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Unorthodox Tactics | Naval Command

Eternal Storm




Arkanis Naval Academy

The twin suns of the Arkanis system reflected brightly against the gleaming metal plating of the newly-minted orbital campus of the Arkanis Naval Academy. The behemoth station had been constructed to replace the aging facilities that the historic academy had been consigned to for several centuries, with state-of-the-art features and facilities.

To celebrate its inauguration, Confederacy High Command and the faculty of the Arkanis Naval Academy had dually sponsored a training exercise aboard the academy, using the new simulators designed to deliver a realistic combat experience near-indistinguishable from the real experience. This training exercise would serve to keep the tactical minds of the various officers in Naval Command sharp and adaptive, while also highlighting any weaknesses or flaws that would have to be ironed out before they were placed in any real combat.

Aboard were several alumni of the Academy as well, no doubt a testament to the reputation of Arkanis Naval Academy, as well as a small political maneuver by the Academy's board of directors themselves, a tactical ploy to advertise themselves to the higher-ups of Confederacy command. Either way, it promised to be an educational and exciting performance, the latter assumption supported by the ring of cadets preparing to view the three-way engagement from the Concourse, with multiple screens and holoprojections ready to capture the brawl in meticulous detail.

But for the actual combatants in their various simulated bridges, the experience would be nearly indistinguishable from the real thing. Indeed, the only reason that they would be able to tell that they weren't in real combat was the fact that they held the knowledge that it was all a simulation -- otherwise, they might've guessed otherwise. Individual bridges had been simulated, using a mix of both physical and holo-imaging technology to perfectly replicate each tiny facet of a bridge. They were staffed, too, by the same bridge and crew that would be operating a given ship as well, gunners situated in their own pods, and 'droids' controlled by sophisticated artificial intelligence programmed to respond as a crew of droids would.

After all, combatants had been given the time needed to prepare and situate themselves, their 'shipboard' comms would sound: an announcement from the Academy's Senior Administrator of Warfare, Voro Navalai.

"Officers of the Confederacy Naval Command, the Arkanis Naval Academy welcomes you to today's combat simulation. We hope that today's exercises will be educational and informational," his deep voice boomed over the comm systems, "and that we will all be able to walk away having learned something. Before we begin, I will give a brief overview of what rules and situations exist."

"A detailed map and various projections of the space that you will be maneuvering into today has just now been transmitted to the various corresponding systems in your ships. Combat today will be organized into three different fleets, designated by the point at which they will begin combat at; Fleet Aurek will comprise of Fleet Marshal Anashla Deshal Anashla Deshal , Commander Sasha Fox Sasha Fox and Commander Cazo Thraos's forces, Fleet Besh will comprise of High Marshal Kiff Brayde Kiff Brayde and Commander Verin Oldo Verin Oldo 's forces, and Fleet Cresh comprising of Fleet Marshal Vemric Keldra's forces. The command structure of each fleet has been deliberately made different to study the differing effect of each structure, and as you all know, your forces do not comprise of anything more than twenty-five-thousand meters in total length."

"The objective of the simulation will be total victory over your opponents. For the sake of intrigue, Fleet Besh's movement has been artificially restricted to the inner boundaries of the asteroid field, while Fleets Aurek and Cresh will have full and unrestricted access to the entirety of the simulation. There will be no 'points' system, and whichever's forces left standing will be declared today's victor."

"Good luck, Officers, and good shooting."


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Objective: Play the Defensive
Allies: Verin Oldo Verin Oldo
Enemeis: Sasha Fox Sasha Fox | Cazo Thraos | Vemric Keldra

Walking through the halls of Arkanis Naval Academy was a trip back in time for Kiff. Although the campus may be new, the aura of naive cadets, of jaded instructors, it all brought back memories for the High Marshal. Although in reality, it had been nearly a decade since he'd been commissioned as an officer in the Confederacy, almost right after it had become a nation itself, the academy was certainly a pile of nostalgia for Kiff.

But back then, he, too, had been ignorant of the true manner of war. Even though his life growing up on Arkanis's streets had by no means been cushiony, it had been no preparation for the level of death that came to serving in the navy.

The level of loss.

Kiff tried to shake the somber thoughts out of his mind as the administrator began the introductory speech over the academy-wide comm-system. He was standing in a perfect replication of the bridge of the Storm King, Kiff's new flagship replacement for the Victator. Unlike his old flagship, everything here seemed to be new, state of the art. It had a similar aesthetic to the new ships that had been made on Fondor, but a part of Kiff missed the familiarity of the Victator.

It was now a million pieces of wreckage and debris floating through space, which would be its eternal graveyard.

"Status report?" Kiff announced, trying once more to take his mind off of Talay. The bridge was a hub of activity, a perfect simulation of how it would be in a real battle scenario.

