Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Vacation and Leave

As Tef has posted today, everyone needs a break. I’ve not had a serious break from SWRP since I came here. The relentless drive to succeed and play so many parts had kept me going until now.

However, lately, I’ve not been feeling it. I’ve made hasty judgements, been irritable and quick to anger. I’ve not been happy.

Therefore I am going to take a week removed from most of SWRP. I will be completing my dev thread with [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"], my Jedi’s training with @Rhiari Saffia, and I will be answering PMs and Skype if people have questions or need advice. I will also attend to Admin duties when needed by [member="Kyra Sol"]

My apologies to those I owe posts to. I will pick them up when I return, most likely.

I will return, with a new face and some changes to how I do things.

SWRP is the best RPing site I’ve been a part of, and I’m not leaving, I just need to take some time to not be on it.
[member="Tamara"] - I will o_O

OK, so this is going to be how things pan out for my characters.

(New Character) – ACTIVE/MAIN
Tegaea – NPC ONLY
Aurelia – LIMITED
Kaelin – REMADE
Shadow – NPC ONLY
Phylis – ACTIVE
Nantaris – INACTIVE
Maelion – LIMITED
Tempest – NPC ONLY
Eyrecae – ACTIVE
Melantha – DELETED

Not decided on a new character name yet, that’s the final piece of the puzzle.
By NPC I mean I will post with them when an RP requires their input.
Limited means I will do one RP at a time with them at most.
Inactive means I will not be RPing with them for now. Unless something good comes up.
I'd make a VyperTek Industries minor faction, but I'd like some help leading it... could we maybe work on it as a Creator And Creation type team for it as your new main? I ask cause let's be honest, I can't fix the submission cause I don't have it saved anywhere or remember most of the information I gave it, and I don't wanna just leave the idea dead in it's tracks over a purge. I'd probably bring back Vladimir Tedesky as a NPC for this character if I get the chance to as well. I'll help with a name either way, I'd like some help too, but you don't have to if you don't have the time or whatever.

Actually, I thought of a name right now in fact, how does Elmaira Sirius sound to you?

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