Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Fire That Beckons

Objective: Check out some Library material, evict some noisy patrons
Allies: Galactic Alliance [member="Aryn Teth"] [member="Aela Talith"] [member="Rayf Vigil"]
Enemies: Sith Empire [member="Darth Carnifex"]

Equipment: In signature

And that darkness deepened as a ship dropped out of hyperspace above the planet, a veritable wave of the dark side accompanying it. The Behemoth had arrived, carrying the Dark Lord himself and his entire entourage. Of course, she couldn't reveal in front of all these Jedi and Alliance members that she had known it existed. So, just like the rest of them, she wore an expression of abject shock and horror, projecting those emotions into the Force around her.

"What the karking hell is that thing?!" Knight Ryr exclaimed.

"Look at the size of it!" Knight Vao gasped.

"I didn't know ships could be built that large!"

"How are we going to fight that?!"

Taeli didn't say anything, but proximity alarms started blaring throughout the transport. Whether the pilots were letting their surprise affect their flying or not, they weren't going to show it and break protocol.

"Unknown Sith ship is launching fighters!"

"Take us down to the planet! Now!" Taeli ordered. "Nexu Squadron, Bantha Squadron, keep those fighters off of us until we can reach the temple!"

"Copy that, Master Raaf."

The two squadrons of escorting Alliance X-Wings fell into a defensive formation around the transports as they raced towards the surface. She already knew that the Sith-Imperial TIEs would reach them before they did... she just hoped casualties could be kept low. Even so, out of reflex, her hand drifted to her lightsaber and she put on a reassuring face to the Jedi Knights and soldiers with her. Master Talith and her group were moving towards the Super Star Destroyer... brave girl. Checking her chrono, she wondered where the rest of the escorting Alliance fleet was. Checking her chrono had an additional effect, unknown to any one on board. A simple flash code activated, just two quick bursts of data... but she wanted to make sure SHE didn't get shot down. It just had to look good.
Location: Hall of Knowledge
Objective: 4
Allies: TSE
Enemies: GA | [member="Aryn Teth"]

The acolyte's eyes glided over the pages of the book she held in her hand, simply passing over all the words that lay on the paper. If someone had asked Jorryn to recite any of the information she had read in the book, they wouldn't receive so much as a date. Still she continued to gloss over the novel page by page, the dulling feeling of boredom growing more and more dominant in her mind.

Unfortunately the world decided it wouldn't just let the girl sit and pass the time by as a figure marched it's way into the hall, plainly telling her to leave.

The book dropped in the air in front of her to allow Jorryn to stare dully at the figure who had just entered the room, her thumb still holding the page that she would continue to read after she took care of this nuisance. She continued to lie back in the chair as she quickly sized the seemingly odd figure hiding behind his mask, not bothering to raise herself and meet his stance with her own.

"You presume to command me, do you?"

Instead of the typical toying smile Jorryn enjoyed prodding her enemies with, the apathetic face that she wore twisted itself into an annoyed grimace as she felt some strange sensation she felt subtly crawling around her. The feeling of boredom Jorryn held quickly turned into frustration at the Jedi entering the room, furthering brightening the strength of the light side along with the ghostly feeling running along her skin.

"I am here as a representative of the Saaraisash," The Inquisitor turned back to her book to continue her reading from where she had left off, mocking the General as she did so. "So keep in mind who you are talking to when you decide to speak like that."

The attempt to irritate him was in vain however as she couldn't escape the feelings of discomfort by ignoring them, the frustration and discomfort of the alien sensation caused the Echani's brow to furrow before she lowered her book again to turn back to the masked man standing at the other end of the hallway.

This time the silver haired Sith stared at the figure with a more quizzical look, giving him a more thorough inspect as she looked over him once again. The oppressing aura of the lightside in the room prevented her from ascertaining whether or not the man was the source of the background feeling or if it was some other discomfort but as a warrior she didn't let herself believe in coincidence, and his timing was too conveniently lined up with the feeling.

"Who are you?" Jorryn's tone turned to a hostile confusion as she began her questioning, fixing her posture properly as she draped the book over her crossed knees.

"It doesn't matter, if you came here to destroy the focus I should let you know I don't intend to let my people down." Quickly forgetting about her question and attempting to regain a more calm disposition despite the uncomfortable forces that swayed in the room.
[member="Kor Vexen"]

Steps of the Temple

She was just about out of patience for the droids. The shot that they dodged was redirected with a thrust of her palm. Ballistikenisis was something she'd learned from the Jensaraai during a trial once. And so the rocks and the dirt and small debris scattered across the area became her weapon now.

