion, this wasn't the greatest timing but kept silent on it. Picking up the menu she had pushed away, she held it up to Sage to get a look at it while she peered through his eyes.

Jax Thio Jax Thio


Location: The Fantastic Fish​
Tag: Jairdain Jairdain
"Great don't tell BB-12 that," Jax said rolling his eyes. "He's really going to mess with you." BB-12 just loves taking the piss out of everyone especially if they don't know what he's talking about. Too many times Jax had to endure his string of curse words and it usually ended with BB-12 receiving a kick to the face for his insolence.​
Patience wasn't exactly Jax strong suit but he was slowly starting to learn it ever since Master Oda died. In this case he was trying to be careful with Jairdain while she was mourning but Jairdain was insistent that Jax be himself. He was still hesitant though and part of him was fearful of what would happen if he touched her again. "So right here," Jax pointed to the Sushi. "That is Sushi su-shi. Try to read it."​
The Droid walked towards them asking what they wanted. "I want the Yakisoba special," Jax said before turning to Jairdain. "Now Jairdain read off your order." He hoped his first lesson paid off even it was very short.​

Shaking her head when he told her not to tell his droid she could cook, it wasn't something she did as often as she should. Going through the phases of grieving, her appetite was ignored. That might be why she was so hungry now. Almost feeling the conflict within him, she changed her focus to her hands for a moment before turning it back to him.

"I think we both have a lot to learn about each other. That takes time and right now, I have a lot of that."

Giving him a bit of a shy smile, she looked at the menu through Sage and where Jax pointed at the word sushi. Attempting to memorize what the shapes were and what they sounded like.

"You gave me one word. What are these others?"

When the droid walked over and asked what their order was, she repeated what he had suggested earlier. Even though she had only heard it once, she remembered what it was. The order placed, she picked up the drink that had been provided and sipped at it.

"This is quite good. What is it?"

All of these questions weren't out of the ordinary for Jairdain but it had been a long time since this had happened. Loosening up for the first time in many months, the shy smile turned into something stronger and her eyes took on a mischievous look.

Jax Thio Jax Thio


Location: The Fantastic Fish​
Tag: Jairdain Jairdain
"You're a very patient woman Jairdain," Jax chuckled taking a sip of Wine. "Patient even for a Jedi." There was a sense of maturity and grace with Jairdain. She approaches things with a Jedi mindset something Jax struggled to attain even after becoming a Knight. "So you're a Jedi Master huh? Tell me how do you get a rank of master?" Jax asked leaning closer to her.​
Jax barely considers himself a Jedi Knight much less a master, but It was a way to create some small talk and get to know each other better. The Jedi grinned when he saw Jairdain elicit a shy smile for the first time she seemed to be enjoying herself. "Well," Jax said taking another sip. "That is Wine, I'm surprised you haven't drank some of it. One would assume that you've had some of it based on your courtroom duties."​
Maybe she doesn't drink who knows but one thing Jax did know was that he can't help but blush at Jairdain's smile.​

Not entirely sure how to fully accept the compliments paid to her, Jairdain couldn't help but blush a little. It wasn't that she was as patient as he thought but that she went with the flow of things. Quite often this required that she be patient. Time would tell if his other thoughts were accurate or not. She had been down the path of the Sith before and the touch from that remained. Jax did now know this about her yet.

Letting out a mental sigh when he asked how she had become a Master, she silent for a moment while sipping on the wine given to them.

"It happened when I accepted the position as advisor for the Crown Prince of Commenor."

When she mentioned Brad, her heart felt like it skipped a beat. Wondering where he was now, she didn't dwell on the thoughts of the lost but living. If he wanted to be a part of her life or that of his son's it would be on him to contact her since she did not know where he was.

"How does one gain the rank? It's sometimes something that just happens. People can get promoted on the field of battle or more formal and have a ceremony for it. That never happened for me."

So many things had never actually happened but everything was in the past. Why couldn't Jairdain just let go? As he answered her question about the drink, she would have rolled her eyes if she had any control over them.

"I meant what kind of wine? Of course, I've had wine before. In fact, there were times when all I did was drink whatever I could get my hands on."

Wrapping those hands around the glass, she turned her head to appear to look at that. Slowly she was starting to admit some of her flaws, some of the things she had done and been through.

