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[TSA] Operation Warlord's Dominion (T2 Dom for Yaga Minor and Kalee)

Darth Osano

Post: [11/20]
Location: Hyperspace, en Route to Yaga Minor
Objective: Mind Your Own Business

Since Maleagant was no longer a poor criminal mastermind, but a rich, up and coming criminal mastermind, he could now fly in style. His signature GenoHaradan Frigate was taking him along one of the galaxy's many hyperlanes to Yaga Minor. He had no interest in participating in the battle. He was there to continue to oversee his operations. It was important that what transpired in Yavvitiri was done successfully. Then it could be applied to other worlds. This was bound to happen again. While it was infinitely preferable to leave all his eggs where they were, sometimes throwing them into a basket was necessary to keep others from mindlessly breaking them.

While sitting idly in the command chair of the bridge, something beeped. They were receiving a transmission from... Lord Fa. How wonderful. Maleagant had not spoken to the Bird Sith since the Zareca Cartel was folded into Fa Holdings. Another organization that Maleagant had subsidized into existence had, yet again, been snatched out from under him by the Peacock Sith. It was inevitable, he supposed. A reminder that any affairs and operations outside of the Alignment were optional at best. They did not receive his full attention and so something like this was bound to happen. Better [member="Tai Fa"] than some other criminal upstart. Or Narbo going independent.

That did not make it any less insulting, however.

Maleagant depressed a button, and Lord Fa's delicate Avian face filled the large view-screen before him. "What do you need, Fa?"

Honorifics were often lost in the face of wounded pride. Etiquette too. Maleagant should have been used to people taking things from him unjustly, considering the fate of his family. Instead it just made him angrier and angrier each time it happened. It was a good thing it was not in Maleagant's best interests to do anything hasty or foolish. Otherwise...
Post: [01/20]
Location: Hyperspace
Objective: Mind Your Own Business

In truth Lord Fa was not given another option in this particular instance.

After all, once your ally requests your assistance, there were two options left to you: either you did nothing or you did something. In the Thirriken's situation he realized that Thengil was less than interested in sheltering his own operations against his rivals. Perhaps it was part of his creed - the strong survived and the weak died off.

But that wasn't a good situation when you were growing a business.

It was why Lord Fa decided that it served his self-interest to come to Zareca's assistance. After all, if the drugs weren't grown, then he couldn't ship them and then [member="Maleagant"] couldn't sell them. It was a combinations of factors that led to something that the Thirriken couldn't accept.

"We should discuss our further operations, Maleagant." Lord Fa responded through the secure connection. "We will not grow in power, if we simply trudge around like we do now."

Lord Fa diplomatically refused to acknowledge the fact that his corporation belonged to the top-tier of business throughout the Galaxy right now. The first business grown by an alien and owned by an alien. Or the fact that he was one of the few Sith within the GenoHaradan that had pushed his own personal development enough to call himself a Lord of the Sith.

That wouldn't serve any purpose after all.

"Where do you want to meet, to discuss this in person?"

Darth Osano

Post: [12/20]
Location: Hyperspace, en Route to Yaga Minor
Objective: Mind Your Own Business

There was almost an indignant scoff, but the only sound that came from Maleagant was an incredulous inquiry. "Who's trudging?"

Maleagant was no... Trudger. Whatever that meant. That his holdings grew inward instead of outward was no testament to... Trudgery. Whatever that meant as well. Perhaps he suffered from split focus. It was hard to manifest the powers of the Dark Side while simultaneously directing the many inner-workings of a corporation. He had people to delegate tasks to now. He was fine. Everything was fine. He was only here right now because he chose to be, clearly. That and, while he could have delegated this task to another, it would be better if he oversaw it... Himself... To ensure...

Perhaps there was still a problem. Not that he would admit as much to the Bird Thief, [member="Tai Fa"].

"This channel is secure." Maleagant said flatly. These GenoHaradan frigates were among the best in the galaxy when it came to assuring secrecy. Transmissions shared between them were no exception. Detecting and decrypting the current dialogue would be very difficult, even with the best equipment. And since Maleagant was the only one in this blasted Pentastar Alignment with the best equipment, he was still perfectly unconcerned. "We can discuss this pressing matter now."