She rose her palm and skipped back, then flashed it forwards, fingers outspread to unleash a wall of floating destruction, riddled with the spinning pebbles and stones of the Temple steps. Not enough of a cascade to stop them, but enough for her to jam her JSA Pistol back in it's sheath and close.

All in the blink of an eye her saber, Seraph, snapped to her palm. The emerald blade ignited with a thrummmm and crashed against the first attackers electro-staff as she came careening in. The Opilla crystal within cracked with the sound of thunder, a sound so loud it made her teeth rattel as she parried.

One foot forwards, right foot back she pressed her counter, using Form I to slash twin strikes from on high in a V shape across the first droids middle....
Location: Library Approach​
Allies: ???​
Enemies: ???​
The twisting feeling in her gut grew worse as she approached the Library. The Dark and Light were combined in an unnatural confrontation. Already she could tell the Sith had brought many skilled practitioners of the Dark Side to this world to do... something but this world was a bastion of Light, it would not bend so easily to their will. Confrontation was brewing, that much she was certain, and confrontation would probably be bad for the continued acquisition of Jedi texts and artefacts.

Muttering curses under her breath, she could scarcely imagine what the Sith were up to nor why they'd endanger this precious resource. The closer she grew, the faint sounds of battle grew with it. Samka rolled her eyes, it was as she feared. When the Sith try and break something belonging to the Jedi, the soldiers of the Light shall appear.

Her pace quickened as she reached the perimeter.

"This is a restricted area, return to your home at once."

Samka turned to face a Sith Trooper holding a rifle to her. She smiled, exhaling deeply as she did so, again resisting attacking the soldier lest it cause a diplomatic incident.

"I'm a friend of Lord Carnifex, let me pass, would you? I have questions," she said politely.

"And I have orders, girl, no one goes in. Last chance," The trooper growled through his helmet, placing his finger on the trigger.

She sighed, the common soldier could be so... rude. The aura around the girl darkened, the innocence of her youthful drained away with it, her body language tightened while the smile on her face became cold. The rifle the soldier had been holding slammed to the floor from a powerful telekinetic tug while the man himself became totally immobile. Samka took a series of light steps towards him, the small woman rising on her toes once they were face to face to get a better view.

"You caught me in a good mood," she informed man with a dangerous hiss, little more than a whisper, "So you're quite safe. But you can tell your superiors an Overlord from the Knights of Ren is on site, someone may understand and treat me with the same respect I first offered you."

Leaving the man frozen for now, the girl turned sharply on her heels and marched towards the opening steps. There she saw the cause of the sounds of battle. Two droids engaged in a battle with a Jedi woman while atop the steps stood the towering figure of a Sith ([member="Kor Vexen"]).

A Sith who looked slightly familiar.

She didn't directly call attention to herself, instead she believed that her mere presence could spark curiosity. So for now, she'd wait until called. She stood in the open at the bottom of the stairway, a small girl in a dress rocking gently to and fro on her heels while the battle between Light and Dark transpired around her.
++Alliance warships identified, moving into attack position.++

The Emperor had already departed the bridge, his throne having mysteriously disappeared from its position behind the command deck. In his absence command over the dreadnought was handed over to Aquila, the artificial intelligence system that had been a constant companion of the Dark Lord for nearly thirty years. In his memory banks he held decades worth of combat algorithm and battle strategy, collected from every engagement he had ever been a part of or any that had been made available to the Sith Empire.

That included detailed reports of the Alliance fleet, its ships, and their exact specifications thanks to the tireless work of the Lady of Secrets. Speaking of the Lady, Aquila received a short burst of information transmitted across a secret channel unknown to everyone in the galaxy save for himself and a small handful of other individuals. To detailed the Lady of Secret's locations through an encrypted code, and the coordinates of an approaching transport; one that was moving far too close to the dreadnought to be on an evasive trajectory.

Of the forty one squadrons that could be carried by the Behemoth, only thirty had been fully launched to attack the Alliance. A remaining eight were left in reserve, with the final three comprising the Dark Lord's personal starfighter and his escort. Carnifex was now finishing the final preparations of settling into the Guillotine when Aquila signaled him with a single line of binary code through his wristcomm, but the artificial captain had already diverted two squadrons to deal with the issue.

The Emperor would leave it to Aquila, he was perfectly capable of dealing with the foolish and the bold.

A single Subjugator followed by two squadrons of Shadow Droids swarmed out from a hangar bay hidden in the recesses of the dreadnought's superstructure, angling around on an approach vector towards the Alliance fighters.