"That was one of the darkest times in my life. I'll tell you about that sometime. Just not tonight."

Smiling a little, she attempted to push aside the pain and sorrow she was feeling to try to enjoy the time they were having. Another wave of heat came to her and for just a moment she seemed to lose a little control she had over the illusion she had about herself. All he might notice was a small glow to her eyes before they appeared violet again.

"Is it hot in here just me?"

Jax Thio Jax Thio


Location: The Fantastic Fish​
Tag: Jairdain Jairdain
Jax didn't know how a Knight gets promoted to a Master, it wasn't cut and dry like when a Padawan undertakes their trials through their training with their masters. All Jax knew was that the rank of Master was given to those who shown incredible devotion to the force and incredible skill with a Lightsaber Jedi Masters make up the smallest percentage of the NJO. The benefits of becoming a Jedi Master was that not only that they were allowed to sit in the High Council but they can have access to all of the holocrons stored in the Jedi Library. So much knowledge and lore trapped in a vault, Jax tried to enter it once but was unable to bypass the force sealed lock. Only masters know the secret of accessing the vault.​
"Doubtful I'll become a Master," Jax chuckled drinking another sip of Wine. "Don't exactly fit the criteria you know? Anyway there's all kinds of wine, Red Wine, White Wine, Grape Wine, there's Sparking Wine. I can teach you the basics of Wine tasting if you like, it's an artform apparently done by pretentious nobles and all that shit."​
Though Jax was curious about being a Jedi Master, he doesn't think that he'll become one if ever. He was fine with that however, many Knights live and die as a Jedi Knight and many has accomplished just as much than a Jedi Master. Being a Master was more like getting a PHD at a University anyway. It looked fancy but it was just more schooling at the end of the day and no amount of education can top experience. The Jedi saw Jardain's violet eyes flash yellow before reverting to violet. Strange.... but It was probably the wine that was messing with him.​
"It's cold to me," Jax said as the Droid came carrying the Fish. "Well what do you know!" Jax chuckled getting his chopsticks ready. "Time to eat Jairdain! So what questions do you have for me Angel Face?"​

It had actually been quite a while since Jairdain had been very active with the Silvers. For the most part, she had only held a class or two and taken care of her family. As the mind of her husband faded, she helped him get by from day to day. Then that ended and she had lost her way. Part of her journey to find herself again had taken her to the Temple on Coruscant. Which lead her to the meeting of Jax. There had to be a purpose for this.

"Yuroic also never thought he would become a Master. Yet he did. I was there for his ceremony>"

This happened before they were married or back together. In fact, it was near the tail end of her last dark point in her life. Now when it was darkest for her now, Jax appeared. Giving him a smile, he might not know what brought it on this time. She was trying to give him a bit of hope but she didn't know if he would actually understand her intention or even want it.

Something he might not know is there was a test to become a Master but it was rarely done in this day and age. The test had never happened in her memory for anybody. Listening as he spoke about the various wines, she already knew this information. Keeping this to herself, she tilted her head to the side slightly when he mentioned tasting parties.

"That could be something interesting to try. Look at where I have been. No tasting parties though. Unless you consider trying teas in the same category."

Moving her head upright caused her to be dizzy for a second or two. Mentally shaking it, she wondered what was going on with her. When he answered her question on temperature, her eyebrows lowered a bit. At that moment, their food arrived and was set in front of them.

"What criteria do you think is needed to be a Master?"

While this might not be the type of question he was expecting, it was what she asked. Reaching a hand out to her plate, she had no idea what to expect from this food.

Jax Thio Jax Thio


Location: The Fantastic Fish, Coruscant​
Tag: Jairdain Jairdain
Even though Jax worked part time with the Silvers, he still didn't know the differences in how they determined ranked. Jax trained Aveline CuilĂ©in Aveline CuilĂ©in according to NJO tradition. Take on a Padawan, train them and see if that Padawan shows aptitude during the many missions the master takes them on. Aveline has shown promise but she had much to learn before Jax felt that she is worth to become a Jedi Knight. However how Silvers promote Padawans and Masters remained a mystery to him. Perhaps it was the same thing?​
"What did he do?" Jax asked taking a bite of Wabasbi. "I mean the Silvers and the NJO are different organization and therefore have different expectations what a Jedi Master does."​
Frowning a bit, Jax took another bite of Wabasabi and began to answer. "I dunno," he said. "The Textbook answer says that one must demonstrate phenomenal skill in combat and knowledge with the Force." The Jedi shurgged. "I've demonstrated neither," he said. "Besides I don't know if Jedi Knights have to undergo trials like a Padawan does. It's so secretive."​
Taking another sip, Jax stared into Jairdain's violet eyes. "I can also teach you the basics of wine tasting," he said. "Maybe if we date again, I can take you to a Vineyard? Naboo has plenty of those."​

