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Skirmish Part 2: The Mirror Looking Back [Darkwire & Mandalorian Union]

Previously on Darkwire...
It was running smoothly for you, until you saw them.

It was like looking in a mirror, except everything they did was wrong.

...and now the continuation:


The remains of the body lay on the table before them, a perfect visage of one of the prominent Darkwire shadowrunners. Yet the charred wound and unnaturally deformed position of the body gave away its true identity, revealing it to be an advanced form of droid instead. One that Marlene Starlight recognized all too well as her handiwork, a fact that permitted her to stand here by the remains without any hint of revulsion.

"What, exactly, is supposed to be the meaning of this?" Marlene's voice was low and deliberate, as if speaking to someone much younger. "This model was found compromised and abandoned on the streets! My people had to move aggressively to contain the scene before scavengers set upon this and discovered the core module. This was not our agreement, I expected these units to be handled responsibly, not left in the open where any two-bit shadowrunner could scoop them up."

A holoprojection of Qanatain Xopsaloff stood off to one side, shot up from a small, portable, disc lying on the ground. He wasn’t curious about the machination on the table. He had no desire to see inside the replica droid; to see the gears and rods and chips that replaced organs and bones and neurons. That was for roboticists, cyberneticists, biotechnicians. He was none of those things. He was a banker. What concerned him, was how this would affect his profit margin.

The Muun’s gaze was focused on the other two people in the secluded examination room. “Indeed. Being discovered was not supposed to happen. Not yet. Not for a long while yet. So why in the vault was there a CorpSec-led briefing about this very thing.”

Larz Blackheart seemed to study the desiccated machine body, his head inclined in its direction rather than pointed to either of his conspiring colleagues. He wasn’t a roboticist by any means, his realm was the encoded behavior that drove the machine, but nonetheless his innate connection with technology harbored a curiosity not easily quenched by a single field of expertise. Still, that also didn’t mean he was exactly happy Marlene had decided to throw his equipment to the side and drop her trash on his workbench.

“No need to point fingers, Qanatain, Diviak merely has a stronger nose than anticipated. Our corporate detachment will need to be reviewed for deviancy. He is rather particular about records, tied to his drive for efficiency. It will take Luminous Sun much longer to detect the discrepancies of our operations. As to how these were detected, all of the units so far recovered have been Mark IIs, it may be wise to recall the rest of them before their weaker constraints expose more of our operation.” Fingers pressed against the bridge of his nose, as he sighed for a moment.

“There may be a way this can be covered up and honor our agreement, Marlene, but it may involve a bit of… risk.” The man steepled his fingers and smiled softly.

Marlene was not assuaged by her colleagues' circumlocution. The simple fact was that their incompetence had left her exposed. CorpSec running amok was bad enough, but Manfloon could be reigned in more easily than the wild gangs on Denon. Particularly Darkwire. Neither of her colleagues seemed to be taking the situations seriously, eager to rest on their laurels and let the physical evidence implicate the involvement of Starlight Industries. Marlene gazed at the hideous face of Xopsaloff, blurred as it was through the imperfect holo, until her eyes could no longer take it and she looked at the physical form of Blackheart. At least his promise of a plan showed a glimmer of potential.

The woman pursed her lips for a moment, opening them to say, "By all means, let's fly by the seat of our datapads with another one of your plans, Larz." To illustrate her point more clearly, Marlene beckoned several times with her fingers, "Out with it."

Larz allowed the biting comment to wash over him, his soft smile unwavering with a cool confidence he became known for… by the people who even got to see his face of course. “Based on preliminary reports from Mark III operatives, you may already be implicated, but this actually works in our favor. If we use one of your factories as collateral, I can guide Darkwire and the Mark IIs into an attack on your facility, demonstrating you cannot knowingly be involved if you are being the one targeted. It may also be possible that a majority of these defunct units will be destroyed, and if any Shadowrunners should parish, it may leave an opening for a replacement before they even know.”

The Muun scowled in the corner. Predictable control. Known results. That’s what this whole project was about. Replace Darkwire with their own creations. They maintain the illusion of competition while not having to deal with the unpredictable results that are intrinsic to jobs that the Directors are forced to hire Darkwire to perform. But already they were having to adapt their plan because of more unpredictable interventions on behalf of Darkwire. There was only one way this was going to end.


“We need to start implicating more of Darkwire’s membership with crimes committed by the doppelgangers. If it was,” the Muun gestured with mock quotations, “Darkwire that attacks your facility, we’re sure to nab plenty of interlopers. Your facilities are more than well insured, Starlight.” He said the last bit dismissively. After all, it wasn’t his assets at stake. Though he wasn’t about to let Starlight cash in on some insurance scheme without his very discerning eye.

Collateral? The insipid slicer is talking about a scapegoat! Seething inside, Marlene's cybernetics nonetheless kept her face fixed in a neutral expression as the Muun went on to explain exactly why she should allow herself to be exploited like this. Allowing Darkwire such brazen leeway, not to mention placing her own facilities in jeopardy, was even more reckless than the level of buffoonery she had come to expect of Blackheart. "And I'm supposed to be content with my insurance claims for all this trouble, Qanatain?" Marlene spat, no longer neutral. "Our arrangement was to keep my involvement secret, I agreed to be your silent partner and no more. Now you want to rip away the veil so you can stage one of your little games, Larz?"

"No. There will be no painting targets upon my facilities for your own benefits, Larz. I'm not about to give Darkwire a chance to hone their craft against my security forces, and CorpSec has already demonstrated how inept it can be in these circumstances. This project is finished, my dears, unless you have something better up your sleeve than more intrigue and spreadsheets."

The Muun didn’t attempt holding back a sneer. “If you really feel the need to protect your investments, Starlight, why don’t you hire out? Wouldn’t be the first time you put your military contacts to use. Of course, if you’re not interested, I’m quite certain that the plan can go ahead without you. Cut your losses and run, perhaps?” But, naturally, Starlight’s involvement already ran deep. She could walk now, but she would still be implicated if their plan didn’t bear fruit. Everyone at the table already knew that. Which was why, even if Starlight reneged, Qanatain and Larz would still attack one of Starlight’s facilities. But rather than be forewarned, Starlight would be left in the dark. Her facilities would suffer. She would get no pay off. And Larz and Qanatain would remain in control.

No, it would be better for her to work with the other two DireX. And the Muun was quite certain she knew that. Qanatain’s sneer twisted into a smug smirk.

Xopsaloff was ever the bully, of course. Marlene had little patience for his armchair dictats, they were particularly toothless when delivered over hologram. At least Sun and Manfloon built industries, and even Blackheart had his uses. Xopsaloff's claim to power was nothing more than extortion. Giving in to the bully's hollow threat was to stoop even lower than exposing herself as they proposed.