[member="Rayf Vigil"] | [member="Aela Talith"] | [member="Taeli Raaf"]
In Space Over Ossus
Engaging Alliance Spacecraft

Over the communications line Daniel learned that The Guillotine would be joining the assault. This meant one thing, the Sith Lord himself would be among them. Daniel checked his radar scanners for any indication of The Guillotine's position but was distracted by an announcement made by one of the Tie Squadron Commanders.

"Alliance combat spacecraft on interception route. Hold position."

Daniel widened his radar view and could see the blips of approaching Alliance spacecraft. They were still out of range, but both forces were B-lining for one another and that gap would soon be closed. Daniel would be part of the initial clash, and the resulting chaos would hopefully create an opening for additional Tie Squadrons to approach the Alliance Fleet. The Squadron Commander spoke again.

"Enemies in-bound. Hold Position."

The distance was quickly evaporating, Daniel could barely make out the sunlight glimmering off the Alliance Squadron's spacecraft in the distance. He began making what little last-minute preparations he could before all hell would inevitable break out.

"Weapons Ready. Engage on Command."

Daniel anxiously gripped his flight controls; tighter than he probably should have been. The Squadron Commander barked again.

"Hold Position."

Daniel's mind emptied, focusing only on the approaching enemy. For a moment, the only sound in his cabin was that of his conscious slow breathing.


In an instant, bolts of enemy fire began breaking across the Tie Squadron. For a moment, Daniel was able to gleam a better idea of the number of enemy fighters present by the muzzle flashes scattered across the artificial horizon, there were many. The Squadron Commander spoke once more, with new vigor.


At that command, the Tie Squadrons broke position. Daniel banked hard to his right, staying in formation with 4 other Tie Fighters in his Squadron. They rolled over and stuck their noses upward, gaining some 'elevation' over their targets and corkscrewed themselves back until they were re-oriented on the targets. Engagements had begun, Daniel whispered reassuringly to himself.

"Here we go..."
Just as [member="Jorryn Fordyce"] finished her sentence to [member="Aryn Teth"], Daeron added, “I don’t plan to let them down either...

From the entrance to the Hall of Knowledge, Daeron followed the path Aryn just took. He came into view as he passed a certain book case. His hand hovered near a lightsaber strapped to his belt.

Daeron’s eyes focused on the unignited lightsaber in Aryn’s grasp.

"We can't have too few people guarding the focus."

Seamus Valik

Location: Ossus (going in)
Objectives: Not Garden
Enemies: [member="Vaylin"] and TSE
Allies: Who are you people?
Gear: Pants (dirty knees), shirt (sweaty), boots (also dirty), gloves (thick garden variety...dirty), Spray water bottle, pruning shears (small)

He stopped with his foot on the steps. His eyes widened for a moment in surprise as his way was blocked by a Zabrak woman. She stood seemingly confused for a moment as her purple eyes appraised him. He sighed mildly as she spoke. They always called him Jedi. He would have to get a name badge that said 'not a Jedi' and wear it about his neck on a big noticeable chain. Perhaps he should wear tighter clothing, slick his hair back, and drink appletinis while talking about how great a mentalist he was. That just might work.

"Oh." He said as he took a moment to think about what he should do. He had no weapon, no back up, and he hadn't even brought his comlink. He had no idea of numbers with this woman or even who they were really, though nudging from the attire he was willing to guess. All in all a straight fight seemed as bad of an idea as holonet dating.

"I'm the gardener, love. But I'll just go tell the Jedi they should go then, shall I?" He said pointing past her farther into the building.
Kor Vexen

Perimeter around the Great Library | Location
/Two Akguza Guards/| Company​
The droids would dodge the rubble thrown at them with relative ease, moving like oil on water with fluid movements that were not expected of usual droids. They spun their electrostaffs at a blurring rate to knock aside whatever rubble might be troublesome to dodge though a few would manage to slip past and leave dents on their armored plating. However, they were droids; pain did not affect them and so they continued to pursue, like unrelenting and ravenous hounds chasing after their prey. They would not stop until they had torn apart their prey or they themselves were cut down to the point of not being able to do anything. The loud thrum of Karren activating her saber would cause the two Akguza droids to pause, as one had struck its electrostaff against her lightsaber. Neither droids were affected by the loud noise emitted by the woman's lightsaber as the droid quickly disengaged to avoid her counter.

