Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction We Are All Bound by Purpose [Open to Dawnguard, PM to join]​
From the darkest pits of the Underworld they came, spilling forth in untold numbers and in unthinkable forms at the unquestioning bidding of their Dark Queen. Demons and monsters, but also lost souls that once walked the earth as we do, now disfigured and malformed into twisted, malevolent beings that barely resembled their mortal counterparts. They swept through the capital, ancient and ever-standing since the dawn of the Valkyri race, slaughtering whomever still trapped within the city as they made it theirs. Many had already been evacuated, thanks to the skillful preparations of our great king, leaving only himself and a handful others to fend off the hellish invaders.
It was a sacrifice made willingly, for what is a king without his throne?
- Excerpt from Records of the Second Father, by author Nina Heavenshield

It was afternoon at Tháinbroek, heart of Valkyri society and seat of the High King; the sun had been missing for the better part of the day, shrouded behind a thick bed of grey clouds reaching across the skies for as long as the eye could see. Snowfall was to be expected by the evening. It mattered little to the royal family cooped up within the Hall of Kings, as hearths roared with fire fending off the harsh cold ever battering at their doorstep. The Phoenix King's duties done for the day, he was able to spend his afternoon playing with his two littlest ones as they awaited supper. The queen watched the interaction from where she sat knitting a fresh pair of socks for each of the twins, for they were growing at what a mother could only describe as an alarming rate. Still, not too old to play Sleeping Bear with their dear old father.

"Sleeping bear, sleeping bear, beware the bear who sleeps," the little ones sang as they circled the balled-up Thyrian on the floor. "Poke him with a stick and see, if you his next meal will be!" The cue for the bear to snap awake, never failing to surprise the twins as they yelp with joy and delight and attempt to outrun the fierce predator. They make the mistake of sticking together, making it easy for him to wrap his mighty bear paws around the both of them. "Got ya!" And everyone knows that the only way to turn the bear back into Papa is for each to place a kiss on his bearded cheeks. "Again! Again!"

But there would not be another time, for the king's eyes turned towards the stained-glass windows just as a pale-green light appeared in the sky above the city. The clouds had turned almost black and impenetrable, for this was no stay ray of sunlight that had caught his eye. Next the whole building began to quake, enough to make Kära's cup of tea to spill where it sat upon the table beside her. Their eyes met, and as the light outside their window grew in size they both knew that this was the day. It had been inevitable.

"To the emergency pad, quickly," he handed her one of the twins as they left everything behind to hurry through one of the corridors which took them to an outside area - a landing pad, just large enough to house a single speeder in the case of an emergency. There was no time for debate or discussion as Kära loaded their two children into the backseat of the vessel. She then turned to her husband, and saw in his fiery gaze that he would not join them. "Follow the road west through the mountain pass, then turn north to Fridheim. Find Thurion, tell him... Tell him that the capital has fallen." Her eyes filled with tears, even as the king leaned in for the deepest of kisses. An added kiss was then placed upon her hand. "I will see you again, Snowflake," he made the attempt to assure her. "Your concern must be for our children. You will be safe with my brother."

Reluctantly Kära released her hold of her husband and got in the driver's seat, leaving Thyrian to watch as they speeded off and away from the city. "Goodbye, my queen. My wife. My love..." Then his face turned to stone at the challenges to come.

"Orders, Your Grace," his captains awaited him back at the Great Hall, hurrying alongside their king as they exited the building. "Stick to the plan - evacuate as many people as you can! The city guard too, we mustn't leave the townsfolk defenseless as they make their escape." Looking up, the source of light from before had opened up, revealing a swirling maelstrom that would soon spill forth the armies of the dead. Looking down from atop the hill, the entire city was already in a panic. Guardsmen were sheparding men, women and children towards the gates, though there were always some who refused to give up precious belongings and could not be persuaded to go. "Then, what about you, Your Grace?"

The king offered a grim stare. "If she is coming here, that means she's after me. And I shall be here to meet her, keep her focus on me. Hopefully that will keep her from pursuing the fleeing masses." There were several who voiced their objections, but Thyrian heeded none. "There is no time to debate! Go now - save our people before it is too late!" The captains of the guard all, reluctantly, bowed before their king one last time and took their leave, rushing down the steps to lead the evacuation of Tháinbroek.

Thyrian, meanwhile, turned and walked back inside, closing the heavy wooden doors behind him and barring them shut. He took a moment to breathe, collect his thoughts. Become at peace with himself. He then made for his and Kära's private chambers, where a black suit of armour awaited on its rack, along with the sword Brimstone longing to be roused from its slumber.

As the townsfolk poured out through the city gates in droves, many eyes turned skywards to see the first waves of otherworldly demons descend from the portal hovering above their city. True to their king's word, countless lost souls inhabiting husks of their former selves spilled forth, wasting no time in sweeping the city of anyone too stubborn or slow to leave and cut them down with the utmost brutality and efficiency. Once the vast majority of citizens were through the gates, a skeleton force of guardsmen put up a brave fight by denying the enemy passage. The gates were shut and barred from the outside, leaving those left behind to their doom. Including their king.

High King Thyrian of House Hearthfire, first of his name, now sat waiting on his throne clad in full armour and regalia, alone in the city of his forefathers. He'd heard the screams of those still being slaughtered by demons and evil spirits, but it did not deter him. It was too late now; too late for fear, or remorse. They banged on the doors, using sheer mass of numbers to break them down. The windows surrounding his hall were smashed open. Next the entire roof of the building was torn open by some terrible power, causing massive piles of rubble and debris to fall around him.

The forces of Death itself surrounded him on all sides but the king wavered not, for in the darkness the flames of the Phoenix burned brighter than ever. He stood and descended his throne with sword in hand, ever true to his words: Unbowed, Unbent, and Unbroken.

[member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Ylva Heavenshield"] | [member="Alva Heavenshield"] | [member="Nida Perl"] | [member="Eyna"] | [member="Jericho"]
Map of Midvinter for reference:
Many miles away, in the Westmark Capital of Fridheim, a Jedi Master for decades had finally found his first moment of peace in the last few years. On the floor within his home he sat, legs tucked underneath him in a state of meditation he'd not achieved while the curse of the Crone had eaten away at his mind and body. It was not until great effort was taken to reforge the sword with which his legend had been built and defended the Realm of Midvinter on countless occasions, that he was able to combat the curse placed upon him.

He was able to connect with the Force like he had not for a long time, affecting several small objects strewn about the room before culminating in his own body gently levitating off the floor. His mind was his own again, for now; there was no telling what the future would bring, for the powers bound to the sword were not a cure, but merely a treatment. To become truly whole, he would need to purify his spirit by defeating the source of his ailment: Crone Gríma Hagraven, Valkyri Goddess of Death and Despair. It was she who had taken his eye, and so much more, from him. The two seemed destined to face each other again, for one to finish the other off for good.

Within his mind as he delved deep inside his own being, the shadowy likeness of the Crone appeared before him, having become more aggressive, and perhaps desperate, in her attempts to conquer his soul. Whereas before she had free rein of his being, to spread her disease as she pleased, he was now putting up a fight so much so that the two forces were at a stalemate. Thurion faced her down, whereas before he would tremble and offer little resistance. No longer was she the master of his soul.