"The plan that relies on my designs and innovation, you mean? See someone else walking about with my intellectual property with their own brand slapped on top of it? I think not." Marlene answered the Muun's contempt coolly. "Since CorpSec is incapable of protecting our investments, then I shall seek out a more functional unit for this plan. I hear there's a new Mandalorian band in the Outer Rim again, in desperate need of money and contracts. I've always had an affinity for their particular brand of...brutality."

Marlene gave the pair before her a sharp look, crossing from one to the other without gesture. Her words made the point strong enough. "Make no mistake, if this goes wrong, I shall hold the two of you personally responsible for the damages. I do hope you've considered that risk, Larz."
Out of all of the jobs that she had been assigned since being appointed as Lead Inspector by Larz Blackheart, this might be the most concerning.

Sentiri had learned quite a bit about corporatocracy since arriving on Denon. The system, as much as she loathed to admit, worked as long as one caveat was met: competition was allowed to thrive unbridled. The concept was that economics, ergo businesses, was the foremost aspect of what makes society tick. So, if businesses are allowed to operate freely and take the role of governing body, then the society will simply follow along with the successes and abandon the failures as the natural ups and downs of its economy progress. That ensures progress. That has the potential to ensure growth. And that could vaguely ensure that its constituents were provided with all the tools they needed to be successful.

And yet there was absolutely no guarantee. Some political scientists have argued that a government's job was to ensure that their constituents were safe. In that context, safe didn't just mean physical health and safe from criminal entities. Safe meant having a guarantee that certain necessary components of life were provided without any sort of discrimination.

To a corporatocracy? Everything was a commodity. Goods, time, services. If the good was a necessary piece for survival, then you had to work for it. And if you weren't savvy enough? Then you didn't survive.

Having been raised in a family-run meritocracy, Sentiri could see the benefit of the corporate approach. The difference was immense, however. In the Ascendancy, one battled for hierarchy in order to dictate policy and ensure better gains for their family. But individuals were not left destitute if the family were to falter. Individuals were always given more opportunities. That was the privilege of being a Chiss. There were always opportunities.

The Corporate Authorities did not award all of its people with opportunity. In order to survive, an individual had to be opportunistic on their own. They would have to seek out whatever scraps they could find and, if there were none, be creative enough to invent their own opportunity. Not everyone was so fortunate. And skill rarely had anything to do with it. Many brilliant people failed. And when they failed on Denon. They were unlikely to ever come back from that failure.

Still, competition was what made the Corporate Authorities of Denon thrive. Because that competition is what would provide opportunity, no matter where that opportunity was to be found. Sometimes that came in the form of playing along and joining the corporate entity. But other times that required fighting against the corporations and acting as an "illegal" entity. In the end, that too just served the Corporate agenda.

So when she received her briefing on her mew mission, concern was definitely the emotion that struck her. And yet, she had no choice. Blackheart was currently her best and maybe only link to discovering what she wanted to know. And Sentiri was opportunistic. She would do what was asked of her to achieve her goal. But she truly hoped that would not be much longer.

The time on Denon was 3:30 AM. The populous, bright neon lights overrode any semblance of night, but the streets were still quite a bit more quiet than during normal daytime hours. Her datapad flared to life in her hands. Her fingers went to work using a decryption program as she hacked into the building's security codes experiencing fair resistance before the electronic latch tripped and swung aside to award her entrance through the back door without sending an \open\ signal to the building's main computer. She waited near the rear door where she entered. Lastly, her fingers typed out a prompt on the CryptNet server that she knew would immediately attract attention, no matter the time of day.

Seeing double? Need answers? Find some at the Blue Flame. Offer ends in one hour.

Sentiri kept tapping away at the display in her hands. There was still work to do as she waited to see who would take the cue.

Wrap up your business from Part 1 and make your way to The Blue Flame where Sentiri will give you some valuable information, your next potential job, and a way to strike back at the people who have been masquerading you through the Denon underworld.
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Smog filled the Denon sky, billowing from the factories and plants that marred its surface. You could never see the stars on Denon. Despite the early hour, the low thrum of speeders and humm of people could be heard, the signs of life even in such a cold and unnatural place as Denon. The noise was a constant, as if the dead planet was desperate to show that it still had some spark of life in it. Pawed feet walked across the metal floor of the metal factory on this metal planet. Nothing was ever natural here. It was all twisted metal and neon signs and mechanized atmospheres. Above, orange light spilt into the metal fortress of a factory, bathing the world in a dim glow.

Why orange? It was so hard to see in the color, only one step up from the low glow of red. Had those with him not also sported mandalorian armor Venku would have been worried about discerning friend from foe. Not that the name seemed to mean much these days. Only a few months ago, Venku had been drinking with himself, a broken damaged reflection of what he could have been. A foretelling of what he had become. He had fought alongside Xan, a neon eyesore and aloud mouth in all sense of the word, against corpo defending the corpse of his doppleganger after it’s robotic form was remotely destroyed in a desperate escape attempt. Now, the mandalorian patrolled a corporate factory, defending the very people he last fought. That was the way of things. He held no loyalty to Darkwire or the Corpos. He could never hold strong loyalties to an arue’tii organization, they knew nothing of him and his people and in the end they all betrayed the mando’ade, or they turned a blind eye to its members that hunted his kind for their armor. No matter the way they did it, the result was always the same. Organizations could never be trusted. Now individuals, that was a different story.

A light fizzled ahead, cutting in and out and sending a stuttering darkness across the path ahead. An inconvenience for most, a security weakness for him. How easy would it be for an enemy to time the seconds of darkness and slip past watching eyes? The light flickered again, above him now, leaving him in darkness. He'd have to get it fixed.

The light returned as Venku moved on, continuing his circuit of the factory. How many other security faults did they have to worry about? How many- The ping of a comm cut off his train of thought. He’d almost forgotten, they’d need him back in the base. He sped towards the end of the circuit breaking into a steady jog as he went.


Venku strode into the factory, a hub of noise and light as mandalorians cleaned and set up gear, prepared for their own patrol circuits, or whatever else their individual task was. “We’ve got a busted light on circuit two!” The shout was soon followed bu a hurried “Got it!” And the sound of metal on metal as a mandalorian in dull green and blue armor ran out to fix the light. Others bustled around the room, some cleaning armor and others keeping the job up and running.

