Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Tirin Raene



Cool calm and collected, Tirin is a logical individual who often doesn't show his emotions in a vibrant manner. He is subdued and calculating and languid in nature. He is contemplative and considerate. Tirin is a patient, and understanding individual. He's slow to action preferring to act when he's thought things through. Tirin takes an interest in others rather often. He likes to study people and their behavior. He enjoys thought-provoking activities and problem-solving.

Tirin has always been interested in diplomacy. He's never been able to fully understand why his fellow Jedi don't see it as an important part of their mission, but he's learned that sometimes you just have to do what needs doing. When the Council called upon him to become a Consular, Tirin accepted without hesitation. He had always wanted to be more than a warrior. The Jedi were supposed to be protectors, not conquerors. That's what he told himself anyway.

Tirin saw himself as a protector first and foremost, and he felt like he'd found a home where he could serve that purpose. As a Consular, Tirin was always willing to put himself between those in need and the danger they faced. Sometimes, that meant taking a stand against injustice or tyranny. Other times, it meant stepping in front of the most powerful beings in the galaxy for his duty as a Jedi.

Tirin's friends would say he is a bit too laid back for someone so passionate about matters of state. They might also point out that while Tirin is certainly capable, he doesn't excel at any particular aspect of lightsaber combat or hand-to-hand combat. It was his love of politics and diplomacy that led him to seek the title of Consular. It was his compassion that drove him to step up to the plate whenever there was something wrong in the galaxy. His willingness to do whatever it took to keep the peace made him an ideal candidate for the role.

As a Consular, Tirin's training included not only the ways of the Force, but also the arts of diplomacy. He studied history and culture, philosophy and economics. He immersed himself in the sciences of politics and sociology. He learned how to talk to anyone, regardless of their station or beliefs.

He learned to listen to everyone and to take the time to understand what they needed from him before giving it. The order is all he's known as a family from as far as he could remember.

He's lost his former student in combat because they were too headstrong, brash, and wild-natured. Tirin blames himself for not having been able to instruct them better or reign them in better; he Feels his previous mistake may have been being too lenient with his charge and carries guilt about that incident with him. He carries the violet kyber crystal that used to belong to his charge on a necklace pendant.

  • His qualities included being observant, being able to recreate a scene from very little evidence, and having amazing senses.
  • Detail oriented -The tendency to be accurate and thorough; usually related to catching and/or avoiding mistakes or to improving a system or experience.
  • Fearless- challenges the world and its perceptions.
  • Over analytical-excessively analytical- separating something into component parts or constituent elements.
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) features a pattern of unwanted thoughts and fears (obsessions) that lead you to do repetitive behaviors (compulsions)
  • Can often be logical to the point of being cold and dispassionate without intending to be.

Tirin's focus on powers is much like what we might consider a [Psychic Character]. Typically requiring immense concentration.
  • Force suppression/breach
  • Fine Telekinesis
  • Mind Tricks
  • Psychometry
  • Precognition
  • Healing others
  • Other typical general powers typically seen
Plot Hook:
Meanwhile just leaving the reception area just outside the docking bay was a short young male with long dark winding locks. He'd just returned from a broader dispute on another planet. Though to most He would appear to be a she with a slender form and petite physique. Still appearing very youthful some might even mistake the small slender knight for an adolescent. Bright silver colored eyes seemed to almost glow with a faint blue tinge in contrast to the long inky black, and dark Payne grey tresses that framed the masterfully carved face. Tirin always managed to turn heads when he walked by someone who had yet to meet him. As he made his way into the Halls a much taller male smiled and started over to greet him. The seven-foot-tall man had a large scarred mark on his face which ran down his neck. Tussled messy locks of pearly white hung down every which way.

"Hey~! You made it back in one piece!" the larger man said as he neared.

"Valin I'll have none of your smart remarks today. I'm still a little on edge from when negotiations went south." Tirin warned in an oddly pleasant tone, happy to see his friend.
Standing at only five feet and six inches tall Tirin only came up to the giant's clavicle. Valin raised a large hand and patted Tirin on the back a little rough due to their differences in size.

" So has your mind changed at all yet?" Valin asked with a wily grin gracing his marred features.

"It has not," Tirin stated rather sure of himself. "I Don't care what the elders say I'll not pick a young ling from a single glance. " Tirin stated.

" Auditing classes isn't against the rules and they might let you do the same if you had ever learned to sit still and mind yourself long enough to not be a disruption." Tirin admonished the taller male.