Besides, he had no idea where Fa was and he would not be waiting around on Yaga Minor for very long. There was business he had to attend to on Dathomir once he was finished.
Post: [02/20]
Location: Hyperspace
Objective: Mind Your Own Business

The truth was that the Thirriken was fond of [member="Maleagant"] and the little operation they had going on.

It was the first business deal he had created after he had left the Gordian Space and it was a deal he was very interested in continuing no matter what. The sad thing was that sometimes you needed to ignore boundaries or threshold to keep it going; after all, if Tai hadn't interceded then the Imperial Remnant's slaves would have taken over their plantations. Where would they be, if no spice would arrive from Rishi and Roon?

That was the kind of concern Lord Fa had to consider- it was easy enough for Maleagant. After all, he was far away in his territory and hadn't even been contacted.

Who could reasonably expect any assistance from Bastion, when they were assaulted right now? Especially when the world of Ryloth was so close-by?

"I am en-route to Pentastar." Lord Fa informed him patiently. There was some measure of business that was due for the Thirriken, which would be done after his conversation with Maleagant. But he supposed it was possible to do the beginnings of the conversation over the encrypted network.

If they couldn't trust Kuat's work, what else was there to do?

"Diversification is an important matter, Maleagant, the Pentastar Alignment is a grand project." The acknowledgement was offered as a boon of peace. If the Thirriken had been faster, he would have settled down there first. "But it cannot be the only place of operation you have in mind?"

It only took a single nation, such as the Ascendancy, to throw every plan in the air.

Darth Osano

Post: [13/20]
Location: Hyperspace, en Route to Yaga Minor
Objective: Mind Your Own Business

Maleagant drummed the fingers of his left hand along his armrest in contemplation. Grand project? He knew that sound of that. Platitudes received from Thirriken are peace offerings. They were not at war, so to speak, but sour feelings over a lost drug plantation would hopefully be as close as they got. [member="Tai Fa"] was right, though. Diversification was important. "I have several outside projects." Maleagant replied sternly, but then corrected himself shortly after. "Had."

Now he was just being dramatic. His shares in the Wildlands Game Reserve were still active, as was his controlling interest in the slaving ring on Kashyyyk. At the rate they were going, Lord Fa would probably have shut down the rest of the partners and then taken Maleagant's shares without asking again within the next six months. And then Maleagant would be left with nothing but his holdings in the Pentastar Alignment once again. Yet another cautionary tale. How many could one person be given in his lifetime?

Growing impatient, Maleagant decided to just ask. "Do you need something from me?"


Vitor was on a mission that needed his immediate attention and his own presence. The goal ahead him was clear - bring in the allegiance of various Kaleesh tribes.


A spiritual race such as the Kaleesh believed symbols to be of great importance. Nothing out of the usual for highly religious societies across the galaxy.

Thus, Vitor's task was to acquire one such symbol. A powerful one at that.

The Spear of Qymaen jai Sheelal.

His cloak tussled with the wind as the Sith Knight observed the ruined tomb from a ridge. Soon enough his associate would arrive as they embarked on a quest of bringing powerful allies into their fold.


The Trandoshan came up to Vitor's side and licked the air with his tongue in order to smell the individual's odor.

It was human and had a decent, unique smell. Everyone that he had smelled with his tongue could tell their species, but also know their own special aura. It was a common, yet strange thing to do when among others that were not of his species.

Dagorn's mind first thought of killing the human which seemed like an easy task, but that wouldn't happen today. His associates had promised him not money or other materialistic things; however, they promised him prey. Prey that would give him a treasure cove of Jagganath Points from his goddess for return of his cooperation.

And his cooperation would be played out in attrieving some spear in order to gain the loyalty and allegiance of the Kaleesh.

"Inssssstead of getting thissss spear, why not oppresssss them?"

[member="Vitor Avendahl"]

"Because we are aiming to achieve long term success." Vitor curtly replied. He had dealt with Trandoshans before. A strong clan on Kashyyk that he had armed. The reptilian race possessed a love for violence and blood. Quite capable of committing it, as well.

"There's plenty of points to achieve for you." The Sith explained. "Let's go."

With a force enhanced jump he tossed himself from the ridge and harmlessly landed before the entrance of the tomb. Brokens stones once belonging to a large door served as an obstacle to their entry. With a wave of the hand the stones tumbled down the stairs and revealed to the two their entry.