“Hey Venku!” A voice called from across the room and the sound of footsteps followed as the figure, a nautolan in neo crusader style armor came into view. “Any word from the employer?” The low thrum of voices wavered as those in the room turned to listen. Out of everyone here, Venku had the strongest connections to both Darkwire and their Corporate enemies. He had been the one Starlight approached to offer the job and negotiate a price. The mandalorian shook his head, an exaggerated motion to allow others to see it with the helmet on. “Nothing new. Just that it’s likely Darkwire agents will be attacking soon and we should be prepared.” It was vague, but his experience with the Corpos told him that it would be the clearest answer he got. “Just keep doing what we’re doing.” With his piece said, the noise in the room escalated, soon back to its previous buzz. The nautolan nodded and turned back, waving over a few mando’ade as he did so. They seemed used to working as a team.

Approaching a computer, Venku turned his T-visor to the screen and the mandalorian sitting before it. The buy’ce was a borrowed thing of mandalorian steel, just like his borrowed gauntlets and vambraces. On the screen was the security footage of the facility. He had warned the others not to trust the footage, that many Darkwire agents were hackers and may be able to disrupt the feed, but it never hurt to have it up. “Anything new?”

“Still as a graveyard.” Was the human’s response. He hasn’t expected anything else. “Good. Keep an eye out for any irregularities.” Turning away, the teen went to make sure everything else was running smoothly.

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Location: Semi-obscure in a high point.
Objective: Lookout using electrobinoculars for irregularities.

Kovhorn stood still, he'd found a good spot in the area, using his jetpack to boost him up to somewhere where he had an excellent lookout while not completely standing out to those at a distance. This was a more mercenary oriented job, the sort of thing he typically preferred. He was never one for bounty hunting, that job was mainly for the money. He held a pair of electrobinoculars to his eyes keeping a lookout into the distance, trying to look for anything out of place. Something or someone where it wasn't supposed to be. An unusually large sack, a cargo vehicle they didn't have record of, anything fully droid operated that wasn't pre-emptively warned of.

He had been told that their enemies could confuse computer systems. That was why he felt it so necessary to have a manual look out. He wanted to ensure they'd have a heads up on anything short of invisible, or something that took a great deal more work such as hijacking existing vehicles that needed to get inside.

Venku Bralor Venku Bralor was the one who apparently had heard about this first. He had met the individual in an expedition to look for a missing clan. He smiled slightly, he remembered him having just a little trouble staying standing in the ship. Not that he was permitted to judge much anymore, he didn't even have organic legs. Meant he wasn't going to fall so easily. Still, it was slightly amusing. But now he was the reason they were doing this job.

Kovhorn turned on his comms in his helmet, "Unless they're using invisibility of some kind, or have hopped on board pre-scheduled movement, I haven't seen anything yet. Do we know anything about what forces they might bring or is this going to just be an improv issue?" he asked. He wanted at least a little heads up, then again, they could show up even while he asked the question. It only changed his planning slightly so adjustments weren't too difficult.

Kragr Krayt Kragr Krayt Mig Gred Mig Gred River Kryze River Kryze Sera Sen Kes Stag Kes Stag Tamar Gred Tamar Gred Zephyr Krayt Sentiri Sentiri Darkwire Prophet Darkwire Prophet

SD-101 "Devastator" Assault Cannon
2 BSB (Blackmoor Sonic Blaster)
PS-1 Particle Shotgun

Zephyr Krayt


Equipment: 2x WESTAR-35 Blaster Pistols, JT-12 Jetpack, Sniper Rifle, Vibroknife, 2x Shock Grenades, 2x Flash Grenades, 2x Proton Grenades, Vambraces: Grappling Line, Flamethrower, Repulsor, Whipcord Thrower, Shield Emitter, Dart Launcher with Poison Darts, Concealed Blade.
Objective: Defend against early attacks.
Tags: Sentiri Sentiri Venku Bralor Venku Bralor Kovhorn Kovhorn Kragr Krayt Kragr Krayt Mig Gred Mig Gred River Kryze River Kryze Sera Sen Kes Stag Kes Stag Tamar Gred Tamar Gred Darkwire Prophet Darkwire Prophet

All was quiet above the streets of Denon but far from peaceful as the Mandalorians gathered there knew what was to come. There were several people on lookout both inside and out so the Mandalorians were prepared to jump at the first sign of threat but it all depended on them coordinating with each other. However, with nothing to report, Zephyr maintained radio silence for now while waiting for something to arise as amiss down below. The dim light meant the purple-clad Mandalorian wasn't at high risk of being spotted by the reflection of his armour in the light but he was aware he had to be cautious as anyone found peering over the side of a building was bound to look suspicious.

With the technology they usually depended on deemed unreliable in the circumstances, it was paramount to have people positioned outside to alert those inside to anything they may have missed to give them a few vital extra moments of preparation but with such a long time to wait and no fruit for their efforts, it was hard not to lose focus. Hours had passed and the Mandalorian hadn't seen or done anything noteworthy while positioned atop the building opposite the factory with a sniper in hand. Nothing had changed but the growing haze and the dimming of the world around them. The lack of light meant the Hapan was relying entirely on his helmet's HUD as substitute for the vision he lacked in the twilight, though it seemed entirely appropriate given his position with the sniper as relying on eyesight alone would not do any sniper justice.

The sound of footsteps growing closer below prompted the Hapan to peer over the edge of the building he lay flat against and rather prematurely aim at the person below while deciding whether or not they were a threat since they were obviously not one of their own. However, the footsteps grew distant as the person passed without incident, causing him to lower the sniper in defeat. Pressing a button on his vambrace, he informed those inside. "Still nothing." He told them, his tone indicating boredom. While working alone didn't bother him, the lack of action did and he was itching to get into a fight.

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It was 3:30 in the morning when Xan's datapad pinged with a unique sound. One she only used for notifications on the CrypNet. She was barely out of bed and still walking around in her pajamas, getting ready to wake up Cartri and start their training for the day. In the background she could still hear the thumping of music, likely one of her neighbours still partying. She hated the place they were living in now, but they didn't have much other choice after their place got hit by CorpSec. Though one thing she took priority ever since arriving on Denon was getting the tech to stay in touch with Darkwire and the underground operations of the planet.

With a sigh she rubbed at her pale white eyes and started to log in on the CrypNet to get to the message. It instantly knocked any grogginess out of her as she blinked in surprise. That settled it. They needed to find out what this was and even if the contact wasn't very useful, it might point her in the right direction. She set her datapad aside and opened Cartri's door to wake him up. "Come on, dude. Wake up. We got a lead... and maybe an opportunity to see what you've learned." she said as she shook him awake. Once he was up she returned to her room to pop in her gold contacts. With a few blinks the expensive contacts synched with her eyes and adjusted to the light. A few minutes more and she was ready for the day. "Come on, we gotta move. Only got an hour to get to the Blue Flame. We gotta move." she spoke as she slipped on her mask and holstered her effects underneath her jacket.

