Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private War Babies


OUTFIT: Yael | Emam
TAG: Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira | Mevia Vizsla Mevia Vizsla
GEARS: In bio



My ba'buir died when our homeworld, Csilla, was destroyed by the Maw."

Her grip on her fork tightened as her rage rose, visible in her red eyes and on her gritting teeth.

"I'm sorry to hear that. I would love to meet your father one day, and learn more about the Chiss."

I can hear Mevia's pain and anger as she talked about the destruction of our people. It must be traumatic for her, the scars of losing not only a homeworld and family, but also the rock where she used to hold her identity tight to. I can't even imagine how that feels. My first memory was with Dad, in Kestri. I don't have any recollection of my biological family, of Csilla, nor of the Chiss. Maybe I was just too young. Maybe it was my subconscious defense mechanism, forgetting everything to be spared of the trauma. Truth be told, I am somewhat glad it all escapes my memory. I don't know how to respond to Mevia's agony, so I did the only thing that came across my mind. I put my hand over one of her hands and stroked it softly, slowly, while trying to show her an understanding face.

With a scream, Elise woke up. Hands against the counter that had magically appeared in front of her, she stood up. The sound of crashing resounded as she panted heavily. Standing, she felt sticky with sweat... but she felt cleaner.

Which was cut short by Elise's sudden awakening. She puked again, her face showing signs of fatigue, discomfort, or even distress. Something in her vision, perhaps?

She panted, her hair held back by her sister as she shuddered, "... I really hate these kinds of visions."

She finally relaxed, instinctively understanding that wherever she was, she was safe. "Where are we?"

"It's alright, Elise. We are at a cantina, we ordered you food. Try it, you'll feel better."


Yael's agreement and resolve towards Mevia's words had not gone unnoticed by Mevia, even as she rubbed her sister's back. She looked up to Yael with hints of a mutual ideal. Mutual cause, mutual goals. The glory of Mandalore restored. To realize that she was not the only one brought a sense of hope to her. And suddenly, she felt less alone. Even her father doubted that the Chiss could ever become a superpower again. And both of her parents were sure that the Enclave was fading into an old relic. Suddenly, Mevia realized that her purpose, her driving force, her desire, was far closer than she thought. She saw it in Yael Kandar Yael Kandar , who had that same fire in her eyes she saw looking in the mirror.

When her sister asked where they were, Emam Kandar Emam Kandar told her where they were and that they were safe. When Elise only gagged some more at the mention of food, Mevia sighed. She indeed had a shaman vision. Despite being next to her, she felt a million miles away from her sister. Separated by life walks and the Force once again. A mixture of bitterness and worry was written on Mevia's face as she lifted Elise to her seat and helped her sit.

"Slow down for once, won't you? Here's some more water."

She slid her own glass towards her with a frown. Elise sipped it slowly, gazing into an unseen distance. Mevia sighed as she sat at her own table again and shoveled another bite of food into her mouth. She looked over to Yael and Emam. How close were they? Were they ever kept apart by secrets or differences in opinions? How close were they? Did they ever fight? Mevia could not help but wonder... did all siblings have divides like she and Elise did?

Shaking her head, Mevia turned to look to the Kandar siblings again. She was in a foul mood now. Her jealousies and desires were being ramped up to the max right now... then, Elise spoke.



Feeling like she was on Tatooine and Hoth at the same time, Elise shivered and sweat as she adjusted to her change in scenery. She had spent hours, hours running in that foul, disgusting hell of flesh and blood and bone. The mere suggestion of eating, even if well intended, made Elise gag once again. It was a blessing that Mevia was right there, rubbing her back. She lifted her and sat her down, handing her water. It took a couple seconds for Elise to process. Her eyes were coated like milky glass as she blinked away the horrors she saw. She could not eat, but the bile in her tight throat was horrid. She needed a drink.

