Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The New Jedi Order

Her hands tightened at her side.​
This was something new for Aela, something she'd never thought would happen, something that seemed utterly foreign to her.​
She was part of a Jedi Order.​
It had seemed unlikely since she was fourteen, impossible even. Yet here she was, calmly wearing the robes of a Jedi, her lightsaber tucked away, and her hair put into a tight braid. She stood tall and proud upon the dais, looking at the crowd before her as the new temple sat behind her. Beside her stood Grand Marshal Omai Rhen, the man who had brought all this together, the man who was founding this Order.​
"Today we gather for a single purpose, we gather for the founding of a New Jedi Order, and Order that will stand for Peace. For the tenants of old and new. For everything good and just in the galaxy!"
Master Omai spoke quickly, but with an odd flare that made Aela want to listen to more. The aged man had seen many things in his life time, and as he began to speak of the future, as he outlined the path of the New Jedi Order, Aela couldn't help but feel hope.​
"Together, together we will do what so many have tried to do. We will sever the control of the Sith, we will push forward, and we will protect the innocent. With me at your front, my Marshall's at my back, and you behind there's, I promise you we can do this. We will help the people of this galaxy."
She smiled slightly, stiffening as he mentioned her and the other Marshall's, feeling an odd weight of responsibility. Yet as he finished, a roar ran through the crowd, a cheer.​
"This Temple..."
He motioned towards the structure behind himself.​
"...Will be the first of many, our Order is new now, but in a months time we'll thrive!"
Another cheer as Omai finished his speech, the old man smiling down at the gathered Jedi. Aela looked over to him, watching him as she descended from the dais and began to move among those he had gathered here. Aela smiled, and then quickly followed suite, eager to meet those that had come.​
The Jedi are the guardians of civilization, yet do not allow civilization to destroy needlessly.
~ Jedi Tenets

Jedi knight Adele Adonnai stood at the sidelines. Her white and silver threaded robes lay gently over her short full figure, the cowl over her head covering the blonde locks and horns that distinguished her as an Iridonian. The only tell tale signs were that of the violet tattoos delicately framing her pale visage.

There were many in addendance, many due to their own reasonings. She was here because of a vision. The Force works in mysterious ways, and on this, the New Jedi Order, perhaps would be willed by the Force. For the present time, the Zabrak female will stand and wait in the sidelines.

Patience was a virtue the twice dead healer had in spades.
Ok, so we all know the Starchasers are pretty much the worst Force family in existence. But sometimes one felt the need to reclaim their Jedi heritage, over their ‘designated to hunt dark siders’ path. She was once a part of the Galactic Republic’s Jedi Order and the Levantine Sanctum’s Order, it wasn’t until Aela Talith created the Covenant that she felt like she finally belonged. With the Covenant, it made sense.

There was darkness in the galaxy and someone needed to do more than sit around and pow-wow about it. The Starchaser made her way to the meeting, and was very excited from the way it sounded that Grand Marshal Omai Rhen spoke. It was also refreshing that he was some Grand Marshal, a leader, and not a Grand Master, a ruler, and dictator. That latter one just didn’t sit well.

Sure, she didn’t do the robe thing, but she had a tan jacket on, instead of her favored olive drab. And listening, she smiled. Someone was finally going to take the fight to the Sith, and that meant she was going to be there.

They were going down.

Roth Tillian

Roth stood along the edge of the cheering crowd, weight on one leg with one hand hooked through his blaster grip and the other on his lightsaber handle. This was an interesting going on. He'd never actually seen the foundation of any Force orders. His own had been existence for almost nine-hundred years, although it had struggled through that time. It was an unfortunate part of being a small, system-based order rather than a galactic scale one like the Jedi. This one would be interesting, and he wasn't sure what the Saarai-Kar would think of this. Based on historical records, it had seemed like there was a time the Jensaarai and the New Jedi Order coexisted together peacefully under Luke Skywalker. Then the Jensaarai got forced in Krayt's empire, but they all tried to forget that happened.