However as her likeness came into focus, he noted her standing within a ruined city very familiar to him, basking in the flames of destruction she had sown, with countless corpses at her feet. This vision caused Thurion great concern, enough so that he could no longer sustain his peace of mind and was thrust back into the world of the living, falling a good few feet along with the other floating objects he'd affected. "Something terrible has happened," he breathed, trying to make sense of the imagery.

It was then that no small amount of commotion could be heard from outside his home. "Coci! Coc--" He called for his wife, only to be reminded that she was not yet back from her day spent at the Fortress of Dawn. Once up on his feet he rushed to the front door and stepped outside to find a four-seated speeder parking by his house. A lady with pure-white hair climbed out of the driver's seat, looking like she had left home in a hurry due to her being woefully underdressed for the bleak weather. "Kära..." He caught her as she stumbled, all disheveled and emotionally exhausted. "Kära, what's going on? What's happened?"

"C-crone," she uttered, paralyzing Thurion. He did not bother conducting an interrogation, but rather only wished to know one other thing. "Where is Thyrian?" Kära wearily shook her head as fresh tears replaced dried ones. "Thurion... The capital is lost. I fear... our king is, as well." All at once his vision made sense. The Crone had returned to lay waste to the living, and Tháinbroek was her first conquest. Wide eyes then fell upon her two children still scrambling out of the speeder, having struggled to undo their seat belts. "It's alright," he tried his best to assure the little ones, undoing their seat belts and lifting them out of their seats one at a time to join their mother.

"Here, why don't we, uh... head inside." But Kära stood her ground, clutching him by his sleeve harder than she perhaps meant to. "Thurion, dear brother. Thyrian evacuated the city before it fell. There must be thousands of refugees on the run, afraid and vulnerable. We have to do something." Even as tears ran down her pale cheeks, she was fierce and unflinching in her gaze. "I know my husband still lives. My heart tells me so. I know yours does too." By now the queen's arrival had caused quite the stir amongst the citizens of Fridheim, all gathering around the Heavenshield homestead to watch the interaction.

A child in each hand, the Queen of Midvinter addressed the onlookers. "People of Westmark! Tháinbroek... is fallen! But the Phoenix King yet remains within the capital, in need of brave steel! Will you ride to his aid?" The ever-growing crowd was filled with disbelief, despair, and rage all at once. They awaited their lord's call to arms. Still struggling to compute it all himself, Thurion looked around him at the silent crowd. His gaze then turned east towards the mountains that stood between him and his brother. He took a deep breath.

"Summon the Banners! All of them!" A distress call would then be sent to every corner of Midvinter, to anyone with the capacity to intercept it; to the Dawnguard stationed atop the Blessed Peak, at the Fortress of Dawn. To the City of Norvegr-fen, capital of the Northmark, where another Lord Heavenshield and his family resides. To Averlorn, Woodland Realm of the Elves, where his nephew would relay the message to his queen. And to any and all private comms-channels known to exist across the globe. Ravens were dispatched in traditional Valkyri fashion, carrying messages of a call to arms.

[member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Ylva Heavenshield"] | [member="Alva Heavenshield"] | [member="Nida Perl"] | [member="Eyna"] | [member="Jericho"]
[member="Thurion Heavenshield"] // [member="Nida Perl"]

One to the temple, the other to the chest. Another to her nose and the last one to her legs. It hurt all over but that was the entire point to it. The anger and disappointment that had begun to pour out of Eyna’s mind the day that she was brought to Midvinter was something she would come find ebbed and flowed from day to day. Some days she felt at peace, open almost and able to express herself, yet during the other days she was right back in her mind again, seething with anger, and fear, and hatred. It wasn’t what she wanted, but today was one of those days, which meant that today had also been one of the days in which, despite having been urged by some to stop, Eyna pushed her opponent until they caved in and gave her what she wanted. The pain was familiar, it was easy to deal with. According to some pain was a form of weakness leaving the body, but to her it was mainly just a good reminder of what it was that she kept pushing away from.

However, the nurses didn’t like it as much. Eyna’s occasional stays at the Fortress of Dawn were days that more often than not ended in the girl injuring herself one way or the other. Luckily it was rare that Eyna had ever acted out on someone else, though the hatred ran rampant on some days it was still her own to control. Coci had gotten her that far at the very least, and Eyna was most grateful for it. The lessons didn’t always stick, but that was just how tutoring went. The girl was stubborn, stuck in her ways, but slowly starting to open up to the idea that she could trust others. Coci was the first, the rest would come with time. While that trust was in no way undying or unwavering, the Grand Master was still offered a far greater benefit of the doubt than anyone else ever had gotten.

So, as Eyna sat at the nurse’s office once more she wiped the blood trickling from her nose and smeared it across her cheek with an impassive stare at the floor as she waited for Nida to come along. It was something that still caused Eyna to freeze up in paranoia. While highly unlikely, it all reeked of some sort of trick. They knew that Yula Perl was the one to have saved her from certain death on Eliad, and somehow her sister of all people just happened to be on Midvinter. Surely some part of Eyna had to see through the deception put forth right in front of her. Right, one part did but the other part was just glad that she had some form of means to reach out to Yula again, though Eyna would never openly admit to such a thing.

The door opened and Eyna looked up at the healer with an impassive stare that’d give away the fact that today was, indeed, yet another bad day. Granted, the bruises and nosebleed would give that away as well. Such injuries generally tended to do so. Eyna opened her mouth to speak but quickly stop at the tickling sensation of the tiniest droplet of blood trying to cross into her mouth. She stopped, wiped her nose again only to smear the other cheek.

“Hey, Nida.” She spoke with a raspy voice. Needless to say, the girl had been vocal in her anger during practice. “I, uh…” Eyna sighed. “Yeah.”

Her device went off with a vibration but Eyna discarded it for the moment. Whatever it was, it could wait. Eyna needed some measure of medical attention, and it wasn’t exactly as if the world was ending or something. They’d just have to call back later.
Fortress of Dawn
[member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Eyna"]

The door slowly opening, giving way to the young healer. Slight in appearance, Nida’s stature was dwarfed even moreso on Midvinter than it was nearly anywhere else.

“Hello, Eyna.” A soft smile spreading across her pink face indicated her calm temperament, but the violet eyes were quick to scan her patient and hone in on the areas of contused skin. Like clockwork, the girl would show up several times a week at the clinic with training injuries. And each time, Nida would heal her without judgement.

Nida had not been present for Eyna’s initial arrival, but she’d spent several consecutive weeks on Midvinter this trip. It was good fortune that the planet was within Silver influence, and so it was not difficult for her to request being stationed here whenever Thirdas was granted enough leave to visit his home. In fact, without the Silver Order backing her initial journey, the pair may have never met at all!

Nida procured a clean cloth from her pocket and stepped forward, leaning over to wipe the blood from her lips and cheek. “How did training go today?” There wasn’t a hint of sarcasm in her tone, especially as she’d been observing Eyna’s progress through her aftercare. While she still accrued plenty of wounds, they were gradually becoming less severe. The girl had a lot of anger to work off, something that Yula had imparted to her in private. Reaching behind her, she grabbed one of the rolling chairs and pulled it forward so that she may seat herself while working.

After the initial assessment came the bacta injection, something to help boost Eyna’s systemic healing overall. It was always easier to use bacta, but some of the Midvinter folk, particularly those who came seeking treatment from the more remote regions, seemed wary of outsider’s medicine. In response, Nida studied up on local techniques, using medicinal plants and herbs when she could. “I’m noticing that your injuries are becoming less significant.” She had moved on to healing the wound at her chest, pink palm pressed steadily against flesh and imparting a feeling of warmth.

