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The Shadow Descends... [Invite only]

| @[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] |

Among the Coruscanti passing by the Jedi Temple was an individual that stood out. This particular man was an enigma. The people that he was interested in, whom stood and worked from the building ahead, responsible for the fall of the Sith Empire and continued prosperity of the Galactic Republic, had a whisper or two. But the name had eluded them and the information was fleeting, at best. Their nearest encounter the Jedi Order had with the hooded, dark robed man that stood at the bottom of the flight of stairs that led up into their temple had between he and Joshua DragonsFlame, only then a Jedi Knight, whom had accompanied Jedi Grandmaster Ben Watts into the underground munitions facility on Metalorn to destroy it. Other than this, they did not know his name, only that there was an individual whom had been in the pocket of every Emperor since Voracitos and had mysteriously disappeared shortly before the Empire's fall.

The ghost was Vilox Pazela, now a Dark Jedi or Dark Master, as Ashin Varanin had conned the term; and it was because of her that he found himself at the gates of the people that he sought to destroy. He began to climb the steps, the sleeve on his right hand side fluttering at the top of his arm, the lower half severed during the Republic's dominion of Tund. Perhaps he would have to use the knowledge he had gained from the Sorcerers to leave the temple by the end of this encounter.

He finished his ascent along the steps and continued his slow, relaxed pace along the polished floor towards the open mouth of the temple. When he came to a stop, the one armed Dark Master was approached by the Jedi security forces. They asked questions, to no avail, yet they did not approach to detain the man, like they sensed that he was too dangerous for them to handle alone. That was why Jedi Master Joshua DragonsFlame was called, and for the second time in their lifetime, years apart from the Battle of Metalorn to that present day, Dark Jedi and Jedi would have another encounter.

The Shadow had descended, the ghost had emerged from obscurity and he had questions for the Jedi High Council. So he waited for them to come, lifting his chin towards the skies to admire the skyline. He was confident that he would be leaving Coruscant alive, but deep down, he was a dubious mind; and perhaps even he wouldn't be able to survive the combined might of the Jedi Order's most elite.
Though far from being a member of the Jedi High Council, it would have been a task of immense difficulty for Josiah Denko to not notice the sudden "stench of the Dark Side". The Jedi Temple was always characterized by an aura of light, one born of a Force Nexus so strong that merely walking within blocks of the structure resulted in feeling waves upon waves of the Force's presence. As such, a dark presence such as the one produced by @[member="Vilox Pazela"] was something that even some of the younglings could feel as they went about their daily training. Whilst guiding the children in their lightsaber lessons, Josiah was prompted to have one of the aides assigned to his class take over and to keep the younglings calm whilst he took it upon himself to investigate this presence.

And so the man, garbed in his typical Armor draped with a Jedi cloak, strode briskly through the halls of the Coruscanti temple. With each step, he could "smell" the wretched odor of the Dark Side more and more, and to say the least...he was disgusted. Upon entering the main hall, Josiah saw the source of the foul stench: a single individual draped in robes. The guardsmen of the Temple were present and tense, forming a semi-circle of sorts as if to attempt to bar him passage any further. Judging from the communications that buzzed upon the comm affixed to his wrist, the High Council had been called in order to assist in dealing with this new threat. Although Josiah was confident that they would arrive in only a few short moments, he descended down the final flight of stairs to join the guardsmen.

Telekinesis gripped the first of three lightsabers dangling from the Jedi's utility belt, beckoning it to his dominant, right hand. He did not ignite the blade, however, but simply held the weapon aloft. Josiah's guard was up and his brow furrowed at the sight of a Dark Sider so bold as to waltz into the heart of the Jedi Order. Such arrogance could only be born of the Dark Side, and it added to the Jedi's revulsion of the individual all the more. He held his peace for a moment, allowing his eyes to sweep and up down the man whilst making silent assessments. Then, he spoke, calmly yet with his own distinct firmness. "Who are you and what is it that you want?"

@[member="Vilox Pazela"].
A breath escaped the Jedi Master as he relaxed. He was deep in meditation, a break from his days spent teaching younglings as well as his own students. He'd certainly changed since his duel with Vilox Pazela, otherwise... Somewhat known as Darth Vazela at the time that Josh had fought him on Metalorn. That experience still raged through his mind, fighting alongside Grandmaster @[member="Ben Watts"] to take on Pazela and... Some other Sith, he didn't remember. The Wu Tang probably whooped him so hard his name was forgotten in the universe. As was the power of the Wu Tang.

His concentration was broken as dark entered the light. There was a dark side presence in the Jedi Temple. And it was so familiar...

A man walked in, one of the security. Normally, Josh would chatize the man for not knocking, but if it was as important as he thought it was...

