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Vanir Technologies

The following, if you please:

  • VT Disruptor Lens
  • VT Kinetic Impact Gel
  • VT Shark Skin
  • VT Grav Glove
I am aware you have the desire to trade information for the lens... I have spent time amongst the lost parts of the Galaxy, and have more than enough interesting tid-bits to trade.

[member="Glavo Pahro"]


Thank you for your interest in our products. Please feel free to stop by our trade center and any convenient Arceneau station for further details on the VT lens.

Best regards,

Vanir Technologies | Arkuhn Corp.

Dunames Lopez

Megalomaniac CEO of Star Tours
As a representative of Star Tours, a possible operator of Operation Noah's Ark, which is slated to involve lifting refugees on a scale comparable to that of a planetary relocation. I am expressing interest in the VT-Gundark ship. Before requesting a quote, I would like to clear up a few things:
  • It would seem highly suspicious that a Maximum Battleship-sized ship (i.e. ~1 km long) with 82% of its volume devoted to cargo could only carry 36,000 tons of cargo. (Star Destroyers 1.5x the size of the VT-Gundark purely dedicated to combat would carry that much, not freighters 1.5x the size) Even ships that don't have nearly as much empty space would carry more than just 36,000 tons; an estimated 100-150 million cubic meters of pay-space is available onboard. For 36,000 tons you would at best be able to fill the space with low-pressure gases, if you were to use up the whole internal space.
  • How do having that much space translate to carrying passengers? (i.e. how many passengers can it carry?)
  • Can that ship be refitted with landing gears? (If so, Star Tours would do it themselves)
  • Are there financing plans available?
Star Tours is comfortable with having a kilometer-long ship that would make Star Destroyers look like Twi'lek acrobats... just that it needs to be clear how much it costs and what Star Tours is getting for its money.

Greetings, Vanir representatives. Name's Richel Dontez, privateer of the Silver Sanctum. And exiled noble with a healthy fraction of his inheritance. I'll be to the point. I'm looking for a good ship to perform my duties as a privateer. Vanir comes highly recommended.

Thus, I'm interested in your Slith-Class Frigate.

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