Once they were set, she made her way downstairs and out of the complex beside Cartri. Her pace was brisk to get some exercise as she led the way to the Blue Flame. She luckily managed to catch a taxi for them to save a lot of time and after a few minutes they arrived at the bar. "Let's see what's up." she muttered as she headed for the entrance. Before she entered, she pulled out her datapad and opened a private message with Venku. They were pretty much on this case together and she wasn't going to let him sneak out after they were nearly blown up together. Plus she needed someone to annoy. ::Yo hairball. Think I got a lead. Will check back later tho. You in the area?:: she sent him with the messenger before entering the building.

Without hesitation she made her way to the bar. "Two cafs, please." she asked the bartender as she glanced around for the supposed contact.

Sentiri Sentiri Cartri Keswoll Cartri Keswoll Venku Bralor Venku Bralor

Sera Sen


Location: Inside the factory

Sera tapped her foot on the metal floor of the factory. She was propped up on a wall keeping watch on from the inside, but it wasn’t like anything was happening at the moment so she was entertaining herself by repeatedly unholstering her revolvers, spinning them with a pronounced flourish, and slamming them back into their holsters. Even so, after the tenth time, it was beginning to lose its appeal.

This job was a strange one. Life as a mercenary has taught her that corpos were a serious pain to work with. They always skimped on the details and had no problem abandoning a merc when things got ugly. But at least they usually paid well. However, she had agreed to do this particular job out of a want to work with her fellow Mandalorians for once, so here she was.

She idly watched as a couple other mandolorians set out on patrol. Comms confirmed that there hasn’t been any sign of activity yet. Sera couldn’t help but think that might not be a good sign. The group they were up against, Darkwire, were a sneaky and technological lot. She hoped that they hadn’t already snuck past their defenses.

She should really remain more alert. She pushed off the wall and resumed her scanning of the surrounding area. She kept an eye out for anything out of the ordinary, but didn’t see anything. “Nothing here either.” She spoke in to the comms after a minute. At this point things were just getting boring. Sera, like many vode, itched for a fight.

Venku Bralor Venku Bralor Mig Gred Mig Gred River Kryze River Kryze Kes Stag Kes Stag Tamar Gred Tamar Gred Zephyr Krayt Sentiri Sentiri Darkwire Prophet Darkwire Prophet
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Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii

Equipment: Lightsaber Trayc'kad, Echani Vibrosword, Mandalorian amor, Slick Anti-Acid Coat, Sith vibroknife, Nightbrother Fighting Knife, a pair of Taak'tabi

To say Mig never fully trusted a corporate employer would be an understatement. Ok, there were some he knew were good, but when they didn't give details he didn't trust them. At the same time he needed credits, so here he was. The sword wielding Mando looked around every corner as he walked through a hall. Mig closed his eyes, doing his best to reach out and search for anyone who shouldn't be there. It wasn't that useful, but it was something at least.

He looked around more, only seeing a patrol and some droids. He grumbled a little, happy he had his armor sealed. He didn't want to breath any of this air. As he looked around, Mig would begin to hear responses on if anyone had seen anything. He sighed, tapping his comms. "Nothing here either. Quiet as a stealth frigate." He didn't like it, quickly switching his HUD to thermal. Still nothing. Maybe these big wigs were just paranoid or something....

Sera Sen Xan Deesa Xan Deesa Zephyr Krayt Kovhorn Kovhorn Venku Bralor Venku Bralor Sentiri Sentiri Darkwire Prophet Darkwire Prophet River Kryze River Kryze Kes Stag Kes Stag Tamar Gred Tamar Gred


Aerith Krayt

Tag: Xan Deesa Xan Deesa Zephyr Zephyr Kray Mig Gred Mig Gred Venku Bralor Venku Bralor @Sentiria @Kovhorns Tamar Gred Tamar Gred Kes Stag Kes Stag
Gear: In Bio
Location: Security Office

It was a strange job to take for sure, but Aerith was in a bit of a bind from her her job transition. So, now here she was, plugged into the security network, monitoring anyone trying to access the cameras. If Aerith had the right equipment, she was sure she could have put an actual fight up if someone tried to slice into the system, but alas she had not those tools. Instead, she operated as a monitor system, the first line of defense to spring up if the system was compromised.

It probably would have been seen as hilarious, a six foot plus Mandalorian working as a security guard. Of course, no one would dare to laugh, given the arsenal that sat on her right arm. She had hoped some fools would try and break into the complex, to which they would be unpleasantly surprised by the forces amassed her. Yet, it seemed unlikely anyone would show given firepower that awaited them. Growing bored, Aerith flipped on her helmet comm and gave her report. "No change in integrity of the security system. Remaining at post."

How could security guards deal with this day to day? The mundanity was exhausting.
He hadn't been able to sleep. Not in a long time. Not since the encounter with the duplicate. And the clone. The few nights Gray had been able to get any dreams in, he'd always wake up after a few hours, thinking everything had marely been a strange dream. Then he had looked over at the other bed in his appartment, and realized it was all real. The young life-form sleeping there was proof.

It had been a few weeks since Gray had discovered the cause of his bad luck with finding jobs lately. Not just finding jobs, but generally not being looked at as if everyone wanted to beat him up. Somehow, someone had copied him. Down to the smallest detail, even his voice. And this copy had actively kidnapped people to be sold as slaves. And, strangely enough, people didn't like seeing their neighbours, friends or family be taken away to be used as slaves. So it had pretty much burried any reputation Gray had had, and replaced it with that of a slaver. But Gray had managed to track down this copy. And at the same time, met a young, female clone of himself. The encounter had been pretty weird, and it had even been the copy that had told them that the girl was a clone. In the end, Gray had allowed his copy to leave, after shooting him in the arm, and taken the clone with him. But while they walked away, the copy had promised to contact Gray when the time was right.

Gray had taken the girl back to his appartment, and while she slept, he took a DNA sample of her. It turned out to be true: she was a real clone of him. It had all been too much to take in at once, with both a clone and a copy of him being discovered at the same time. And thus, it had caused insomnia.

This night, as most nights, Gray was sitting in his bed. It was around 3:30am, and Gray hadn't got a moments sleep. He had stopped trying this night, and instead opted to browse the HoloNet. Pointless. There was nothing interresting to read or watch. That is, until a notification from the CryptNet popped up. It was a short messege, but it gave everything Gray needed. A potential way to get answers. He quickly got up, and put his blasters in their holsters. For a moment, he contemplated leaving the young clone, who he had began calling "Gina", but he decided against it. "Hey, Gina, get up," he said to her, and she quickly reacted. It seemed she wasn't sleeping to well either. "We might have a lead on the whole copy/clone situation. We have to go to the Blue Flame, a tavern not too far from here. Fast." She got up, and got dressed fast, and they were on their way.