Their comms went off at the same time, and Nida prolonged reaching for her own until she was finished healing the bruise at Eyna’s temple. They didn’t have to wait long though, for another healer slid open the door with a flourish.

“The capital is under attack!” Eyes wide and hair askew, she seemed to be out of breath. “There are refugees fleeing the city, and Thurion Heavenshield himself has issued a call to arms!” With her message delivered, she sped off down the hall to continue spreading the word.

Nida turned back to face Eyna, meeting the other young woman’s gaze. “We should find Co—Grandmaster Heavenshield.” Was it the Sith, or maybe pirates? Or a supernatural threat, like the one she’d heard whispers of happening in the past? Perhaps selfishly, her thoughts first went to Thirdas, hoping that he was safe, knowing that he was most likely preparing for battle already. They’d been in fights together before, but something about this just seemed…different.

Exchanging knowing looks, the pair set off down the hall in search of [member="Coci Heavenshield"].
Jorunn-Heavenshield Residence and Stables
- Fridheim -

Alva ran the brush along Nissa's tawny mane. The little pony from her youth was old now, but she still had years left in her—at least she hoped so. The teen made it a priority to spend some time with Nissa every day and slip her some extra treats. That had only expanded the pony's waistline—she hadn't out riding for some years now, having outgrown her saddle. And, Alva had been too big to ride for a couple years now... she didn't want to give the pony any back troubles.

“Ever bigger, ever better,” she said soothingly, giving the pony's back a pat.

After refreshing Nissa's food and water, Alva stepped out of the stall and looked to the sky. A curious flutter of wings caught her eyes above, and she watched as a blackbird landed on the gatepost nearby. The bird called and spread its wings wide, its dark eyes on Alva.

She'd heard of tales where blackbirds carried important messages, so Alva moved slowly towards the raven. Her head canted to the side slightly as she spied a little scroll tied to its leg, which the bird even held out towards her. Gently untying the message, Alva opened it in a hurry.

Blue eyes scanned the words and went wide.

“Oh no,” she whispered, her voice suddenly missing.

Her father had been traveling, bringing horses to their new homes—he'd been gone three days already. This message was obviously for him, a call to arms. Alva swallowed hard. Mother was working at the Rest, but surely she would hear the news there. Holding the scroll in her hands, Alva felt a sudden swell of bravery. She remembered, fondly, her Grandfather telling her never to go looking for war. This, this seemed different.

So, Alva gathered up a Jorunn family sword and shield—and set her sights on her father's trained war steed.
The morning had passed slowly, but not without its usual troublesome events, that mostly just set Coci’s mind to irritation. She had been quietly unsettled, like not been able to gain comfort in an ill-fitting robe, you just got on with it, but never truly relaxed. As she sat in her office, her eyes constantly lifted to the west, as if looking for something on the far horizon, expecting something to be found there. Thurion was there of course, as well as her extended family but even that was not what she was expecting. She did not know what she could find if she was honest with herself.

Eyna was here with her, working progressively with some of the healers and hopefully learning how to make friends, Midvinter is a good place for that. The people of this planet did not expect much of you when forming a friendship, all they wanted was respect and loyalty, which she supposed is not oft gained in the wider galaxy but here it was paramount in order to survive. The Perl girl Nida was within the walls of the Temple as well, here on training with the locals and some of the best the Dawnguard has to offer. This also brought Thirdas, she smiled at the though of her last born growing up and finding what appeared to be his first love. Maybe his only love but only time would tell that.

The afternoon came and with it the soft fall of snow that was like a certainty in life. The gentle flakes sliding down the windows of her office and melting before they reach the window ledge. Eventually they would make solid and ice would form and before long, thick and crusted. It was time to leave the computer screen and rest the eyes, so Coci stood and walked to the caf machine by the norther window. As she listened to the beans grinding and gurgling, she looked north toward where her boy Theo ruled the mark. He worried her a lot, especially since he had forfeited his connection to the force, he had remained at his post and worked day and night, as if trying to forget. Although he would never regret, it was a large part of who he was. Is.

Eyes a black as the night sky, suddenly swirled and focused pinpoint a spot on the horizon, she had always had the ability to see beyond normal sight and couple that with the force, it was an eerie talent. One which her son Thirdas had gain from birth, just like she had. Everything in the distance pulled toward her and became clear. And what she saw made her open mouth in disbelief, and at that moment, came the knock of the door to her office and storming in, the Knights of the Guard.

They informed her that Thainbroek had fallen.

The call to arms had been raised by Thurion, and no doubt he was on his way there already. There was no point in her heading to Fridheim, and she patched through a message to her husband that she would head to the capital. “Knights of the Guard, we make for Thainbroek. Once again we fight for Midvinter and our King”. They made for the transport in the hanger chiselled out of the rock face. Coci would join them shortly but before she would, she would seek Eyna and Nida.

There was a sense that this battle would be far greater than the first, there was a sense of conclusion with the appearance of this threat. And she was resigned to the fact that somehow, she knew a chapter was about to close. Strangely she felt nothing, also calm in the realisation of it, an acceptance that all would be well as death now stared them in the face once more. But that was not the story for others, their story had not ended yet and pages were left blank still to be filled by great deeds and accomplishment they had yet to achieve or even consider.

She found the girls together, striding up the corridor toward her, their faces concerned as well they might be. Coci realised they had heard, or at least guessed something was very wrong. What to do with them? They are still but Padawans, in training in their field of study or trying to find a path to freedom, that would lead them in entirely a new direction. But this war, this coming war to end them all, could literally end them all.

“You have both have a choice to make”, she said as they approached her, “Don’t make it lightly. What has now returned to threaten Midvinter is not Sith nor pirates, but something far greater a threat that not even I can defeat”. She looked them both in the eyes making sure they understood. “If you decided to come with me, and fight .. you make that decision knowing that you may not return, that you may die”. There it was as blunt and straight forward as possible, there was not beating around the bush, this was fact. They could leave and get to safer ground by heading back to Silver space, which would be the wisest thing for them both to do.

[member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Nida Perl"] | [member="Alva Heavenshield"] | [member="Eyna"]
[member="Coci Heavenshield"] // [member="Nida Perl"]

For a quick second Eyna would offer the faintest idea of a smile at Nida she greeted her. She could have been a trick, but at least said trick treated her no matter how often she came back. To a greater extent one could probably even say that Nida had come to be as close to a friend as Eyna had ever been familiar with. Eyna hated to admit it, but to some extent Coci didn’t count on that list, she was… Something else. Though the word master was apt it was a word that Eyna found struggle to even accept. She was her own master and Coci was her tutor and advisor.

The procedure to treat most if not all of Eyna’s ailment seemed to have become routine at this point. The meds stung, but not to any extent she hadn’t already grown used to. Yet the treatment was cut short as another healer barged into the room to share what their comms. Eyna gave the woman a curious glance that quickly sobered at the news relayed. Once more it would seem that Eyna and Nida looked at each other before they both jumped into action. For Eyna it was a matter of protecting what was hers and to ensure the continued existence of this support network she had become part of. Despite the indifferent front she would put on, Midvinter had come to be important to her despite the short stay.

