Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public The Nexus; a trending bar on Denon

Code Of Silence
Factory Judge
Location: Outside The Nexus; near the rear exit.
Objective: Kaboom-Crash
Aktur Seii Aktur Seii Tarsin Kenn Taezo Taezo Black Mynock Black Mynock
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Moments after she'd arrived, she'd heard the engine whine of an air-speeder as it accelerated... and then, the unmistakable sound of a collision. Not just any collision. A "Somebody just screwed up, royally" kinda collision.

The front of the building, just around the corner, was instant chaos. Ivory instinctively ducked and swiveled, dropping to a knee. Her sidearm was in her hand and primed, the small screen on the back glowing bright green - indicating it's primary mode was selected. Moving quickly, Ivory moved along the side of the building toward the front...

Peeking her head around the corner of The Nexus gave her a wide view of the street and the carnage that lay there. The entire front entrance to The Nexus had been destroyed, and while she couldn't see directly into the building, she could guess what had happened. Then, the gunfire inside the building reached her ears.

The woman's face was set in stone as she paused for a heartbeat, scanning the street - wondering what good she could do by charging into a fight which was not her own. Maybe in another life, she reasoned. An Ithorian, Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr was nearby, whom she recognized from her associations with Darkwire, but she reasoned he'd been far enough away from the immediate impact and that he didn't need assistance. If he noticed her, she'd give him a thumbs-up and hope for a positive response.

Reaching for the small datapad she typically kept strapped to her wrist, Ivory transmitted a message over the Cryptnet to her fellow Shadowrunners: "Major attack at The Nexus Bar. Unknown Contacts." That done, she backed into the alleyway further - a distinct feeling of impending contact washing over her. She would fall back into the shadows and pay attention closely to the back area and alleyway of The Nexus; securing it, as best she could. She knew the kind of people that frequented The Nexus, and she had a suspicion about who might try to crash whatever party had been going on inside.

If a friendly face showed itself, she could try to find out what had happened.

If an unfriendly face showed itself, she would do what she had to.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

After a few minutes of waiting, with Ivory tucked in the shadows, the sound of shattering glass followed by speeder alarms sounded to the rear of the building. Ivory paused for a moment, then stalked from her hiding place toward the rear of the bar.

Mercy Mercy would be extricating herself from the wreckage of the landspeeder she'd fallen upon, and the two women would be nearly face to face.

The woman looked like Ivory's type of person, so Ivory put her hands up in the universal gesture of "No Threat". If the woman ignored her and continued on, Ivory would return to the shadows. If not, then the two might converse, with Ivory asking what in the kark was going on.
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Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud

She was about to disappear into the shadows to chase new highs (that were less painful to her joints), before someone else revealed herself.

Mercy at this point was getting tired. Being tired sadly never meant being quick to give up however. Already her fists rose up in the universal boxer's challenge sign. Until Ivory's own hands went up in a distinctly less aggressive posture. For a moment longer they faced one another in a tense silence, before Mercy grunted and spit a splatter of blood to the side.

"If yar ain't with the fethin' fuzz back there," Head jerked towards the bar behind her. "-then ya should keep walking, pretty. They be hunting for all kinds of scum tonight."

A bloody grin was shot towards the other woman, before Mercy actually looked back towards the bar.

There was no one in the opening her body had created through the windows. But that didn't mean that lad or his friends weren't going to be after her in just a minute. "Well, I am outta here, if ya wanna tag along, feel free." The gesture Mercy made next could be a 'follow me then', but the way it finished with a cigarette between her fingers and then her lips?

Well, it could mean anything.

Either way, Mercy pushed past her and into the alleys.

If a conversation was to be had it would be better to do it out of the bar's sight.

Extracted myself, chief. If ya need me again just lemme know through the usual channels. - M A quick text sent to Tarsin Kenn before she finally looked back to Ivory.

"And who the kark are you anyway, didn't see you in the bar when we got there." Clearly Mercy was diplomacy herself.
Taezo continued to cover the exit, but after Tarsin Kenn sealed it that task held considerably less priority in the droid's algorithm.

"What is the next step in the escape algorithm?" Taezo would ask Aktur Seii Aktur Seii . The droid would look over at the half-Muun and recall that introductions typically improved long term interaction success with business partners.

"I am Taezo I'm sure you'll excuse if I don't shake hands and remained armed." The droid's introduction was technically polite, if syntactically cold. Such was the lot of a droid.