They arrived 10 minuttes later, and found a booth to sit in. Children shouldn't really be at a place like this, and especially not at this hour, so they tried to keep a low profile. Hopefully, they would recognize this person who had prompted people to go there if they were seeing double.

Sentiri Sentiri | Xan Deesa Xan Deesa
It was early morning in Denon, a time where many people were supposed to be getting their beauty sleep for tomorrow. Except for their dastardly neighbours who has been booming music non-stop since midnight. Catri had only been able to get a wink of sleep until his door opened, revealing a rushed Xan who urged him to get up "Huh..." groaned the boy under the warm covers of his bed, too tired to even reply any further or move a muscle. However, Xan doubled her efforts and nudged him into getting a move on "Alright...alright..." mumbled the boy this time as he raised his upper body from the covers, showing off his more than messy hair that had been ruffled throughout the night. Getting up in the early hours of the night was a nightmare, especially for boys around his age who appreciated their beauty sleep. None the less, it seemed he was awoken for good reason.

Cartri slipped out of his bed and sluggishly began to slip into his casual clothes, increasingly finding it harder to keep his heavy eyes from closing "I'm going as fast as I can Xan" he replied back to her from his room while slipping on a warm jumper. Eventually, after quickly making his hair respectable he groggily walked out of his room before following Xan out of the apartment. The boy kept close to her as they managed to flag down a taxi and get a ride over to the blue flame, a place he was far too familiar with. Before they went in, Xan pulled out her datapad and began typing up a message, to whom he didn't know. While she did that he decided to have a look inside the pact bar area, where many citizens from around the area gathered for a night out or to drown their sorrows in alcohol. Some of the patrons stared at him as they walked past, curious as to what a kid was doing at this time in such a rough place. Although, he didn't have much time to think about it as both entered the establishment

They both made their way up to the bar where Xan ordered two cafs in the hopes of waking them up for the day ahead. Cartri could only stare in curiosity around them as the bartender processed their drinks, wondering about who they were meeting "Who's this person we're meant to be meeting with again?" questioned Cartri quietly to Xan, before carefully rubbing his eyes and yawning openly in a daydream state.
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The first thing any Mandalorian needed, nay, an even stronger word than need, should be compelled to understand about Tamar Gred, riduur of Mig Gred Mig Gred , was this one simple concept:

Tamar was a non-combatant medic. A glorified nanny and housewife.

The mother of three crept a step behind and beside Mig not out of some… anti-feminist ‘menfolk lead’ poodoo, but from a complete ignorance of how one snuck into any place, beyond the experience of a nanny sneaking out of a finicky sleeping child’s nursery. Dressed in her borrowed Raxi’gam with its’ medic pack on her back, Tamar held firm to the blaster pistol in her hand, her Gred-made weapon in its’ sheath in case she heard a loud bang and triggered some form of unhelpful event.

Beneath her helm, Tamar’s eyes were widely open, every noise a potential conflagration about to consume them once more into the chaotic waters of Mandalorian happenstance.

Why… why was she here? Oh… slinking beside Mig and attempting to not look a complete fool as she held her pistol nervously and upside down in her hand, mayhap they premeditated the requirements of a medic. Yes, that was it… they all needed a medic…. it wasn’t as if they required a housewife and mum to pack sandwiches… although if she were honest, the sandwiches were in her pack beside some bacta shots and a spare gaggle of lolipops to avoid Mandos biting into leather if she had to sew anyone up.

Sera Sen Xan Deesa Xan Deesa Zephyr Krayt Kovhorn Kovhorn Venku Bralor Venku Bralor Sentiri Sentiri River Kryze River Kryze Kes Stag Kes Stag

Once, the Blue Flame had been like her second home. Now, the girl felt a stranger as she stepped through its doors. Tending at the bar, Cichei tried to catch her eyes. Daiya glanced up enough to see a ring of patrons surrounding her, keeping her anchored there. That was a blessing, but even that rang hollow against the numbness of her heart. She had been avoiding the tavern for a few days, and the girl was certain that the Devaronian woman wanted to find out why from her. And today of all days, the young shadowrunner was hardly in a mood to explain.

She could hardly comprehend it all herself.

Another version of her, a doppelgänger, had outlined the web of betrayal waiting to ensnare Daiya. A concealed hunt, only revealed to her by the other version of herself. A copy by her own admittance, a machine constructed to replace her until circumstances determined otherwise. Or so she was led to believe. Yet Daiya could hardly find the providence needed to feel otherwise. The story the copy spun through Daiya's own voice made too much sense to ignore. There was too much that matched with what she knew, too many pieces that fit into the confusing place that had been her life for the past year. And even if Daiya's truthteller wasn't exactly her in every way, there was still too much of herself in the double to overcome the shadow of a doubt in the young shadowrunner's mind.

It was the double's entrance into Daiya's life, and her magnanimous proclamation of Tawrro's true allegiances, that brought the girl to the Blue Flame tonight. The ominous message over the CryptNet promised a sliver of clarity. Mired in a sea of confusion, Daiya was ready to grasp at anything that helped her to sort out the dilemma she faced.

The cloud of lies that surrounded her buzzed worse than the strongest drink, making it impossible to think. The girl had hardly eaten, much less slept, since she had learned of her closest friend's betrayal. It was hard enough to avoid him, feeding him just enough excuses to keep him at bay, staying at Zenie's safehouse rather than her own bed. How could she contemplate facing Tawrro, much less leaving him —or worse!— without knowing what was true or not?

If the CryptNet message sender had answers, Daiya desperately needed to hear them.

Daiya spied their customary spot, and the girl could feel her eyes grow damp again. She hurried past it, wiping at her eyes though her fingers came away dry. Daiya was long past crying for real now as she settled into the booth where she had first met Brie Jaxx Brie Jaxx . Instead, the teen pulled up her legs close to her body, wrapping her arms around them in a pose that needed little interpretation.

Resting her head on her knees, Daiya glanced around and waited for the mysterious expert to appear.

Ruby Jaxx sat in the dim light of her datapad's screen.

Seeing double? Need answers? Find some at the Blue Flame. Offer ends in one hour.

The young woman stared down at the message that had come through the CryptNet. In fact, she hadn't seen double, not yet. But she'd heard some pretty messed up rumors going around. Her darkly lined eyes narrowed slightly. If there was some weird double of her walking around, looking prim and proper and friendly... she wanted to know about it.

Pushing up, she stowed her datapad and shoved her hands into the pockets of her leather jacket. Ruby walked the streets, eyes down until she reached her destination: the Blue Flame.

Her eyes swept over the inside of the tavern. Mysterious message sender? No clue. But, she happened to spot some familiar faces, especially that of Gray Venasir Gray Venasir . Giving the man a small nod, Ruby sidled over to him and settled like she'd been invited to join him.

