Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Treasure among ashes

Sasmay Cull Sasmay Cull Kaia Starchaser Kaia Starchaser

"Wait, are you asking me if I'm interested in making an honest living for once?" Aeshi responded over the comms to Kaia. "Preposterous, but I'll allow it this time. We can haul a bit of ore or move some mining beams, I reckon."

Another adjustment to the channel. "I don't have any cheese, regrettably. And bring fethin' laser cutter if you want. Doesn't overly concern me."

She adjusted the atmospheric pressure in the ship's hull and slid down the ladder to land on the deck plating. It wasn't long before she had a crate of whiskey propped open and a metal folding table set up with some old chairs and boxes shifted around.

"As much a party as we can have out here," Aeshi said at last, pursing her lips.

WEAPONS: 4 Whimsy Knives, 1 Nastirci Combat Knife, 1 HG-88 ‘Big Iron’ Hand Cannons, K914 SMG, (4) Elemental Grenades, (2) Impact Grenades, Phase X-E CryoSonic Heavy Pistol
EQUIPMENT: Phase II Haywire Armor without force mask UL-13 Corporis Skin Suit, Kirino Visual Interface
FLYING: The Gray Queen's Throne carrying The Termite
TERMITE GEAR: 1 HG-88 ‘Big Iron’ Hand Cannons -(Outfitted with Glitter Bullets), BR-3 Rowdy Rancor, Winter Rose Rifle, Phase XI Anti-Material Rifle
DROIDS: (4) Droid Bois - (Tremor, Clang, Skitter, Pop)
TAGS: Kaia Starchaser Kaia Starchaser Aeshi Tillian Aeshi Tillian

There was a smile about her features when the woman snapped back about the laser cutter. Shaking her head a little as the docking clamped latched and sealed. Her exit from the cockpit quick as heels sharply clicked against the grating leading to the door. A quick knock before the door opened and she made her entrance inside.

"Can't believe anyone actually makes their own. Good for peacemaking at least." Sasmay smiled upon seeing the woman and the quick gathering setup. "Such a gracious host! Last time I tried to meet someone they threatened me with a lightsaber."

She chuckled at the memory before taking a seat on a crate and looking around.

"Thank you though. I am glad this didn't come to blows. I don't think I could have stood up to that thing." The nod thrown to where she figured the giant sith ship was relative to the ship.

Sasmay Cull Sasmay Cull Kaia Starchaser Kaia Starchaser

Aeshi stood in the entrance to the cargo hold, a bottle of whiskey in one hand and the other on her hip. She just shrugged. "We just don't have the sort of distribution and marketing resources that the big corporate firms have."

She beckoned her guest in and strode over to the makeshift table. "I never understood greeting people with weapons. We're all just trying to make a half-decent living out here. But yes, the Pomojema if I know my ship lore correctly. A floating Sith academy run by a former Sith Empress in hopes of resurrecting her dead lover or something like that."

Aeshi shuddered. "Unnatural, if you ask me. Have a seat."
The ship could do its work without her, she wasn't that foolhardy to think her crew couldn't handle it. When it came to navigation? Well, she preferred to be at the helm, but anything else? She'd just be sitting there playing with one of her instruments. Lately it was a small guitar from one aquatic world or another… Arda? Kattada? She was transferring the comms to her personal device.

"And yeah, we can make some honest money, we're not all smugglers… well, all the time."
She laughed as she made her way to her ship. The YT-2400 was always aboard the Dawn. The Pulsar made its way over to Ash's ship and docked up, using a force cylinder and a boarding tube. As she knocked and entered, she made he way forward.

She got in for the tail end of the conversation.

"It was something dark, but if they're not firing at me? I'm not firing back. If its who I think captaining? Yeah, not messing with that. Hey Ash… Captain Cull." She had her lightsaber on her hip, sure, but everyone knew that a Starchaser without their own ship and saber? Well, that was when there was a problem.

