Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private War Babies


OUTFIT: Yael | Emam
TAG: Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira | Mevia Vizsla Mevia Vizsla
GEARS: In bio



I managed to grab on Elise's shoulder, one shoulder-pad clashing with another, inhales juxtaposing with exhales. If it goes well, I would end up on top of her and pretty much in control over this slightly smaller fighter. Yet, before I was able to drive her down, she hooked herself to a wall, pulling me towards it. Both of us are grappling, fighting for control, while we are both on collision course with the wall. I would say that I am the stronger and more physical woman between the two of us, yet the movement momentum makes it harder to fully manhandle her. It gets to a point where she was able to leverage herself in a position to scale the wall with her magnetic boots. At the same time, I realized that she was snatching a crate of training supplies nearby in my direction.

It was already too close to evade however, and my last ditch effort to salvage the situation was to try yanking her closer to me, in the hope that at least the crate would hit the both of us. I tighten my hold on her shoulder, while my other hand tries to wrap her waist, and use all my energy to pull her in my direction. If the crate ended up crashing on the both of us, I feel like it would be an advantage for me, with both of us lying on the ground and me being more durable.


OUTFIT: Yael | Emam
TAG: Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira | Mevia Vizsla Mevia Vizsla
GEARS: In bio



Banters, chuckles, and snickers, this turns out to be more fun than it has the right to be. Turns out, sparring with someone new is really more thrilling and enjoyable compared to the good 'ol Yael or Forge folks every week. Mevia fights as aggressive as Yael, but even more vigorous and physical, as if it's even possible. The clashes between Beskar clinked in my ear, amplifying the rushes of my adrenaline and pumping the confidence in my veins.

Not taking any break, Mevia responded, charging with a jetpack in my direction, grabbing me over my waist, and slamming the both of us to the ground. The gal of this girl, tackling an almost 8 inches taller opponent to the ground, yet she was successful in doing so and assumed her position on top of me. It really successfully humbled my previously skyrocketing confidence. It would be easy for her to end the action if I don't react quickly, either by a classic ground n' pound, or submitting me through chokeholds or pistol to the head. So, I use my size and reach advantage to try getting out of the stance, mounting my legs on her back, wriggling my waist to roughen the transition, and wrapping my arms around her head and bicep in an attempt of an anaconda choke. And I can't help but let a small chuckles out while doing so, a combination of amusement and exhaustion.


He was trying to choke her out, lock her down, but Mevia could feel it in his bones and muscle spasms - he was tired. She grinned beneath her buy'ce as he attempted to wriggle her off. Mevia, however, was still on top. While he grabbed hold of one of her biceps, she was still grappling him with another. And yet, as he tried to control the situation, the power was in her hand all along. She took a risk and swiftly let go, raising her arm and attempting to slam her crushgaunt aided fist into his buy'ce. Multiple times. Even if one ram hit, it could potentially make him dizzy enough to loosen his grip. She felt him choking her, but it was not enough. She simply was stronger and more durable than him.

It ends already?

Yael Kandar Yael Kandar


It was a real struggle against this giant. Elise had spent her entire life training to face opponents larger or stronger than her. A grapple was an insanely bad position to be in, as her grandfather had taught her several years back. She was pulled closer to Yael, and she could tell that the crate was likely to hit both of them. She winced, feeling time slow down as both were cascaded with a shattering crate full of equipment. She felt dazed, grimacing as she shut her eyes for a moment. I have some tricks up my sleeve yet! I'm not going down easy!

She was able to use the Force in a non-visible way' effecting her own bodily reactions and her body's very strength. She was able to limit the effects such a blow did to her for the moment, and she seized that moment. She was easily be able to kick against her, shoving her away. She scrambled away, using her jetpack to make distance as her vision grew grainy. She fumbled on her knees as she stopped her jetpack and yanked her buy'ce off. The blonde mud-hybrid let go of the Force's affect on her, and the ringing in her head took full effect. She vomited onto the floor, lamenting her favorite cheese dip's loss, but slammed a hand on her knee as she looked back to Yael with determination still flooding her features. Her Chiss eyes glowed as she struggled, failing to get back to her feet. She spat more fluid from her mouth and rasped, "I'm not done yet!"