And so, she started sipping the water. She was still unaware of her surroundings, unaware of everything going on around her. She was staring off into space, trying to figure out her grandfather's deeds in that dream. Did he truly craft that entire realm himself? What did this mean? Arr'huwal has mentioned choices. He had mentioned the legend of Ajaya. Confusion and dismay coiled around her heart, choking it. This was all clouding her head. She needed to speak to Siyarr - maybe even Yorunarr Ahan-Yan'Sharlim Yorunarr Ahan-Yan'Sharlim . Could they help her decifer this terrible vision? She shuddered. Unfortunately, this was something she would want to bring to them face to face. And unfortunately, she was on a completely different planet. She shook her head, trying to clear it to of avail. She... she needed to distract herself. She had to start talking. Until she could reach her help. Before this vision destroyed her.

She looked over to the other three and opened her mouth. She said the first relevant thing that came to mind.

"Yael, sorry if I went a bit crazy earlier. I kind of get competitive in sparring matches. Mevia knows."

The realization was hitting her as she spoke, remembering her match with Yael. Something that she had not meant to do. "Whenever I spar with the spear, I always use the blunt end. I'm used to sparring with people I know, so it didn't cross my mind that you wouldn't realize that. I'm sorry."

Her eyes were still glossed over with her vision's terror. It was obvious, with how pale she was, that Elise had been shook to the core by that vision. Her sparring match felt like it was weeks, even months, past. She knew nothing but the stinking rot of flesh, gnashing of bone, and iron foul taste of blood. Furthermore, in her red eyes, it seemed that stars themselves sparkled in her eyes. The Archais sky reflected in her eyes, the shaman's vision was heavy upon her. Overbearing her, conquering her. She was trying to return to reality, but obsessions over the vision was sucking her back in.

"Has it... really only been mere minutes? ... Felt like I was... for so long..."

She reached up and touched her forehead, then took another drink of water in hopes that this cool gulp would help shake her out of it. Of course, it did not.

Yael Kandar Yael Kandar Emam Kandar Emam Kandar


OUTFIT: Yael | Emam
TAG: Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira | Mevia Vizsla Mevia Vizsla
GEARS: In bio



From short observation, the dichotomy between Mevia and Elise is truly fascinating. On surface level, Mevia seems like the competent sister, with seemingly better combat skills, more confidence in her demeanor, and also the more attractive sister, and Emam's monkey brain reaction seems to validate that statement. However, Elise has all this mystique hiding beneath, while Mevia is most likely just what it shows on the front. The 'Shamanism', her split-loyalty. She is indeed the more interesting sibling.

"Yael, sorry if I went a bit crazy earlier. I kind of get competitive in sparring matches. Mevia knows."

The realization was hitting her as she spoke, remembering her match with Yael. Something that she had not meant to do. "Whenever I spar with the spear, I always use the blunt end. I'm used to sparring with people I know, so it didn't cross my mind that you wouldn't realize that. I'm sorry."

"No worries, it wasn't anything I can't handle."

Slurping the broth of my soup, I studied Elise's rough face. It wasn't from the spar, at least most of it wasn't. The dreams and visions are really intriguing for me. I grew up among Force Users in the Mandokarla, and some of them are also capable to, supposedly, contact the Manda, or the ancestors, or whatever it is they usually do. It caught my attention, how all these different folks from different places are able to access the 'other world', yet they are confronted with different sightings. For me, my faith is simple. I don't have the burden to show the proof of it, I just believe in it just like my father before me does.

"Has it... really only been mere minutes? ... Felt like I was... for so long..."

She reached up and touched her forehead, then took another drink of water in hopes that this cool gulp would help shake her out of it. Of course, it did not.

"It is."

While Elise is slowly taking her time to recover, it seems like Emam and Mevia haven't started talking again. That dumbass, does he really need help to flirt? I really don't have time for that, he'll have to figure it out on his own. I'll just leave them alone and enquire more interesting information and stories from Elise.

"The vision of yours? What are they like?"