The droid had gauged the strength of her strike and was analyzing her stance while they both began rapidly making adjustments to begin data collection on her fighting style and figure out the best way to effectively counter her. Every movement she made was analyzed at a high rate by the advanced combat algorithms programmed into the droids. They would stand in place momentarily as they idly spun their electrostaffs. After a brief moment, and a series of warbled beeps and other indistinguishable chatter between the two droids that were feeding each other information they would advance slowly.

One droid would step off to the side, circling around her as they both held out their electrostaffs, using its longer reach to keep Karren at bay if she tried to go for one of them. Compared to when they were fighting her with ranged weaponry, the droids seemed a lot more cautious, probably as a result of them not needing to be aggressive and relentless to close the gap between them. As Vexen observed from his post, arms crossed over his chest, his head would tilt slightly. He felt something in the air, a tantalizingly familiar and somewhat sinister presence he had not otherwise felt or given much thought since the Silver Jedi's failed attempt at ripping Mirial from the Empire. His head would turn to the direction that he felt the presence coming from. He would acknowledge it, but he would not trouble himself with moving from his position to greet an actual guest.

[member="Karren Trask"] | [member="Samka Derith"]​
Kor Vexen

Steps of the Temple

She watched the droids parry and encircle her with narrow eyes. Then she closed them, breathing in deep, filling herself with more force energy than she could possibly hold. Like a balloon stretched to the limit, every muscle taut and lith, every movement a lightning blur.


She exploded, reversing her grip in a Shien style. Where they aimed to keep at her bay with more of a fencers technique and had her flanked, she used mobility again. Crouching low, spinning full circle to deliver a sweeping 360 strike and then snapping up to follow through.

The hilt reversed grip again, into a Makashi style.


She slipped one foot forwards and one back, and sent the point of her blazing emerald blade out with a snarl in a savage lunge for the first droids, leg, flourishing to deliver tempered precise slice with no more than a an inch span from start to finish....
LOCATION: Central Atrium - Balcony
ALLIES: [member="Six-O"] | [member="Enyo Typhos"] | [member="Lok Munin"] | [member="Darth Ophidia"] | [member="Czernon Zambrano"] | [member="Darth Prazutis"] | TSE

Matsu was good at silence. In fact, it was a defining trait. One thought of the ocean - her namesake, an Atrisian goddess representing the same - but not as a roiling storm. Instead unnaturally flat, betraying the undeniable hum of life below, waiting to drag prey to the bottom. Always a quiet predator.

However, something snagged in that clean flow of silent meditation…if one could call it that, a twisting of that holy Jedi practice.

It was a steady hum. It was pressure.

Allies gathered around her and her droid companion, welcome faces in Enyo and Lok. Dark-siders and those allied to their cause abounded, but it was not the physical representation that was the problem. Light and dark were in balance. No matter what Sith wanted to believe - or Jedi, for that matter - neither was stronger than the other. As natural forces they existed in opposition, always seeking to balance the other. They, these meddling force-users with herself included, daily challenged that natural order.

The problem was that with the increasing pressure of the ritual, as the Nexus pulled ever inwards towards its own black hole of awakening, the Light outside worked to counteract it.

Something was coming.

Outside, too far for Matsu’s ability to assess numbers besides ‘large’, a swarm of Alliance defenders approached. Thousands of steps to climb, weighed down by gear, but bolstered by the knowledge that they were the only things standing between the library and its twisting in to something irreparable. Armed to the teeth, it was their incursion that brought a wave of righteous Light against the wall of the ritual. Closer, closer…


“Alliance forces… I can’t tell exactly how many, but they’re enough to have to deal with it…”

“Coming up the stairs…”

The hallways in to the front part of the library located just outside the Central Atrium were small, just bottlenecks where the Alliance would have to push through in bloody succession...
Aryn Teth

Hall of Knowledge, The Great Jedi Library, Ossus, Ossus System, The Outer Rim Territories
Interacting With: [member="Jorryn Fordyce"], [member="Daeron"]
Mild amusement was all that Aryn really felt as the Echani woman began to speak, indeed, it was a genuine effort on his part to not let that amusement show as she addressed him, her mocking having limited effect on the man as he stood and watched the woman, only momentarily noting a second presence, but not lingering upon it as he focused on Jorryn. Aryn could feel as she began to inspect him properly, as he latched onto her mind, he felt the confusion radiating through her as to who he was, the confusion in and of itself briefly confusing Aryn, considering the events transpiring elsewhere, he had expected that there would have been a far greater degree of readiness within the library itself. Or perhaps there was simply a great degree of confidence on the Echani's end, either way, it would matter little once things got underway.

