Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Galactic Alliance/Sith Triumvirate (Interest Check)


The Galactic Alliance/Sith Triumvirate
I have this idea for a while, I saw it was here before hand, but it never lifted, probably because it targeted the Republic, which was just...back to topic.
Im going to try my hand at, but instead of trying to target the Republic, I am instead going to ally with them. Seems like the better idea. It's a large work in progress, and will be a very strange concept, but bare with me.
So What Is The Idea?
  1. To bring the Galactic Alliance to the world of Chaos, and make it a stable group that will go Major within Two Months of it being here, Two Months because I want to make sure that when it does go Major, it will have dedicated writers.
  2. The faction will seem lightsided, and it will indeed do lightsided start off, but it will be turned into a darksided faction, and turn into a Sith Triumvirate. It will go Sith just before it goes Major.
  3. An NPC will be the Chief of State, though I am still unsure how to keep all the writers we gain (well..most of them as that is impossible to keep them all) when we Sith.
  4. Yes this is kinda like Jacen, but also kinda like Palpatine Sithy things, no I dont care that it is, I'm taking the idea from the two.
  5. Unsure if we will change the name as well, it is more probable that it will be changed when the take over.
  6. This is here for those to be aware of what they are coming into when they join, let it be know, these Sith will NOT help the One Sith, and will in fact want to drive them away, I'm just tired of there being a one Sith faction to choose from.
  7. IC, no one would know who were the Three Sith, OOC people would know, obviously. I'm not doing this to be a land grabber, or for power gaming. This is for story, and a cool idea.

The ideas come from these two factions.

The Sith Triumvirate

The Galactic Alliance

The two could easily be made one as the Government for the Alliance is also a Triumvirate.
Galactic Republic - Triumvirate

One Sith - Sneaky and non-sneaky things.

The gif below speaks of will probably end up.


Still good intentions and such! :)


[member="Darth Vornskr"]

There's a Dragon Ball? What happen to the Z?

[member="Mira Gyndar"]

I find your lack of faith disturbing


[member="Darth Vornskr"]

Oh...I didnt care for Dragon Ball Z..or GT..I like Mustang GTs though.

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