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Private Mastery in Motion


Aliris Tremiru Aliris Tremiru

The sun is just beginning to set, painting the sky with hues of orange and purple, casting a warm, gentle glow across the surroundings. Lothal's rolling grasslands, dotted with colorful flora, extend as far as the eye can see, creating a picturesque scene that evokes a sense of peace and serenity. Tirin and Aliris step out onto the soft ground, feeling the gentle breeze carrying the scent of wildflowers. The air is calm and tranquil, and the distant sounds of wildlife create a soothing melody that adds to the overall sense of harmony in the environment.

With a faint smile, Tirin looks at Aliris and says, "Watch carefully now. Telekinesis requires a focused mind and a connection with the Force. To levitate an object, you must first believe in your ability to do so. Feel the energy of the Force around you, like an invisible thread connecting you to the object you wish to move."

Tirin extends a hand toward a lock, his eyes reflecting deep concentration. Slowly, the lock begins to shudder, and then, it rises gently into the air, suspended by Tirin's telekinetic prowess. The lock hovers gracefully, and Tirin guides it with precision, showcasing the fine control he has over the Force.

"Now, let me share the key to making telekinesis easier," Tirin continues. "It's not about brute strength; it's about finesse and harmony. Picture your mind as a calm pond, and your thoughts as ripples. When you focus on levitating an object, let your thoughts become still, like the surface of the pond on a windless day. Clear your mind of doubt or distractions. Feel the Force flowing through you, connecting you to the object, and gently guide it with your thoughts."

As he speaks, Tirin demonstrates by levitating a small security tunneler that rests nearby. The tunneler hovers gracefully, responding to his every intention, demonstrating the exquisite control that comes with mastery of telekinesis. He moved it to the lock and with finite moves it clicked open.

Tirin advises, "practice is essential. Start with small objects, like we did before, and gradually work your way up to larger and heavier ones. Don't get discouraged if it takes time to perfect. The Force is patient, and it will respond to your dedication and belief. Focus on the task and take your time and do it slowly, no need to rush. "



"I know how it works."

Aliris was grumpy. There was no hiding that. She did, unfortunately, know how it worked. For Sith. All her rage, anger, and hate made it so easy. And yet, for all that skill, it didn't translate to this or what Tirin was saying. She sat cross legged, closed her eyes, did what she could to try and focus that sensation he was speaking of. All she had was doubt. She wasn't a Jedi, was she? Not if she couldn't use this herself.

".. It's just different from what I'm used to. I'll figure it out."

Tirin Raene Tirin Raene


Aliris Tremiru Aliris Tremiru

Truth be told Tirin found her anger kind of cute in an odd way but he was careful to school his features and demeanor to not seem amused by her. He didn't want her to think that he was laughing at her or belittling her. Fortunately, Tirin was very good at keeping composed. He watched her with intense curiosity as she made her attempts.

"I am certain you will figurine it out Aliris. You are a very smart girl. " Tirin stated confidently.

"Just take your time. Fine manipulation takes more effort, thought, and energy to achieve. It's more delicate, precise, and intricate. Starting with a small focus and working from there is the way to go. " Tirin encouraged.

"What you are looking for is a state of intense focus and invested interest. You become so consumed in the task at hand it's as if time around you means nothing. Hyper-focus is a more extreme version of focus. It is when everything else falls away, and the only thing we're paying attention to and engaged with is the task or activity we're doing."



"I could do fine manipulation easy before."

She had. Even her metal could be shaped to her will. Not so much anymore. Now when she felt fear, felt emotion, it disrupted everything. It was harder. So much harder. And yet, she knew trying to use those emotions as she had would only bring her back to the dark place she'd finally been able to see for what it was. And put her in easier possession of the soul lingering within her. Perhaps that was part of it.

She really wasn't sure.

"I can't stop thinking about everything else. How am I supposed to hyper focus?"

Tirin Raene Tirin Raene


Aliris Tremiru Aliris Tremiru

"Well... " He started slowly.