Aktur Seii

ᴀ sʜᴀᴅᴏᴡ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴀʀᴋ




Aktur nodded a confirmation to Tarsin Kenn and could appreciate hired help that was capable to handle situation changes. There was little doubt in the crime lord's mind that Mercy would be absolutely fine, she certainly had the skills and size to tackle basically anything short of a Wampa. And even then probably could. Nonetheless, it was time to disappear into the hidden passage that went down into the lower levels of the building foundations, where an armored vehicle waited.

One didn't part own, and occupy, a club for shady dealings on Denon and not have a secure way out, or two.

"The plan is simple, Taezo Taezo ," Aktur said with a smile, all confidence now that the passage was sealed closed. "We continue downward, until we reach a private garage, and we are presented with an assortment of armored speeders. Both of you are welcome to join me, in my own, or take another to a destination of your preference."

From ahead, Dev'us moved with purpose, as the Zabrak ran down the stairs of the passage and scouted ahead, his batons ready. He paused every so often to scan the shadows, but the passage was very enclosed and secure - it had ventilation for air supply, of course, but the flow tubes were considerably smaller due to the narrow escape way necessitating it; so, no obvious Force users in masks haunting the space, Aktur surmised.

"I apologize for the interruption," Aktur continued as he glanced back to Tarsin and Taezo. Both were individuals he had planned to speak with about business, and while the former had essentially concluded the meeting, it stood to reason the slender alien's exit had been hindered. "It seems the Nexus has some security flaws. I'll be sure to pass the message onto the head of security... and then inform his replacement to rectify the issues."

The crime lord knew that the backups of all the holo-footage had been collected by this point, so there was certainly enough to start an investigation. But, until the group were away, it stood to reason to maintain awareness - and the best part about being the species he was, Aktur could sense those with a Life Force from a considerable distance away...

In fact... it seems Mercy Mercy might be overhead at this very moment.

Aktur continued to follow Dev'us, the garage wasn't far away, nor were the several armored speeders...



The crowd began to disperse as the numerous response speeders flew in low for a landing near the Nexus frontage. Alarms were blaring, and when the CorpSec vehicles touched down, a dozen officers bailed out of the heavily armored transports and began to establish a security perimeter. A tall female humanoid, dressed in CorpSec plastoid plate, stepped out last and looked around; and on seeing the crowd, even if they had backed off some, she called out in a commanding voice:

"If you are not a witness, did not see what happened, and are here to watch out of curiosity... leave. This is now a CorpSec matter!"

The officers began to assess the damage to the club, when blaster fire was heard from within. The commander waved her hand for the other CorpSec to regroup, as she then gripped her blaster rifle in both hands, and activated the protective cover on her helmet - as it slid into place over her face - and ordered:

"Fall in, we're entering the premises. Blasters set to stun, formation sigma-one-one, form a wedge and take down any reported masked hostiles. On me!"

The dozen CorpSec entered the club, stepped through the debris and destroyed front entry, and began scanning for the masked attackers from the report sent to base...

Gluk, Stock, and Two Smoking Lasers
"If you are not a witness, did not see what happened, and are here to watch out of curiosity... leave. This is now a CorpSec matter!"

Busking on the corner, Jerec had seen plenty. Since CorpSec had zero (0) ways to distinguish 'a witness' from 'not a witness,' however, and since Jerec was not a snitch and moreover had a healthy apprehension toward law enforcement, he shambled off nondescriptly with the other rubberneckers.

Once he was out of sight, down the alleys, and somewhere else entirely, he took a moment to send Cassus Akovin Cassus Akovin and Daiya Daiya a concise account of all that had transpired. Pseudo-Jedi vigilantes had crashed a speeder into the Nexus, a trending bar, and begun distributing bloodshed inside. He'd sensed a significant amount of pain through the Force. CorpSec had taken a while to show up, and were currently wading into the brawl between the vigilantes and local underworld enforcers. All in all, it seemed like the kind of thing Darkwire ought to know about.

Code Of Silence
Factory Judge
Mercy Mercy

Ivory picked up the motion, recognizing the other woman's battered appearance for what it was. This woman was clearly a fighter, and if she was walking away, that must have meant the other one wasn't. She figured discretion was the better part of valor and decided to tag along - at least for the moment. She especially didn't like the sound of approaching sirens - CorpSec, no doubt.

The least of their worries, clearly, notwithstanding whomever Mercy was leaving behind.