Eyna nodded at the suggestion that they find Coci and together she and Nida set off. The bruises were still healing up, each step causing a slight sting where her sparring companion had struck her. No sooner than they found Coci it would seem the pain was mostly gone. She seemed calm, given the circumstances. Almost unnervingly so, but that could also just have been the stark contrast between the reaction of the unnamed healer who had informed them of the news and Coci who was someone that was undoubtedly intimately connected to the event at hand.

“My life is forfeit if I lose this.” Eyna said and stepped up to Coci. “I’d rather die being myself than die alone and afraid of who I am not. And I am not someone who will let my friends die while I do nothing.”

It was something that was surprisingly easy to say, ‘Friends’. It wasn’t what she would have used a week ago. Eyna looked over at Nida almost as if to urge her to do the same, yet part of her felt like she already knew that Nida would.

“We’re stronger in numbers, no matter how many of them there is.”
It was always a welcomed change of pace, coming home. Though initially unaccustomed to space flight, in Nida's presence he felt he could weather any storm - even though storms do not exist out in the vastness of space. Besides, he'd been on more missions and partaken in more military operations than he could count at this point, all of which had required lightspeed jumps and whatnot. But coming home to see his family and homeland was different. It was just the two of them, with an entire shuttle craft to themselves not counting the pilots. It was a journey of many uninterrupted hours, which they could spend with chatting with one another or simply cuddle up together without a care in the world.

The last few weeks had been spent on Midvinter, with Thirdas having bundled up his available days off into a longer vacation of sorts. In that time, he'd already visited with his cousin Thrand in Averlorn as well as big brother Théo up north. But above all, Thirdas had spent time with his mother and father.

He had not been present when Thurion was gifted the reforged Snowfall, now Anarion, which had served to restore the man's lost strength and vigour, but he knew he had his brother to thank. Although, while visiting Théo, he seemed... different somehow. He chose not to ask, for fear of being told more bad news. Their father being ill was bad enough, and he could not handle something similar befalling his only brother.

Having joined his mother on today's visit to the Fortress of Dawn where she works, mostly so he may be around Nida again while she undergoes her studies with the Jedi there, he found himself staring at the same stables he'd first met Nida at. The memory of her falling headlong into horse dung still put a smile on his lips. She was clumsy, awkward and geeky, but she was his very own. That was the thought that warmed him the most, even on cold days such as these.

It surprised him, however, that there was no-one to man the stables, and the few horses stabled appeared to be unattended to. Reaching out to pat the mane of one of them, he whispered soothing words to it, for something seemed to be startling them. The way their hooves shifted and their whinnying seemed panicked. Like they were afraid. It was then that what looked like it could be the stable boy ran past. "War! We are at war," he cried out.

Find Mum. Find Nida.

Suddenly he found himself on another battlefield, his mind blocking out any and all distractions. He hurredly strode through the temple until happening upon the trio of women, two of whom he knew. "Mum. Nida. I just heard the news," he approached them, placing a hand upon Nida's shoulder. "What's going on? Is it..."

The Crone.

"Who's this," he asked next, referring to the third girl in the party of four. He was not expecting a proper greeting at this time, though it helped knowing somebody's name if they are to work together.

[member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Nida Perl"] | [member="Eyna"]
Outskirts of Daal

Jericho stared at the field covered in snow. It was so large, so empty, so lifeless, and so large. A perfect place to begin training his two children, Lily and Micah. He watched from afar whilst drinking his evening tea as the two teen sparred each other. The Hex family were in full battle gear, as Jericho always had them train as if they were always to be ready for a battle. Lily wore the gear given to her by one of the masters Nico Ike, while Micah hitting his growth spurt was given his father's old battle armor from when he was a teen. Lily had her saber in the backhanded stance and moved as acrobat elegantly around trying to push her brother off his footing. First by striking downward with her saber then followed by a swift sweeping kick towards his leading foot. "Better watch out or I'm getcha!" She said with a giggle. The more reserved Micah merely took to his niman stance merely read her movement and shifted his stance parrying her blow then raising his foot then countered by moving foreword by a itch and shoulder checked her.

She tripped up and went flying backward only you get back up quickly with a pout looking toward her brother. He revealed a smug grin showing his improvement in the art. "Looks like I'm getting better than you, huh sis?" He said teasingly trying to get under her skin. Lily knew it was a taunt, it wasn't really Micah's style to talk during sparring with other jedi and stuff but his words made her furious. She was the older twin by a minute after all! "Don't get cocky! You were just lucky Micah. Get ready for the biggest butt kicking of them all!" She yelled getting back into her stance but going a bit lower and began her charge to her brother. As she closed in thought, Jericho raise his hand as a signal to stop the session, Lily in her full momentum couldn't stop while Micah merely sidestepped her and she fell face first into the tall snow. "Paaapaaaaa. I was about to do the thing Nico taugh--" Lily whined then stopped as she powerful wave energy that made her spine tingle. "Did you feel that too?" She asked looking to her brother with Micah only giving her a chilling nod. "I wonder what is going on." Micah said out loud.

Not too long after feeling this chilling sensation a small group people with a only several guard made their way to the city of Daal seeking refuge, they crossed the three and one of the guards called out. "It's not safe to be out here!" He ran over to the three and as he got closer he noticed more and more he was speaking to a giant of a man, he froze for a moment slightly taken back by Jericho but gathered himself once more. "The Capitol has been over run with creatures we must send word to the Heavenshields as soon as possible!" As the guard shouted this a relay message was the received a called to arms from Thurion himself. "Seems all of Midvinter knows." Jericho calmly said to the guard. "Continue on. They need your help more than us." Jericho looked to that guard, he was hesitant, he wanted to fight, he wanted to help his king. The loyalty and pride of the Valkyri was a strong, that much could be seen. It took alot for the guard to just nod and continue on the path to Daal.

He looked to his children and gave them a nod and began to move to towards the capitol. Did he want his children to fight? No. But were they going to listen? Also no. Calculating their behavior it would be better for him to keep the close. "You know the drill, remain close to me. Don't do anything reck--" He started off. Don't do anything reckless, observe the enemy before attack, spot out weakness, and think about the enviorment in which we can use to our advantage. We got it papa." Lily said cutting off her father. The warrior let out a sigh as they continued on and sent out a relay message out to [member="Coci Heavenshield"] and [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] ."Jericho here. I am nearing the Capitol with two padawans on standby. Awaiting orders."

[member="Ylva Heavenshield"] | [member="Alva Heavenshield"] | [member="Nida Perl"] | @Eyna
As Coci came upon her wards, Nida recognized the gaze she wore. The Grandmaster’s eyes were collected, hardened with resolve and the expectation of what was to come. It was a look shared among the battle hardened Jedi and warriors she’d accompanied onto the battlefield, and perhaps more hauntingly, an expression she’d seen her own mother wear on the occasions she’d been called to war. Such instances were rare nowadays, but a younger Nida remembered those eyes forever, along with the feeling that she might never see her mother again.

Now she was faced with the idea that she might not survive the day.

Eyna answered first, and Nida fell quiet in thought. Fighting against Sith and pirates had been difficult enough for her, and if this was a foe far more fierce, did she honestly have any business being on the battlefield? While her silence may have been mistaken for hesitation, Nida’s mind had been made up the moment that they’d been informed of an impending battle. The urge to help protect Thirdas, his family, and the people of Midvinter swelled within her at each breath. Nida did not have a warrior’s spirit, but the little healer was fiercely protective of what she managed to hold dear.