The woman who responded was Kiff's newest second command; she'd served previously aboard the Victator as a Lieutenant and had now been promoted to Commander in light of the most recent vacancy. "All ships are reporting fully staffed and functional. Your orders, sir?" Commander Iala Bragga asked.

Kiff internally sighed but did not let his emotions betray his outwards appearance. "The academy has forced us to play the defensive, so let's give them a show. Tell Commander Verin Ordo to establish a picket line within the asteroid field comprising of three of his star destroyers, his assault cruisers and two of his flak corvettes. They are to lie in ambush within the sensor shadows of the larger asteroids to conceal their presence from any approaching ship; once any aggressing ships have passed, they have permission to fire all armaments. The other two star destroyers and flak frigates are to maneuver to either side of the Storm King to serve as an escort."

Bragga nodded. "Right away, High Marshal," she said, acknowledging in the order and striding over to the comms station to coordinate with the rest of the fleet, which comprised just of the 513th Heavy Attack Line and the Storm King itself.

In the meantime, Kiff cast his gaze towards weapons and scanning. "Have all long-range armaments and scans concentrated on the inner perimeter of the asteroid field. I want cannons on those ships as soon as they make it through," Kiff ordered nonchalantly before walking to the fore of the bridge. Saddened as he was at the loss of the Victator, the Storm King was still truly the most impressive ship he'd ever seen, stepped foot on, or commanded. Even if what he was seeing out of the viewports was a simulation, it was realistic enough to inspire the same sense of awe.

But the High Marshal couldn't get distracted, even by the design of his own ship. He had a reputation to uphold, for himself and his sector armada, and he wasn't about to disappoint on his home turf.

  • The CNS Exigent, CNS Carrhae White, CNS Ikelos (Grievous-class Star Destroyers) CNS Last Disciple, CNS Shadowrun (Argente-class Assault Cruisers), CNS Akelia, and CNS Mormont (Terrus-class Flak Corvettes) have all been ordered to establish a picket line within the asteroid field, concealed from all sensors.
  • The CNS Apotheosis and CNS Iron Lord (Grievous-class Star Destroyers) have been ordered to maneuver to either side of the CNS Storm King, along with the CNS Pedestal and CNS Aevala (Terrus-class Flak Corvettes).
  • The CNS Storm King has prepared long-range sensors and armaments for action.


O B J E C T I V E: Create and deploy two squadrons to fulfil the orders set by CO.

TAG Kiff Brayde Kiff Brayde

He never quite got used to the feeling. He saw what he saw, he felt what he felt but his mind told him otherwise. It was no doubt an exceptional replica of the bridge of the Exigent. Verin ran his hand along the nearest panel surface, feeling for the groove he had scraped into it with a stylus at some of his more heated encounters.

It wasn’t there.

They could get the full functioning tactical readout and command hub of a full-size, perfectly replicated Grievous Class Star Destroyer, with every button, panel, and circuit with absolute certainty. But they could not replicate the human touches. The lives lived there. The lives lost there.

Commander Verin Oldo wasn’t new to this particular bridge. He had walked its gantries and walkways on many an excursion, often under enemy fire. He was an “old timer”, a senior officer approaching the age where he ought be promoted or moved out of the firing lines. He commanded the 513 with a flair though and ensured its heavy ordinance and support vessels maintained their rigorous standards and drills.

They were all participating. As part of the Sector Armada, they were primed to drill whenever they were rotated off the various patrols or defensive positions the Navy could be assigned. With the CIS FIRST directive, gone were the days of venturing across the galaxy. Verin took some comfort, knowing it was unlikely they would be struck in the heart of the CIS with any great chance.

He ran his hand through his hair, watching as the combination of droids and humans worked their way through their holding pattern checks. Each system needed constant monitoring, constant attention, constant observing. He knew that each of the subordinates in the Line would be doing the same, checking all stations were active and at full operational capacity. It might only be a drill, but the cost was all the same; failing here would be a stain on the Line.

Oldo called out to the officer manning the central comms array.

“Watch, this is Oldo. Mark in.”

He used archaic naval language that many of the newer officers weren’t taught anymore. He had attended Arkanis before it was even a space station. They quickly adapted to his ways.

The Captains of the Line barked their responses, cleanly and without delay. There was a pattern to their responses, often in order of precedence. The five GCSDs were impressive ships of the line and would bring serious fire-to-bear on an enemy vessel. The support ships, the Argente and Terrus classes would fill the gaps that the Grievous left.

He waited for the responses from the ten Captains, the eleventh turning round from in front him and making full eye contact. Captain Denith Yers nodded curtly as she gave her final response.

“The ship is yours, Commander.”

He smiled, his faithful and excellent Second completing his trusted complement of hardened and experienced officers.

He spoke calmly and with a clipped yet smooth tone.