The raven-haired rebel fell in-step with the tough looking bruiser as they slipped into the darkness.

"The name's Ivory. I just showed up, ready to go in for a drink and dinner, when everything got loud. Glad I wasn't inside when that speeder hit." As they walked, the woman's head swung back around to check over their shoulder at the building - on-guard, but she stowed the large-caliber revolver back in her coat.

"What did you mean, hunting scum? What the kark happened in there?" She asked, eyes narrowed. If somebody had hit The Nexus looking for Criminals, it would have been a shooting spree... It was probably still going on as they spoke, but Ivory was no hero. The sirens had mostly abated, which likely meant CorpSec was on-scene. The sooner they got off the street, the safer they'd be.
Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud

If Mercy had known she was walking above the striding figures of Aktur Seii Aktur Seii and Tarsin Kenn she would probably have stomped her feet a bit louder.

Just for good measure you understand.

"Ya must be the most lucky schutta this side of town then." Mercy drawled as they slipped into the alleyway. Each step taking them a bit further away from the absolute chitfest that was the Nexus. "Ivory, huh? Fancy arse name." Tipping her head to the madam, before drawing out a cigarette herself and lighting it up in one move.

The smoke clearing in settled any lingering nerves.

"Mercy." A thumb thrust at her own chest. Not that Ivory had asked, but someone like Mercy didn't believe people weren't at least marginally interested in who she was.

"Some sorta vigilantes stormed the place, Iv." Already using abbreviations and nicknames, because that was simply how comfortable Mercy was with herself and those around her. Even if they weren't. Hell, especially if they weren't, which only made Mercy more stubborn. "Dunno who they were aligned with, but at least one of 'em used the Force like it was candy at a kid's school."

"Seemed to be more focused on capturing folk than killing 'em tho, so maybe they were looking for hostages."

Mercy shrugged however, because 'thinking' wasn't really in the promised package of "Mercy's Mercenary Services". That part was handled by Tarsin tonight and probably someone else another night.
Code Of Silence
Factory Judge
A smirk crawled across Ivory's face. Mercy Mercy definitely had a way with words. Nobody had ever called her name "fancy" - Ivory was already starting to like this one.

As Mercy explained what had transpired inside The Nexus, Ivory checked behind them again. The alleyway was devoid of life aside from the pair of criminals.

Hostages? There were only a few of their type in Denon who'd be worth creds. Aktur Seii Aktur Seii was one, but the man had a reputation. Whomever decided it would be a good idea to attempt to capture him, on friendly ground, was either desperate or exceedingly stupid.

"The Force, huh? You think they were Jedi?" A thought suddenly struck her - Mercy didn't seem all that concerned with the event, and it was clear she wasn't fleeing for her life. If Mercy had faced a force-wielder and walked away...

Maybe this woman had hidden depths. The two might have had more in common then Ivory realized.

They rounded another corner and Ivory shoved her hands in the pockets of her coat, taking on the persona of two friends out for a nightly stroll. Through a rough neighborhood. At night. CorpSec might give them a second look, but the pair would be avoided like the blackwing plague by unsavory types such as they.

"I dunno about you... But I could use that drink."
Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud

"Jedi?" Expression grew thoughtful there as she pulled lightly from her cigarette. "Sure, could be. They 'ad that optimistic soft boy routine goin' for 'em." Mercy thought back to Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze , while glancing over to Ivory. Yeah, she had no difficulty imagining that one in burlap and sanctimonious attitude to boot.

"But eh, they dun' pay me to think. Up to the big boys up top to figure out who did the attacking an' what they wanna do about it."

Easier that way.

Sure, Mercy wasn't the stupid rock boulder that most people assumed she was, but more often than not she enjoyed slipping into that role. Nothing complicated. Just smash face, collect pay and drink the night away.

Which, speaking of- "Ivory, babe, I can always use a drink." She stretched lightly once more. "I know a good haunt pretty near 'ere, unless ya prefer a joint yarself?" Questioning look over to Ivory. If she indicated in the negative, Mercy would lead on. If Ivory had a place herself in mind Mercy would do the following role.

"I assume ya paying for mah rounds tho, since I left mah wallet at home."

Not untrue either.