"Master DragonsFlame, there is a man at the temple's entrance, his aura is dark. Could you come investigate the manner?"

The Jedi Master nodded before placing his hands upon the ground, using that to propel himself in a handspring up to his feet. He cracked his neck and moved his sore joints that hadn't moved for hours to get feeling back, before patting the head of his little dragon, John, who was sleeping on the bed in DragonsFlame's quarters.

"Come on, little buddy. Let's go see what the Force has in store for us" the Jedi Master said calmly as the hatchling opened it's eyes. It took the cue to leap into his outstretched palms and Josh helped it sit on his shoulder. After that, he straightened his cape and looked toward the guard.

"Lead the way" the Jedi Master said firmly, and followed the man to the entrance. It was there that the dark sided presence grew and grew, as he walked. And finally, he found it's source. His suspicions were correct, it seemed... He recognized that man. Even if just via senses only, he knew just what they were dealing with.

He walked past @[member="Josiah Denko"], giving him a respectful nod before stopping in front of @[member="Vilox Pazela"]. He examined the man for a moment, unsure of his intentions. But after a small, tense silence, a smirk crossed the face of the Jedi Master as he addressed his fellow Metalorn Veteran.

"... It's been a long time, hasn't it?" he said seriously, yet with a hint of humor in his tone. Funny how things worked out, that he would be the one they fetched to address him first.
| @[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] | @[member="Josiah Denko"] |

Yellow, predatory eyes gleamed underneath the cowl, studying the various faces of the amassed guards that had met him at the Jedi Temple's entrance. He did not feel satisfaction from the fear that he sensed in them. If there was a word to describe his thoughts and feelings, then it would be somber. He did not care for them and nor for the Jedi, Josiah Denko, whom had emerged to confront him, as he had suspected they would.

What Joshua DragonsFlame might notice about his Metalorn Veteran, would be that the same, dark hooded man whom had spewed more Lightning from his finger tips than the Jedi Master had ever encountered, was the lack of right arm. All that remained was a stump leading up from where the elbow used to be, from which the fabric of his sleeve had been rolled up to. The Dark Jedi did not lower his hood when Josiah asked his question and Joshua, soon afterwards, made his opening exchange. The guardsmen turned to their Jedi Masters and back to the Dark Master as he made his reply. "My name is Vazela and why I am here is a very good question."

His robes fluttered in the gust of wind, creating a rippling effect on him as he continued. "My reason for being here is simple. I'm going to tell you pieces of information that are going to fill in the bits and pieces that are currently dark to you. The information that I have will go a long way to assist you in finding members of the Sith Order that have, until this time, eluded you. For example, I can tell you things about Kaine Zambrano that you didn't know before."

"I can tell you about threats that you didn't even know existed. About organizations based on worlds that intend to do you harm and others as well. I do this because, in return, you're going to tell me about a certain individual. You see, during the recent Republic invasion of O'reen, I witnessed something profound. Something so unique and important to the grand scheme of things, that I have ventured into the very heart of the Jedi Order, at a profound risk to myself."

A pale hand emerged from his left sleeve, gesturing to Josiah's Lightsaber. "If it is a duel that you are after, then I must disappoint you. You see, Master Jedi, I am not of their blood. In essence, I am not a Sith and that means, I am not here to attack you. I am here to help you." He had mostly spoken towards Josiah's direction, before turning his gaze to Joshua directly. "I am here to meet with the Jedi Council."
He nods, never taking his eyes off the man. Even his dragon, sitting on his shoulder, sat attentively and gave the stranger a serious stare. Vazela, that was his name... The man who had spewed more lightning then Bane with his doc ock tentacles.

"I see...." he said. He didn't trust Vazela one bit. He would be fool to do so. But the man wanted a meeting with the Council... No reason to turn him away.

He took out his datapad then... Paging @[member="Carn Dista"], @[member="Daella Apparine"], @[member="Phylis Alince"], @Iella E'ron, @[member="Syn"], @[member="Rianna Organa"], and @[member="Kiskla Grayson"]... Telling them that a man by the name of Vazela wished to meet with them. He also noted he was incredibly dangerous, and either a former or current Sith, and to exercise caution.

"You have your meeting then... Vazela" he said, motioning for the guards to get into escort mode.

"Follow me" he said, leading Vazela to the Council chambers.

@[member="Vilox Pazela"]
Kiskla had been stifling her uncertainties and assisting younglings who had been terrified by the graug attack. There were bruises and cuts alike, some had sustained burns and broken bones. While Kiskla was no master Organa or Sheltrak with healing, nor that pregnant Jedi, she did have The Art of the Small’s mastery on her side and was using that to mend internal aches and pains.

Because she was working with children, she was all too eager to respond to Dragonsflame’s beckon.