Aeshi Tillian Aeshi Tillian Sasmay Cull Sasmay Cull
Kaia Starchaser Kaia Starchaser Sasmay Cull Sasmay Cull

"Smuggling is honest work!" Aeshi retorted over the comm with a laugh. "People want goods. Governments want to make money. I simply serve my customers by getting them what they need at the lowest cost."

She swung a chair around and swung onto it, resting her elbows on the back of the folding chair. One hand placed the whiskey bottle along the lip of the table and popped it open. Aeshi gave half a wave as Kaia walked in. "Hey, Kaia, good to see you again. Pull up a seat. Join the captain's conclave, I suppose we are."

WEAPONS: 4 Whimsy Knives, 1 Nastirci Combat Knife, 1 HG-88 ‘Big Iron’ Hand Cannons, K914 SMG, (4) Elemental Grenades, (2) Impact Grenades, Phase X-E CryoSonic Heavy Pistol
EQUIPMENT: Phase II Haywire Armor without force mask UL-13 Corporis Skin Suit, Kirino Visual Interface
FLYING: The Gray Queen's Throne carrying The Termite
TERMITE GEAR: 1 HG-88 ‘Big Iron’ Hand Cannons -(Outfitted with Glitter Bullets), BR-3 Rowdy Rancor, Winter Rose Rifle, Phase XI Anti-Material Rifle
DROIDS: (4) Droid Bois - (Tremor, Clang, Skitter, Pop)
TAGS: Kaia Starchaser Kaia Starchaser Aeshi Tillian Aeshi Tillian

There was the knowing nod to the distribution issue. Being out in the Deep had presented such issues before with roving pirates and even other groups squeezing in to cut off supplies in another life.

"True. Most of the time the smuggled stuff is better too." Sasmay chuckled with a wave to the bottles. The com-line kicked on, hearing another voice mention smuggling. She couldn't help but laugh. "So long as it isn't certain people doing the wrong kind of smuggling I don't think anyone important minds."

Another joined them, putting a face to the name as she gave a little wave and smile of her own.

"Sasmay is fine. Captain still feels like I'm putting on a coat to big for me." She offered before moving back to the ship in question.

"That was an academy? Feth. Glad it went like it did then. If it's held out this long with the way the galaxy is going...fairly certain they know a few tricks about fighting." She shuddered at the thought of fighting something that large and well aged.

As a Warden, she had her leaning towards the Jedi, and helping people, but she also was worried of others in space. She knew Ash, knew the family Tillian, and trusted them. When she was away from her own ships, she always had a little bit of nerves. Unless she was on the Dawn… what was her father calling it now? Didn't matter. That ship, and her freighter were always home. Corellian Dawn was just much more comfy, and good for business.

"I never … yeah its not always dishonest. People do need the goods." She laughed and shook her head.

"Captains Conclave…" Running the words over in her mind she nodded. "Something the League should call us!" Grabbing a seat, the Mirialan surveyed the other Captain, Sasmay. "Sometimes its just about owning the ship. Also, thanks for the assist here… Not sure if it was the Pomojema, but I'm not sure they're the type to come after us… Isnt that ship on the run from the plants?"

The Drengir, which she knew her brother was off fighting, and the writer needed to respond to.

Sasmay Cull Sasmay Cull Aeshi Tillian Aeshi Tillian
Sasmay Cull Sasmay Cull Kaia Starchaser Kaia Starchaser

Aeshi gave a broad shrug, arms outstretched as Sasmay spoke. "It's cause governments and despots don't want ordinary people to enjoy the fine things in life without getting their cut. I'm just a provider for the people."

At the second comment though, she leaned forward and rested an elbow on the table. "You're the captain of the ship, aren't you? Then embrace the title. It's one of responsibility and a honor."

She paused at Kaia's comment though, pursing her lips. "You might be right. Maybe we should talk to the council about setting up something like a captain's conclave, or organizing our own."

She popped open the bottle of whiskey and poured out several glasses of whiskey, sliding them across the table. "And I don't know if it is the Pomo or not, but I've never heard of another ship that looks like someone stuck a hyperdrive on a Sith temple."

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