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Approved Tech Veil Squadron Underlay

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Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
Factory Judge
  • Manufacturer: Saotome Foundry
  • Affiliation: Closed-Market
  • Model: Powered Underlay
  • Modularity: Fitted for wearers
  • Production: Semi-Unique
  • Material:
  • Advanced Interface: Designed with enhancement and connection in mind. The nervous system of the wearer is enhanced in the reaction time to levels that make it appear they are moving faster then a force uses with reaction time going to within four miliseconds and under stressful conditions creating a hypermovement of reaction speeds to the point they can potentially move faster then the eye can see.
  • Advanced Enhancement: The strength up to eight hundred ninety seven kilos, speed up to three hundred kilometers an hour and muscles enhancements that allows under stressful and adrenal heavy situations their bodies to triple the standard strength and speed of the wearer. Making their strength and speed ten more then their species, ability to jump and connecting to the lungs as it can act like mechanical gills underwater.
  • Enhancement: Designed to enhance speed, strength, jumping height, reaction time and bodily functions. The interface is meant to be worn by only the most robust in health and enhancements from veil squadron.
Designed to compliment and serve as an underlay to Veil squadrons armor still in development. A neural interface that would connect to the body and become an extension of the nervous system. The underlay enhances their already impressive series of enhancements from strength and speed with the ability to cover a kilometer within a handful of heartbeats to augmenting their reaction time to within nanoseconds ofthe thought barely popping into their head. Augmentations to it so it will improve their lungs with mechanical gills to process and allow them to function in aquatic environments or improving their ability to process bacta. The medical weave designed to when they are injjured to become in a stasis field as bacta processing implants and the augmentor weave work to repair the body where it is damaged. Each underlay uses a biometric system so it is only keyed to one user and is highly restricted to Veil Squadron.
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