Either the Sith were being driven out of their homes by a wildfire, or coming out of the cold was a growing trend. That, or they were going to complain about The Republic’s dominance. Oh well, nobody would really know until they arrived to the meeting — hm? So, Kiskla replied to her summoning with due diligence in what remained of the council chambers after the grog’s visit. What were they do to about all this.

Her expression was listless as she folded her long legs on her seat, and tucked her Ossus robes over her lap; regarding the doorway for the entrance of the individual who wished to speak with The Council. The young woman found it mostly amusing that Josh had warned them that their visitor was dangerous. In their affairs, most anyone was dangerous — allies were seldom in times of war. Kiskla herself was a distrusting individual, and therefore didn’t need to be told twice to be wary about this meeting.

@[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] | @[member="Vilox Pazela"]

| @[member="Carn Dista"] | @[member="Daella Apparine"] | @[member="Phylis Alince"] | @Iella E'ron | @[member="Syn"] | @[member="Rianna Organa"] | @[member="Kiskla Grayson"] | @[member="Josiah Denko"] |

Vazela kept himself at the sides of Joshua DragonsFlame, observing the damage that littered the Jedi Temple. It had been attacked recently, he had noted to himself, when they entered the council chambers. Hood still resting over his head, concealing his facial features, the former Sith Lord turned Dark Jedi waited for their questions and in some cases, their arrivals. A most interesting encounter indeed.

Carn Dista

A meeting with a Sith? Really? Carn couldnt quite get his head around that one. Here they were, having recently fended off an attack, and here a Sith wanted to come and play diplomat. Carn had no intention of attending. Instead he picked up his commslink, and got in contact with that most secretive of branches within the Order - The Jedi Shadows. He instructed them to keep watch over this so called "diplomat", and should he try anything, have word sent to carn, and then engage him.

"By my beard. Those interested in politics never cease to do stranger and stranger things." he said to the mouse droid that had taken up residence in his chambers. It bleeped and whirred in response. Some time ago, Carn had taken to the small droid, and it to him. He had even gone to the lengths of having the droid fitted with an electrum trim, so that he could more easily distinguish which one it was. He leant back into his chair and picked up the book he was reading prior to his commslink messages. Today was a day for knowledge, as opposed to cutting down darksiders.
Josh gave a nod to @[member="Kiskla Grayson"] as they walkedi nto the Council chambers. Despite the damage to the temple, the chambers here seemed to be almost entirely undamaged. How that was possible was odd, but regardless... Here they were.

Patting the head of the little blue dragon on his shoulder, Josh took his seat and looked around, then at Vazela, then at John, then at Kiskla.

"Should we wait for any others, or do you think we can handle this alone?" he asked Kiskla, giving a shrug. "I know Carn's not showing, he's probably trimming his beard or something... Which takes hours. He's probably got one side trimmed and the other is so full of hair that he probably looks like a drunken dwarf. Probably doesn't want to come out like that" he joked with a small smile.

He looked over at Vazela.

"Apologies for the delay, Master Vazela. I think it's best we wait for more members of the Council to arrive before we proceed, if you can spare us the time" he said calmly, politely. His expression had changed to a serious one. This was serious business after all, jokes about the Dwarven Dista Beard aside.

@[member="Vilox Pazela"] @Syn @Carn Dista @[member="Kiskla Grayson"] @[member="Rianna Organa"] @[member="Daella Apparine"] @[member="Phylis Alince"]
| @[member="Carn Dista"] | @[member="Daella Apparine"] | @[member="Phylis Alince"] | @Iella E'ron | @[member="Syn"] | @[member="Rianna Organa"] | @[member="Kiskla Grayson"] | @[member="Josiah Denko"] |

"Of course. I came to meet with all of the High Council, not just a few Councillors." He turned towards the nearby seats and took one nearest to the door, where a Councillor would normally be found. Leaning forward slightly, resting his elbows on his knees, he said, "I have never been a Sith. I was trained by a Sith, I was raised as a Sith and I know a lot about the Sith, but never have I been of their blood. This is what makes the betrayal so easy, for the certain individual I wish to learn about from these Jedi Masters is worth the exchange of information."

"Safe in the knowledge that I am not a Sith Lord, Master DragonsFlame, that indeed, I am an enemy of the Sith Order as you are, will you allow me to leave this temple and indeed, Coruscant, after this meeting?"
Rianna tried very hard not to run, the initiates looked at her concerned, "OH it's nothing really nothing" Another last minute meeting why? She stopped you know there was a better way to do this, Rianna headed to her office, and activated the holo. flickering blue image appeared in her seat on the council.