She assumed she'd be working tonight, instead of being in a shoot-out followed by a bail-out.
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Code Of Silence
Factory Judge
Ivory grinned at Mercy Mercy 's description. She hadn't met the person, but that "optimistic soft boy" would be fun to toy with. Chock one tic on the "Incredibly Stupid" counter; only a wet-behind-the-ears farm boy would crash an Underworld Party and think they'd live long enough to see the next day. She imagined there weren't many of those on Denon... it'd definitely be a dead giveaway.

As-for Mercy, Ivory couldn't help but see the woman's rough edge as charming. "You left your wallet... Imagine that." She quipped. Ivory swayed as the two walked side by side, bumping the bruiser with a shoulder then flashing the muscled warrior a genuine & playful grin. "You lead, I'll follow."

"And yes, I'm buying."

Dinner and a drink, it would seem, was still on the agenda... and she'd found what seemed to be a kindred soul to enjoy it with.
Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud

She chuckled at the reaction and bump.

"What can I say, ma'am, I get forgetful sometimes. Especially when it is beneficial to me." Really only when it was beneficial to her. Even if in this case it wasn't entirely fabricated. She brought a few chits with her, but on the job? It was better not to carry around a whole luggage of cash and identification with you.

That could land you in hot water.

On the other hand even if those CorpSec boys weren't busy making a big circle around them right now, they wouldn't have been able to identify her whatsoever.

They slid into one of her regular haunts next.

The Tempest was a nice place. The kind of neutral zone cops and vigilantes usually avoided. Any shadowrunner, mercenary and street samurai worth their salt had been here once or twice. To take a job, to give out a job, recruit people. Anything that had to do with the life underneath and on the streets.

"The beer's good, but their whiskey is to die for." Mercy muttered over to Ivory over the noise of the music.
Code Of Silence
Factory Judge
Ivory stuck close to the tall bruiser, following her inside the bar - "The Tempest..." she muttered under her breath. She hadn't heard of the place, but liked it immediately. The hum of activity was promising; it meant they'd be able to blend into the crowd and hopefully avoid the action they'd just escaped. She'd have to ask Daiya about this place sometime... Maybe it was a good gig to make a regular haunt. Mercy made it sound so.
"The beer's good, but their whiskey is to die for." Mercy muttered over to Ivory over the noise of the music
She leaned in close as Mercy Mercy spoke over the music, flashing her a grin.

"Whiskey, it is." She took the lead, then - stepping in front and weaving through the hustle to reach the bar. She'd buy the first round.

Ivory jostled her way into the huddled mass one would commonly find in any popular establishment. A credit-chit held between two fingers, tapping rhythmically on the bartop, sought to catch the attention of the first bartender who looked her way.

She threw Mercy a questioning look, and would let her companion order for the two of them - clearly, Mercy knew better than she what was good.

Whatever the woman suggested, Ivory would request. On a whim, she decided to order doubles... She figured, after Mercy's scrap, she could use the pain killer.
Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud

"Yarp, good place to be, babe." Over her shoulder as she cleaved a way through the crowd. It was not difficult whatsoever. For one, they already knew her and didn't have any expectations that Mercy would step to the side. Second, even when people didn't know her... well... this one wasn't especially subtle about her intentions.

Didn't mean Mercy wasn't appreciative when Ivory took the lead halfway through.

Mostly 'cus it gave her a good view and the intention of free drinks were even better. "Solari Crimson." Murmured as they settled in for the wait. "It's eighty percent whiskey and twenty percent... well, they advertise it as blood, but am pretty sure it's just blood-tomato." As if Mercy was an expert on the taste of blood.

Then again.

One more look at her and you weren't too sure if she wasn't.

"So, fancy Ivory, whatcha doin' on the streets of Denon at this hour? I figure yar ain't up to any good, are ya?" Smiling as she waited for their drinks to arrive.
Code Of Silence
Factory Judge
The rebel woman flashed Mercy Mercy a grin, turning to the bartender that finally approached them. "Solari Crimson. Two doubles." She cooed over the music. "Sounds delicious." She replied as the bartender went into motion.

"Honestly, I was just out for a drink and a meal..." She laughed musically, flashing a look at her companion. "But we both know, plans rarely work out so easily. The last thing I expected was for a speeder to come blasting through the Nexus. I left my bike back there... But it'll be fine."

Two glasses were placed before the two women. They glowed a deep crimson in the dim lighting, looking exactly like blood, as Mercy had described.

Ivory passed one of the glasses to the taller warrior and took one for herself. She lifted it aloft, offering a toast: "To new friends, and chance encounters."