She reached back and pulled her beskar spear from its pouch. It extended into full length and she slammed it into the ground, using it to balance as she stood up. She struggled with her footing, feeling like she was suffering a migraine, but glared at Yael with the intensity of a warrior still trying to prove herself.

Yael Kandar Yael Kandar


OUTFIT: Yael | Emam
TAG: Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira | Mevia Vizsla Mevia Vizsla
GEARS: In bio



The crates hit Elise far worse than it did me. While I was able to tuck my head and absorb the impact on my back, Elise got hit on her head. It took me a couple of seconds to recover, in which time Elise managed to struggle away from me, throwing her Buy'ce to the ground, and letting out a puke. That doesn't sound good. I'm all for beating a sparring opponent, but I also don't want to take it too far.

She spat more fluid from her mouth and rasped, "I'm not done yet!"

Instead, Elise pulled out a Beskar Spear, clearly something that could rip through my Beskar'gam. This girl must've lost her mind from the impact. If she didn't pull anything that presented a threat for me, I would just take it easy and put her down with a couple of gut punches. However, the Beskar Spear means I'll have to flatten her as quickly and effectively as possible before she could stab me somewhere vital in her dazed state.

"You'll be."

I activated my beam projector on tractor mode, aiming at Elise to pull her closer, and attempting a close-range stun shot on the gap between her training armor. The sparring has been going on for too long, hopefully this one will keep her down.


OUTFIT: Yael | Emam
TAG: Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira | Mevia Vizsla Mevia Vizsla
GEARS: In bio



As I managed to get a full anaconda choke hold on Mevia, she started trying to bash the side of my head with her crushgaunt. That's not good. Even after I tightened my hold and rocked her head and arm to make her punches miss, she still didn't stop swinging her other hand. After almost a dozen missed swings and others that were blocked by my triceps, finally one hit me right on the Buy'ce.

"Karkin' Kark!"

The punch rocked my head to the side, weakening my hold on her. The knock-back protection inside my Buy'ce did help ease up the impact by quite a bit, but it was still a hard hit. Not long after, Mevia landed another punch, my grasp kept loosening up, and another one, that one sent me to a split-second blackout.



Elise felt herself being yanked forward; as if Force pulled towards her opponent. She could tell it was more likely some kind of repulser tech using her Force Sense, but she really didn't care as she flew towards Yael's grasp.

She had one finally chance to make a hit - non-lethaly, of course. She twirled her spear to where the blunt end faced Yael and pulled the pole-arm back. As she was clutched by the enemy, she thrust her spear at her chest, slamming the blunt end into her chest - at least, she hoped it hit. She felt the bitter embrace of a stun weapon overtaking her body. She lost...

She lost, yes. But she had not gone down without a fight.

And going down fighting, according to her mother, was the most important part.

Darkness took her.


Clouds of frost surrounded her.

She blinked, looking around. She saw a vast winter wasteland surrounding her. A blizzard was forming, causing her to shiver, as she saw her sister in the distance.


She tried to run towards her, but she could not. The winds were pushing against her, holding her back. She tried, shoving with her feet and extending her hands. She called her name, but her sister turned around and walked deeper into the blizzard.


Then, the blizzard suddenly cleared. An icy lake stood before her, but she saw a strange mist overtaking the various shapes over the surface. Elise ran forward, feet crunching in the snow, as she approached the sickly red aura. Red, in the winter? She was hit with a wave of sticky iron stench. Her blood pressure skyrocketed when she recognized the reek of blood. She burst through the mist, looked down...

A corpse.

She blinked, then looked up.

Throughout the landscape, mountains and mountains of dead bodies replaced the natural terrain. Countless species, countless societies. All reduced to the endless, towering mountains of flesh before her. She choked.

Then, she looked before her. She saw the silhouette of Mevia, but that was not what made her cry. What made her cry was the strong, stoic beskar'gam clad Giant holding a bloodied beskad in his hand.

Her own grandfather, Kranak Vizsla Kranak Vizsla , was responsible for this tragedy.


Yael Kandar Yael Kandar

She was winning! Emam's grip on her weakened as she continued her barrage of thumps to his head. Eventually, his grip went limb. She panted, only pausing to realize how excited she had gotten after she realized her was unconscious. She sat up, sitting on his midsection. She heard some screaming and turned to see Elise dropping her beskar spear as she lost consciousness to Yael's stun equipment.