Hopefully that would not happen this time. He'd do whatever possible to prevent it, anyways. Veino would, of course, and Roth had to admit that wasn't something to sneeze at. Or wouldn't be, if Veino would just get back to Susefvi instead of tromping around the galaxy with the Underground doing who knows what. Probably stuff the Saarai-kar would frown on. That Roth approved of. Good to see Veino turning into a rules breaker that did it productively instead of what he used to do. Granted, a lot of that was Roth's fault, but still.

Roth decided to try a little something here, just to see what would happen. He took a deep breath, centered himself in the stillness of the Force. He always pictured it as deep space far from any celestial bodies. That was where he belonged, and so, that was how he pictured the Force. Then he started sending his Force presence diffusing through the presences of those around him. It was easy, since there were a lot of them to blend into. Hopefully it'd make much harder to see through the Force. Now he'd just have to see what effect it would have, if any.
The age of being moved by words had long passed for this particular Jedi Master. Not to say that the vision wasn't enthralling or that the enthusiasm fell on deaf ears. But Relit had learned to temper his spirits in an effort to remove emotion from response, to approach this vision and plan with objectivity. The Galactic Republic, that union of Jedi and Politics, only revealed to Relit that age old proverb: the tree that doesn't bend, breaks. And like a leaf on the wind, descending from that trunk infested with heart rot, Relit found himself within the grace of the New Jedi Order.

He listened to the words intently. If one didn't know, they might assume he was merely a well armed pauper. That wasn't an entirely unfair assessment. Without money, living off the vagabond charity of those whom he helped, rags was an appropriate characterization of his clothing. He had spent enough time in space, alone and wandering, that the utterance of his name was almost entirely foreign.

And that was the beauty of this proposition: the name, the individual, that didn't matter - only the mission and the purpose. No more time wasted on differences of ideology or interpretation of code. Of course, Relit was a strict follower of the Jedi Code - but that was a chaste placement of structure put on himself, not others. It was time for the Jedi to learn to govern themselves.

With arms crossed and emerald eyes hidden behind dark glasses, he watched quietly as the Grand Marshall spoke with the Temple of Sullust in the backdrop.

What a wonderful day, he thought, as he scratched the beard on his face - resembling mange more than facial hair. He was unkempt to say the least.
Jacen watched the fire in the old Master's eyes as he spoke. That same look had been what convinced him to pack his bags back at the bank vault. Grand Marshal Rhen was powerful, decisive and experienced. Voidstalker wore what was becoming the uniform of the New Jedi Order. The brown robes were typical, but the durasteel breast plat and pauldrons were not. The Galactic Alliance icon was etched on his left breast, his rank on the right. This was an order forged in war.

He nodded towards the Talith girl as she walked down towards the crowd. She looked such a delicate thing, but there was a hardness there. There was a stern nature not shared by her younger brother. Perhaps it was simply being the eldest sibling on a renowned family. Despite that, Jacen still liked having some more experienced faces around. War could be a terrifying, ugly place. Experience counted for a lot. The skilled novice often found that their abilities abandoned them in the most stressful of scenarios.
Chevu Visz was the youngest Jedi Marshall in the New Jedi Order. The Mirialan Force adept wasn't sure exactly how or why she was chosen, but [member="Coren Starchaser"], like the Force, worked in mysterious ways. Perhaps Commander Starchaser, Jedi Marshall [member="Aela Talith"], and the Grand Marshall Omai Rhen saw something in her that she herself did not. Lately, the Mirialan's life seemed like several tangentially linked coincidences coming together like an event horizon. Still, as insecure and unsure as she felts sometimes, one conviction was always ironclad. The festering plague of the Sith must be stopped. She, like the others who had gathered here at the Sullust temple, hoped that the New Jedi Order was the salve.