Valin chuckled full heartedly, "Politics and Math are too boring to keep my attention."

"Yes, but they are vital fields," Tirin stated.

"Which is why your border dispute went calmly without a hitch right?" Valin asked as a slightly smug grin started to slip its way onto his face. Tirin reached up and flicked Valin in the nose as if scolding, a puppy.

"That's not funny; lives were lost- and just because some closed-minded feuding few can't see past their own rage and hatred doesn't make it okay." Valin was rubbing at his nose the smile clearly gone from his face he sighed heavily.

"I'm sorry, I wish things had gone better for you." Valin offered.

"I'm sorry too," Tirin added in.

"Sometimes even if you play your part perfectly things don't always work out and you find yourself using a conference table for cover." Tirin sighed.

"I'll pay a visit to the debriefing room." Tirin stated.

"Perhaps later we can sit down and have dinner together? Like old times?" Valin asked.

"Perhaps... We'll have dinner in the mess hall and it'll really be like old times." Tirin said as a grin laced his lips. Tirin's garb may have been looked down upon due to its darker colors but Valin's out blandish unkempt appearance was simply detested by many. Valin decided it'd be best to head to his quarters and put something a little more subdues on whilst he was visiting the temple. The two had plans to start seeking out just whom they wanted to take under their wing. Both of them doubted they would pick a child from their first meeting or from seeing them at a glance from afar. Tirin worked methodically and was planning on putting a deal of work into overlooking the little clans and attending key classes to get a good understanding of the small groups. It may have been frowned upon by some but it certainly wasn't against the rules to wish to see how well a class was doing.


  1. Sith Tombs Are Full Of Trouble
  2. Shifting Loyalties
  3. Mastery in Motion
  4. Garden of Shadows
  5. Mastery in Motion
  6. Repatriation of a Jedi (NJO)
  7. NJO - Pajama Party

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Personal Care and Hygiene
  • Hygiene: Brush your hair daily. Bathe or shower regularly to keep clean. Ensure your Padawan braid is neatly kept.
  • Dental Hygiene: Brush your teeth at least twice a day.
  • Skin Care: Maintain a daily skin care routine, including washing your face in the morning and before bed. Use sunscreen when going outside to protect against UV rays.
  • Nail Care: Keep nails trimmed and clean to avoid the spread of germs.
  • Hand Hygiene: Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water multiple times throughout the day, especially before eating, after using the restroom, and upon returning home.
  • Hydration: Make it a habit to drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated.
  • Sleep Hygiene: Maintain a regular sleep schedule by going to bed at 11 PM and waking up at 7 AM to promote better health and alertness. Curfew is at 8 PM Sharp.

Mealtime and Dietary Rules
  • Dining Table Meals: Dinner is to be eaten at the dining table to foster unity and ensure proper mealtime etiquette. Breakfast, lunch, and snacks may be consumed in areas of your choice within the home.
  • Pre-Dinner Restrictions: Avoid sweets or snacks one hour before dinner to maintain a healthy appetite for more nutritious meals.
  • Dish Responsibility: Promptly clean your dishes after meals. This also includes tidying up any used dining areas to maintain a clean and welcoming environment.
  • Nutritious Meals: Strive to eat at least two nutritious square meals per day, ensuring a balanced intake of various food groups.
  • Vitamins and Supplements: Use vitamins and supplements as necessary to complement your diet and address any specific nutritional needs.
  • Meal Preparation Participation: Get involved in meal preparation to better understand nutritional values and culinary skills.
  • Mindful Eating: Practice eating without distractions such as electronic devices, focusing on the food and the act of eating to improve digestion and satisfaction.
  • Food Safety: Adhere to food safety practices including proper food handling and storage to prevent illness.
  • Respectful Mealtime Interaction: Maintain polite and respectful interactions during meals. This involves using manners, participating in conversations, and appreciating the meal prepared.