“We have our orders. Two squadrons. Aurek will be lead by the Exigent. We’re going dark in the wake of those asteroids. Besh will be on escort duty of the King."

He chuckled to himself. He thought how amused the High Marshal would be to think the ships were protecting an actual king, let alone the ship named so. He liked the High Marshal. Mostly.

He nodded to Yers, who began a series of well timed and drilled command gestures, signals and calls. The Line began maneuver as carefully as it could. They would be relatively safe from the asteroids, but it still didn’t look good to ram a bucket-load of impossibly expensive tech into a static rock. They would, however, hide their signal, making them relatively undetectable until it was too late. There was something so alluring about the hide-and-seek this kind of engagement brought. It was almost unbearable.

“Commander Bragga, this is Oldo. The Line is deploying as ordered. Aurek to hold in the Asteroid field, Bresh to deploy as cover for the Flag.”

Again, an archaic term but they knew he meant the Flagship.

“Relay our good wishes to the High Marshal.”

The three GCSDs would form up in a trio with the smaller support vessels in between each. The plan was sound; hold a tight, covert position in the hope the enemy combatants would take the bait. If the heavy fire from the GC’s didn’t do it, the smaller support ships would bring their guns to bear, alongside the swarms of fighters they would deploy.

Oldo felt confident. He often second guessed that feeling as it might lead him to complacency. And that would never do.

The Line has deployed into two squadrons as ordered. A and B will make their appropriate maneuvers. Captain Yers has the bridge of the Exigent.

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Cazo Thraos




OBJECTIVE: Put on a good show at least.
ALLIES: Sasha Fox Sasha Fox
ENEMIES: Kiff Brayde Kiff Brayde Verin Oldo Verin Oldo Vemric Keldra

The hapan blooded woman walked the halls of the academy once more. Now alumni, graduated amongst her peers with high marks in most categories regarding simulated warfare. The people that were around her though knew of the real thing, herself only being subject to patrol duty for the most part or calls for aid in light of pirates attempting some brain forsaken run on traders or scrappers.

She had taken a moment to examine the facility once more, taking in the sights that still were fresh in her mind as though only just yesterday she had been in these seats taking tests for grade rather than pitting herself against others.

Still, the chance to test herself against those above her was welcome. Though she projected her odds in a five to one ratio by herself against the defending fleet. Adjusted for a three to one ratio with the aid of Sasha Fox Sasha Fox given that she had no direct interactions with her aside from today. Communication would be key for their victory, which could even adjust their chances to a possible two to one ratio if the pair worked well together.

The third presence however tossed those ratios to the side.

Another admiral, of notable standing even outside the naval connection, was the wild card. Also commanding real experience rather than simulated. She had chewed her the tip of her thumb before being placed into the simulation. A nervous habit she had yet to break as she settled in. The switch from real to simulation causing a split second of internal panic for her as the darkness that surrounded her became near overwhelming during the process.

The projection came to life, her tense muscles relaxing at the sight of the crew milling about as they would usually whilst on patrol. Her eyes wandered over the scene before her as she stood and walked the bridge, feeling through the simulation once more. Always unsettling for her was the first minute of adjusting to the scenario. Taking a steadying breath, she spied the communications officer waiting for her orders. Her gathering of Shrike's a comforting sight to behold as she moved toward her station.

She commanded from her favored Shrike, the Freeline, forming a triad with two others on the same plane. The Freeline was the tip of the spear in the trio, a pattern repeated to either side by two more groups of Shrike-class Star Cruisers in a delta formation flanking the first. Inside the triangle formations were a pair of Tarrus-class Flak Corvettes, supported on the plane below by a pair of Hammerhead III-class Cruisers to provide them with initial cover.

Behind them, in the center of the three groups sat a trio of Grievous-class Star Destroyers, each flanked by it's own pair of flak corvettes while a singular pair of Hammerheads covered their lower plane.

"Higgins, spotrep." Caz called, moving to the holo-display while casting a glance over the rest of the crew. All were as they should be, standing at the ready for orders while she and Higgins began their usual spar. A deep sigh, eyeroll, and swivel in his chair had him looking over his display before rattling off details.

"Star Cruiser Poise is taking starboard lead, while Star Cruiser Bouclier is taking port side. Both to our respective stern and keeping at three hundred meters. Star Destroyer Wrenn is leading the formation directly stern while corvettes are positioned internally and escort cruisers are stationed below to provide additional coverage. Would you like some caf with that too, or just the cigarra?" He sounded off, his teasing made while he spun back around. She spared him a sidelong glance before speaking.

"What is the status on Sasha Fox Sasha Fox 's group?" Caz eyes moving back to the display, looking at the gathered data concerning the asteroid field ahead of them.

"Unknown at this time, I believe we are waiting for them to drop in still." Higgins spoke, leaning over to tap on the screen before turning back around. "Orders, Ma'am?" She chewed her thumb as she thought.