Eyna’s words just managed to process through Nida’s mind the moment the other girl had caught her gaze, something pointed in her eyes. Friends? This was the first she was hearing of it, and in another setting it would have delighted her to hear that Eyna considered her a friend and not…too annoying or weird. “We must give it our all, then.” She nodded decisively to Eyna and Coci, hoping with all of her heart that they would prevail in the end.

Even though there was much rushing about in the temple, Nida could pick out Thirdas’ solid, purposeful gait among the many footsteps. Unconsciously, she moved closer to him as he placed his hand on her shoulder. As much as she had resolved to fight, she was still scared and just being near Thirdas was of comfort. Her relief was short lived however, when her heart sank at the realization that he’d be putting his life on the line as well. Knowing Thirdas, he’d take to the front lines and fight like hell, dying among his brethren if that was what it came to. The thought almost made her burst into tears, but she held herself back, face passive.

“This is Eyna. She’ll be fighting alongside us today.” A brief introduction, but Nida didn’t consider it terribly appropriate to broach that subject. Yes, her sister did coax her out of an underground lab and Thirdas’ parents had taken her in, but that was hardly any of Nida’s business.

One small pink hand would move to wrap around Thirdas’ own, squeezing. He would know that she was anxious, scared even. But at the same time, she did not want to be a distraction to him on the battlefield. Letting out a slow breath, she allowed herself to feel the Force around them, reconnecting with the innate power to smooth over her nerves. She'd worked thought fear before, treated the wounded with artillery exploding around her, so she could so this, too. She'd have to.

[member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Eyna"] | [member="Alva Heavenshield"] | [member="Jericho"]
“Get your back into it!”, the foreman yelled to the workers sawing lumber and felling trees. They were working in the plantations to the east of Norvegr-fen, their lord would not permit any more deforestation of old growth, they had plenty of land to regrow the crops and sustain the natural environment. “Pardon me lord”, the foreman realised who was included in the group of workers.

Théo grinned and shook his head as his arms, now thicker with physical work, pushed and pulled the long hand saw. He had been keeping busy, very busy but to his unexpected delight, he had to admit he liked it. There was no use of the force in his exercise, that was gone to him, which strangely he did not miss. Not in these instances. His entire body was fitter then he had ever been, sweaty pouring off his bare chest, muscles swollen with blood, his legs like tree trunks and no more restless nights with visions.

His disconnection to the force felt strange at first, he had to be honest, like silence had fallen on him and he felt deaf to everything. So used to ‘hearing’ the unspoken message that would whisper in his quieter moments, or the awareness of everything around him always intruding and keeping him alert and at times, on edge. He had never felt so calm and relaxed.

That calm and relaxed stated did not last much longer this afternoon. The sound of one of his house staff came running to him waving her arms and calling his name with some urgency. The look on her face enough to tell Théo something was very wrong. “What is it Ulla?”.

She could not bring herself to speak, but simply handed him a message that have arrived by raven. Théo’s face fell like one of the majestic trees around him. “By the Gods, no”. The work man gathered around him, trying to get a glimpse of the news, Théo handed the parchment to the foreman to read for himself. “Where is Bors?”. Ulla informed him that Bors was at New Himmeldal and preparing the horses for immediate departure.

For a moment, Théo stood thinking his mind racing over plans and like he always did, projected forward in case of the worst possible outcome, which in this case might be needed. “Ulla prepare New Himmeldal for refuges and injured, they will be heading our way”, she turned on her heels and did as bid.

His attention turned to the foreman, “Gather all the men and women capable of fighting or that can hold a weapon, put something in their hands to fight with. You will find what you need in the armoury, then report to Bors”. The foreman rallied the man around him and started toward the capital of the Northmark. Théo turned and watched them walk away, the army from the Northmark coupled with all the capable men and women would not be enough, he knew that. The last time they all only got out alive by the skin of their teeth, he had no doubt the Crone had learned much from the last battle and she would return with horror even more unimaginable.

He started back to Norvegr-fen, cursing as he went for now was the time that strong leaders ask much of their people knowing well that lives would be lost in defence of their home. Valkyri are extraordinary in this regard, for Midvinter or die is something that is breed in them, pumps through their bodies on blood thick with abject tenacity and incredibly courage. The Northmark army as rallied and prepared to leave, they only awaited their lord to ride with them.

But first he needed to find Bors, and his family.

He found him first standing on the steps of New Himmeldal looking as grim as ever, but in time Théo could not fault him for that. Théo pulled him aside, “I will head south at the head of the army, I need you to take the rest by ship along the river. You will get their quicker. Tell my father to look to the north at the dawn of the second day”. The second part of his command stuck in his throat, and it pained him greatly to have to issue the order.

Théo pulled Bors aside, “This battle is going to be hard won, if we win at all. If we do not, everything is lost”, he said with a calm and matter of fact manner, there was no point in mincing words now. “So gather everyone that can hold a sword or bow or pick axe if they have nothing else .. and that included the young”. The idea of sending young boy and girls that had not passed their dawning years to war was distasteful to his sensibilities, his heart and soul but in these dire times, everyone is needed. What Théo did not know was that is daughter, Thora was close by hidden behind a cart listening to her father’s words.

“You hear me?”. His face determined to see this through and would take no protest from him or anyone.

It was time to go and find his armour, and sword.

[member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Ylva Heavenshield"] | [member="Alva Heavenshield"] | [member="Nida Perl"] | [member="Jericho"] | [member="Eyna"]
"Take every arms you can find - sword, axes, spears, and shields! Grab the bloody lumber saws if you have to!" It was chaos at New Himmeldal. But it was a controlled chaos, with old Bors at the helm directing everything from personnel, supplies and provisions, and armaments for the fighting men. Part of him rejoiced, for he felt once more like a young man - comparatively, being a century-and-a-half! He'd been the first to swear fealty to his friend and king in the days of the Rebellion, before they had even a single banner to their name. That was a long time ago, and now Grey-Wolf rests among the victorious dead. But as the Crone would soon learn, Grey-Boar still has more fight left in him.

"Your lordship," he greeted the appearance of Théodred with a to-the-point nod of his head. He could not say he was all that keen on the young man's plan to divide their forces, but it was his decision to make. "Aye, It will be done, lad."

Before Théo could take off however, Bors stepped in close and stared him down with a determination of his own, even grabbing him by the scruff of his neck. "Now you hear me, Théodred, son of Thurion. Out there, tomorrow... I forbid you to die. I won't have you fall to the Crone or any other foul being we encounter. You are still young and have your whole life ahead of you, not to mention how it would affect Lady Heavenshield and the wee lass. Don't go do anything stupid. No, if anyone is to die it should be this old man standing before you now. My life is disposable, yours isn't."

And that was the end of that as far as Grey-Boar was concerned. He watched his lord stride off for a time, then made for the docks to supervise the troops and equipment being loaded onto the longships. As he stood there, hands behind his slouched back, he was pleased to find that his hearing had not gone down the drain just yet. "You may come out now, lass," he said aloud, knowing Thora would hear. "Won't do for a lady to sneak around at a place like this in times of war."

The ships were being filled to capacity, taking as many fighting men as could be without endangering themselves. It would be quite the sad fate, drowning in a river at the eve of battle. "We are ready to set sail when you are, Hersir," a young officer informed him.

"Right, no sense standing around - war won't win itself!" He rubbed his hands together, then turned to Thora with a knowing look. "Well? Are you just going to stand there?"