Emotional and Mental Well-being
  • Self-Compassion and Support: Always be kind to yourself. Acknowledge that making mistakes is a part of learning and growth. It's always okay to seek help when needed.
  • Emotional Honesty: Express your true emotions honestly and constructively. Avoid using manipulative tactics like fake crying. Strive to maintain authenticity in your emotional expressions to build trust and meaningful relationships.
  • Respect for Privacy: Respect your own privacy and that of others. Maintaining these boundaries builds trust and a sense of security.
  • Open Communication: Communicate openly and respectfully. Regularly share your thoughts and feelings with trusted individuals to foster a supportive environment.
  • Understanding Restrictions: Respect and understand the reasons behind established rules and restrictions. If you are feeling frustrated, discuss your feelings respectfully with a caregiver to find constructive solutions.
  • Mindfulness Practices: Practice mindfulness activities such as meditation or deep breathing to manage stress and enhance your emotional regulation.
  • Setting Personal Boundaries: Emphasize the importance of setting and respecting personal boundaries to protect your mental well-being.
  • Regular Emotional Check-ins: Schedule regular check-ins with a caregiver or mentor to discuss your emotional state and any challenges you face, ensuring ongoing support.
  • Healthy Emotional Expression: Encourage expressing a range of emotions in a healthy and appropriate way. Recognize the value of being open about your feelings.
  • Gratitude Practice: Implement a daily or weekly gratitude practice. Noting things you are grateful for can significantly improve your mood and outlook on life.

Behavioral Expectations

Communication and Interaction:

  • No shouting inside the house.
  • Resolve disagreements peacefully; inform an adult if someone is unkind.
  • Avoid using foul language or inappropriate words.
  • Don't pretend to cry when you're not genuinely upset.
  • Always be polite and use good manners when interacting with others.
  • Clearly communicate your needs and wants to your caregiver.
  • Feel free to express yourself without feeling embarrassed.
  • Be a good listener and give others the opportunity to express themselves.

Effort and Self-Improvement:
  • Put in your best effort in everything you do.
  • Be kind to yourself and understand that it's okay to make mistakes.
  • Don't hesitate to ask for help when you need it.
  • Take responsibility for your actions and apologize when necessary.
  • Practice honesty and truthfulness in all your interactions.

Respect and Diversity:
  • Treat everyone, including family members, guests, and pets, with kindness and respect.
  • Respect others' privacy and boundaries; do not open locked or closed doors without permission.
  • Show gratitude and appreciation for the help and kindness of others.
  • Practice patience and tolerance, especially in challenging situations.
  • Respect diversity and treat everyone with fairness and equality.
  • Take care of your personal belongings and the shared spaces in the house.

Emotional Regulation and Self-Control:
- Demonstrate self-control and manage your emotions appropriately.

Manners and Courtesy:
- Practice good manners, including saying "please," "thank you," and "excuse me."

Safety Rules

Fire Safety:

  • No playing with fire, matches, the stove, the fireplace, or fireworks.
  • Do not light people on fire, even when playing pretend.

Indoor Play Safety:
  • No climbing, running, or jumping indoors.
  • No throwing things.

Use of Objects:
  • No playing with knives or sharp objects.
  • No breaking things.
  • No drawing on the wall or defacing anything.

Animal Safety:
- Do not pet strange animals.

Electrical Safety:
  • Do not play with electrical outlets or cords.
  • Do not touch electrical appliances with wet hands.
  • Report any damaged electrical cords or outlets to an adult.

Water Safety:
- Do not swim without adult supervision.

Personal Safety:
  • Always wear a helmet when riding a bike, scooter, or skateboard.
  • Look both ways before crossing the street.
  • Do not talk to strangers or accept gifts from them.

Food Safety:
  • Wash your hands before and after eating.
  • Report any allergies to adults.

Emergency Preparedness:
  • Know your home address and phone number.
  • Know how to dial emergency services.
  • Have an emergency plan in case of fire, earthquake, or other emergencies.

Property and Privacy
  • Locks doors and closed doors must remain that way.
  • If a door is locked, respect that it is locked for a reason. Do not attempt to open it or circumvent the lock.
  • Respect personal belongings and boundaries. Always ask for permission before using someone else's property.
  • No spitting on people.
  • No slamming doors.
  • Respect for Property: Do not use anyone else's property without permission. This includes not using parents' computers without consent.
  • Vehicle Use: Do not borrow any cars or vehicles without asking an adult first.

Responsibilities and Permissions

Academic and Extracurricular Activities

  • Homework must be completed before playtime directly after school.
  • No extracurricular or sport

activities until homework and study time is complete. All weekly chores must be finished before dinner on Fridays.
  • No going places without asking an adult first.
  • You must be home at least half an hour before curfew.
  • No girlfriends or boyfriends without asking Mom and Dad first.
  • No borrowing any cars or vehicles without asking an adult first.
  • No using Daddy or Mommy's computers.