Mevia got up and darted over as Elise fell. She managed to catch her as she fell unconscious, thudding on the training grounds' floor.

Mevia looked her older sister over. She had some bile dripping from the corner of her mouth, and her hair was loose and windswept. She scoffed fondly as she checked her vitals.

<"She pushed herself again didn't she? The idiot.">

The Chiss looked down at Mevia and chuckled as she set her down. <"No wonder you earned the nickname 'Jare' in the Myrmidons. You're going to get yourself killed one of these days.">

Mevia stood up, looking at Yael Kandar Yael Kandar and motioning the Emam, <"Your brother is taking a nap too, by the way. Don't worry, both will recover.">

Mevia was hardly worried for either. Elise at least had trained under rather harsh conditions. Still, Mevia reached up and removed her buy'ce. She shook her black locks loose and shrugged, "We should probably take care of them. Elise is gonna be hungry when she wakes up, so..."

She blinked towards Yael with a hint of social awkwardness. She was far more confident in war than casual interaction, "Where's a good restaurant or bar or whatever around here?"

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OUTFIT: Yael | Emam
TAG: Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira | Mevia Vizsla Mevia Vizsla
GEARS: In bio



As I check the other side of the training ground, I'm greeted by the sight of Emam laying on the ground, while his sparring foe is already by Elise's side, catching her from her fall. From the urgency in her moves, I imagine that the girl is the one who always helps taking care of Elise. Even without seeing her face, I can sense her slight concern over her sister's condition.

<"She pushed herself again didn't she? The idiot.">

The Chiss looked down at Mevia and chuckled as she set her down. <"No wonder you earned the nickname 'Jare' in the Myrmidons. You're going to get yourself killed one of these days.">

"Aye, she did. She pulled a Beskar spear so I had to neutralize her. Don't worry too much, I set the blaster on light stun."

I stayed for a bit, making sure that Elise is alright. Judging from their equipments, behaviors, and the things they said, the two are most likely not from Kestri. As the local, I am the one responsible for their well-being, even if the beating was warranted.

Mevia stood up, looking at Yael Kandar Yael Kandar and motioning the Emam, <"Your brother is taking a nap too, by the way. Don't worry, both will recover.">

I hummed at her remark. I know Emam, he'll be alright. He might not be the best of a fighter, but he is a survivor. He knows his weakness and his limits, and he'll never push himself beyond that. People might say that he's a coward for that, but he knows himself and his role and place within the Enclave, something that not a lot of people can say. A society wouldn't work if everyone is a warrior, and no one provides the necessary supports. And he's that, the engine that provides for our causes.

She blinked towards Yael with a hint of social awkwardness. She was far more confident in war than casual interaction, "Where's a good restaurant or bar or whatever around here?"

"There's a cantina nearby that serves good soup and tihaar. Both of you are of drinking age, right?"

I approached Emam to check on him. Taking off his Buy'ce to expose his pale blue skin, I pressed my palms to his cheeks, measuring his temperature. It's normal, so he'll be alright. I shaked his shoulder trying to wake him, to no avail. While I'm the better fighter, Emam is way bigger and heavier than me. There's no way I'm dragging him to the cantina, he's going to walk on his own. Perhaps a splash of freezing water would be more effective. I reached for my bottle of water and splashed him with a quarter of it.

"Hey dummy, wake up, I'm starving."


OUTFIT: Yael | Emam
TAG: Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira | Mevia Vizsla Mevia Vizsla
GEARS: In bio



"What the hell sis?!"

Yael and being an ass, name a more iconic duo. The last memory I had was getting my head rocked by a tiny super-soldier. It shouldn't be that bad, my Buy'ce is designed to minimize long-term impact from bumps to the head. She just happened to hit on the perfect spot to send me to a power-nap. Right, the sparring. I was definitely the loser of mine, yet perhaps Yael won her's earlier. My fight with Mev was too intense for me to check Yael's and Elise's fight.

"Where's Mevia?"

I'm curious whether my sparring partner went to check on her sister, or if they have left. The feisty little Mando that just beat my ass a couple of seconds ago definitely piqued my intrigue. There is a sense of familiarity in the way she speaks and moves. It might be that she is quite similar to Yael, but I imagine there's something deeper than that. Either way, it would be lovely to have a chat and drink with someone who just happened to manhandle me like a veteran Si'kayha.