Her original had been quite different than what the rest of the Orders did. Or at least, Jairdain thought so. By the time she had joined the Silvers, she was almost ready to become a Knight. Over the course of her recovery from being kidnapped, tortured, and almost sacrificed, her trials had happened. At the culmination, she had been Knighted in private with only one other pair of eyes.

Generally, trials were a personal matter but she was curious as to what his trial had been.

"What were your trials like? What is your order like?"

Rather it was two questions she asked but both of them were along the same vein. Finding a piece of food, she brought it to her nose to smell before placing it in her mouth. Assuming Jax had noticed this, she colored slightly and quietly chewed on her food. This gave her a few moments to put into words the answer to his question about Yuroic.

Allowing him to answer her question first gave her additional time and this pleased her. It wasn't that she avoiding answering Jax but she just needed the time to find the right words to say.

"When you say skill in combat, do you mean physical? There was a time in ages past when a Knight went through a trial to become a Master. I don't think that happens anymore though. I'm not sure entirely."

Taking a sip of the wine, she set the glass and leaned back a little. Picking up the next bite, she allowed what she had said to sink before speaking again.

"He was a far better warrior than me. Went to many more battles and fights while I stayed home and took care of the family. Those few times we fought side by side were both heaven and hell. One or the other of us could have died at any moment but we protected each other. During this time, he did gain the rank of Grand Master. His memory started failing him and he withdrew from that position. Then one day, he went alone and never came back."

Drawing in a very ragged breath, she pushed her plate away softly and attempted to look around.

"Where is the ladies room? I feel I need to go clean myself up."

Once she was told, she excused herself and left the table. After she left, she realized she hadn't given Jax an answer to his offer of a trip to a vineyard or wine tasting. She would have to fix that when she returned. Following the direction she had been given, Jairdain was gone for a few minutes. Doing her business in there, she ran some cool water over her face and took a few calming breaths. As soon as she felt confident in returning to Jax, she did.

"I'm sorry about that. Um, yeah. I'm better now."

Retaking her seat, she hoped Jax would forgive her for getting up abruptly as she had.

"I think visiting a vineyard would be nice."

Jax Thio Jax Thio


Location: The Fantastic Fish​
Tag: Jairdain Jairdain
Jax shrugged it turns out the Silvers didn't know too much about the NJO as well. "The NJO," Jax began. "Got it's roots from Luke Skywalker after the Galactic Civil War. They mostly follow the traditions of the Jedi from the Old Republic but you can join at any age, you can marry, have kids and all that. Though with me, I was left at the steps of the Jedi Temple when I was a baby. I never knew my true name, my family everything the Jedi were my family and I loved being with them. But sometimes I wonder who my family was? Why did they abandon me at the steps of the Jedi Temple?"​
The answer was more emotional than Jax wanted, but It was a curiosity of his who were his parents? And why did they leave Jax at the Temple? Maybe they knew his force sensitivity and decided he would have a better life at the Temple? It remained a mystery for Jax though he tried not to think about too much for putting too much though would come at the expense of the moment. "But the way I'm training Aveline it's through the Five Trials: Skill, Flesh, Courage, Spirit and Insight. You achieve them by performing great acts on missions so far Aveline has passed one trial. The Trial of flesh."​
Jax grimaced when he said that, images of him accidentally maiming his padawan appeared in front of him. Shaking his head, Jax took a sip of Wine to calm his nerves while he listened to Jairdain talk about how Yuroic: Her ex-husband was a great warrior and a great father. "Your husband sounded like a great man," he said chuckling. "I'm nowhere near his caliber as a fighter nor a person. I'm a drunk of a Jedi who failed his Padawan and is trying to relearn what it means to be a Jedi Knight again."​
He wondered why Jaridain would take an interest in somebody like him. He was nobody yet here she was smiling and talking to Jax. "I did hear of Yuroic," Jax said. "Months ago he died heroically to a Stih in battle, the Silvers created a massive funeral honoring him. He sounded every bit of the legend that you described Jairdain."​
It was then Jairdain had to go to the bathroom, raising an eyebrow Jax smiled and waited for her continuing to eat his Wasabi. When Jairdain returned, Jax smiled. "Jaridain," he said squeezing her soft hand. "It's all right we all have to obey our bodily functions sooner or later."​
There was an awkward silence before Jax sighed. "Forgive me for saying that," he said. "We're in a restaurant but anyway yeah I can show you how Wine is made and we can walk through meadows and guess the birds singing."​
The Jedi chuckled. "Isn't that nice?" he asked.​