Personal Development
  • Journaling: Keep a daily journal to reflect on your thoughts and track your progress.
  • Preparation: Plan your outfit the night before to streamline your morning routine.
  • Creativity: Dedicate time to work on a DIY or craft project regularly.
  • Scheduling: Create a weekly calendar to manage your time and activities efficiently.
  • Guided Activities: Engage in playtime or leisure activities only with approval from your caregiver.

Accountability and Routine
  • You must stay on our property unless you get an adult.
  • Open and Respectful Communication: Always be open and honest while maintaining respect, even if the answer may be disappointing.
  • Sleep Schedule: Lights out by 11 PM every night unless otherwise agreed.
  • Morning Routine: Wake up at a reasonable hour every morning.
  • Daily Greetings: Say good night and good morning each day.
  • Healthy Living: Eat at least two nutritious square meals per day, use vitamins or supplements as needed, and exercise regularly.
  • Substance Use: No smoking, drugs, or drinking alcohol without explicit permission.
  • Curfews and Permissions: You must be home at least half an hour before the curfew. No going places without asking an adult first. This includes having no guests over without prior notification.

Rewards and Consequences
  • Sticker Chart: Use a sticker chart as a visual tracker of your achievements and behaviors.
  • Rewards: Earn rewards such as a new stuffie, candy, a beauty item, or something for your little space.
  • Extra Leisure Time: Gain extra playtime, or the chance to watch a movie or hear a story as a reward.
  • Flexible Bedtime: Achieve an extended bedtime as a reward for consistent good behavior.
  • Consequences for Rule Violation: May include temporary removal of privileges, belongings, extra chores, writing the broken rule repeatedly, and grounding.

Communication and Conflict Resolution
  • Ultimate Authority: Jedi Master Tirin and Knight Valin have the final say in all matters. Their word is law, and rules can be adjusted by them as needed.
  • Inquiry and Compliance: If unsure whether an action is permissible, ask Jedi Master Tirin or Knight Valin for clarification.
  • Adherence to Grounding: If you are grounded, respect and comply with the restrictions set during this period.
  • Open and Respectful Communication: Be open and honest while maintaining respect.
  • Honesty: No lying. Always tell the truth.

Lightsaber Rules:
  • Authorized Use Only: Only those trained and authorized may wield a lightsaber.
  • Maintenance and Care: Regularly maintain your lightsaber, ensuring it is in optimal condition for use.
  • Holstered When Not in Use: Always keep your lightsaber holstered when not in use to prevent accidents.
  • Use in Training: Use your lightsaber in designated training areas or when instructed by a master.
  • Non-Aggression Principle: A lightsaber should be used for defense and never for unprovoked aggression.
  • Discretion in Public: Exercise discretion when using a lightsaber in public to avoid causing alarm or misunderstanding.
  • Respect the Weapon: Treat your lightsaber as a sacred tool of a Jedi, not as a common weapon.
  • Meditation and Focus: Incorporate regular meditation sessions to enhance focus and connection with the lightsaber, promoting a deeper understanding of its significance and capabilities.
  • Form Training: Dedicate time to practicing different lightsaber forms under the guidance of a master, honing combat skills and adapting to various combat scenarios.
  • Emergency Situations: Establish protocols for using the lightsaber in emergency situations, such as defense against aggressive adversaries or during rescue missions, emphasizing the importance of remaining calm and composed.
Weapons Cache Rules:

  • Secure Storage: All weapons must be stored securely and safely to prevent unauthorized access.
  • Inventory Checks: Regularly perform inventory checks to ensure all items are accounted for and in good condition.
  • Access Control: Limit access to the weapons cache to authorized personnel only.
  • Clean and Maintain: Regularly clean and maintain weapons to ensure they are battle-ready at all times.
  • Usage Logging: Log all weapon usage, noting who took what weapon and for what purpose.
  • Compliance with Regulations: Ensure all weapon use and storage complies with local and intergalactic regulations.
  • Security Protocols: Implement additional security measures such as biometric scanners or encryption codes to prevent unauthorized access to the weapons cache.
  • Emergency Preparedness: Develop contingency plans for potential breaches of security or unexpected threats, ensuring quick and effective responses to safeguard the arsenal.
  • Training Programs: Offer training programs for Padawans and other Jedi initiates on proper weapon handling and safety procedures, promoting responsible use and respect for all types of weaponry.

Special Permissions
- Relationships: Discuss any potential romantic relationships with parents first.

Forgiveness and Learning
- Mistakes happen. We are only people, and there will be times when we make mistakes. We are to communicate, listen, learn, forgive, and move on together.
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