As she spoke again, his gaze flicked briefly beneath the mask towards the focus, but his attention was drawn again by the second voice the second she finished speaking. Turning his head over his shoulder, his gaze settled upon the new figure, those same tendrils which had latched onto Jorryn now reaching out through the force to find him, they would ensure the man was not able to sneak up on Teth again.

He focused his gaze on the man for a moment, before looking back to the woman, briefly shifting his lightsaber in his hand into a reverse-grip as he shrugged his shoulders. "Well, I can't say I didn't warn you." In a flash of movement, Aryn called upon the force and launched himself across the room, past the Echani woman and atop one of the many shelves that lined the halls. He was well aware that the Sith were only one concern, and his major focus was the focus itself, if he was able to dispatch of the device before engaging with the two Sith, he would have a much easier time of things.

Location: Ossus Central Atrium, Under Balcony
Allies: [member="Darth Ophidia"], [member="Matsu Xiangu"], [member="Six-O"], [member="Lok Munin"], [member="Czernon Zambrano"]
Enemies: Galactic Alliance, GA Soldier NPC, The Light
“Alliance forces… I can’t tell exactly how many, but they’re enough to have to deal with it…”
“Coming up the stairs…”
The words of the Spider were enough to bring a look of concern from the face of a nearby sorcerer in the Shadow Hand's direction. But the man's look elicited a simple response from the infamous Destroyer who was amused at the app​roaching forces "Keep going you won't be disturbed. We will deal with this intrusion." He said passing a brief look over the gathered Sith. None had moved quite yet but it was he who took the first move. There were different specializations all in the room including non force users, but he would reveal himself first and draw the full attention of the enemy.

As the Dark Lord strode across the room his footfalls were heavy and loud, like the giant he appeared to be with a hand reaching down at his side for one of the two dark hilted lightsabers. He thrusted his hands forward blowing the doors open as he walked towards the entrance leading down to the steps. The lightsaber ignited into a long blade of sunfire as he emerged out into the open air and onto the steps, his hand gliding to activate the field around his armor.

Hesitation. Fear.

While the soldiers were certainly ready to fight Sith it appeared they didn't expect this, or the emergence of such a giant confronting them. Eyes widened and shocked looks filled their faces at his appearance as the swarm came into full view. But the hesitation didn't last long.


The frantic yell rang out but as the storm of blaster shots descended upon him the field generating from his armor caused deflections, they were caught up in and deflected as if he was surrounded by some sort of bubble. This was when he launched himself forward moving far faster than anyone that size should be able to move. The monster was unleashed then as the blade spun and twirled in a heavy combination of Djem-So and Juyo, a hyper aggressive slaughter. It was made raw and visceral by the beasts brute strength as he reached down and grabbed men with a single hand by the shoulders, throat, and launched them into the air breaking their forms against the hard stone their screams filling the air as limbs and torso's fell severed from the blade.

They opened the gates of hell and the Devil just stepped out to play.
Location: Ossus | Great Jedi Library | Exterior
Objective: Defend the Ritual - Fight Jedi
Allies: TSE
Enemies: [member="Seamus Valik"] | GA
Equipment: Sith Lightsaber x2 | Shoto Lightsaber x1 | Armour | Oculus | Firestarter |

Vaylin's brow twitched at Seamus' non-reaction. Eyes narrowed as the man simply stared at her, thinking as he tried to discern his next actions. At this closer distance, the Zabrak could feel the man's presence in the Force. It wasn't within the Light, but nore was it steeped in the Dark either.

He was in the middle. Almost immediately her train of thought turned to more Valkyrie-aligned motives.

To twist, and to corrupt.

But it didn't matter here and now, not even the fact he was one of the Alliance's Jedi.

He wasn't Sith nor aligned with the Empire, and that meant he had to die.

"No." She ignited her lightsaber.

As she stalking down the steps, Vaylin didn't spare a glance towards anything but Seamus. She had her sights set in an opponent, and she wasn't going to let him get past or flee.


The Pan-Galactic Scumbag
LOCATION: Ossus - Central Atrium - Balcony
OBJECTIVE: Support Sith Organics
ALLIES: TSE | @Matsu Xiangu | @Lok Munin | @Darth Ophidia | @Darth Prazutis
ENEMIES: GA | Repel Jedi and Soldiers
GEAR: Cylix Pistol | HPB Pistols x 2 | Magnetic Reaper | CF6 Concussion Rifle | SIF-71 | YVHa-60 Chassis

He could feel her, authority and strength untenable, dominating his palate. Even as [member="Matsu Xiangu"] spoke, so too did the Conjurers of this fetid Ritual. Words spoken in connection, one after another.