"Aye, she did. She pulled a Beskar spear so I had to neutralize her. Don't worry too much, I set the blaster on light stun."

Ah, yes, the beskar spear. Mevia made a face. Either the Myrmidons were so brutal and Elise actually adopted their brutality; or the most likely option, that she was using the blunt end of the weapon.

"The spear? Ah, she always uses the blunt end when we spar. Don't blame you for reacting that way though, that thing's intimidating."

"There's a cantina nearby that serves good soup and tihaar. Both of you are of drinking age, right?"

A bar with tihaar? Sounded great! And soup? Mevia was sure the food was nowhere near as good as her father's cooking, but food was good.

But then, the girl removed her opponent's buy'ce. Mevia's red eyes widened as she saw the familiar blue skin and red eyes of a...


Mevia stood up, eyes wide. Another Mandalorian Chiss! Her heart leapt with feelings of pride and loneliness as she took a couple steps forward.

"You're Chiss! Wha-what is your Chiss name?" Without even remembering that a not-Chiss in Yael was there, Mevia proudly reintroduced herself, "I am Kemme'viawa'nuvci!"

Yael Kandar Yael Kandar Emam Kandar Emam Kandar
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OUTFIT: Yael | Emam
TAG: Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira | Mevia Vizsla Mevia Vizsla
GEARS: In bio



The question took me aback for a split-second. I know that there are other Mandalorians of my species, but I've never met any before, let alone spar and have an actual conversation with. I was adopted at a very young age, the only thing I could remember of the past are just blurry fragments of scenes. Unlike Yael, I never got a chance to visit my birthplace. The planet I was rescued from doesn't exist anymore, it was annihilated. And so does any sense of identity I could attach to it. Moreover, both Dad and Yael are of a different species, it was never part of our identity, being a Mando'ade family is. Yet, I can't deny that a small part of me is ecstatic to see someone who physically looks like me.

"You're Chiss! Wha-what is your Chiss name?" Without even remembering that a not-Chiss in Yael was there, Mevia proudly reintroduced herself, "I am Kemme'viawa'nuvci!"

"Uh-h, I'm Troshe'ma'morvo..."

I haven't said that name in a long time. It was never needed, Emam is my official Mandalorian name. Troshe'ma'morvo is just an ancient relic. A reminder of how lucky I was to be saved by Dad, by the Mandalorian Enclave, and how I was given a second chance in life, something that almost dissipates alongside the homeworld of the Chiss. And across me is another survivor of said genocide. Funny how life decides to weave fate sometimes.

"I didn't expect to meet any other Chiss here."

That was the only thing I could utter off my mouth at the moment, still mesmerized by the sight in front of my face. I hope I wasn't making weird faces while we're at it.


OUTFIT: Yael | Emam
TAG: Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira | Mevia Vizsla Mevia Vizsla
GEARS: In bio



I've never seen someone who looks like Emam before. It's quite amusing, if I'm being honest. It was always different with me, since most of the Mandalorians in Kestri are either Humans or Near-Humans. Meeting someone who is the same species as myself has never been anything special, it is the norm. However, it's not the case with Dad, and especially Emam. Dad's species, Duros, are almost non-existent in Kestri, but it's easy to come across some of them when you are doing missions around the Outer Rim and Mid Rim. The Chiss, on the other hand, what I know is that very few of them remain after their planet got annihilated by the Maw. It's weird seeing another that looks like him.

"Alright you two, we take the introduction to the cantina."

I said to the two in a playful tone, smiling mostly at my brother. I'm getting quite starving and I'm sure the others as well, yet Elise is still laying on the ground. It couldn't be that bad, it was just a light-stun shot. Nothing that a bowl of soup and a glass of tihaar couldn't fix. Perhaps Mevia is just being too soft on her sister.

"You need any help waking up your sister?"


Entirely oblivious to Yael's suggestive tone, Mevia tore her gaze from Troshe'ma'morvo and looked to her unconscious sister. She blinked, looked down at her, then shook her head.

"There was one time I woke Elise up. Never again. For all I know it'll be the same as last time."

She walked over to Elise and flung her over her shoulder. "She had been in one of her shaman vision coma things. It was not pleasant jerking her out of it. And I have no idea how they work, so..."