Hearing Master Rhen speak on the dais gave her chills. Her thoughts flickered to her Master, withering away in his sleeper, debilitated and weak from some kind of Sullustan illness that eluded a cure. Chevu only wished he could be here to see history being made with the Galactic Alliance. He would be proud. Of her, of them all. Guilt consumed her. She should be by his side, blast it! She let out a long sigh, and hoped that her worry did not show on her face.

Instead of Jedi robes, Chevu wore on a leather fight jacket and tan pants, looking more like a smuggler than a Jedi Knight. She had begun to embrace Starchaser's influence of more casual clothing over the stifling brown robes of the Jedi. Could Master Rhen or Master Talith tell from her signature that she had been dabbling in quasi dark-sided powers? She wondered if they would be having words with her about it, but supposed that if she were wielding forbidden powers, that Mast...Commander Starchaser would be the one taken to task for it. Even though she was a Jedi Marshall, the young Mirialan was still technically under his wing.

[member="Relit Vandal"] [member="Roth Tillian"] [member="Kaia Starchaser"] [member="Adele Adonai"]
Cyril was getting old.

Not in the literal sense, he was only approaching his mid-thirties, but it seemed his generation had came and passed. All of these children, no, young adults gathered around calling themselves Jedi. What right did they have? What trials had they been put through?

Yet, hadn't he been an eager young man not so long ago? Had he not felt his heart swell with pride and charged with purpose into the howling dark? Cyril Grayson had no place to judge.

He watched from the center of the room in a throng of strangers. He'd dressed for the part; donning the traditional robes his master had gifted him upon reaching knighthood so long ago. His beard had been neatly trimmed, and the many lightsabers that hung from his hip were on display. They were not trophies; they were mementos from fallen friends, and daunting enemies. Each held a piece of him, and when he was not walking into a warzone, he made an effort to carry them with him. He remained stoic as the Grand Marshal spoke, lips parting with each word as if he could find someway to poke holes in the man's speech. He formulated ridiculous grievances and illogical complaints with each word. He did not mean to undermine the man; Cyril was just pessimistic about this whole shebang.

His private concerns were dashed away when the Grand Marshal spoke. For once, a Jedi with experience and the years to think on it had decided to take up the mantle of leadership. Given recent events - with Sith Lords recently redeemed just months ago being made council members in the Republic - it was refreshing. The words did not stir Cyril as he would have liked. He'd heard the same speech before, hell, he'd given it numerous times. It had always proved a fruitless endeavor. Of course, that did not mean he did not believe the Grand Marshal. He'd left his family behind to join this movement; not that there was much family left.

His sister had been right. He had no purpose, no friends, colleagues or those he could call family save for blood ties. His life since Kashyyyk had been a destructive spiral downward lined with regrets and what-ifs. Perhaps here he could do something beneficial. Perhaps he might finally find a home. If the Grand Marshal's words were true, he might even be able to restore the grand temple on Ession, in honor of the Jedi Knights who were slaughtered in its defense.

Those words gave the errant Jedi Master some form of hope. Perhaps this New Jedi Order would bring about the change others had failed to deliver on. If so, then Cyril would see it through, and if not, he would die trying.
Na'Varro merely observed from the corner of the room, arms folded and frown creased into his brow. He'd been here before. Many times, he'd been here before. Beginnings full of hope, but the result had rarely satisfied. These kind of things tended to peter out towards the halfway point of the second innings, so to speak. Master Omai was a convincing and passionate speaker, however, and Master Na'Varro noted that with interest. Maybe this will work ... then again, maybe not. But the important thing was, these people, these Jedi were hanging off his every word. They believed, and if they all believed ... well, anything was possible. They might even convince the grizzled veteran and former Sith Lord to believe as well.

He wore their robes and battle armour. He wore their emblem, and he wore his rank as part of their armed forces. He was here to fight, and to help these people in any way he could. He was here to be a man his daughter could be proud of.