It appeared that their orders were very similar. Both allowed joining at any age, marrying, and having kids. He said he had been left at the Temple as a child without any knowledge of where he had come from. Finding that quite interesting, she allowed him to finish.

Reaching a hand across the table to try and take his for a moment, she would gently squeeze it and take her hand back. Picking up another piece of food, she put it in her mouth as he spoke on.

"I went through similar trials before becoming a Knight. Almost all of them on a battlefield of one kind or another. Getting making my first lightsaber was the final test."

Having gotten some information from Jax, she could almost sense where his thoughts had gone. Nodding as he continued speaking of his Padawan, she smiled slightly. Not any of her true Padawans had actually been trialed by her. While she was sure they remained and kept training, none of them had kept in contact with her.

Lifting an eyebrow at him as he compared himself with Yuroic, she was silent. Remembering the times in their lives when both of them had been drunks. Different times but it seemed that many went through the same kind of issues.

Holding a palm to him, images would flash across it as they had back at the Temple. These visions showed him when she had been a drunk, not what had caused it. Keeping that to herself, for now, it was something he would learn about later.

"Would it make it any better if I told you I understand. Together we stand strong and we will help each other through our hard times."

Maybe it was one of her prophecies or maybe it was just the buried desire Jairdain had that made her speak this way. As the conversation continued, he was reminded he had heard of Yuroic. A sad smile crossed her face as he mentioned what happened.

"I know."

When she returned, he forgave her for leaving and that he knew all people had to do that now then. Jax may not have realized that wasn't the only reason she had gone. Shrugging her shoulders, Jairdain accepted his words and tried to get cheerful when he talked about walking and listening to the birds sing.

"That does sound nice."

Eating another bite, she chewed quietly and then took a drink. Leaning forward again, her face looked happy but her eyes did not.

"What's your favorite color? I have seen those before."

Jax Thio Jax Thio


Location: The Fantastic Fish, Coruscant​
Tag: Jairdain Jairdain
Jax frowned a bit. "I've been in many battles my self," he said. "If there's one thing I've learned about war is it either makes you a hero or it breaks you. Sadly I fall into latter category." Jax can still remember his master dying in the sands of Tatooine his death caused by Jax's recklessness. If he hadn't overextended his master would've lived. Shaking his head, the Jedi continued to eat in silence while Jairdain continued to talk about her journey to be a master.​
"Wait you have to wait until after you become a Knight to get your Lightsaber?" Jax asked while he ate his Wasabi. "For the NJO, Padawans always build their own Lightsabers prior to being assigned to a Master."​
In a way, Jax supposed it made sense maybe building a Lightsaber makes Padawans arrogant and think that they're ready to be Knights from the get go. Jax himself became even more arrogant when he constructed his Lightsaber. Just then, Jairdain placed her palm against his and the Jedi found himself seeing images of Jairdain swaying about and guzzling beer. When the vision ended, a sad smile spread across Jax's face. "It does," he said holding her hand. "There are times that you do feel like you are the worst person in the galaxy but all you need to do is open your eyes and see that there are others who are going through bad if not worse situations than you. I do hope we can both heal Jairdain."​
There was a connection between the two, something Jax wanted to be real this time. In their short time together, Jairdain had helped him the same way he helped her. "Color?" Jax chuckled. "I would guess it's red. I actually though about making my crystal red when I first built my Lightsaber but my master yelled at me saying: "Do you want to recognized as a Sith?!" So I went with my favorite color: Green."​
He missed Master Oda, his gruff demeanor but a strong devotion in the Jedi and the Force. The NJO lost one the best and it was all Jax's fault. The Jedi sighed and stared at Jairdain. "I'm guessing your favorite color is black?" he chuckled. "Black hair, black clothing it does bring about your beauty Jairdain." he winked.​

"It wasn't a war that broke me, Jax. I mean, it was partially but not totally."