" Not everyone is the same. Different people 'work' differently. I'm not entirely sure what works for you just yet. For me, times imagining music I like or actually listening to music or a somber soft repetitive sound of nature helps me focus. When I was younger I had trouble focusing on anything that didn't interest me in the slightest. Let's start with trying to 'clear the table' of your mind... One step at a time. What's on your mind now?"
Tirin asked curiously. He didn't pry either he opened the conversation for her to talk to him about what exactly she was thinking about and focused on.


"The fact that I can't clear my mind."

That was the snippy, disgruntled answer. She frowned further, setting her hands on her ankles from how she was sitting. Leaned forward to try and get comfortable. That was on her mind, of course, but there was something actually there.

"How much easier it was for me to do this before. When I just let my emotions run wild. It was so much easier."

Tirin Raene Tirin Raene


Aliris Tremiru Aliris Tremiru

"Well... you don't need to, 'get rid of' your emotions either. Emotions are perfectly natural. It's humanizing to have feelings." Tirin started softly.

" What the problem tends to be is those of us who act rashly, or let our emotions control us, or act without thinking about things because we are driven by our emotions. Being able to draw back from them enough to make a conscious effort at thinking our actions through before performing them is exceptionally important. Understand this one small truth. We can not control our emotions. We. Can. Not. Control. Our. Emotions. "
He repeated briefly emphasizing each word to let those words sink in.

" Emotions come and go and change. They just happen. And we can't control that, try as we might that's just not truly possible. What is possible is controlling our actions despite our emotions. You can't simply tell someone who is depressed to stop being sad. It just doesn't work that way. They can't help how they feel. " Tirin explained.

" And that takes effort, thought, and trial and error. " Tirin explained moving to take a seat next to her and moved to spill out a small bag of colorful glass marble of varying shapes sizes colors patterns and designs.

"Acting on impulse is easy, its natural and quick to do. Using emotions, especially strong emotions can give a quick route to empowering us but it lacks the for thought and foresight to see the results of what may come before we choose to act. Think of it like jumping across a gap between two rocks jutting out of the water. Do you look to see where your best place is to land your feet and try to think about how to jump there or do you just jump? If part of the rock has wet and slippery algae on it your outcome could be very different depending on how you approach the problem. "

He moved a hand over the marbles... " Let's try something simpler in theory; What's your favorite color? How about trying to find all the marbles you like and try to focus on picking only them up. Think about the fact that if you do so correctly you can keep them. "
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"That seems.. Backwards. The Sith who taught me, he told me that it was important to control emotion as power. .. I don't think I understand it." That was something she needed to figure out. Which she was trying to. She sighed a bit, relaxing her posture and just giving up on the meditation for a moment. Favorite color. She nodded a bit, trying to think on it. What really was her favorite color?

".. Blue. I like blue."

Tirin Raene Tirin Raene

"I'm rather fond of red and violet," he said moving to kneel down and reach out a hand gently focusing on the red ones. slowly but surely the levitated them one after the other and brought them to his hand.

"What was the name of the sith that taught you such things?" Tirin asked gently.


"Well, that does make sense. Emotions are very powerful. Love is a strong emotion too. " Tirin added. "But it's very easy to let yourself get caught up in them and make poor choices without thinking things through. Thriving on our emotions can make up impulsive. " He offered softly. "I think... looking for some semblance of balance between the two is good. " He offered gently. He contemplated a few things before asking. " Do you think anything feels different?"


"Feels different? .. I'm not really sure. It's been.. I dunno. I just wanted to stop fighting."

That was the basis of it all. The desire to not be a soldier anymore. "Balance is just difficult to figure out. How am I supposed to use emotion while not? That's what you're suggesting, right?"

Tirin Raene Tirin Raene

"No... you can use your emotions... You can feel and allow yourself to feel... what's important is to think about your actions before committing to them first. " Tirin explained softly. "Be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger and you will start to notice you'll have time to think things through before you act... Don't say anything aloud about anyone you wouldn't say to their face. "



"There's not a lot I wouldn't say to someone's face." She'd already done so to Tirin, but by the smile on her face it was clear something had clicked with it. Patience. That's what was important. The Ashlans didn't care for anything but following orders, and the Sith encouraged impulsive freedom. If she was going to try and make some steps, she'd have to at least listen to him rather than try to keep telling him he was wrong too, right?

Her mind was a swirl of different thoughts, but she did close her eyes.

".. Think before you act. Okay."