Only the tiniest traces of bitterness could be detected in that last sentence. For the most part, she came off as disinterested in her sister's "shaman stuff."

And so, after collecting all their things, the group made their way to the cantina. Due to Kestri's lower population, the cantina was hardly occupied. One or two patrons in every which corner, and the staff passing time by scrolling through their holopads. The group made their orders and sat down. Mevia had ordered something sweet and spicy for herself, and something extra spicy for Elise, who was slumped in her seat with Mevia haphazardly holding onto her back. Mevia had ordered one drink for herself, and nothing for Elise.

"Mom was always so paranoid of drinking and drugs that I never brought any into the house. I really enjoy having drinks when I'm out."

Quite contrary to how she appeared, Mevia had actually tried to be a good kid. She owed it to her adoptive parents, after all... they had done so much to raise her well.

As Mevia took a large gulp of alcohol, her eyes constantly flickered to Emam. Another Chiss! She was feeling so ecstatic, despite her cooler exterior. She looked down to her pint and set it down.

"Emam, I take it you have Chiss training as well? My Buir taught me everything he knew, but maybe you know something I don't?

Ah, yes, Mevia's go to ice breaker: Violence.

Emam Kandar Emam Kandar Yael Kandar Yael Kandar

OUTFIT: Yael | Emam
TAG: Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira | Mevia Vizsla Mevia Vizsla
GEARS: In bio



I chuckled at Mevia's reaction, the girl isn't even aware that both she and Emam has been checking out each other, speechless for the longest time. It's nice seeing Emam like this, instead of his usual sulking that has been lingering for the last four months. Mevia also seems to be a nice, Mandalorian girl. Tough, dedicated, but also with a hint of a warmer side.

Sometimes on our way to the cantina, Mevia mentioned Elise's Shaman vision. I'm pretty sure the only thing similar to what Mevia mentioned is studied by the A'srucayr, the Force-Users path of the Mandokarla. I should've known if Elise is one, or studying to be one, but I can't recollect any memory with her in it. Perhaps they are from another enclave, like the one we just integrated from Rishi. That would explain my unfamiliarity with her.

"Shaman vision? Is Elise in the Mandokarla? I didn't realize…"


OUTFIT: Yael | Emam
TAG: Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira | Mevia Vizsla Mevia Vizsla
GEARS: In bio



I noticed that Mevia only ordered a tihaar for herself, not for Elise. As she said her piece, I couldn't help but smirk a little. A rebel? This ought to be interesting. Mevia also keeps her attention on me, as if Yael isn't even here. Hopefully it's a sign that I'm not the only one intrigued by our new friendship.

As Mevia took a large gulp of alcohol, her eyes constantly flickered to Emam. Another Chiss! She was feeling so ecstatic, despite her cooler exterior. She looked down to her pint and set it down.

"Emam, I take it you have Chiss training as well? My Buir taught me everything he knew, but maybe you know something I don't?

"Chiss training? No, I'm afraid no. All the training I've received is from here, mostly from Dad. Besides, I specialized in smithing from a very young age."

The existence of another Chiss with a much more expansive knowledge of our culture is an exciting thought. I never had the chance to learn anything about the people my biological parents were and the planet that I was born in, but it seems like Mevia knows much more about the Chiss. From the notion that the Chiss has their own training regiment exclusive to us, it seems like we were a proud warrior race too, just like the Mandalorians. I am very much compelled by the thought of learning about the Chiss with Mevia.

I leaned towards her, resting my neck on my hand and looking at her face with a smile and an enthusiastic face.

"How does Chiss training differ from Mandalorian training?"


"Shaman vision? Is Elise in the Mandokarla? I didn't realize…"

Mevia took a sip of tihaar. She shuddered a bit. She was more of a sweet tooth, and her mother's barring of alcohol meant that she was completely unfamiliar with its bitterness. She lowered the drink.

"We grew up in Archais, in imperial space. I don't really like the imperials, especially after how they've treated my own kind, but my mother was drawn to a culture of her own species that wasn't, well, your typical stuck up Arkanian. It was a stable and safe environment as well, which was what she wanted for us."

She took a bite of food before continuing. "They have their own Shaman order there. Elise grew up admiring them and joined when she was twelve."