When he asked for clarification about having to wait to become a Knight before getting a lightsaber, she shook her head.

"I didn't grow up Jedi. In fact, my world was destroyed and I did not even know about Jedi or Sith when I was little. This happened when I was fifteen. Then I joined the Galaxy proper and learned about the different codes. So the ship that had rescued me, dropped me on the doorstep of the Silver Temple on Voss."

Her eyes blinked before she continued again and her hand started going into a fist.

"My then Master sent me on a mission alone. A Padawan. My ship was captured by some cultists, and I was taken prisoner. As a Force user, I was going to be used as a sacrifice for these people. Living in the dark as I do, I have no idea how long I had been captive before getting rescued. The group that picked me allowed me to stay with them while I healed. It was one of their Masters that put me through my trials. Not the Silvers."

Picking up her glass she spoke of this part of her past, when she finished, she drank the rest of the wine. Setting the glass back down, she hoped it would be refilled.

"With the Silvers, they get the chance to build their first as a Padawan too. I just never got that far with them before I was captured."

Smiling a gentle smile now, she listened to the answer he gave. A hand moved down to the hilt clipped to her belt and then returned to the table. Shaking her head when he said he assumed her favorite was black, she let him finish before speaking again.

"Nope. I like green and then blue. My original lightsaber was green. Not anymore though. It's rare when I show it, but it's white."

Jax Thio Jax Thio


Location: The Fantastic Fish, Coruscant​
Tag: Jairdain Jairdain
Well many Jedi now and days don't grow up learning about them which makes Jax somewhat a special case being one who was trained as a Jedi since he was an infant. Thinking about it, Jax had the traditional route of Jedi spending most of their lives at the temple. "At least you've had life experience, I had to sneak out just to wonder what was life like outside the Jedi Temple. The Temple is the safest place in all of Coruscant but for fracks sake you're just depriving people of what life is really like. How can we empathize with others when we don't even know how they lived."​
That was the reason why Jax rented an apartment in the lower levels, he wanted to know more about the citizens that he was raised to protect. They had desires, fears and needs but at the end of the day the people of the Galactic Alliance strive to live day to day. Still if only BB-12 would stop buying fast food leaving Jax with little to pay for the rent. He's been hounded by the landlord asking for rent for months. "So sounds like a trial of spirit," Jax mused drinking a sip of Wine. "I don't know if I have the guts to put Aveline through that same trials."​
Underneath all that belligerence Aveline CuilĂ©in Aveline CuilĂ©in was fearful mostly of not being the Jedi that she believed that she was destined to be. Jax tried to tell her that the future is always in motion and many times it is not set in stone but as always, it flew over her head. Even Jedi prophets warned against believing premonitions of the future. Too many times the Galaxy has been in turmoil either because someone believed in a vision or they tried to overthrow the so called pre determined outcomes.​
"Impressive Lightsaber," Jax smiled when Jairdain showed him her weapon. "Sometimes I wished I went with white. Was thinking about purple but the cave I was in didn't have a purple crystal sadly."​
The Jedi continued to eat his Wasabi halfway done. "So you trained Padawans?" he asked raising an eyebrow. "Not surprising giving your status as a Master. It's hard enough training one but how many have you trained Jairdain and can you give me advice with training my Padawan?"​
Jairdain had experience Jax wished he had perhaps she can help with Aveline. There were many people Jax met that gave him advice with Aveline but perhaps Jairdain can have a different take.​

When Jax said the Temple was the safest place on Coruscant, she couldn't help but have a bit of a sad smile. Part of the reason she had become a drunk was that the Temple had fallen and been destroyed by the Sith. She had even fought several there. It wasn't long after when her old friend had begged her to kill him. Shaking her head, Jairdain didn't want to have to relive those memories again.

"I have all the freedom I desire with the Silvers. We can live wherever We want, visit any place and even work outside of their territory. Maybe if I had grown up with them I would have had a different life. That probably would have been the case and luck wouldn't have brought us together."