In his defense, the old man had no intentions on letting the girl actually do battle. But he knew she would likely have snuck aboard anyway. Curiosity of youth, and all that.

[member="Théodred Heavenshield"] | [member="Ylva Heavenshield"]
Already bannermen was mobilising in the Westmark, setting out for the pre-determined mustering grounds in long lines of troops leading all the way back home, until the many lines eventually joined up at Westgate Pass before entering the Crownlands. At Fridheim, his own warriors were already marching out the city gates, with Thurion remaining behind a while longer to collect his arms and armour. He would then join the march on horseback, rather than head off in advance on the back of Skywalker. The gryphons would have their share of riding into battle soon enough, and would likewise meet them at the mustering grounds.

Thurion strapped on his trusty sword and headed outside to have the chest containing his armour stashed away on one of the supply carts, stopping only to give his two house cats an all-too brief petting. Once out the door, he laid eyes on something he had hoped would never come to pass.

"Alva," he let out upon seeing his granddaughter armed for battle, sitting atop her father's war steed. All at once it struck him like being hit with a rock, that she was no longer a child. He approached her and gave the steed a pat on the neck, eyes fixed on Alva's the entire time. "I cannot in good conscience tell you not to go." There were many boys younger than her marching off to war as it was. "Just, please tell me your mother knows. I will not go against her wishes."

He summoned to him a horse of his own from a stable-hand awaiting his lord's command. "Put this chest on one of the supply carts, if you would." The stable-hand bowed and hauled it off and away as Thurion mounted his horse, then turned to Alva once more. He reached for the sword at her side, brandishing it and gave it a few good swings before handing it back. "It is a good sword. It will serve you well in the fight to come." Next he leaned in to place a kiss upon her forehead, and gave her a reassuring pat on the back. "Let us be off then," he nodded.

Their horses took off, riding alongside the line of troops pouring out of the city. War was within all Valkyri, part of their DNA. When the call to arms came, few races or species were as quick to mobilise, dropping anything they were doing to join the coming struggle. They would march ceaselessly across fields and through mountains with the promise of a battle to fight. Now, as Lord Heavenshield and his granddaughter rode past towards the head of the army, cheers rang out among the men like a wave.

And high above them all, two flying beasts soared amongst the clouds, shadowing the Fridheim troops.

Once having reached the front of the marching army, their horses slowed to a walk. "Are you afraid?"

Just then he received a message on his personal comms device. Jericho? An old name with which Thurion was very familiar.

"Jericho, this is Thurion! It's good to hear your voice again, old friend! All of Midvinter is being mobilised, but it will take time before we arrive in force. Sending you the coordinates for the mustering grounds now, we'll make camp there tonight before tomorrow's battle." A thought occurred to him, though he was hesitant to relay it. "If waiting is not your strong suit, any information you could gather from observing the capital would be greatly appreciated. Just... be careful. These are no Sith we are dealing with. Thurion, out."

It would seem they had more allies to count on than he'd at first realised.

[member="Alva Heavenshield"] | [member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Jericho"]
“Right, well, as you wish”, she replied to both girls believing it would have been more prudent for them to leave, but it was their choice. Coci hoped they would survive this coming battle, she hoped they all would, but out of all of them including her son now standing before her, they had not seen the likes of the Crone and her minions. She supposed that she did not either until the first time, even though Coci had entered battle fields a plenty in her life time, this was something entirely different.

“Yes Thirdas, the Crone has returned and has taken Thainbroek. We have heard no word from your uncle, although communications are continuing to get through to him”, this did not bode well of course. Coci could sense his life presence on Midvinter so he was still alive which gave them all hope.

A message patched through on her comm, it was voice she had not heard in a long time. Master [member="Jericho"], now that was a surprise. Thurion answered his call and patched through co-ordinates for the rallying point, which she transferred to Thirdas. “I will go to Daal, meet up with Master Jericho. Thirdas you have command of the Knights of the Guard, meet us there and your father will be with us as soon as he can. The way is treacherous down the mountain so please be careful my son”. She placed both her hands on his shoulders now so broad and strong, and leaned in to kiss is forehead. Coci did not want to let go of her lastborn, the fear of a mother entering her heart as she sends him off to war.

Once their embrace ended, Coci turned to Nida and cupped her face with a gentle hand, “Your mother would be most proud of you. And angry with me most likely, for not ordering you off world. Take care of my son, make sure he stays out of trouble”.

To Eyna next, “You have come a long way in a short time and I am very proud of you”, she hesitated a moment, “This was not something I had wanted for you, to be thrusted into a war but I thank you for answering the call, both of you”, she looked to Nida. “I will leave you in Thirdas’ hands and will met up again on the rallying point, so this is not goodbye”.

Coci left them, and headed to the large balcony and turned her gaze to the west, she closed her eyes and focused through the force, her call would be answered by the Gryphon who sore high over Fridheim. A sharp turn of her majestic wing and Cloudancer would turn to the Fortress leaving Skywalker to remain. She would arrive shortly, and Coci would make her heading toward Daal, to meet up with Jericho.

[member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Eyna"] | [member="Nida Perl"] | [member="Jericho"]
When she heard the news from Thainbroek, Thora was frightened. Although she had heard the stories of the Crone and the war before this one, it was like it happened in a tale told to children to keep them entertained or a threat for bad behaviour. But she knew it was not a tale, her papa had been in that war, in fact all of them had. Her grandpapa evident enough for that, with his scars and failing health over the years that followed. Even with a child’s mind, she could not imagine the horror of it, not really. But she is a Heavenshield, and Heavenshield’s do not shy from battle, no matter what the cost to themselves. Thora was proud to bear the name, and she pinned her shoulders back as she looked herself over in the mirror, all decked out in what armour she could find, and that would fit.

Papa would be arriving back to Norverg-fen soon, and preparing to leave south for the capital. There was no time to lose, immediate action was the order for everyone, and Thora was not going to be an exception. Her papa had told her to stay, and keep the house hold protected, that was his idea of charge for her, and she would not let him believe otherwise. If he knew her true intention, he would not permit it, probably have Bors stay behind to make sure she stayed put. She kissed her papa and he left to join the force that would travel through the thick fens, along the shores of the waters until they reached open ground. It would be slowing going for the main force, having to travel three wide through the thickest part of the fens and with boggy underfoot.

By boat, Bors and his soldiers would be fasters. Contingents from the Northmark, and the Eastmark would meet up and forming a strong flank on the Thainbroek, a classic pincer manoeuvre.

She too, watched her papa ride away until he vanished from her sight. Bors stood with his hands behind his back and spoke to her. Thora stepped out from behind the cart, a sheepish look greeted him, but her mind was determined to go through with her plan, no matter what Bors’ said. “I am ready”, she said looking up into his old wizened face, standing there with her training saber attached to her hip and bow and quiver over her shoulders. She knew saber would be all but useless in this fight, her bow however, more effective in her hands. Thora had been trained by her mother from a young age, and she was very good at using it.

“I heard what you said to my papa. I don’t want you to die either”. She launched forward and wrapped her arms around Bors as best she could.

[member="Bors Greythorne"] | [member="Nida Perl"] | [member="Jericho"] | [member="Eyna"] | [member="Thurion Heavenshield"]
Valae's heart fluttered with panic, but she attempted to stay calm and stoic through the chaos. Soldiers were already preparing to leave for battle, and the healers were doing their part – they would be ready to receive the wounded that made it back. By the force, she prayed that many would make it back. The healer stepped outside into the brisk air, charged with anticipation.