“Hey,” she said in his direction, but her eyes were elsewhere.

Now, she supposed they'd wait until their contact made their presence known. A shiver rolled down her spine, of course... it could always be a trap. No, don't be paranoid.


"I swears on it, it cut clean through 'em! Not a drop a blood..."

"Come now Del that's blitzed, clean through him and no blood? You're just fried."

"It came from no'where, it was all darkness 'n thena flash, I soiled myself when I found his legs!"

"Ha, then you really are fried. You still smell like a ripe shart, go clean yourself you overpaid pair of eyes."

Predatory eyes watched from above, silently hovering in the air, obscured by darkness and matching the smoggy sky above. Like a haunting, the figure followed the poor drugged out gang member all the way to their filthy hole in the scum of Denon. The younger human pushed the frightened old man down into the dirty street, and kicked him in the back to motivate his vacancy of the premises.

The Haunt followed as the younger superior passed others of his kind, into a warehouse. A popular location for the gangs of Denon when the Corpos stopped using them officially. It wasn't difficult hiding in the darkness with the same silence of a ghost, as a program of fear descended upon the night, sabotaging lights and allowing doors to hang open longer than usual. Disease filled the air after the old mans tall tale assumed to be the result of hallucinogen drugs that had become popular on Denon since the acquisition of Parcellus Minor for the CAD.

Eventually, it was lead to a secluded room, with an operation table and a mangled body with mechanical bits exposed, as if through explorative surgery.

"Alright Zeros, what are we looking at here?"

"The last thing you'll ever see." The Haunt spoke finally, and all the lights die.

"What the fu-yaaa!"

A flash of yellow-silver light.

Redness briefly illuminates the space as blasters fire into emptiness. The sound of blast doors locking drowned out by panic.

A flash of yellow-silver light.

A flash of yellow-silver light.

A flash of yellow-silver light.


The face of Cassus Akovin appeared in the Blue Flame, buried behind a mask and a holographic disguise making him appear as just another drunkard. He arrived this way to scope out who would arrive to bite the bait laid out by Sentiri Sentiri . A lot of expertise was going to be needed to infiltrate and sabotage a Starlight manufacturing facility, especially if it really did contain some secret connection to the doppelgängers plaguing Darkwire operations. The boy Bounty Hunter was certainly curious who really knew about it.

Then Daiya Daiya walked in, curiously glum. Others had arrived, many of them expected, such as Gray Venasir Gray Venasir and Ruby Jaxx Ruby Jaxx , all of them individuals he was greatly familiar with. Gray unusually had a small female child the spitting image of himself, which Cassus noted with curiosity to himself. There was also Xan Deesa Xan Deesa a name now becoming more familiar to Darkwire but no one he had ever met... though it was rather easy to spot her out on the reputation of her appearance alone. He had made a great deal of money as a Bounty Hunter spotting people based solely on brief descriptions, and her generally flamboyant appearance only made the practice of this skill easier.

At this point, the number of strangers in the room was decreasing, and so Cassus casually dropped the disguise as Daiya was passed him and sat in a booth with her emotions laid out in her chosen posture.

"You look a little worse for wear." He commented to her simply as he stood up, "Gray, Ruby, good to see you." The boy nodded towards them.
Mischief? Where? Not me. ;)
"Well done, Zo'i," Luminous Sun said, resting her hand on the girl's shoulder. The DireX looked right into the Zeltron teen's eyes with the softest, warmest, most praise-filled gaze that Zo'i thought possible. So convincing was the look that Zo'i almost believed the feelings attached could be real. But Luminous Sun was nothing if not an actress. And while the praise itself might be genuine, the words and the emotions were all manipulative. Zo'i knew that. She knew because she had felt the real thing. When Rhé had been proud of Zo'i, the teen had felt that pride. She didn't need to use her abilities to find out whether or not Rhéala had been genuine, either.

Zo'i missed that. She missed Rhé. She knew that Luminous was sending the girl out on all these missions and having Zo'i at Luminous' side at nearly all times to purposefully keep them away from each other. And Zo'i had little choice but to go along with the powerful woman's whims. Over the past few months, she had seen first hand what happened when someone crossed or disappointed Luminous Sun. The first "execution" had been the worst. A failed resort and hotel opening on Belazura, one that was supposed to rival Manfloon's, had led to disastrous results. Luminous brought Zo'i along to the hotel on Belazura to bear witness to the conversation that the executive had with her subordinate. She brought along with them a pair of CorpSec detectives. The conversation had been brief. Zo'i stood off to the side and couldn't hear what was being said. But the fear in the man's face was telling. They were on the penthouse floor, construction equipment and material lying haphazardly around the space. The man gave a wail, turned, and ran straight out of a window, breaking the glass and plummeting numerous stories. Zo'i couldn't help herself, she ran up to the edge and watched the man fall. She couldn't hear the sound of the man's body hitting the duracrete far below, she just saw it stop and splatter. Luminous and the CorpSec detectives joined her on the edge, looking down.

"Suicide by jumping, as cause of death, wouldn't you boys agree?" The officers gave a disgustingly confident and easy affirmative, as if this were just one of many they had been privy to seeing. "No witnesses either?" Another statement of agreeance from the officers and Luminous turned to leave. "Come along, child. There's work to be done." Zo'i's tear-filled eyes couldn't look away from the dead body below. Her shock was only shaken off by the steady hands of one of the officers who turned her around and away from the scene.

Since then, the message was clear: do what the lady with all the power says... or else.

Sometimes, Zo'i wondered if Luminous had acted in less crime-drama movies and more romantic comedies, if she would have turned out a better person. The Zeltron only hoped that this wasn't her own future. But she suspected that she might not have a choice.

Sun was pouring herself a celebratory drink in honor of Zo'i's most recent mission, a diplomatic greeting with some developers on Surron for the development of a new type of augmented reality tech that was to be paired with a modified version of some weird nanite tech. Sun knew that a tech world needed techie toys and techie entertainment. That was how she constantly kept up with the industrious Starlight and Manfloon. Sun was the downtime option for every employee and denizen of the Corporate Authorities. She might not have the utility, but she still made her way into everyone's homes and lives.

A chime came at the door to Sun's personal suite. The woman sighed, but said "Come in," anyway.

Through the door came Rhéala Aleyv. Relief washed over the teen to see her guardian. A week, maybe more, must have passed since the last time they crossed paths. Just to see Rhé well was enough, but Zo'i desperately wished to be reunited with the woman. A year ago, she could hardly stand the idea of wanting to go home to her human parents. But now, after everything she'd been through, and done, and seen, she could think of nothing more relaxing than just having a night off with the woman who she had come to see as her mother.