She folded her hands, and then greeted each of the others with a small nod, she looked over the council room. Now what was this about again. She looked over in the room where she sat physically the interns peeked in as if there were some grand secret to a meeting, Rianna closed her door with a wave of a hand meetings were private matters .
| @Carn Dista | @Daella Apparine | @Phylis Alince | @Iella E'ron | @Syn | @Rianna Organa | @Kiskla Grayson | @Josiah Denko |
[OOC: Well, it would appear nobody else on the council is interested in turning up, so I guess I'll stop being an inactive twit and get this story going.]

Leave his question hanging in the air without no reply, the hooded Dark Master surveyed each face before talking. "I've come before all of you because there is someone I wish to learn more about. Someone that the Jedi Order sent away to infiltrate the Sith and consequentially, this same person rose to the position of Empress. Some know her as Empress Decimus and others, on a more personal level know her as..."

"...Ashin Varanin."
Kiskla didn't look impressed. This was old news to her, for Ashin had purposely requested that the young Councillor meet her on Necropolis to trade secrets. And a secret, it would remain unspoken from Kiskla's lips.
She took her debts seriously and therefore, she redirected the conversation.

Cerulean gaze dropped from Vilox's hooded face to his toes, as if sizing him up and weighing his worth.

"And this affects us how?" The blonde asked, bringing her eyes back up "And how do you know this?".

"You said you had stories of The Sith, perhaps you could go into those and forgo the dramatics."

@[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] | @[member="Rianna Organa"] | @[member="Vilox Pazela"]
@[member="Vilox Pazela"] sorry! Your notification never went through. If it takes me a while to respond, please PM. Thank you!

"Is it?" Kiskla asked, her light brow quirked at the relaxed façade of the dark Jedi. She had missed that portion of his dialogue, for some reason, but now her writer could see it. Whoops! Nobody had answered his question about leaving safely, however, and therefore he had little sway nor persuasive tactics in his pockets.

"My apologies, but considering you approached us might I suggest you share an ounce from your wealth of information? You're assuming we have knowledge on a subject, as we are to assume what you have to share is of concern to us. What do you know about The Sith that could benefit The Republic?"

@[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] | @[member="Rianna Organa"]
Josh remained silent, simply nodding.

"I don't know much of, or know Ashin personally" the Grandmaster said calmly. "I will stay out of this, and the vote for it. Kiskla, Rianna, and any other member of the Council that comes in here.... The floor is yours. I will remain as an overseer to this meeting" he said calmly as he relaxed back in his seat, giving the floor to @[member="Kiskla Grayson"], @[member="Rianna Organa"] and @[member="Vilox Pazela"].

But was he really telling the truth? What if he knew more about Ashin then he was letting on? After all, he had met with Ashin before for negotiations between the Republic and Fringe before... For now, the Grandmaster kept his cards to his chest. How much did Vazela know about the Sith?
Rianna had heard some of the things about Ashin Varanin but what could she offer this individual who as it had been pointed out, requested a meeting with them. Rianna not having much to offer in the way of information sat quietly and listened gaining knowledge from all that surrounded them as she patiently thought about what could this person give to them.

"The name I know" Rianna spoke softly, "the acts I've heard of, how do we know what you offer is not something we already know?" Rianna nodded.

@[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] @[member="Kiskla Grayson"] @[member="Vilox Pazela"]
| @[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] | @[member="Kiskla Grayson"] | @[member="Rianna Organa"] |

Vilox smiled and nodded his head, before lifting gaze back to the three of them. He began to speak. "Two years ago, give or take a day, there was an event on Vjun, months prior to the Republic's invasion of Ossus and then later Korriban. I utilized a Star Destroyer that I named the Obscurity to bypass the Mandalorian navy, as the Obscurity has the ability to cloak itself from detection; and I made my way to the planet surface after arriving in the Vjun system."

"It was here that I met with a man who called himself Judas. He has gone by many other names too, according to him. Dha Buir, Dark Father, He who walks the planar gates, Darth Iscariot, Judas Escariot, the Diplomat, Antediluvian and the Remnant. He was an immensely powerful Force-sensitive who was well versed in the dark side of the Force. I knew he was powerful in the dark side because he had the ability to call upon the Force-sensitives who follow the dark side from across the galaxy. Other than me, there was at least eight others who answered his call."

He lifted his chin off his finger pyramid slightly as he continued. "After we all gathered, he revealed the existence of the Order of Black Hand. He told us that he had gathered us there as his children, who would join the Black Hand and the Grand Plan he had in place. He told us that the Black Hand had been alive for thousands of years; and had infiltrated, sabotaged and used governments for eons to do his bidding. He is immensely old and has been alive for thousands of years; and to my knowledge, is still alive, out there, plotting."

He opened up his hands in gesture to the gathered Jedi Councillors. "Did you know about this dark individual, Councillors?"

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