As he spoke of putting Aveline through the trials, she almost shrugged.

"Perhaps you can have another Master trial her? That's always an option. My Master didn't trial me. In fact, when I returned to the Silvers, she was nowhere to be found. I have no idea what happened to her. By then, I was already a Knight, and soon after I was sent to the battlefields. War never ends does it?"

Saying the last part more to herself than to him, it was still spoken out loud.

"I can barely use the damn thing."

Shrugging entirely this time, she started sweating and wiped at her forehead again. Listening to him ask his questions through a little bit of haze, she nodded. Her words sounded to her slightly slurred but clear enough to be understood.

"Normally I have just held classes for small groups to learn skills. It's rare for a Padawan to stay with me for some reason. Maybe it's because I am unable to teach lightsaber combat."

Asking for her advice, she shook her head.

"I don't know what you have or haven't done yet. Just go with the flow, find out her talents and figure out how to work together to balance each other."

That is how she ran her classes and when teaching Padawans. Each person was different so what worked for her might not another person.

Jax Thio Jax Thio


Location: The Fantastic Fish, Coruscant​
Tag: Jairdain Jairdain
"Freedom....." Jax muttered taking another bite wasabi. "I kinda wished I was raised with the Silvers, the ability to choose is something that the NJO is lacking now and days. I mean it feels like every year we're regressing back to the dogmatic ways of the Jedi."Jax took a sip of Wine enduring the small burning sensation as it went down his throat. "Well at least we allow Jedi to be married but even that is somewhat frowned upon."​
In a way Jax envied Aveline a bit she arrived at a place that fit her personality and desires. He didn't think her stubborn attitude would be fit with the NJO and the Jedi could barely Jax and his antics when he was a kid. To not be confined to the Temple sounded refreshing even in Jax's many visits to Kashykk, he noticed how much freedom that the Silvers allowed to have. In a way, the Silvers were more NJO than the NJO was and that's a pretty sad thing for Jax to admit. "Luke Skywalker created the NJO to give Jedi to allow themselves attachments," he said. "Attachments aren't inherently a bad thing but the NJO is a bit finicky at times. The Silvers are more laidback."​
Jairdain suggested another master put Aveline through the trials, Jax raised an eyebrow at that remark. "I could," he said. "But I feel that it's my responsibility to train Aveline. She needs a teacher to harness her abilities properly. You should see her midichlorian count it almost rivals Anakin Skywalker: The Chosen One. Aveline has the potential to be more powerful than you or me she could be a legendary Jedi. I need to be that teacher for her. If she falls to the dark side, that will be my failing and the Sith get a powerful ally."​
The Jedi squeezed Jairdain's hand when she said that war never ended. She was right after all, a different era with the same conflicts, Jax never understood why the GA decided to poke their nose in the NIO and the Sith's war. It was just a needless move in order for the GA to flex over the Sith. "Why did the Chancellor even send us to this fracking war?" Jax grumbled. "Let the Sith duke it out with the NIO, it's not our fight. I'm starting to feel that the Chancellor is allowing her Jedi past to dictate her actions." he continued. "The GA have their own problems to handle and the people aren't happy with another war."​
It was enough war for now, what interested Jax was the fact that Jairdain didn't even know how to use a Lightsaber. "Shit Jaridain," Jax chuckled. "A Jedi who doesn't know how to use their Lightsaber is like a Soldier who doesn't know how to fire their blaster. Now and days there's people who can protect themselves from Force based attacks. Aveline and I had to deal with gangs who had anti-force technology. The Lightsaber is THE WEAPON of the Jedi Knight and I've been considered a prodigy when it comes to the Lightsaber. If it weren't for my skills with it, I would be kicked out from the Temple when I was a youngling. I can teach how to wield it."​
Noticing Jairdain sweating Jax finished the last of his meal. "You're not looking so hot," he said. "Come on let's finish our food and let's find some place cool. Besides I think I'll try that approach when I meet Aveline again. Thank you Jaridain."​
Offering his hand, Jax took Jairdain out from the restaurant allowing Jairdain to lean her head against his arm if she chooses.​

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Listening to what Jax said about the NJO, she frowned just a little. She was happy she had grown up the way she had and did not actually envy his sheltered life. Not giving any sign through her emotions, the expression might have crossed her face.