Mevia shoved more food into her mouth so she could swallow her bitterness. So focused on her dreams and goals as Elise was, Mevia had not seen her big sister nearly as much as before since then.

"I suppose, we both had big dreams since we were kids. Elise wants to be some sort of 'hero,' and help people in the galaxy and stuff. As far as I'm concerned, it's a foolish game. 'Good' people hardly exist in this galaxy, I should know. But..." She lowered her fork and sighed, "She's one of the most amazing people I know still. She's a great fighter, has this aura she draws everyone towards, and is one of those few good people in the galaxy. If I could convince her to leave the Empire and join our true home, I know for sure that she would be a brilliant asset to us."

Mevia looked up, "Still, she has a strong connection to her world's ancient inhabitants and ancestors. It's some kind of weird Force mumbo jumbo I couldn't care less about; but that's Elise for you. She could connect with a twig or an empty Vasher Root Beer bottle!"

She snorted at her own joke, then Emam spoke up.

"Chiss training? No, I'm afraid no. All the training I've received is from here, mostly from Dad. Besides, I specialized in smithing from a very young age. How does Chiss training differ from Mandalorian training?"

She frowned. A Chiss with no recollection of his own species and pride? Mevia was as proud of being a Chiss as she was Mandalorian! She looked back at her training sessions with her father, Eliz Krayt Eliz Krayt , and smiled.

"I don't think I could accurately tell you, like my forefathers could. My father was trained by his own father, who was both Mandalorian and Chiss as well. Essentially, there's some more espionage training, high technology training - Chiss technology training - and some different battle techniques involved. My father prefers lighter combat and stealth, and his own armor was once his father's before he passed. My ba'buir died when our homeworld, Csilla, was destroyed by the Maw."

Her grip on her fork tightened as her rage rose, visible in her red eyes and on her gritting teeth. "The Maw! And the Sith! They took everything from us! Chiss and Mandalore both! The Chiss has been reduced to exiles scattered through the galaxy, treated like animals. Mandalore, the pride of our Mandalorian people, was absolutely devastated and made uninhabitable by the Sith! We too were exiles, scattered and humiliated. Even as Kestri shone as a beacon for us, many Mandalorians flocked to other banners and powers."

She looked to the side and spat at that notion. She briskly picked up her mug and took a hard swallow. Then, she rose the mug to the air.

"I say, it is time we fought back! Give them all the punishment they gave us! It is about damn time we rose from exile, and reclaimed our old glory as a respected and feared superpower once more!"

Emam Kandar Emam Kandar Yael Kandar Yael Kandar
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Elise chased after his silhouette once more. Blood puddles splashed and fleshy ground squished beneath her feet as she reached out again for her grandfather. Just like every other time, however, she was prevented from reaching him. She tripped over what felt like a log, but most certainly was not. She spotted the femur bone she had tripped on as she fell to the ground. The potent stench of rotting flesh amplified as she thudded onto a long skin of what seemed to be wookie fur.

Coughing and gagging in response to the repulsive world around her, she pulled herself up and turned another corner. The walls and walls of organic bodies and remains emitted a hot and humid atmosphere, poisonous and sick. Continuing to fight the bile in her throat, Elise blinked her streaming eyes and choked out, "Ba'buir! Wait!"

She saw another shadow just turning the corner.

She staggered, struggling to stay upright, as she chased the shadow. "Ba'buir! Please! Stop! What is all this!? Why are you-"

She skidded, slipping on some green colored blood. She slammed into a wall, her eyes gazing into the skull of a twi'lik. She pushed herself off the wall, feeling as if skeletal hands were trying to drag her in.

"Your beskad!" She called, eyes glazing as she looked down at her defiled hands.

She finally vomited. Her hands slammed into her knees as she emptied her stomach's contents onto the pink, wet ground.

"Ba'buir!" She heaved, standing shakily, "Why..."

She staggered, once again struggling as she weakly turned and jogged after the shadow she had seen. She turned the corner and saw her grandfather standing at the end of the "hallway." She darted after him. A voice echoed in her mind.

"Ah, the curse of Ajaya..."

She reached out. He was right in front of her. But his image flickered and faded as she grasped mere air. She stood panting, filthy, and exhausted.

"Ajaya had similar troubles to your own."