She immediately found the form of [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] in the crowd. As always, he was an inspiring presence – even from her spot, she could see it in the eyes of his men. They would follow him until the end. Reaching for the front of her cloak, she grasped the brooch that held it closed, the Heavenshield Lion. Long ago, Valae had lost her father... it was the very night she'd met her future master and adoptive father.

She didn't want to lose him.

But, she'd seen him return from many battles by now. Sometimes with injuries, sometimes with scars, but he always came back. Then, Valae's heart dropped.

Alva. Her own daughter was dressed for battle, too. The sight of her little one in armor, wearing Njal's sword and riding his stallion made her freeze. Though Alva was in conversation with Thurion, Valae knew that her daughter had sensed her presence. And, it wasn't long before Alva's blue eyes found her.

Approaching, Valae's mind raced – tell her to remain here, keep her safe. Let her go, it's in her blood. No, she must be here with me. Her father would want her to go in his stead.

Alva,” she said, looking up at her daughter. “Is this what you want?”
Alva rode away from home, for the first time—and hopefully not the last—ready to do her part. She nudged the stallion, Birger, on towards town. Rider and horse as one, working in concert. The teen felt strange, heavy, weighed down by her clothing. Her leather jerkin was too big, it had been her fathers when he was a boy, and under it was a layer of mail. Pint-sized compared to most Valkyri, Alva knew to keep herself as light as she could, her skill was in speed, not brute force.

As she came into town, she joined the crowd as they prepared. And she closed her eyes, trying to steel her jittery nerves. When she opened her eyes again, she saw Grandfather, his eyes locked on her. Her mouth dropped open, she hadn't been sure just what to expect. As he approached, she held his gaze, but kept silent... the words wouldn't come.

I-uh,” she stammered in response.

Her blue eyes turned down, she hadn't said a word to her mother yet. In truth, Alva had hoped to slip away without worrying her. Mother always worried. Alva squinted, ready to be admonished. But, then, she felt the reach of her mother in the force. Looking up again, she saw her mother's cloaked form on approach. The lump in her throat grew to the point that it nearly choked her.

Alva winced, expecting her mother to bring her down from the war steed, but she didn't. Instead, she posed a question—and Alva looked her in the eye as she nodded. “I do,” she said, voice barely above a whisper.

Watching as her mother's eyes filled with tears, Alva felt her own eyes grow watery.

Be safe,” Valae said, and removed the healing amulet from her neck and held it out. “Stay with your Grandfather.” Her eyes flickered towards Thurion. “I love you both.”

Love you, too.” Alva said as she put the amulet on and tucked it under her jerkin. “Don't worry, we'll come back.” she added, knowing that her mother was anxious. And, Alva hoped that her father was safe out in the wilderness, where ever he might be.

Giving her mother a steady nod, Alva returned her attention to Grandpa as he checked her sword. She managed a tiny smile. “Okay.”

With that, she rode at Thurion's side as they marched away from Friedheim—troops following along after them. It was a surreal feeling of strength, unity, and courage.

Yes,” she answered, gripping the reigns with gloved hands. “I'm terrified. But, I have you here—and I feel better.” Alva looked fondly at [member="Thurion Heavenshield"].
"And yours, Thurion." The warrior responded. "I will try to make way then."

It would be some time before other would arrive? Understandable, large scale war and gathering troops was never something Jericho was ever familiar with despite being part of so many battles himself. Being a one man army, guerrilla warfare, leading a small group to disrupt order and cause chaos issues among enemy ranks, cutting the heads of serpents by defeating generals in duels for a quick decisive victories. That is what Jericho was familiar with, as they continued to travel the three came across another small group of townsfolk screaming and running as a guard was cut down by several creatures, strays from the main portion of enemies chasing from the capital from what it seemed.

"Just....Be careful. These are not sith we are dealing with..." Quickly echoed in the warriors mind, Thurion was always a warm hearted man, but his words were somewhat vague almost as if he already knew what they were up against. His tone was strong yet it almost sounded like he was hesitant to tell him to go near the capital. As time would tell, there would be good reason for it. Despite his travels and all the things he has witness in his lifetime, all that he has learned, the galaxy was still able to the surprise him. This was something he has yet to deal with. A demon chuckled as he slew a guard while deformed humanoids the size of a Valkyri groaned as they walked seemingly mindlessly but another guard closed in to attempt to strike down the monstrosity it revealed that it had martial prowess and strength, it parried the strike with ease and cut the guard whom was fully clad in armor, in two.

"Thurion....I will not make it.....Though I hope to see you soon." He relayed with scream echoing thought to the comms before clearing out.

A horrifying sight to behold as screams became louder as one of the townsfolk, a child no more than ten years of age, tripped in the snow having witnessed such a view, whilst another rushed to his aid and held him tight. There was little time to think at the moment, the sound of his saber echoed as they were activated and he charged and made a hand signal for his children to stay back and find cover. With their lorrdian eyes and training they knew what to do and went back several feet and kept out of view whilst Jericho went to fight. With an inhuman burst of speed Jericho leapt to the creature nearest to the two, with his harsh flying knee connecting to the humanoids jaw. The creature flew from the sheer force of his attack, a killing blow.

He took the the moment to give the two a nod to run they nodded and quickly thanked him as they begun to take off. The warrior turned back as he was now faced off with several of the humanoids, demons, and monsters. He turned to look over noticing the one he hit was much more durable than he first thought. It slowly rose back up with its jaw broken and unhinged barely kept on by skin as it continue to move, the jaw fell off but it continued to move unphased as if nothing had happened it. "How unthinkably grotesque." The warrior thought to himself. The world of the Valkyri was a beautiful one but the darkness that resides here was unlike any other world in his galaxy. This reminded him of the Sith lord and her experiments sent against the Silver Jedi that was the closest thing he could think of but this was on a realm of its own, so vastly different from what he was accustomed to.

One of the let out a monstrous shriek, the initial few became to the tens maybe even more, it was as if they were coming out of nowhere. The warrior took in a deep breath the feeling of battle coursed through his veins, he had assess just how durable these things were. He steeled himself. He went into the shien stance, he gripped his saber tightly and he let out a powerful aura around him. Its orange light shone bright as the pale-green sky and dark clouds over head taking over the grey. His children were still nearby, for a moment just a moment, he was worried for them but his mind went back to the fight that was just about to ensue. He had to trust them, they were getting older afterall, he had to trust that they knew what to do next.

Within the instant he went in for the attack giving them no quarter.


From afar, as Jericho made his move Micah, stood behind one of the trees nearby staying out of the line of sight having listened to his father's orders. He watched as his father took the role of the hero and saved the townsfolk with actions but at the same time telling from his actions was assessing the situation. The padawan crouched down slight and continued watch intently then grimaced when he watched the creature get back up from his father's attack, almost wanting to vomit when he saw the jaw fall off. He quickly placed his back to the tree and placed a hand over his mouth taking quick breath to keep himself steady. Micah was a boy who never liked fighting in general like his father or like his other siblings.

He was tuned to the force much more differently than the rest of his family. Though he was handy with saber like the rest of the Hex family, his main skill was that of his Zeltron blood, that of empathy. He believe there was no true evil, those corrupted by the dark side had reasons, good intentions that were mislead. He could feel the aura of others much more intensely, whether it love, hate, confusion, infatuation among other things. That was now being put into questions, he felt nothing from the beings that his father was facing off with just a ravenous hunger, the need to kill. The was no hidden intention, there was no remorse, there was nothing but wanted destruction.

