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The Galactic Alliance/Sith Triumvirate (Interest Check)



Nothing? We are Sith? We use the Rule of Two with a twist of a third in the group that is the puppet.

We're not the One Sith.

Its the Sith Triumvirate masked under the Galactic Alliance.

I mean...we're not inherently evil, not yet.
Razer Sin said:
Nothing? We are Sith?
You do realize there is more to being a Sith than simply swinging your glowing stick and banging broads in the red light district before going off pillaging right? That if you want to overthrow the OS, provide them a challenge to their rule over those who follow the Sith teaching, or even be a tiny bleep on their radar, you actually need to think very carefully about what kind of doctrine and ideology of the Sith you want to follow? That you need to base a faction on something more substantial than your own OOC dislike of the faction and a convoluted story about one of your family member alts dying for being suicidal? That you actually need SOMETHING good to draw people and not end up with another faction that will die in two weeks, if it even grabs anybodies attention long enough to join?

Oh who am I kidding, of course you don't.


[member="Yvette Dusong"]


Im sorry..let me go back to what I said..>>>> Sith Triumvirate.




Man I have to say you are amazing as a writer! I love reading your posts, and thanks! I shall!


Active Member
[member="Razer Sin"] I think what she is saying is as i am asking ok great rule of two so only 2 sith allowed why do I wanna join it? if we just only got 2 sith? So again what makes you different? your another galaxy conquest desiring sith group.



Only two have the highest of leadership roles, if you dont know anything on the Rule of Two which started with Darth Revan, Continued with Bane, almost ended with Palpatine, and then was finally ended with Jacen, this is what you need to know.

Inquisitors are the only things close to Sith used by the Rule of Two other then the secret apprentices found being trained.

Dark Jedi are highly employed by the Rule of Two

There are ALWAYS apprentices being trained to become Sith by the Apprentice or the Master. Everything is done secretly, no one knows that the Sith are behind the strings of the Galactic Alliance. This means...its a Sith faction with a mask to look like something it's not..I'm applying nearly the exact same idea as Palpatine but instead of a Republic, I am using the Galactic Alliance, which was also in the end of the Legacy Series being controlled by a Sith applying the Rule of Two.
The Sith Triumvirate idea is to have this, A Sith Lord, a Sith Apprentice, and a Sith Puppet. the Puppet being the Chief of State.

Edit: Ya know..I feel like you're making this harder then it has to be. I already explained what makes us different. Okay you're the face of thousands of Sith, this great scary empire...while my sith will be hiding, pulling strings from behind the strings. This is also still in the works, ideas are being formed, plans are being made, details sketched out. If I have to spell it out how this Sith is different from the One Sith....I think you're looking to hard into this. I dont know what you expect me to say when it's already said. TWICE now.
[member="Razer Sin"]

I say the best of luck this to you, mate. But Revan never had a Rule of Two...nor did he have a "real Sith Empire". It was always encouraged for the Apprentice to try and kill their Master...but even if they did it didn't make them a Sith Lord...the Dark Council chose the Lords. As the usurper of the Dark Lord of the Sith title, his only passion was to wage war on the Jedi and Republic and cared nothing for the Sith...imho, he was never a True Sith.

Darth Bane started the Rule of Two to ensure the survival of the Sith Order/Teachings. He, with his Apprentice Darth Zannah, hunted down and killed Dark Jedi to ensure the Jedi Order would think the Sith were extinct after he culled them after the Seventh Battle of Ruusan. Which continued until Darth Sidious became Emperor. And the Rule of Two ended with the deaths of Lumiya and Darth Caedus...and his Apprentice found redemption with the Jedi. Thus the One Sith under Darth Krayt was born.

Darth Sidious employed Dark Jedi just as Dooku employed Asajji hunt down Jedi. But all this doesn't matter since Disney/Lucasfilms have decreed anything after ROTJ no longer exists. :(
Well-Known Member
Hmm interesting.

Won't join it.

But I like it. I was sceptical at first, but it seems like it has a good idea behind it. Though if it doesn't work as a minor faction into major, perhaps you could find two other writers dedicated to this cause of making this a reality in a pre-existing faction, like ASA perhaps since they are currently struggling. You could revitalize them with the idea that they are about to be puppeteered, whilst also ensuring that they are all trained in the darkside as secret apprentices, or employed Dark Jedi, etc..

You need to apply this idea to where an opportunity presents itself.

Best of luck!


Darth Venefica said:
But all this doesn't matter since Disney/Lucasfilms have decreed anything after ROTJ no longer exists.

You're breaking my heart :(


Tis probably the line I shall go towards if I can't get this up and running.

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