"I assume this is important," Luminous said, cutting through Zo'i's brief moment of relief with her knife-like words.

"Yes," Rhé said succinctly. She hadn't dared to more than glance at Zo'i. But Zo'i could tell that the woman would swoop the girl up into a hug at her first chance if she could. Maybe Luminous could sense it too, as her eyes seemed to dart between the two. But Rhé said nothing and made no move other than to hand Sun a datapad.

The DireX seemed to read the same line on the pad several times before looking up again. "Have you gotten any other leads on the replicants?"

Rhé shook her head. "No. This might be our best bet to learn something directly."

Luminous looked back at the datapad, her lips pursing, moving this way and that as she mulled over the text again. Zo'i had heard mention of "replicants" a few times now. Sun, as well as the other DireX, liked to use a criminal organization that called itself "Darkwire" to carry out deeds that they couldn't legally perform themselves, even though the organization blatantly disapproved of and fought against the CAD. Zo'i had met several people from Darkwire now in her jobs for Luminous. But someone had been using "replicants" instead of Darkwire in an effort to discredit the criminals, according to Sun. But that was all Zo'i really knew.

"Fine," Sun said, clearly disgruntled by the decision she seemed forced to make. She addressed both of them. "Zo'i will go. She has a better rapport with Darkwire than you. Drive her there. Take one of my speeders. Attend whatever this is. And then report back."

Zo'i couldn't help but smile a little. It had been so long since she and Rhé had been able to go on a job together. Even if Sun was going to be listening in on the speeder the whole time, at least the two would be side by side again.


Unfortunately, the speeder ride was more awkward than Zo'i had hoped. Rhé had immediately pointed out all the bugs that Sun had in place, gave Zo'i a very sorry look, and then proceeded to tell the teen everything she knew about the whole "replicant" business. She'd been investigating, trying to determine the source apparently. This was a real threat to the secret workings of the DireX. And even if the head executives of the CAD couldn't really discuss this kind of thing due to the nature of their competitive structure, the situation must be worrying everyone.

Rhé stopped a little ways away from the tavern. "The owner's a good man who has a soft spot for helping wayward kids. You won't need a blaster here, but still, be careful."

Zo'i nodded. She sat there awkwardly for a moment before deciding that she didn't care and threw her arms around Rhé for a big hug. "I miss you." Just as quickly, she broke off contact and left the speeder, not waiting for a response. This sucked.

She strode into the cantina and looked around. She recognized a few faces and figured it would be better to sit with someone she knew than with no one at all. That would seem way more suspicious, right? Strolling up to a table where Daiya Daiya sat with another helmeted person Zo'i plopped herself down and cleared her brain and heart of all the crap she felt and replaced it with the casual pleasantness that people seemed to expect from a Zeltron. "Fancy meeting you here," she said to her acquaintance/friend.

The comms crackled with voices as the others reported their status. Nothing. Then, “Do we know anything about what forces they might bring or is this going to just be an improv issue?” A voice cut across the comm. Kovhorn, if he remembered correctly. They’d met in passing and had even been on a few jobs together but other than knowing he could fight Venku knew very little about him.

“Listen up. We’ll be going into this job almost blind. Darkwire has everything from assassins to explosive experts and they could throw anything at us. However, the organization as a whole does have some themes. They like their tech and many members are hackers or cyborgs. This being a corporate factory, their entrance is more likely going to be relatively subtle but once they start fighting things will likely become much more noticeable. Also, a good deal of their members are cyborgs. That means enhanced senses, strength, and all manner of gear hidden on their person.” His holopad pinged, the HUD of his helm lighting up with a message notification. “If anyone had EMPs then those have a chance of working against the shadowrunners and their but its not a sure fire method. Good luck.” Turning his attention to the notification, Venku pulled up the message.

::Yo hairball. Think I got a lead. Will check back later tho. You in the area?:: There eas only one thing she could mean by “lead.” ::Lemme know if you have any luck. I wont be able to join you for this one though. I’ve got a job going on so seeing your eyesore of a face is gonna have to wait:: He hadn’t seen Xan much since the incendiary incident with her apartment and it was good to see she was alright. Or at least alright enough to send a message. They’d have to get together at some point, maybe go out for a drink once he’d finished the latest round of rebuilding and had some free time.

Someone called across the comms, drawing his attention. Time to get to work.

Objective: Give her briefing to those affected by/interested in/in the dark about the doppelgänger situation
Tags: Xan Deesa Xan Deesa | Gray Venasir Gray Venasir | Cartri Keswoll Cartri Keswoll | Daiya Daiya | Ruby Jaxx Ruby Jaxx | Cassus Akovin Cassus Akovin | Zo'i Prihm Zo'i Prihm | Helena

The datapad showed security holo-footage from the cantina. Sentiri watched as people began to filter into the previously near-dead cantina. They came slowly at first, but then trickled in more and more. A timer projected up from the surface of her pad counted down to her projected cutoff. She could have done this remotely, but the visceral element of being told important information face-to-face was irrefutable. The Chiss would sneak in, relay what she needed to, and get out. With luck, she wouldn't even need to create a distraction for herself. Thus far, her intrusion hadn't been noticed, as she waited in a small conference room, out of sight from the rest of the bar. Had the bouncers been doing their job and checking the cameras on their own, they'd only see an empty room. The slicer had already fixed a dummy to the system.

The clock ticked down to zero and Sentiri exited the conference room and down the staircase to the main floor. As she did so, the display board changed again and images began to flash by at a slow but evenly measured interval. The images all displayed familiar faces in unfamiliar places and unfamiliar circumstances. That's because they were the faces of Darkwire, except, they weren't Darkwire.

For a moment, Sentiri had a flashback to her days as Director of an Intelligence Division. But she quickly quashed the memory. As she reached the display board, a loud clunk could be heard from the front door as it locked tight.

"Welcome to this private briefing, brought to you by CorpSec. I am Commander Sabosen'tir'inrokini." She wore nothing to signify her rank, position, or allegiance. But she made sure to project herself in a convincing manner, the Chiss had been a police officer enough in her life, she knew how to act the part without needing to act the truth. This was the first public duty that Sentiri had performed for Blackheart, but her name was easily accessible in CorpSec's roster if any of the Darkwire agents didn't take her at her word.

"As you are all aware," she shrugged a shoulder at the display behind her "Someone has been masquerading Darkwire agents throughout Corporate Authority space. Some of you might already be aware, they aren't people." The display shifted to and remained on an image of metallic components wrapped in flesh, all featuring extensive damage. Were it not for the metallic components, the image would be a gruesome example of the damage caused by explosives. Instead, there was something surreal about it. "They're droids.