Not giving a glance back, the hooded Sith Knight hurried down into the tomb.

Post: [03/20]
Location: Hyperspace
Objective: Mind Your Own Business

It surprised him how sour and dour [member="Maleagant"] sounded.

He wondered if there was something else at play here, after all Zareca had been taken over by Thengil some very long time ago. The fact that the Thirriken had been forced to take it over to protect their business interests and profit shouldn't have annoyed the Shi'ido as much as it seemed to. But that was why Tai figured there were other things at play here that he wasn't aware of.

It wasn't like he could be everywhere at once and know everything that was happening.

"Quite." Tai responded after a moment, before nodding in affirmation. There was indeed something that the Thirriken needed from Maleagant.

Well, need was a large word. With the pace his business was growing there wasn't any real need to involve anyone else anymore. But Tai remembered his friends and Mal had always been a staunch ally of his.

"There is an opportunity I have recently discovered." Tai ticked on a button off-screen and an upload link would be established once approved by the other side. "This is the Blood Trail."

A brief description followed of its purpose, the monetary value of the lone - relatively - stable hyperlane within the unknown regions, margins and other projections drafted by his analysts.

"What if someone linked together the Pentastar Alignment and the Corporate Sector?. Right now the traders and travelers need to circle through the Braxant Run and go up the Hydian Way, what if someone cut the middle man out?" A shrug of the shoulders followed soon. "I will need a trustworthy partner in the Pentastar Alignment for this and I realized you might appreciate the opportunity to diversify."

To have your name printed on a hyperlane was the next step to become a true name in the Galaxy.

Darth Osano

Post: [14/20]
Location: Hyperspace, en Route to Yaga Minor
Objective: Mind Your Own Business

The drumming stopped. Initially his interest in this conversation waned when the Blood Trail was brought up, but now the Sithling was back at the table in rapt attention. A hyperspace route from the Alignment to the Corporate Sector. Why hadn't he thought of that? Too late now to go back and do it now. It was not as if refusing [member="Tai Fa"]'s offer would somehow impede the Thirriken. Lord Fa would either walk the path alone or find someone else. If it was going to be anyone anyway, it might as well be Maleagant. He stood to gain the most from such a hyperlane. Thematically speaking, at least.

A frustrating conclusion that did little to alleviate his sour mood. There was nothing quite like the feeling of being cornered into a business deal. Being on the outside of a project like this would open too many new avenues to be undermined in his home territory. Join or die. That kind of thing.

"Very well." Said Maleagant. "And where would this route start?"

Now the Trandoshan wasn't exactly the smartest reptilian in the Galaxy, yet he was an intellect in killing, fighting, and hunting. His species were very warlike due to the history of their culture. While they really didn't had that much honor in comparison to other warrior cultures such as the Mandalorians and whatnot, they did respect strength.

Almost, if not, every warrior culture had serveral aspects in common such and no doubt do the Kalee respect strength and bow to it.

The reptilian would not argue back to the Sith Knight as he had been promised points from his tongue. Failure of that promise would end in deadly consequences.

Following the human Dagorn, too, jumped off but close the column of the ridge. He was not adept in the Force as he was still untrained in the arts. His claws from both hands and feet would dig in the rock to serve as friction to lessen his fall what originally would be very fatal. The Dark Jedi Trandoshan came in last, but his companion did wait for him to land in front of the grand architecture Sheelal's tomb. The Force acted and removed the obstacles in front of the entrance to the tomb and then the two sentients hurried inside the ancient complex.

[member="Vitor Avendahl"]

Dust dispersed around the two from the movement of the rocks. The tomb had not been visited for quite a while, it seemed. Vitor had not been informed of why it remained in such a state. Perhaps the tomb had not been visited ever since the Gulag Plague?

Suddenly, he realized how little knowledge he had of the tomb from his sources. It reminded him slightly of his excursion to the depths of Coruscant with [member="Maleagant"] and [member="Tai Fa"] in the pursuit of ancient Sith knowledge.

The duo met no resistance, not even a soul that aimed to harm them for a while now as they followed the sole path within the tomb. The Sith's extremely enhanced senses could not feel a single thing. No life. At all. Even at an almost microscopic level. The tomb was more void of life than a grave to his senses. He wondered if something worse was at hand. The lack of existing obstacles and adversaries meant the Kaleesh could've ventured down here yet, according to them, they have not.