These days, Alen Na'Varro was a sucker for lost causes.
By virtue of unusual heritage, by the draw of his very blood, the seer knew he had to be here, if only for possibility and chances. The Force spoke to him, in its ways, of that which may or may not come to pass. It was for the sins of his line, to which he had been conspirator since time immemorial, that he now looked to the darkness that inhabited the depths and breadths of this galaxy and envisioned the day that such evils could be whittled down to almost-nothing, even if it ended him. Almost-nothing, for he was realistic in his assessment: the light could not exist without the darkness, and vice-versa.

Of good orators, many lived in the memories encapsuled in his mind; Master Omai was as convincing with his passion, and though the seer felt that the words spoken had the tinge of things prophetic, it was the way the world looked through his eyes and the future was always, always in motion. His mind was always working, drawing comparisons with and connections to that which he had seen, 'seen', and heard before - this was the first step. Later would come a search through the many, many journals he had filled and digitized since he was but a padawan; so long, that was so long ago it seemed like a dream to think of.

He would follow this surge with watchful interest, and would do everything in his power to assure the achievement of what was to be done, if and when the time came.
She talked for a long time, or what seemed like a long time.

Most who were here were already convinced that they were doing the right thing, most who were here already knew what they wanted from this New Jedi Order. It helped make things easier, it helped things move along in the correct path. Aela had never thought that she would be in this position. Sure the Covenant had grown steadily, but this, this was something else entirely. It was bigger than her, bigger than anything she could have built.

There was a part of her that was glad for that, glad that some of the responsibility she had had to bear was finally lifted from her shoulders. Of course, new weight had been added since then, but it seemed lesser.

With a smile she wandered through the crowd, greeting, speaking, watching as Grand Marshall Omai Rhen did the exact same thing. He introduced himself to some of the older Jedi in the crowd, shaking their hands and assuring them of their decision and the path the New Jedi Order would take. A few times Aela saw recognition bloom in his eyes, a smile pulling at the old man's lips.

She wondered just how many people here had come from the Old Orders.
Kaia didn’t deal much with Aela one on one, preferring the other Talith, Kaili, for company. But she did follow the leader of the Super Secret Treehouse Gang, the Covenant, and her father’s suggestion that she bring herself to the Galactic Alliance. And with their Jedi Order not being something like the Republic was running with, or the Silver Jedi, she felt at home here. It was… new, it was fresh, and it was going to be about action and not sitting in a hippie drum circle.

When she saw Aela coming into the crowd, she made her way over, still looking nothing like a Jedi should and waved. “Is the rest of the crew coming over?” She hoped so. It would be nice to keep everyone together, and the Covenant and Grand Marshal Rhen’s ideas were on the same track.

And launching Jedi in fighters out of the Wandering Star? What could be better?
[member="Aela Talith"], [member="Adele Adonai"], [member="Relit Vandal"], [member="Jacen Voidstalker"], [member="Chevu Visz"], [member="Cyril Grayson"], [member="Alen Na'Varro"], [member="Jannik Morlandt"], [member="Kaia Starchaser"]

Somewhere near the back of the crowd, a much darker figure stood, listening to the words of the Jedi that stood with a grandeur of a speech, though felt no honor in the words that entered his ears. Instead, amusement caressed his soul, and made his lips slit into a devil grin. Dressed in a tight black outfit of leather, Romeo's hair was becoming more white than black now, but his eyes remained their blood red.​
He wondered how many felt his presence, if anyone did at all. The Alliance had grabbed him by his collar, yanked him in, and now he was apart of a coexistence of people. This was merely a observation of what kind of order the Alliance was bringing to the galaxy. Romeo pulled in his presence, not wanting to be noticed by anyone that maybe of a threat to his well being. Jedi were, after all, keen to trying to arrest the Shadow King, but they always failed to do so. And now, he was their ally, whether they liked it or not.​
He clapped slowly, only to amuse the Jedi in their ideals of honor, and holier than thou attitudes. Nothing seemed different to him, they still looked like Jedi, talked like Jedi, and moved liked Jedi. Seemed nothing would ever change. He continued to dig his darkness deep inside, though anyone really trying to find a darksider would probably find him. Probably.​
So it was greeting time?​
Guess I should get going soon then.
This was a place to combat the darkness, not welcome it with open arms. The vision was stated clearly. For everything good and just. And from just the inkling of presence the Jedi Master sensed, there was a decrepit rottenness hidden beneath that devilish gaze. From a resting position, Relit pushed himself away from the wall and cleared the distance across the room as he parted the way of those whom were inclined.