"Believe it or don't, but CorpSec has been conducting our own investigation of the Replicants. While we don't see eye to eye with Darkwire, we are frequently required to... look the other way. But these twins of yours are an issue. They've been acting erratically and dangerously. While Darkwire is disruptive, your efforts are generally and predictably political or petty. But reports have been coming in concerning Darkwire operatives using explosives to destroy target buildings seemingly at random, without concern for civilian casualty. There've been reports of executions. There've been reports of slavers and spice dealers. These aren't the acts of a group acting out against the government. These are the acts of truly unhealthy individuals."

She paused to take a breath but not long enough to allow anyone else a word. She was sure that some of those gathered would have something to say about her comments regarding their group. Whether they spoke out of turn or tried to interrupt or in whispers, though, Sentiri pushed through.

"And they've found the perfect scapegoat in Darkwire. CorpSec was concerned that Darkwire had turned down a darker path when these reports began populating. But after we received undeniable proof that replicants were carrying out these heinous acts, we felt that an unofficial offering of information to Darkwire was in order. After all, it has been next to impossible to confirm from a distance whether or not an individual is a replicant or flesh and blood. If these droids continue acting as they have been, CorpSec will have no choice but to crack down on all criminal activity. Whether that activity is carried out by Darkwire or by another more heinous group, we simply cannot allow things to continue as they have been."

She stopped again for a moment to allow the implied threat sink in. The image of the severely blasted not-body behind remained as her backdrop. "Now. We've received a ... concerning lead." The image finally shifted away from the flesh-covered droid to images of a factory.


"Investigators have traced certain components used for the construction of these replicants to having been produced or refined by this facility owned by Marlene Starlight." From a breast pocket, she produced a small electronic circuit. "This circuit was recovered from the droid you just saw. As it was in tact, we were able to trace it's purchase history to this factory. You're welcome to check the data yourself. Of course, we have no confirmation of whether or not DireX Starlight is involved or even aware that her facility is being used to create these replicants. And due to the nature of CorpSec's relation with the Executive Board, we cannot obtain a warrant to search the premises without considerable probable cause or full support from the rest of the Executive Board... That is unlikely. But, Darkwire doesn't operate under the same... pretenses by which CorpSec must legally abide."

The Chiss woman brought her pad up from behind her back and tapped a few keys. A split second later, notification bleeps from the pads of folks in the room are triggered. "Here's the location of the factory along with the building's blueprints. Of course, what you do with this information is up to you. Keep in mind that CorpSec will deny that this briefing ever occurred if news were to get out. CorpSec, however, would consider pursuing this information as a personal favor. You give us clear evidence that you participate in any significant action against this facility, and CorpSec will consider your criminal records to be wiped. A clean slate. Whatever you do, good luck."

The door clunked again as the lock released and swung open. With no need to hide this time, Sentiri exited the front entrance without another word.
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Their caf arrived and Xan immediately took a sip of it, releasing a content sigh. Cartri asked about the contact and she gave a shrug. "I dunno. They never said. Though I got a feeling we'll know 'em when we see 'em." she explained to Cartri before taking another sip. With a smirk she lightly bumped his shoulder. "Look on the bright side. This job shouldn't take too long. After it's done, we can go get something to eat. I heard that burger stall introduced a new bacon burger which I wanna try out." she explained as she looked at Cartri. She remained at the counter as she sipped her caf, calmly watching people come and go. A few faces entered which she didn't recognize. Though Daiya and the guy she met at the races on Frego certainly stood out. Another few faces arrived which she never met, but certainly heard of. Her datapad pinged and she quickly glanced at the message, a small smile appearing on her face.

Finally their contact made herself known. Xan sipped at her caf as the woman introduced herself. She never liked Chiss. They were cold and calculating, hard to manipulate and difficult to outsmart. Plus their names were impossible to pronounce. "I'd highly suggest a nickname, dude." she quipped with a bored tone, watching the woman carefully. Thankfully she kept her mouth shut for the rest of the briefing, making notes on her datapad as the Chiss spoke. She didn't like this at all. It seemed too fishy for her taste but at the very least it still was a Corpo factory. Perhaps she could find something out about the copycat case... and if she was also targeted as hard as the others. When it was done, she finished her caf and set the cup on the counter.

She looked at the others around her and clapped her hands together. "Alright then! How do you kiddies wanna do this? We all go blunder in together or do we wanna break up? Either way, I'd suggest we take a careful approach." she called out to get their attention. Letting them figure out their plans, she pulled out her datapad and opened her chat with Venku. ::Ok, got it. Here's the location. It's a corpo place so an extra gun hand could go a long way. Never hurts to have a tin can to throw at people. Meet me there, I'll catch up with you.:: she sent him along with the location of the factory.

With everything now set, she looked to the other members around her to see what their plans were.

Cassus Akovin Cassus Akovin Gray Venasir Gray Venasir Zo'i Prihm Zo'i Prihm Cartri Keswoll Cartri Keswoll Daiya Daiya Ruby Jaxx Ruby Jaxx
Once the Caf was placed in front of him Cartri made sure to have a quick sip in order to somewhat wake him up from his daze, and it almost seemed to do the job. He slowly took another sip of his drink and listened carefully to the reply of his question, one that Xan didn't even know herself. His only hope was that it wasn't one of the many tipsy customers that plagued the establishment. While his gaze looked around him he felt a gentle nudge on his shoulder from Xan, who suggested they got one of those new burgers from the stall they usually go too "I'm surprised you haven't got a belly by the amount of burgers you get from that stall" chuckled the boy with a cheeky comment "But yea, that would be great" ended the boy with a smile up to her.

Suddenly, the contractor made herself known and spoke to everyone in a clear voice who gathered around her. Cartri leaned up against the bar and kept his caf close, his eyebrows raising from a few comments she brought up. The mysterious intelligence officer mentioned again about the cloning of Darkwire agents, forcing him to think of himself. It was a pretty low chance he had another one of him running around, due to him being quite fresh in the organisation. However, he couldn't help the fact that there could be another one of Xan creeping around somewhere. For now, he shot the thought to the back of his mind while he continued to listen to the speech, trying to take in as much as he could.

Once the blueprints came up he made sure to keep a mental note of a potential entrance into the main area of the factory, such as a ventilation shaft that he was small enough to squeeze into. Getting there wouldn't be a problem, since they barely had any big guns guarding the area. The thing he worried about was getting stuck halfway in the middle of the shaft, doing that would be a disaster.

Eventually, after a short and sweet briefing the woman left with haste, not even bothering to stay hidden this time as she left through the door. Cartri's head turned to face Xan as she brought up a good point, would they go in all together or spread out "It's probably best we break up, being in groups will draw us more attention we don't need" commented the boy to the question, his eyes looking around for what everyone else had to say.


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