“Alliance forces… I can’t tell exactly how many, but they’re enough to have to deal with it…”

“Coming up the stairs…”

Male. Female. Alien. Human.

Voices detached, disassociated, tantamount in their murmur.

Belphaegor hadn't felt the sharp edge of such control since he'd met The Haruspex some time ago on Maena. Presented to her as a young boy by Vero Cygone, an Arconan Collector of both Rare Items and all manner of Flesh. Originally born in the Religious City of Kr'ylland, the blood of his kith flowed through many strong Alchemists, Necromancers and Sorcerer's of that horrifying city. But like many whom offered their fervor to the Obsidian Stone Idol at the center of Kr'ylland, his family had been put to the fire on one of the harrowing caravan routes that led Traders and Journeymen from New City to the great Onyx Walls of his home. Tortured. Buried. Cooked alive slowly by Heralds of Xoth-za.

Not known to collect flesh and blood such as he, off Belphaegor was sent to live or die under the bane of Sith.

Yet, here he stood, now a young man. Laboring under heavy cloak and hood of foreign Sorcerers and Seers. Occultists and Witches. Helping warp this former Institution of Jedi Learning in to a place where sinister beasts and profound hatred would linger for Generations.

The Sith Ritualists stood ringed around the fervid vortex of agony and dread, five bodies deep, sagging robes of ebony stitched with threads of gold and crimson, dripping loosely from their frames. Each row stood sturdy in the wake of the madness unfurling at the center of their formation. The strongest stood at the very front, with each row paced evenly behind them, the hands of lesser Mages clasping the shoulders of the superior. Connected by mind and body.

They could feel her.

They could feel all of them.

Vision granted through the foul eyes of the Mentalist. They saw [member="Darth Prazutis"] stride forward, moving to intercept the Galactic Alliance threat. They gazed briefly upon YVHa-60, the cyborg [member="Enyo Typhos"], and the mercenary [member="Lok Munin"]. Like a dagger piercing their flesh, breaking ribs and puncturing organs vital to survival. . . [member="Darth Ophidia"]. Yes. . . the eyes of the Assassin were upon them.

Everything ruptured abruptly, no premonitory caressing, not even a faint whisper of intent in to the ears of the Force-Using creatures. It seemed as though, under the rumble of the Dark Titan's footsteps, as the large beast strode forth to engage the tide of flesh and ordnance threatening this grim Rite.


Dust ballooned forward across the Balcony of the Atrium, stone, wood and metal bloating outwards with such concussive strength that bodies seemed to cartwheel like rag-dolls, insides turned to jelly, limbs snapped and bent awkwardly as they came crashing down on the first floor. Beams of lights stroked inward through the rapidly expanding debris cloud, racing wildly from what seemed a thousand directions.

More explosions.

Glass shattering.

A thick stone pulverized the skull of a Ritualist, his cloak turn from his body, head left misshapen and raggedly turn as he collapsed towards the deathly shade of darkside energy. What was left of the creature withered and decayed in a mere instant. But the Sith continued on, his place in the circle filled in the blink of an eye.

Lightsabers hummed with life, barely illuminating the wielders of the weapons as the visibility stumbled even further under the welter of another series of breaching Galactic Alliance Soldiers and Jedi from the outside. Statues, pillars, furniture and stone lobbed wickedly in sudden bursts of turmoil.

But the Ritual. Must. Continue.
LOCATION: Ossus - Central Atrium - Balcony
OBJECTIVE: Support Sith Organics
ALLIES: TSE | [member="Six-O"], [member="Matsu Xiangu"]
ENEMIES: GA | Repel Jedi and Soldiers

And so there was carnage. Lightsabres hummed to life, providing some illumination. Glass shattered, explosions shook the ground. Cries of pain were heard. Skulls were pulverised, bodies ripped apart, unholy chants were heard, warring with the whine of blaster fire for who could scream the loudest. It was very pretty.

Neda Chazzak, former Sergeant of the One Sith's rampaging, bloodthirsty legions, felt right at home. Indeed, as the stink of death began to clog the air, she felt just a bit relieved. She'd been just a wee bit concerned that there'd be no enemies to fight, making the entire endeavour pointless. Who the hell cared about a damned holocron? She definitely didn't.

"Shoulda brought the missile launcher, Boss. Said it would come in handy," her grunt was not voiced verbally, but transmitted via her implants. The Boss insisted on purely electronic, nonverbal communication on the battlefield. She was awfully anal about it, but she had a point.