"I'll tell you my code sometime, Jax. Just not right now. Something to talk about in private."

Almost shaking her head when he said they didn't like the idea of marriage, she couldn't imagine a life like that. Finishing off her food, that emotion very likely would come through to him. As empathic as she was, she sometimes displayed her own too well.

Feeling the envy he had for his Padawan. Then an idea came to her.

"You know you could join...right? When I was rescued by that other group, I joined them for the amount of time I was with them. After I recovered and became a Knight, I returned to the Silvers."

Smiling when he said the Silvers were more laid back, she couldn't help but agree. Pushing her plate away, she looked a bit confused when he mentioned Midiclorians.

"I have no idea what those are or what my count is. Are they bad?"

Lifting a hand to hold off his statement about not knowing how to use her lightsaber, she did allow him to finish. Making a pointing motion with her fingers when he mentioned a soldier and their blasters, she shook her head.

"Look, I know the basics and a bit more of Form One. I have also encountered Mandalorians and was able to escape one...three times. He only captured me twice."

Coughing slightly, she blushed a little when she told him about being captured two times by the same man. Having a bounty did cause hunters to come after a person. Surely he would understand that.

Taking the hand he offered, she allowed him to lead her out. Once they were outside, she turned her face upward to feel the cool air blowing across it. Lowering it, she did rest her head on his arm for a second or two. Reaching out with the Force, Jax might feel her closing them fully away from anybody else around them.

"Since we are just getting to know each other, I want you to know I have been deceiving you just slightly. Don't be scared. I'm not going to hurt you or even do anything bad."

The illusion she had been holding around her appearance faded and he would be able to see her true form. Pale, yellow eyes, long and elf-like ears, as well as a meter long, fluffy tail. Her coloring was similar to that of a black and grey fox. Waiting to hear and sense the revulsion from him, she started to pull away.

Jax Thio Jax Thio


Location: Entertainment District, Coruscant​
Tag: Jairdain Jairdain
"A code?" Jax asked bemused that Jairdain had her own personal code looks like they have more in common than he thought. Even though Jax knew the Jedi code, he preferred to bend the rules to fit him particularly helping the people first above all else. Those who break the rules are garbage but those who let innocents die are scum. That was what Jax tried to instill in Aveline which he had the easiest time teaching considering Aveline has a strong sense of justice. "I look forward to hearing your code Jairdain," Jax responded walking further from the crowd at the Entertainment District.​
The cold air bristled against Jax's face as he guided Jaridain to a railing overlooking the rest of the entertainment district. It was vastly populated with the sounds of chatter from gamblers to lovers looking for a great time. Jax leaned against the railing listening to Jairdain continue to talk about Silvers.​
"Thing is angel face," Jax smiled. "Is that I'm already part of the Silvers I work part time for them and occasionally do missions for them. The Silvers and the NJO share the same creed though the Silvers are more independent. I mean think that's why I was chosen to train Aveline. Possibly to help signify the unification between the Silvers and the NJO."​
The Jedi chuckled when Jaridain attempted to defend her Lightsaber skills saying that she knew Shii-Cho. When Jairdain mentioned that she was only captured by a Mandolorian twice Jax raised an eyebrow. "Well you survived an encounter by the same Mando twice," he said smirking. "Given how they pride themselves as Jedi killers it's an impressive feet that you came out alive." Jax placed his hand on her shoulder. "I will always protect you Jairdain but I will also teach you more about the Lightsaber. It's my expertise something I take great pride in."​
It was then Jax sensed fear and anxiety from Jairdain who said that she was deceiving him slightly. "Deceiving me?" Jax said frowning. "What do you-"​
Jairdain's body began to shimmer revealing pointed ears and a small fluffy tail, her violet eyes began to glow and light yellow similar to the eyes the Sith have. Though Jax didn't see anger or hatred in Jairdain's eyes rather than dread and shame, he stood there blank faced his eyes scanning her new appearance while crossing his arms. "Preferred the violet eyes," he said nonchalantly. "But you still look beautiful regardless."​
Taking slow and steady steps, Jax wrapped her his arms around Jairdain pulling her into a hug. "You didn't need to hide from me Jairdain," he whispered in her ear beginning to stroke her long hair. "Even if you looked like a hunchback I would still think of you as nothing more than a beautiful woman. You are helping me try to move on from my failure at Korriban and that is something I will always appreciate. I mean it when I say that I will protect you Jairdain."​
Jax sighed. "I just hope that we can date more often," he chuckled feeling a bit awkward now.​

"Well, there are several codes. Each group seems to have them."