A smorgasbord. That was a practical term for his unusual arsenal and he was more than prepared to stand by his own convictions. Perhaps this wasn't the place for him after all or perhaps it was, now would be the time to discover such nuanced differences between a righteous group and one of desperation. If the Grand Marshall embodied anything, it was courage and principle. Not this.

With the electrum hilt on his hip and dallorian steel across the small of his back, he walked quietly in front of this figure. He was fully prepared to cut him down in this very spot, uncompromising. For that small portion of darkside emitted from this individual, Relit would counter with a ballast of his own. And in preparation of using plant surge on himself, he gave no emotional reference for his state of mind.

"'re not welcome here."

[member="Romeo Sin"] | [member="Aela Talith"] | [member="Adele Adonai"] | [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] | [member="Chevu Visz"] | [member="Cyril Grayson"] | [member="Alen Na'Varro"] | [member="Jannik Morlandt"] | [member="Kaia Starchaser"]
[member="Alen Na'Varro"]
Jacen drank in the periphery as he walked through the crowd. He noticed an odd looking figure with red eyes giving a slow clap at the back of the room. Apparently he'd come dressed for one of those drag singalong musicals. Voidstalker paid him no heed. Instead he made a beeline through the crowd for a familiar, bearded face.

It had been a while since he'd seen Alen. He'd briefly trained under the experienced Master back at the Jedi Academy, but they hadn't trained together a great deal. Still as career soldiers they'd bother shared feeling out of placed in an Order comprised of emotionally stunted twenty somethings.

A genuine smile crossed his face. "How many stones did Rhen turn over to find you? Or did your daughter drag you here?" he asked, offering his hand.
A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense, never for aggression or personal gain.
~ Jedi Tenets

There were many new faces now. Some familiar to her, but at the same time strangers. The Force was a vast network that would connect all life, and that would connect all those present here. What was the Will of the Force with them? What path would they take?

What manner of cogs would set in motion from the words spoken here?

There was much to think about. Much to consider. Above all, for the Iridonian, what would be her place? Death had come and gone for her, sent her to the Netherworld and to be one with the Force only to come back. She returned to this galaxy wiser, with a knowledge that few ever managed to acquire. The woman had managed to understand and overcome her personal struggle that she had punished herself for so long.

Perhaps, in this personal healing, she would be able to guide others as well.
Aela's head turned as she heard the rough growl from the older man, her eyes wandering carefully as she stepped through the crowd.

She had sensed it too of course, and she was of like mind.

It took her only a few steps, a small press of her hands, tiny pushes until she managed maneuver her way to the front of the group. She stood there her eyes first falling onto [member="Relit Vandal"] then to [member="Romeo Sin"]. Her lips thinned for a moment, then her gaze settled on the latter of the two men. There was a fire in her, a small spark that told of utter distaste. She had spent the last several years of her life hunting Sith, hunting darksiders, it didn't sit well that one would disturb the sanctity of this temple.

"Please leave." Aela simply said as her hands tightened at her side.

There was a time and place for violence, this was not it. Today was about celebration, about the founding of the New Jedi Order. Though she wanted nothing more than to bring the man down for what he was, Aela knew that right now there was little cause to do so, at least not yet.
[member="Jacen Voidstalker"]

Na'Varro grasped Jacen's hand with a smile, shaking his head slowly. It was good to see a familiar face in this neck of the woods, let alone someone he actually had something in common with.