The Boss was not the type to indulge in witty banter, alas. "Find a good position, provide covering fire."

"Your sister's minions have this cool one. We should steal a couple."

"Do your job." Mentioning her was a sure way to piss off the Boss. This was not always a bad thing. In Neda's estimation, the Boss fought best when she was pissed.

"Do I ever not?" the rotary plasma cannon was being powered up. "ROE?"

"Shoot anything in the way. If 'allies' get in the way, shoot them, too."

A thick cloud of dust engulfed much of the balcony of the Atrium, explosions caused the ground to tremble. Luckily, all the debris offered a good deal of cover. So the soldier found a spot. A gauntlet-covered, callused hand touched the old Irridonian talisman she'd been carrying with her since her childhood days as a street rat in the slums of Kuat. It was her good-luck charm.

The Boss would receive a silent ping. Then the cannon spat a hailstorm of blue balls of plasma. Almost loud enough to drown out the chanting. Almost. The storm of plasma shots cut down Galactic Alliance soldiers and charging Jedi, though harsh counterfire came her way. Excitement surged through her. The Boss was making her way towards the enemy's vanguard, advancing methodically rather than death charge into the fray. Neda could perceive the violet gleam of her lightsabre as it cut down attackers.
[member="Aryn Teth"] began to probe Daeron’s mind with the Force. A common technique for trained Force users.

For a second, Daeron’s pupils constricted.

Daeron’s heart rate quickened. A twitch of Daeron’s finger followed once Teth reversed the grip on his lightsaber.

Nervousness, it seemed. Escalating.

Then, Teth leaped into action. He hopped on top of the book cases – well out of Daeron’s immediate reach.

I’ll slow him down!” Daeron yelled to [member="Jorryn Fordyce"] as he waved his hand.

Something in the air of that room changed in that moment – as if the Force acted upon it.

Adrenaline rushed into Daeron’s blood. He followed Teth’s path from the ground. Teth would have known Daeron’s location from the connection slowly forming.

The “tendril” that Teth noticed earlier still existed – going to the focus that the Sith used. Yet branches might have appeared to go off to multiple destinations.
Location: Hall of Knowledge - Great Library
Objective: 4
Allies: TSE | [member="Daeron"]
Enemies: GA | [member="Aryn Teth"]


The Echani only allowed for the surprised look on her face stay for a second, before her face morphed into an annoyed determination. Jorryn hadn't expected the Jedi to immediately rush past her as quickly as he managed to, the ones she had fought before had a tendency to monologue or focus on a fight instead of their objective.

The tome in her hand immediately clapped shut as she threw the book to the ground before grasping the back of the chair she sat on, using the force to help lift herself over it as she untwisted her legs and pulled the lightsaber from it's place on her waist.

The effects of the unknown Sith's abilities weren't clear yet, but Jorryn wasn't going to waste time coordinating and figuring out what the Acolyte was plotting as the older Jedi rushed towards the focus. All she had to know was that it might slow him down.

The silver haired Sith quickly brought herself down onto the other side of the chair, her face twisting with strain as she used the force along with her own strength to pick up the sizeable chair that now found itself behind her as she attempted to throw it towards the Jedi in one fluid motion.

A muted grunt could be heard as her fingertips left the grasp of the decor, propelling it again further by pressing it forward with the force. Jorryn didn't give herself enough time to catch her breath after the display, ignoring her heavy breathing as she immediately made her way to intersect between the man and the focus he was attempting to destroy.

Even if the chair had missed the old man, it would hopefully distract him enough to allow the pair of acolyte's to take either side of the Jedi. If not at least she would be close enough to the focus to prevent it's immediate destruction.

Jorryn caught her breath as she neared the focus point, taking a neutral stance with her unignited lightsaber as she turned towards the Jedi.

"Not even an introduction?" She said hoping to taunt him into singling his attention as she brushed her hair back over her shoulder, her lips again curling into a grin. "Are you Jedi always so desperately wanting for manners then?"
LOCATION: Ossus, Central Atrium, under balcony.
OBJECTIVE: Make sure the ritual is completed.
NEARBY: [member="Matsu Xiangu"] [member="Six-O"] Lots of sithy ritual people.
ENEMY: GA KIT: Nagajj, tsaisibola, belt, robes, lightsabres, vibrodagger, portable shield.

It was quiet at first, disappointingly so.

