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Underrated Star Wars characters


Well-Known Member
owen lars and his wife beru whitesun lars, as they hid luke their nephew and looked after him. Though they should changed his last name to lars, so that darth vader would not got wind of it.

side note Darth maul would always had advantage against jedi, as he trained to kill force users. Jedi at the time had no force users to kill.


Morality Policeman :)
sabrina said:
owen lars and his wife beru whitesun lars, as they hid luke their nephew and looked after him.
This is a very good point. I have to agree that they are a couple of the most underrated characters ever.
R5 D4

Saved the Galaxy by exploding

Aden Dawson said:
You know that Maul didn't really die there right? lol

and Actually Bastila and Maul would come really close to a tie.
Can we agree that Maul got his ass handed to him? Yes? Okay. Mostly because Qui-Gon was fighting at a crazy speed, but also because Obi-Wan was more powerful than him. Sure, he faces down plenty of powerful Jedi, but only two or three of those ended in an actual kill.

The fact that he and Savage could hold their own against Palpantine was pretty amazing, though.

I'd say that the most underrated SW character is probably Dash Rendar.... Sure, he was there as filler for Han, but he still deserved better than 'and Xizor exploded in his face... The end'
Darth Zannah.

I constantly hear these dumb match-ups of characters in versus fights using "scenarios" as "canon strengths". The fact that every single one has Zannah being beaten by various characters that never actually kill anyone, let alone truly defeat them, makes me a little disappointed in a large amount of SW fans.
Elegant and depraved.
I always liked Darth Vectivus. The guy was just different. He was one of the first(if not the first) Sith to exist without being a bloodthirsty, single-minded, warmongering hulk, bent on ruling the galaxy or destroying the republic. He was a Darksider and he was evil, but he mostly chilled on his asteroid and as long as the Jedi didn't bother him he wouldn't have to slap a motherkarker. In my opinion having the affinity to not only learn and master Force Phantom but to have the prowess to summon hundreds of them without breaking a sweat? I find that to be quite ridiculous. The One Sith knew of this power but they had no relationship with Vectivus and could never find the means to approach him so they couldn't learn it. However, none of them dared to take it by force either. Nobody karked with Vectivus and he's one of the few Sith Lords to die naturally of old age.

Then after death became a force ghost and later shared his knowledge with Lumiya and blew her mind so hard that she felt that a Sith Lord with the moral stature of Darth Vectivus was necessary to restore galactic stability; and soon afterwards lured Jacen Solo to Vectivus' home and after a short conversation with the Force Ghost, Jacen decided to become Dark Lord of the Sith.
I am going to get a lot of flak for liking a Jedi but my vote is Yoda. Aside from a few training missions and a duel scene there was not much development on the character. I think it would have been an interesting read in my opinion.

Malik Rodarch

[member="Oka Osaa"]

Despite great temptation to lead you on, yes, yes that was a joke.

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