Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Pits of Neimoidia (OOC)


I wasn't sure if I was still on Gladiator duty, or if [member="Kur-gal Kwaad"] was taking that position. So I was just winging it, and left the prospect open lol.


I will let you two wage glorious combat to the roar of the crowd. BUT, if we need a little more spice thrown in, or you feel you want to look more awesome than Han Solo saying "I know", Groog the Gruesome can take to the sands, and you may cut him asunder. Whole story is about you after all :)
Does any Republic rescuer feel up to having Xavka fight you as you try to escape? A in, Xavka chases after you lot as you make your escape, one of you stays back to fight? Or any other reason, really? Basically, any Republic rescuer up for a fight?
Well I ran out of time to post today. So I will not be able to today. I will post ASP first chance I get. Luckily the story can continue even if I do not post just yet. Feel free to keep on post and expect to see a post from me soon!


[member="Aston Jacobs"]

I'd just like to point out I wasn't ignoring your explosion, I just thought given the size and structural architecture of the place, Six-O wouldn't notice it until alerts were set out.
Lets see, I have to go to the grocery store here in a few. When I get back I have to start to cook food before the Seahawk game tonight. I will get a post up before the game starts tonight. I just did not wish for anyone of you to think I have forgoten to post. I will have a post up! ;)

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