She hoped the toast was met with approval and took a drink. The flavor tasted like fire-roasted tomatoes and pleasantly burned.

"What about you? What were you doing, before all hell broke loose? Working?"

She wondered what her new friend might say. She was curious, now that they were safe, what exactly had transpired that had gotten Mercy into a fight.
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Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud

Brows raised there but Mercy took it in strides.

It was sometimes difficult to remember that Denon was a whole planet. It wasn't just scum an' villainy. Folks bustled around, were doing their own thing, from grocery shopping to having dates. It wasn't all secret shadowy jobs. Assassinations an' smuggling. "Dun' think the Nexus is the best play for jus' a drink an' meal, ma'am."

Couldn't help herself but tease just a little bit however.

She took the glass and was surprised when Ivory did a toast. Appreciative though. "New friends an' chance encounters," Agreed easily and tipping the glass back in one shot. Putting down the glass Mercy smiled and streeeetched slowly. Enjoying the warmth spreading through her veins.

There was still pain beating just under skin, but it was a distant memory now.

"Mhm, working..." Nodding along there before shrugging. "Am a merc. Was guarding someone busy with a meeting. Made sure they had enough time to get outta there once chit hit the fan."

Brows furrowed again.

"If it were Jedi though... fethers getting bold, jus' karking breaching into a bar like they own the planet."

Sure, Denon was part of the Galactic Alliance, but that didn't give the Jedi the right to strut around as if they owned every piece and corner of it.
Code Of Silence
Factory Judge
"Dun' think the Nexus is the best play for jus' a drink an' meal, ma'am."
True enough, Ivory figured. She was only telling half the truth - She'd known certain elements called The Nexus a home of sorts, and she'd been hoping to make connections. Aktur Seii Aktur Seii had a reputation for being a power player on Denon, and she'd considered the possibility of attempting to make contact.
Mhm, working..." Nodding along there before shrugging. "Am a merc. Was guarding someone busy with a meeting. Made sure they had enough time to get outta there once chit hit the fan."
And suddenly, it all clicked into place. Ivory threw a knowing glance at Mercy Mercy , which the woman would easily catch, then she took another sip from her glass. The taste was growing on her.

"I've never known Jedi to be so bold... Maybe it was a lone wolf. Total disregard for human life isn't the Jedi way." She spoke as-if she knew much more on the subject than she let on, but didn't elaborate.

"This person you were protecting... It wouldn't happen to be a power player, would it?"

Her tone was conversational, but those that traveled in similar circles would understand a criminal asking these sorts of questions. Information and connections (on any world in the Galaxy) were valuable. The music swelled in volume for a moment and Ivory took a moment to lean in, expecting an answer to her question. If the conversation continued, she'd indicate a private booth so the two could continue in private.

Force Users, Jedi or not, concerned the woman for reasons she'd be disinclined to share.
Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud

"Could be. Maybe." She wasn't sure about it though. There had been a couple of them. Two on their floor and presumably another one that crashed the speeder into the front of the building.

Three Jedi converging on one crime-infested building at the same time?

That didn't smell like lone-wolf coincidence. No, that was some straight-up planning chit. Which begged the question... why would a bunch of Jedi care so much about a single meet-up place in the middle of Denon? Mercy didn't know. Truth to be told it made her head hurt too. It was why she preferred to leave the planning to other people.

S'long as she was being paid? Eh, who gave a chit.

Mercy looked up from her glass again when Ivory asked that second question though. A lazy smirk there as she caught Stroud's drift. "Daaarling, how can I ever give up an employer like that?" Murmured with obvious mirth and amusement.

"I need at least-" And she took the other shot glass ordered by Ivory and tipped it over. "-ten more like it, before I risk doing chit like that."

Oh, this one might look like a sentient walking piece of muscle, but there were gears calculating behind the shades. Clearly she wouldn't give up secrets like that so easily... or maybe at all. Who knew? "A power-player though... hm." Thoughtful as Mercy pondered on Tarsin Kenn and just how well that label would fit him.

"Naw, wouldn't say so." Ouch. "Pays well, on time an' without chit, but..."

She rubbed her jaw there.

"Not ambitious enough to be a power-player. Unlike... you." Sweet wink there as she indicated awareness there. Fancy Ivory wasn't jus' Ivory. That much Mercy was certain of.
Code Of Silence
Factory Judge
"Daaarling, how can I ever give up an employer like that?" Murmured with obvious mirth and amusement.