Asteroids would provide coverage from initial scans. Energy signatures would be distorted by the shifting positions, causing erratic readings and false positives across the board. Which could end in a goose chase where the trail ended with them surrounded. They had been limited to the asteroid field, which had become an alleyway full of nooks and crannies for them to wait in ambush.

The click of her tongue marked the end of her thinking.

"All formations will move to a flanking position to the back of the asteroid field. Keep us well clear of direct engagement of the field until we are as close to the rear of that field. Hopefully that will put some distance between ourselves and Vemric Keldra's fleet." She began, hand moving across the screen to direct her portion of the fleet.

"Maintain four-hundred meter distance between the groups, keeping within tractor beam distance of lead ships at all times. Tarrus corvettes are to remain inside the formation unless directed to break. Hammerheads are free to engage anything within five hundred meters of our stern. The Star Destroyers are to follow the same course for the time being until directed otherwise. Make it so." She finalized her command as the formations turned hard to starboard, plotting a course around the asteroid field to the back line.

  • Grievous Class Star Destroyer x3
    • Lead Vessel -CNS Wrenn
    • Starboard Vessel -CNS Tithonus
    • Port Vessel -CNS Bolebroke
  • Shrike-class Star Cruisersx9
    • Lead Vessel -CNS Freeline
    • Starboard Vessel -CNS Picotee
    • Port Vessel -CNS Sidar
    • Lead Vessel -CNS Poise
    • Starboard Vessel -CNS Thunderer
    • Port Vessel -CNS Solent
    • Lead Vessel -CNS Bouclier
    • Starboard Vessel -CNS Project
    • Port Vessel -CNS Helder
  • Hammerhead III-class Cruiserx8
    • CNS Calypso
    • CNS Maryport
    • CNS Premier
    • CNS Bridgewater
    • CNS Saldhana
    • CNS Oryx
    • CNS Bulolo
    • CNS Farragut
  • Terrus-class Flak Corvettex12
    • CNS Highland
    • CNS Haversham
    • CNS Porter
    • CNS Maidstone
    • CNS Minx
    • CNS Dispatch
    • CNS Jubilee
    • CNS Rosebush
    • CNS Windflower
    • CNS Kilborne
    • CNS Elfreda
    • CNS Levant

Forgot part of a sentence - Originally = "-.The . Make it so."
Edit = "The Star Destroyers are to follow the same course for the time being until directed otherwise"

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Vemric Keldra



TAG: Kiff Brayde Kiff Brayde | Verin Oldo Verin Oldo | Cazo Thraos | Sasha Fox Sasha Fox

OBEJCTIVE: To lift an eyebrow
Arkanis Naval Academy.

Even though Vemric was before the facility's modern time, he had heard good enough things since its establishment in orbit. He did, however, have a few things to discuss with those doing the teachings, as the education was lacking in some areas. But first, there were more pressing matters. The Sephi swept through the Academy towards the Simulation Chambers while ensigns gawked at his tall, regal frame.

He stepped onto an almost exact replica of the Requiem bridge and its activity. Familiar territory did allow for an advantage in any conflict situation. Vemric listened as the Administrator gave him and his opposition their respective positions in the simulation, lifting an eyebrow at it all.

As the sim went live, Vemric was mildly content to see that he held a good enough position. It could be worked with. Looking at his second, Commander Velt, he raised his chin.
"Report." he said in an almost bored tone.
"All lines ready and awaiting orders, Admiral." he answered.
Vemric looked out over their battlefield as his opposition started mobilising, noting the asteroid field that Brayde's forces were confined to. Interesting.
"Secure this position. We'll use the moon to our advantage. Deploy the Furor and Liberty, with the Harbinger and Euphoria as support, to form a defense line to our port and the Genesis and Revenant with the Marauder and Prophet to our starboard. The Judgement and Huntress remain our aft support." he ordered.
"Yes, Sir!" Velt replied, giving the orders on their comms to the relevant Cruisers and Corvettes.

"Send an ion blast into the asteroid field. I want to see if something is lurking there. Ready all defenses and start up the droid starfighters. Let's get this ball moving." he said in his same bored tone. If he had been confined to the asteroid field, he would have sent ships in there to lie in wait. Tactical advantage. So he acted on that knowledge and a hunch that Brayde had played the same hand. Being over a century old had it's advantages.

CNS Requiem

4x Battle cruisers:
CNS Royal Furor
CNS Liberty
CNS Genesis
CNS Revenant

6x Corvettes:
CNS Galaxy's Harbinger
CNS Euphoria
CNS Marauder
CNS Prophet
CNS Judgement
CNS Huntress

Biological and droid starfigher squadrons to compliment each

The Requiem and it's fleet is subject to change somewhere due to subs, so excuse the vagueness......



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