OUTFIT: Yael | Emam
TAG: Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira | Mevia Vizsla Mevia Vizsla
GEARS: In bio



While my soup offering almost made Elise puked again, I'm really glad that she's recovering. It's not funny if someone not from here got really sick or worse, after a round of sparring with us. Especially when I am trying to court her sister. I chugged my glass of Tihaar as I'm looking at Yael, who is uncharacteristically showing her interest in a new person. She has a habit of speaking in high notes and squirming her forehead when she is interested in something, and that's exactly what she is showing right now.

I kept observing them until I realised that I haven't continued my conversation with Mevia. It's probably really awkward for the both of us right now, as I can feel in the atmosphere. So, I just asked her a question, and hopefully the conversation can flow again as it was before.

"Does this happen often to your sister?"



"The vision of yours? What are they like?"

Elise blinked slowly, looking at Yael Kandar Yael Kandar with a hazy, dull expression. As if drunk. But clarity over the words spoken registered after some long ten seconds, and she blinked again, faster this time, as some light returned to her eyes. She made an "oh" sort of sound, then turned and took another sip of water before looking back to Yael.

"Depends on what visions you're talking about. I have several."

She looked down as she lifted her own hand. Staring at her hand like it was some sort of frightening weapon, she spoke in a chill, haunted voice.

"Since I was an adi'ka, I would see the memories of others by touching something they of owned, or even touching the individual. I feel everything they felt, every emotion and injury and sensation of temperature and what to ground beneath feels like. Their memory is now mine..."

Her hand shook as tears filled her eyes. "The things I've experienced in their eyes..."

She clenched her fist, shuddering. Her eyes closed, tears slipping down her cheeks. "It's what inspired me to become a shaman... So I can prevent those things from befalling other people..."

She shakily sighed, opening her eyes with more vigor inside. "As a Shaman, I have visions in the Novanian order. I receive messages from the Ancient Ones who inhabited Archais long before we did. We hear from our ancestors as well."

The gore and terror of the long hours spent in that deathly hell just moments ago flashed through her mind again. She gagged, but was able to keep herself from throwing up again. She winced, "Warnings, guidance. Often times cryptic and confusing as kark to decifer. I have no idea what my new one means, but..."

She looked into the distance, thinking back on a memory. "The Empire proper shattered long ago, but pockets of different groups surviving from it lived on. Archais itself has mostly hung back, been a world of calm in an otherwise chaotic galaxy. But there's another world I've been to frequently, as a Mandalorian pocket lives there. I have trained with them, fought alongside them. One night, I opened my eyes to see dark figures standing over everyone in the barracks, sleeping in their cots. I heard their blaster shots, but they froze midair. And then, I heard an Ancient One talk directly to me, and he told me we had to run. The moment I woke up, I warned our Alor'ad, and we evacuated. That night, we watched from surveillance cameras as the Empire Of The Lost broke into our old barracks and wiped it clean."

Elise broke out into a giggling fit, surprising and sudden for her current state, "And to think! That was one of the few visions I actually understood immediately!"

She calmed a bit, bringing her hand over her mouth, as she continued, "Sometimes I see things unrelated to the Ancient Ones, but not as often. Most of the time, I see the past instead of the future. But when I do see the future..."

She visibly shivered, remembering the vision she had just awoken from.

"It's... frightening. Sometimes, I really hate having these visions at all..."


"Does this happen often to your sister?"

Mevia shrugged, frowning as she watched Yael and Elise talk. "Dunno. Don't care."

She looked back to Emam Kandar Emam Kandar , her jealousy of her sister clear in her eyes for a moment before she bitterly pushed past the topic, "I'd rather talk more about action, not vague dreams and premonitions. Enough time is spent gabbing our gums when we should be doing important things."

Her face softened a bit as she asked, "Doesn't it make you burn inside? How both our people's have been treated? Don't you want to fight back? Have revenge? Reclaim old glories?"

She clenched her fists, her expression exploding with fury and desire."I can only dream of the day, since it seems not many want to make it a reality? Why all this talk and dreaming, when we should be out there proving to the Galaxy that they were wrong to put us down!"

She sighed, looking back to Emam, "Surely, you feel the same way I do?"


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