"I need at least-" And she took the other shot glass ordered by Ivory and tipped it over. "-ten more like it, before I risk doing chit like that."
Ivory grinned, turning toward the same bartender who'd originally taken their order. She raised her nearly-empty glass and called out over the music: "Hey! Ten more of the same!" The man, who'd been pouring a drink for another patron, looked over at the pair and failed to supress a scowl - but when he finished, he moved toward the array of bottles behind the bar to retrieve a fresh bottle of the same reddish whiskey Mercy had suggested.

Ivory looked down at her glass, swirling the contents as Mercy contemplated her prior question. The music in the bar continued and Ivory glanced about - marking faces, positions, and people. Nobody was paying any attention to the duo.

Unlike... you."
The sudden change in attention made Ivory do a double-take. She'd been leaning an elbow on the bar, finishing the last bit of her drink in the moments before the bartender delivered their refills - but she looked at Mercy Mercy , catching the grin and wink. As-if she were a child caught with her hand in the sweets-jar, Ivory returned the grin. She was honestly caught off guard in that moment... but recovered quickly.

"Me? Why, Mercy... Whatever do you mean?" She threw it back, turning toward the sudden appearance of the bartender delivering two fresh glasses as well as a fresh & full bottle of Solari Crimson. With a flair, the raven-haired woman produced another credit chit and handed it over - paying for the bottle plus a healthy tip. Like any bar, the best way to a bartender's heart was creds in their pocket.
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Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud

Mercy laughed in surprise at the quick order.

"Oh, ma'am, yar certainly a determined one." She took down another drink and mm'ed at the burn. It couldn't really hurt to get her in touch with Tarsin Kenn she reckoned. Maybe the chief would even thank her for facilitating it. Ivory seemed someone you could do good business with, no? But it would be better to feel things out a bit.

If she was awkward about it the old Muun wouldn't thank her. Maybe even sicc some dogs on her instead.

"C'mon now, Ivvy." Drawled lazily as she took down another drink.

"Dun' be so modest. I schmoooozed with plenty o' the power to recognize it when it be sitting right next to me." Mercy elbowed Ivory from the side in a gentle fashion. Then again, Mercy's gentle fashion was still enough to cause most people to be pushed at least a bit off-balance. "Tell ya what... ya be straight with me... and I will be straight witcha."

A tad more serious as she polished off a third shot.

It went down like karking water, how did she do that?

"Who knows, mebbe I can facilitate some good business... with someone who talks straight an' bluntly." Since that was exactly what Mercy respected in these sort of deals.
Code Of Silence
Factory Judge
"Dun' be so modest. I schmoooozed with plenty o' the power to recognize it when it be sitting right next to me." Mercy elbowed Ivory from the side in a gentle fashion. Then again, Mercy's gentle fashion was still enough to cause most people to be pushed at least a bit off-balance. "Tell ya what... ya be straight with me... and I will be straight witcha."
Ivory reached out, picking up the fresh bottle and pouring Mercy Mercy a fresh glass first, then pouring her own. She cleared her throat slightly - the sound covered by the music. This was definitely not how she considered her night progressing... but it was a welcome & pleasent surprise. Mercy was right, of course. The Donna was powerful.

She lifted the fresh glass to her lips and took a sip, closing her eyes and feeling the whiskey on her palate - tasting every note, marking the distinct herbal flavor. She took a moment as Mercy continued to appreciate the seconds tick away... Ivory was completely present (though already buzzed enough to feel her lips loosen).
"Who knows, mebbe I can facilitate some good business... with someone who talks straight an' bluntly." Since that was exactly what Mercy respected in these sort of deals.
"Alright, Mercy." She said, setting her glass down on the bar. Ivory licked her lips, her face impassive for a moment - almost business-like, before glancing up at the powerfully-built bruiser with a smile. She appreciated the woman's charm and directness - it was a rare trait for their chosen profession, and one she was more than happy to capitalize on. The surrounding environs were more than welcoming to discuss business.

"I guess you shoot straight." She swirled the contents of her glass and took another sip. The spirit was already doing its work. She'd have to order a few bottles to keep around. "Say I've got a Family Business... and that Family doesn't mind hard work and getting their hands dirty. Say, I could make a call right now, ask a few people to show up at this bar, and clear the place out for our own little party. Say I can make things happen on Coruscant, and here on Denon. Is that the kinda business we're talking?"
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