"What do your natural senses tell?" Vitor had learned that Trandoshans possessed naturally gifted senses much stronger than a Human's. Since the Force told him of a place with no life at all, he wondered whether the Force was limited by something.

Post: [04/20]
Location: Hyperspace
Objective: Mind Your Own Business

Now that was a good question.

There were a couple of possibilities here, but the best one led straight back to Bastion. Simply because it was the capital sector of the region and the base of fortified imperial power, any and all commerce would move through it regardless, so they might as well use its strengths for this project. After all, they could reasonably pick one of the other worlds that clung closely to Pentastar space, but they would have to develop them further.

"Bastion." But why reinvent the wheel, when it already existed and worked fine? "Bastion, Helska, Ord Janon, Ventooine, Trian, Lorrd, Etti IV, Bonadan."

A shrug of the shoulders.

"That's the working concept right now anyway."

Things could change.

Perhaps once they started working, other worlds would get interested in being included and would pay them or grant them extra rights just to entice them to come over.


Darth Osano

Post: [15/20]
Location: Hyperspace, en Route to Yaga Minor
Objective: Mind Your Own Business

Working concepts. Great. Nothing was in motion yet. Maleagant would have been greatly annoyed if this had been started first and himself consulted later. Maybe [member="Tai Fa"] wasn't so bad after all. He was still bad, obviously, just not... As bad. There was a tremor that rocked across Maleagant's frigate. The frigate's captain informed him that they would be exiting hyperspace into the Yaga System within the next few minutes. Maleagant nodded to the officer and looked back to Lord Fa. "You'll have my support," he eventually said. "I will be on Yaga Minor for the next few days. Contact me again when the concept is... Solidified."

If the route started at Bastion, it would only carry a short distance before exiting the Alignment's borders. That meant less hyperlane for Maleagant to worry over personally plus all the benefits of a lucrative new trade route. The Ascendancy would also stand to benefit from such a route. In theory, anyway. Either there would be a wonderful economic upturn or local manufacturing would be ruined by the influx of cheap goods churned out by the Corporate Sector and their nearly vegetative wage slaves.

Good thing the Syndicate wasn't a manufacturer.

"Until then, Lord Fa..." Maleagant said, perhaps sounding more ominous than intended. The transmission was ended.

Here the Trandoshan was hoping to slay guards that fended off intruders from tainting this holy and sacred place. But there was no sign of life form to encounter. Not even a non-sentient creature was to be found. It was all too easy. Too easy. A place such as this would have traps and elite warriors to kill off anyone that disrespected the resting place of this grand warrior that was depicted as a god to the Kalee.

When the human Sith had asked Dagorn was his natural senses told him, his forked tongue slithered to smell any odor in the air and his eyes, able to see at infrared wavelengths, picked up any signatures that produced heat or thermal energy.

His eyes saw nothing and his tongue could only smell Vitor's odor.

The reptilian growled in frustration, wondering if his senses were working.

"I ssssensse nothing," the Dark Jedi informed his companion, but then he was taken back as his tongue then caught a new odor.

"Wait," and like a dog he began to trace the trail of scent.

A scent of Points.

[member="Vitor Avendahl"]

Vitor felt irritated at the fact the Trandoshan could not find anything himself but the moment the reptilian told him to halt, the Sith felt that he had caught on to something.

The Trandoshan quickly stalked to destination unknown and the Sith Knight followed suit. The hilt of his lightsaber in his hands as the two proceeded down the hallway. Despite his Force senses seemingly being hindered within the tomb for a reason yet unknown, Vitor had the feeling of being watched.



Like a prey.

Allies: TSA
Enemies: Enemies of TSA

Once again Drios was alone, the Sith Lord had disappeared just as swiftly as he had arrived, leaving only the flummoxed Kaleesh and the severe draft coming through the now shattered window as his only company. Without a word, he silently revoked his demand for all surrounding tribes to congregate here with their Force Hunters.

He would finish what he started, with or without the Kaleesh's support. The acolyte would quickly descend down the tower and into the courtyard below where the troops still stood, and a surprising number of warriors each one ready to die to liberate Kalee from the grasp of the Force Hunters.