It was a feeling that he has never had to feel before, it was disgusting and disturbing. Micah curled into a ball with his had over his heart holding himself tightly as he the increased pained auras from the capital even though they were miles away. There were so many, many anguished souls it was almost as he could hear the screams of the people from the capital himself. He tried to keep tears from rolling down from his eyes but he couldn't; it was not like the wars he grew up in these beings were so much more different than sith or bounty hunters. There so much pain around it, he could hardly stand it himself. With that a powerful aura took hold, his father's, it was powerful yet calming his mind strengthened and his emotions came back into check this followed by a light pat on his head. He looked up slightly and let out a quiet but audible sniffle. "Sorry..." He whimpered slightly.


Lily sat back with her saber at the ready when she saw her father hit the human from a far that sent it fly she let out an ecstatic cheer of excitement. "He's about to give them a good ol' fashion Hex whooping." She thought to herself. It was rare that she got to she her father in action she mostly spent time training with the Ike family and the Silver Jedi. She knew what her father could do from holocrons and stories told from everyone around that were able to witness him. She always admire how a hardened warrior could be so gentle even if he couldn't see that himself. Her mind shifted back to reality when she witnessed the creature get back up from that devastating blow, her jaw, though not literally like the creature, dropped to the floor. "What in someone's beard is going on." She thought to herself think of something a Valkyri would say.

A chill went down her spine, a sense of fear overwhelmed her as more creatures seem to appear from the woodwork....Snow work? Whatever is going on it seemed like one of them were calling other and if they could take a hit like that and get back up even her father might have some trouble dealing with them. She did what she always notice her father do before a big fight, she took in a deep breath and closed her eye. "Visualize.....Visualize.....I got to fight! I got to help papa!" She thought to herself as calming her shaking legs. As she steeled herself, she felt the warming presence take over her as well and then she opened her eyes ready to charge in but when she turned to Micah, she saw him curled into a ball and in tears. "Wait....I have to assess the situation. I can't just run in head first." She thought looking to her father then looking to Micah.

"No....No....I'm not as strong as him and can't just run in. If these things can take a beating more than I can dish out, I'll only get in the way. Then there's Micah...." She thought with a pout. "Were still not too far from Daal.....Maybe if...." She came up with a simple but quick plan and rushed over to Micah, she comforted him giving him a slight pat on the head and grin as he looked up at her with tear filled eyes and apologized. "No need little brother, things here was pretty wild. Papa, has his hands full right now. Things are gonna get messy here we better get out of here and get him some help before coming back ya?" She said reaching out a hand to her brother. He gave her a nod and took her hand to and got back up and wiped away the remaining amount of tears left on his face. "R-Right." He proclaimed to his twin sister and the two discussed what they were going to do.

They cleared some distance from him and hearing him talk over the comm-link earlier that could only assume someone may be coming to their location, right? Lily let out a sight wishing that what was a little more communication on that but alas it was for good reason. She looked over to Micah and gave him a nod. The twin did the same and took out a flare gun and raised it to the sky. "Here's to hoping something good happens." She said as Micah shot a red flare powder flare into the sky and it trailed a long distant line in case anyone saw could follow it if needed. Maybe if she was lucky she could see a Valykri or someone fly on those giant bird things as they went to help her father.

[member="Bors Greythorne"] | [member="Nida Perl"] | [member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Eyna"] | [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Thora Heavenshield"]
[member="Thirdas Heavenshield"] [member="Nida Perl"] [member="Coci Heavenshield"]

Who was this? Eyna, Nida would explain and Eyna would tilt he head forward as if to say some sort of hello. They did the hand holding thing people did when they tried to comfort each other, and then Thirdas went on to ask his question. Though there was something in the way he asked yet never really finished what he meant to say that bothered Eyna. Naturally, Coci would fill in the blank but that didn't really say much. Crone? What, or who, even was that? She gave the two Heavenshields a confused if not frustrated look before they all shared their farewells. Coci praised Nida, and eventually Eyna as well who would continue to look at Coci with a curious glance that quickly turned somber.

This might not have been what Coci would have wanted, but it was ever so rare that people actually got to decide what happened in their lives. This wasn't much of an exception to that.

"Roger." She said and nodded at Coci as she handed command over to her son. Eyna turned to look at him as the Jedi Master left. "You're in charge then."

Discipline was something she knew. A soldier's discipline was just about the only thing that had been drilled into her skull with a measure of success. The posture she held as she looked over at Thirdas would give that much away. Her back as straight as a blank, feet at shoulder-width, hand at her chest. What little remained of her injuries stung just ever so slightly, but in terms of pain... Well, she had quite clearly seen worse before.

"I will follow your lead."
The situation was far worse than Thirdas could have imagined. The capital had already fallen, and Uncle Thyrian trapped within it? As a highly-trained military man, already his mind was coming up with possible scenarios as to whether the enemy would bother take someone hostage, or kill them outright. Granted he, like many others, knew next-to-nothing of the Crone's intentions or motivation. She was not of this mortal world after all, so perhaps she didn't need any such motivations for her actions. She might as well be regarded a force of nature, although he doubted nature had anything to do with it.

He was put in charge of the Knights of the Guard, the elite security force of the Dawnguard; few in number, but all highly skilled and disciplined. Would they follow someone who had grown up openly mocking their traditions and disregarded the Way of the Force? Would they do so if only because of his name? He made an effort to push such thoughts aside - this was no time for personal doubt to seep in. "I will do you proud, Mum," he nodded in acceptance of his assigned command after she placed her kiss upon his forehead, and even offered her a smile. He felt calm, in spite of the situation; witnessing and partaking in galactic warfare has the effect of dulling one's senses to coming conflict, and could be interpreted as equal parts good and bad.

The three watched as Coci took off on the back of the gryphon Cloudancer, her loyal and true animal companion. I'll have to get me one of those some day, he thought to himself. Thirdas turned to Nida and Eyna, still holding the former by the hand.

"Eyna. You may call me Thirdas."

A Knight of the Guard appeared, offering the traditional Jedi bow from the waist. "Master Heavenshield, we were told to report to you for our orders." Thirdas physically recoiled at the mere notion of being called such. "Uh, thanks, but... I'm not a Jedi. And I'm certainly no 'master'," he felt the need to correct the man. "Sergeant Thirdas of the Antarian Rangers, Dorn Company, Task Force Raider. I may not know much about the Force but I sure do know about killing the enemy. Walk with me."

The Knight hesitated at first, but soon followed their new commander. "Going on foot will take too long; we shall use every shuttle available to transport ourselves to the rally point, as well as evacuate civilians escaping the capital and later those wounded in battle. Have your best pilots prepare for takeoff, and have the rest pile in for transportation." The Knight veered off as he received his orders.

"Nida, once we're down there we will need to establish a field hospital. I'd like you to take charge of the healers and medical personnel. And Eyna..." he paused, scrambling his brain. "...Do you have any special skills we might take advantage of?" He stopped by the shuttle he and Nida had arrived in weeks ago, reached inside a compartment to pull out a standard-issue blaster rifle. "Do you know how to handle one of these, for instance?"

[member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Nida Perl"] | [member="Eyna"]

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