Shrugging her shoulders, she leaned again Jax lightly as they walked together. When he said he wanted to hear her code, she appeared to look up at him. Sage also turned his head and let out a small sigh. Nothing bad and something closer to being content. It probably helped that Jairdain was getting comfortable. Knowing she still had her secret to reveal, she was a little surprised. The Force really did work in mysterious ways and she trusted in it.

"There is the code of my people. Life, Freedom, and Unity. And then there is my personal code. I'll tell you that one later."

Turning her face to allow the cool wind to brush over it, she spoke on about her life with the Silvers and how he could join them. Nodding when he said he was already part of them, she squeezed his arm slightly. Allowing Jax to guide her around, they leaned against the railing close together.

Shaking her head when he suggested bringing the two orders together, it had been tried before. As he reacted to her escaping the clutches of a Mandalorian, she chuckled a little.

"Another story for a different time."

Taking a deep and nervous breath, she allowed her illusion to fall. Expecting him to turn away, she gasped as she felt his arms wrapping around her body. Not bothering to hide the almost shame she felt about her eyes, she changed them back to violet when he commented on them.

"You and me both."

Her tail wrapped around both of them lightly and she leaned into his hug.

"Thank you for that. You are also helping me. More than you know."

Clearing her throat, she raised one hand and stopped herself from actually touching his face. Coloring a bit, her focus moved away.

"I might have seen your face by looking through Sage but I'd like to see with my fingers. It's only fair..."

Feeling his acceptance of her request, her hand would lightly touch the top of his head, hair, face, and the outline of his torso. He was wearing clothes but that was fine. Jairdain wasn't actually considering what he might look like under them...yet. Her curiosity satisfied, when she was done, she leaned her head against his chest. Hearing what he said about going out again, she tilted her head up with a smile.

"I agree. I'd like to see you again."

Sensing he was feeling awkward, she touched his cheek and rubbed just under his eye lightly. As she had before when seeing what he looked like. A wave of warmth hit her again that nothing to do with the fever she was having.

Jax Thio Jax Thio


Location: Entertainment District​
Tag: Jairdain Jairdain
A small shiver crept up Jax's spine when Jairdain gently wrapped her tail around his legs. "I always like a woman with a little bit of mystery behind her," He smirked as he placed Jairdain's head against his chest stroking her hair. For the first time in what felt like years, Jax allowed himself to relax and enjoy the moment. So much time blaming himself for his mistakes at Korriban, so much time reconnecting with the force understanding its nature and Jax's place in universe and communing with his old master in the netherworld of the force. Jax still carried the guilt and shame that weighed upon him, when was the last time he slept? Based on how heavy his eyelids were and how he was having a hard time balancing not much.​
However this very moment where he found another person who was in just as much pain as he was losing soulmate, embracing each other Jax felt at ease, his heart fluttering when Jairdain changed her eyes to violet. "Well that's a surprise," he gave a nervous grin. "One would think that they would be offended but thank you Jairdain seriously looks like we're pretty good at reading each other."​
Jax looked away when Jairdain mentioned that he was helping her in more ways than one. The truth be told was that Jax felt that he was useless, he wasn't as skilled as Catlin nor as wise as Ryv: The Sword of the Jedi. If the NJO did a survey on who's the best Jedi, Jax would probably be on the bottom of the list. He was a drunk, a man who often rebelled against the customs and traditions of the Jedi one who "earned" his the rank of Jedi through killing a marauder out of anger and that was because he killed his master who died because Jax was too reckless thinking that he can take on the marauder on his own. One of the few insults that BB-12 said that stuck to Jax was that he's as inspirational as a mass murdering Sith Lord.​
"Thank you again Jairdain," Jax said leaning his head against Jaridain's touch. "That's the first time someone has said that to me."​
Sensing a small disturbance in the force Jax saw the small beads of sweat on Jairdain's forehead. "Hey," he whispered. "Are you feeling okay? You look like you're coming down with a fever. Why don't you rest at my place for tonight just so you can gather your bearings?"​


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