She looked up, sweating. The "mist" of blood was too thick to see any kind of sky. The words started to process. She remembered reading about Ajaya in her studies as a Shaman! And that voice, she had heard him before.

"But he made a choice that benefitted two peoples - though yours may force a dichotomous decision that may yet benefit one over the other...."

Elise reached up with her grimy hand, calling out with wide eyes. "Ancient One! Arr'huwal!"

She saw the tainted image up high. A silhouette of a mask, the paint barely visible in the disgusting steam.


"As my Seer Siyarr puts it -"

Elise's breath stilled. She awaited the Ancient's wisdom and guidance.

"Sucks to be torn, sucks in general?"

"What?!" Elise screamed, "That doesn't help me at all! I don't understand anything!"

A chuckle echoed in the air, as if amused by her reaction. Then, his voice spoke to her once more. Far more sympathetic and kind.

"Be strong, Jac'Eli'Serum. You carry a heavy weight. But, you are not alone."

She heard heavy footsteps behind her. Hopeful, she turned around, "Ba'buir-"

A crushgaunt, curled into a fist, slammed against her face.


With a scream, Elise woke up. Hands against the counter that had magically appeared in front of her, she stood up. The sound of crashing resounded as she panted heavily. Standing, she felt sticky with sweat... but she felt cleaner. She gasped, looking down at her hands. Well. Gauntlets. Her armored hands were in pristine condition. The armor sparkled, and she felt no blood or intestines on her flesh. The smell of hot blood and rotting corpses was still in her nose, but she snorted it out and realized that she could smell things far more pleasant. Food, drink, and the scents of roaring fires and grilling of Mandalorian feasts. It smelled incredible, except for the fact that she had smelled something appetite killing for hours before waking up here.

She gagged.

She bent over, back throbbing as she once again felt vomit rising forcefully. A bucket was shoved in front of her, and the girl emptied whatever was left of her stomach into the bin.

Crashing to her knees after throwing up, she shook violently. She felt winded and drained. It was as if she really had ran all those miles, felt all those things. So real. Like a reality. She had no idea where she was now or how she got here, but she was comforted as she realized she sensed her sister beside her.

She panted, her hair held back by her sister as she shuddered, "... I really hate these kinds of visions."

She finally relaxed, instinctively understanding that wherever she was, she was safe. "Where are we?"

Yael Kandar Yael Kandar Emam Kandar Emam Kandar


OUTFIT: Yael | Emam
TAG: Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira | Mevia Vizsla Mevia Vizsla
GEARS: In bio



The Empire. That isn't good at all. The weapon testing on Mandalore. Their treatment of our lost brethren at old Mandalorian space. Their overall display of cowardice in the Second Great Hyperspace War, including the shenanigans they pulled on our orbit and on the street of Tor Valum. Curse their name, they are no different than the Galactic Alliance. However, there is no need to raise my opinion on that matter at the moment, especially with Elise's current condition. I'll just keep it as a useful piece of information and form a plan to lure Mevia to my corner. She seems like a very capable Mando'ade with a similar mindset to me.

The soup and tihaar we ordered definitely helped everyone's recovery, as well as encouraging warm discussions between us. Well, it was mostly Emam and Mevia talking. I can't lie but they look like they'd make a good pair. Perhaps it's because they're the only two Chiss I've ever known, but that's good, the closer they got, the closer Mevia will be. They talked a lot, about the Chiss, their now-destroyed homeworld, and our supposedly common enemy. The Maw, the Sith. Are they even a threat these days? I haven't heard of them in a quite long time. I figure they are shattered and stranded in the past, a relic, just like the Empire. Good riddance. Yet the tales always say that the Sith have always made their comeback in the nick of time. When that time comes, we'll be the one who will wipe them off of the galaxy for another century. And I'll be the one who blows the horn of glory and victory.

She looked to the side and spat at that notion. She briskly picked up her mug and took a hard swallow. Then, she rose the mug to the air.

"I say, it is time we fought back! Give them all the punishment they gave us! It is about damn time we rose from exile, and reclaimed our old glory as a respected and feared superpower once more!"

Mevia's last monologue really shows her intensity and inner despair. She'll need someone to help guide her navigate this cruel galaxy and use her rage optimally. I'll need someone with such vim and devotion towards the cause of our people. This is a good start.

"Hear hear!"


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