"Today is the dawn of a new beginning on Kaleesh. We promise to break your chains, free you from the Force Hunters and bring a new era of secure and stability to your homeworld. I ask you, from one warrior to another, to join my in the fight for your planet, your families and your dignities!" his voice carried far, rumbling across the square like thunder, his blade snapping into life like lightning. Drios raised his lightsaber into the air, and bellowed: "FREEDOM!"

At once the Kaleesh that were not apart of the company began cheering and chanting songs, readying their weapons and joining the throng of soldiers and warriors marching away to war. The sound of boots, the grinding of armour and the clinking of the Kaleesh's bone armour filled the Epicanthix with pure delight. Slowly, he followed the group, toward the co-ordinates Lord Krest had supplied to him.

Today would be the day he proved himself as a Sith. The day he proved himself to his masters.
Post: [05/20]
Location: Hyperspace
Objective: Mind Your Own Business

Tai blinked at the ominous villain tone concluding their conference call, but decided it was best not to dwell on it for too long. His associates were interesting individuals to say the least, a genocidal lion, a shapeshifting blob out for revenge, strange Vitor and his interest in the moving fleshy parts of other humanoids, the others that had joined their organization.

Sometimes it was difficult to be the lone sane man, but the Thirriken held his head high with the hope that one day everything would be different.

In the meantime the ship cruised to the Pentastar Alignment at record speed. The stealth systems were engaged and granted Tai a hint of privacy. But it was time to start the real busines. With [member="Maleagant"] signed up as a partner everything would go that much smoother.

Especially with his connections within the Pentastar territories.

A day later a meeting was set-up for the next day between Mal and Tai at one of their facilities. Some of the plans had already gone as well as expected, yet they were running into trouble around Bastion. Corruption couldn't ever be rooted out.

This time around a few powerful bureaucrats were holding preliminary construction contracts hostage, until they were paid extraordinary amounts of money.

Hopefully Mal knew how to best handle it. After all, this was his territory and Tai didn't want to step on any toes.

Darth Osano

Post: [16/20]
Location: Yaga Minor, Forested Wilderness - Der Unterbunker
Objective: Mind Your Own Business

Somewhere in the wilderness of Yaga Minor, a long forgotten and derelict facility that had belonged to the Old Republic had been taken over. It was a temporary arrangement, which would explain why the only aspect of the facility that had been restored completely was the air conditioning. Aside from some basic sanitation, the stockpiling of rations and medical supplies, and the provision of sleeping bags... The bunker remained in its rundown and inoperable state. Helix Syndicate Enforcers patrolled the largely subterranean interior. The outside, on the other hand, was secured by Helix Syndicate Shock Troopers. The Syndicate's Shock Troop personnel were a rare sight more often than not. One could be assured that their presence meant they were there to protect something valuable.

And they were, considering this was where the Helix Syndicate had been ferrying its rescued agents to.

[member="Tai Fa"] would be instructed to land his shuttle at seemingly random coordinates. On a map it would have just shown the usual stretch of wilderness, but once Lord Fa got close enough he would see the small surface structure and the conspicuous defense perimeter set up around it. Maleagant would be waiting for him on the dirt landing pad. Perhaps more posh arrangements would have been made if this visit hadn't coincided with a major Sith Ascendant offensive. Not that Maleagant minded. Once the offensive was over, the personnel he had rescued and hid here would be slowly shuffled back into the city government of Yavvitiri. Then things would, more or less, continue as normal.

The Shi'ido waited in silence as Lord Fa made his way down the boarding ramp.
Post: [06/20]
Location: Yaga Minor, Forested Wilderness - Der Unterbunker
Objective: Mind Your Own Business

Tai had not been actually expecting to arrive in the middle of a campaign for Yaga Minor, but such was the ways of commerce and trade expansion.

More often than not you had to work your own plans into newly-discovered developments.

The campaign seemed to go rather well. What with most of the larger cities already being pacified and made to serve the new... imperial order? The Thirriken wasn't actually completely sure what the Ascendancy's philosophy was, but he was sure it made completely sense if he ever looked into it.

"Maleagant." Tai greeted him with a short bop of the beak, before looking past him towards the ruined fortress. "​Temporary accommodations or a fix-it-up?"

Either way, his thoughts were mostly on the project at hand.

Money, money, money.


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