"Apparently I'm not cut out for running a bed and breakfast." Na'Varro's bearded face held a blank expression. Voidstalker would never find out if that was the truth, or just his extremely dry humour playing up again. "Not surprised to see you in the thick of it."
Veino and Thyria walked into the gathering at the tail-end of the speech, Veino's own Force presence carefully hidden. He didn't want them to know who he was just yet. Well, unless he'd met them before and they would recognize him, which was entirely possible. He certainly recognized a few of them, either form personal meetings or knowing of them. [member="Jacen Voidstalker"], he had met before, in his time fighting with the Republic. [member="Kaia Starchaser"] and he had crossed paths, through the Underground, if he remembered correctly. He didn't think he had ever met [member="Aela Talith"] before, though he had certainly heard of her.

He caught a very familiar presence, along the edge of the crowd and he stood on tip-toe to confirm.

"Not tall enough?" Thyria smirked, adjusting her goggles and gun-belt. She was very uncomfortable. Half these people would have tried to arrest her at one point or another. Some quite recently, if she had been in Republic space. He glared at her, and shifted from side to side to see better.

There he was. Roth Tillian. Veino shook his head. What a surprise they were actually both in the same place. That had not happened in quite some time. He seemed to be trying to dim his Force presence as well, which was amusing. It wasn't a terrible job, but it was clear Roth had not been practicing lately. He'd have to discuss that with him.

He stopped. Dark Side. He grabbed Thyria's elbow, "Get to a vantage point. Look-" He stopped and stared. White hair. Red eyes. Almost too obvious. "Keep an eye out on the red eyed punk. Discreetly." She nodded and slipped away through the crowd, almost but not quite picking pockets. Veino was slowly and surely rubbing off on her. Veino drifted around the other way. This Dark Sider was clearly not attempting to cause trouble yet. Not when two Masters were facing him down. Veino would stay out of the limelight for this one, but close enough in case they'd require assistance.
[member="Relit Vandal"]

Romeo was preparing to leave, the comfort of the smiles, and giddiness was too squishy for him. That, and he didn't want to draw anymore attention to himself than what he already had. All would have been good, and well, till some man decided to point fingers, and call names. Not just any name, but unshackle, to which confused Romeo some. Was he referring to Romeo has a slave? The Dark Jedi Master was pretty sure that was what was being said here. His eyes stared a hole into the other man's, the reds beginning to turn a different, darker shade of red.​
He wasnt going to say something back, then a second, a woman who had more manners than could be said for the man before now asked him to leave. After the insult, it was time for some fun. Romeo was free, and no Jedi would refer him to as a slave.​
In his native tongue, Vahla, Romeo replied with a confused look, still keeping his presence small.​
It was very highly unlikely that anyone knew what he was saying, though it was possible he guessed.​
He pretty much said.​
"Since when did Jedi become slavers of other sentient beings?"​
Thought this didnt last long as he couldn't hold back his feelings towards the word.​
In basic now.​
"Sure, as soon as this guy apologizes for calling me unshackled. Kinda feel like he wants to make me his slave. That's no way to treat you allies is it?"​
His red eyes darted from the man to the woman.​
[member="Aela Talith"]​
The tension was rising, and a smirk appeared on Romeo's face.​
"I see patience, and tolerance isn't part of the New Jedi..." His eyes watched her hands tighten.​
"I thought, it would be good to let you know that one day I maybe watching your back..hope that doesn't grind your gears!" He said cheerfully. He began to turn away, and walk from the scene, but turned just to say one last thing.​
"Oh, when you learn to coexist with me...there's nothing new about the Order. We are, after all, on the same side." He winked at the woman, and looked at the man one last time, then tsch at him.​
[member="Alen Na'Varro"] [member="Veino Garn"]​

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