Tirin Raene Tirin Raene


Aliris Tremiru Aliris Tremiru
As Tirin contemplated Aliris's struggles, a speculative thought flitted across his mind, suggesting an alternative angle to consider. Could there be another force at play, subtly influencing her difficulties? Though this theory was a mere speculation without concrete evidence of active tampering in the present, Tirin acknowledged its existence in his thoughts. However, for the present moment, he chose to concentrate on guiding Aliris toward a sense of tranquility and autonomy.

"Yes exactly; Very good. " Tirin concurred, his voice gentle as he embarked on explaining his insights. "You possess the capacity to tap into your positive emotions, drawing strength from them. Consider the color blue, for instance. Focus on the aspects you find pleasing about it. It might be how one particular shade sparkles uniquely under certain lighting conditions. This connection to what you enjoy can serve as a form of focus."

With Aliris's well-being at the forefront of his mind, Tirin elaborated on the diverse ways people find their own paths to focus. "Different individuals discover their own methods of concentration. Some delve into complex mathematical problems within their minds, while others allow their thoughts to wander across various subjects. At this point, I'm not entirely sure what technique might work best for you. However, I'm dedicated to assisting you in finding that specific approach that resonates with you."

Tirin emphasized the various dimensions of meditation and focus, guiding Aliris toward comprehending the broader spectrum. "Meditation itself encompasses numerous forms, each designed to serve distinct purposes. Some aid in calming the mind, while others facilitate introspection and deeper insights. The practice we're currently engaging in with the marbles involves focused attention. We can simplify this concept by centering our attention on our breathing."

As he spoke, Tirin's voice held a serene and supportive tone, reinforcing his role as her guide. "This type of meditation employs our breath as an anchor for the mind, allowing us to maintain awareness. Should your thoughts begin to drift, you need only gently redirect your focus back to your breath. It's a straightforward practice that can prove incredibly effective in enhancing your concentration."

With each word, Tirin conveyed his dedication to offering her the tools and encouragement needed to cultivate a sense of inner tranquility and focus.



Just focus on her breathing? At first, Aliris certainly was thinking if blue. All the different shades, which was her favorite. How bright it could glow. How threatening it was when it was swung towards her. Panic pulled her right out of that line of thought. Panic, and fear. Why did her mind travel there?

She couldn't escape the violence.

But breathing. The girl nodded alowly as she closed her eyes and focused on that. In, out. Breathe. Don't think of anything else. Her mind did drift, but the reminders from Tirin to just focus on breathing made it so much easier for her to focus on it. In, and out.

It wasn't long until her mind quieted completely.

Tirin Raene Tirin Raene


Aliris Tremiru Aliris Tremiru

Tirin watched as she gradually calmed down and seemed to find her center. "Very good. That's a focus on calming your mind. that's a very good first step in transitioning into a different focus once you're calm. You're doing great. " Tirin praised moving to stand up once more. "Now the harder trick that we can work on is maintaining that calm and focus... despite unpredictable distractions. " He offered softly as he started to circle around her.​



She smiled a little. Just a little. No lapse in focus here. Instead, she continued to focus on the breathing itself. Just find that center, that calm. And the Force came with it. All around her things finally started to move. Float, without her input for the time being. She'd always had strength in the Force, just needed to relearn how to bring it out. Though, her brow did furrow a little.

".. What do you mean distractions?"

Tirin Raene Tirin Raene


Aliris Tremiru Aliris Tremiru
"Excellent. You're doing very well. " He praised with a touch of excitement. Tirin simply reached out and very softly hovered a hand over her head close enough for her to feel her presence. He then put her briefly as if to see if his gentle touch would break her concentration. " Distractions can come in many different ways... they can be something unexpected, they can come in pain, or a simple sound that is unfamiliar. Anything that breaks your concentration is a distraction. "



All it took was a touch to utterly shatter her concentration. Worse than that, actually. Aliris threw herself away, clearly surprised. Panicked, even. The things she'd been lifting scattered violently, slamming into various objects all around on various surfaces. She stared up at Tirin in absolute fear at first, then shame. She turned her gaze away, frowning deeply as she started to claw at her hair.

".. I'm sorry."

Tirin Raene Tirin Raene

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