Then, the most esteemed haruspex of Maena spoke her words of warning. When Ophidia stopped and listened, she could hear the drum of boots outside. So that was how they were going to do it? Not by their aptitude in the Force, but by deployment of men? How many bodies were they willing to throw on the pile for this sacrifice before their esteemed spiritual leaders stepped out and entered the fray?

It was impressive and disappointing at the same time.

Darth Prazutis headed out towards the doors and the stairs beyond. She moved to take out the stragglers, but stopped. First of all, it would put her too far from the ritual to really protect it, secondly, she sensed something else. That was when the windows came crashing in. Bits of wall and shards of transparisteel came showering down. Their herd of spiritual fodder thinned from the blast, but they had extras, they expected an attempt to stop them.

Darth Ophidia covered herself with her arms and crouched as the blast came, but quickly turned her attention back on the action when she heard the rappelling of rope. As four troopers came swinging in through the window after the blast, she threw her arm out and seized their momentum, then sent them flying back out of the window from whence they had come.

All around them, shots were traded back and forth, cutting lives short and leaving black scorch marks on the improvised cover. Sabres were ignited, but hers remained off, she saw the blue and green columns of plasma lies light up the dust and the chaos. If chaos was what the Jedi wished for, then Chaos they would have.

She stepped forth, the dust swirling around her form in a momentary ghostly visage. Her body swayed out of the way of a shot, then another, then the oscillation disappeared in a patch of shadow. One of the Alliance troopers gave a quick gulp as his throat burst into red. His comrade twitched as wetness soaked his lower back, pouring out of a newly poked hole.

These were no wounds caused by lightsabres, but a simple blade of metal.
LOCATION: Central Atrium - moving down from balcony
OBJECTIVE: Protect the ritual.
ALLIES: [member="Six-O"] | [member="Enyo Typhos"] | [member="Darth Ophidia"] | [member="Lok Munin"] | [member="Czernon Zambrano"] | [member="Darth Prazutis"] | TSE

Without a doubt Six-O and the Sith that surrounded her in that room could easily have protected the ritual so that she may have concentrated solely on its continued heightened coordination. Vexen continued his duel, the Titan threw his power across the front steps, Enyo would dispatch Alliance grunts with crushing precision, Ophidia with an assassin’s grace made public, and Lok with the efficiency of a man that spent part of his youth with a people who glorified conquest.

But her ability to focus on such a task was split, and therefore… she would be a better asset pushing back the threat in the real. There would be no point forging forward in concentration if there was no ritual to guide at all.

Debris rained down as windows shattered and Matsu raised her arms to protect her face, glass pelting off the metal. Smoke was already threatening to choke the room, the glow of lightsabers eerie and incandescent as visibility lowered. She pulled her own from her hip, turning it over slowly in her grip before igniting it. Its sound was like a stutter, unstable from the crystal its previous owner had used to create its devastating effects.

The room was massive, serving as the first room that a visitor would encounter upon arriving. The lowest level of it contained walls filled with reprints of more ancient scripts and small holocards that could be pulled from the shelves, glowing blue in the smoky air. Statues dotted the area depicting moments of Jedi peacekeeping and moments of great honor throughout their history. On either side of the room, a bit set back from the multiple entranceways but easily accessible, were two sets of staircases that curved slightly and brought one to the wrap balcony that Matsu and her companions had been standing on until recently. Since the Sith’s arrival furniture had been overturned to accommodate the ritual but it remained otherwise undisturbed.

For now.

She reached out, pressing a hand to Six-O’s chassis as if to absorb some sort of charm from it, and then turned to stalk down the flight of stairs closest to them down to ground level.

From the outside of the library, one could see that its entranceways were arrayed along the front of the main part of the building, opening right in to the Atrium. They were small and narrow, but numerous, allowing groups of Alliance men and women to flow through. Each of them went as fast as possible, unwilling to leave themselves in the enclosed space for longer than absolutely necessary.

From one entranceway right in the middle came the alarmed shouts of Alliance soldiers as something crawled up out of the ground. Tendrils of something oily and dark shot up from the floor, came out of the walls. The shouts turned to disturbingly wet shrieks as some of the tendrils impaled several soldiers with enough force to crack their bodies against the ceiling. The sound of bones splintering echoed out of the short tunnel as some of the tendrils grabbed limbs and picked soldiers up to pummel them in to pulp against the walls again and again and again. And there was sizzling as yet more of the tendrils simply melted like acid through limbs they could wrap around.

And just outside the entranceway in question stood the tiniest Sith, one metal arm raised and a hand splayed as she worked her sorcery.

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