Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Fire That Beckons

tinker tailor soldier spy
Location: Perimeter Defenses
Allies: TSE [member="Dante Sotari"]
Enemies: None yet

"Doesn't help these fethers take an eternity to set-up." Morgan grunted while slowly sliding the last piece of the equipment into place. Once the slots connected together the last AA came online, whirring, its sensor array starting to track the immediate sky for potential enemy contact. The latter had already been reported in the outer perimeter on the ground and even within the library. That was just another point against this ten minute set-up thing they had going.

Ten minutes had been enough for some of them to get through.

He calibrated the system a bit more, before nodding. That was that. They couldn't really do more without direct contact as far as Morgan was concerned. His carbine was nearby, he took it in his hands and started checking it for defects.

Always a good habit to have prior to an engagement.

"Well, we got a couple of banthas that make a good impression of intelligence." Morgan snarked over the carbine. "Sarge Themas, no?" The AA started picking up targets incoming, already starting to prepare target solutions for them to execute. Rifle clean and functional, he stepped up next to Dante to check the monitors directly. "Doesn't look like a big force. Saryn got them tied up on the ground, Sith got 'em in the libraries, we came here right on time."

Even a few hours might have switched their roles.
Transport Besh
"Two minutes"

Aela heard the small broadcast over the transports comms, her lips thinning as she reached overhead and grabbed the small strap located there. Ordinarily she would have put herself into one of the crash seats lining the wall, but she'd chosen to forego than in order to leave the transport a bit faster when it came to that. Plus, she had thought it better the Jedi Knight from earlier situated himself in the thing, mostly because he already looked as though he was about to throw up.

A small smile touched her face as she looked at him.

A memory flashed through her mind, the first time she went against the Sith. Oddly enough she couldn't even remember the name of the planet, though it had been during the wars with the One Sith and the Republic. She had been with her, Micah and Kaili, as well as some of their friends. The 'brat pack', they had colorfully called themselves.

The battle had been a brief one as far as fights had been concerned, but she and the others had held off a Sith Lord for quite some time before others arrived.

It was an odd thought to have at a moment like this, especially considering the fact that the Jedi Knight was far older than she had been at the time. Perhaps it was the youth in his face, or perhaps she was simply feeling a tad nostalgic. Nevertheless she shifted slightly, looking away from the other Jedi and instead facing towards the pilots seat. She took a breath, and then suddenly felt a harsh lurch as the assault craft dropped out of hyperspace.

++Disengaging hyperdrive.++

The Behemoth shuddered as it exploded out of hyperspace into the cold blackness of reality, it's silhouette like a dagger against the backdrop of stars and distant planetoids. It cut an impressive figure as it continued on its path towards Ossus, twenty eight aft thrusters burning bright with icy blue energy that propelled the titanic warship through space. From the dreadnought's command bridge one could spy the distant marble of Ossus drifting in tranquility, but that tranquility was about to be disrupted.

A sensor alarm cut across the disciplined silence, a technician emerging from the data pit to relay their findings to the Emperor.

He bowed, nearly prostrating himself, before the magnificent Sith warrior, "Your excellency, our scanners have detected unauthorized vessels entering orbit around the planet. We've yet to identify their transponders, but from what we can gather visually we believe them to be Alliance war galleys, your grace."

How interesting, thought the Emperor, what could have prompted the Alliance to expend the energy and manpower to come all this way? Were they aware of the ritual? Happenstances? Is there a traitor in our midst? Whatever the case may be, the Emperor was determined to not let the Alliance meddle in the affairs of his Empire yet again. He had thought that Thyferra was enough of a warning for them to not provoke the wrath of the Empire yet again, but here they were...

Vermin, scurrying about.

"Give the order, scramble fighters. Tell them that their Emperor will be joining them shortly." The order was relayed through the proper channels, and hundreds of pilots scurrying across the flight decks to ready their fighters and prepare for take off.

Soon enough the sight of over two dozen TIE fighter squadrons would reach the interlopers.

And the dogfight would begin.
[member="Kor Vexen"]

Steps of the Temple
She would not draw her Saber. Not yet. She had mobility, and the element of surprise. The droids had forwards shielding and that's what she counted on. She'd not yet probed their defenses, gotten a feel for what they could do. But she knew a lightsaber would be less than effective against models that looked built to duel.

She slid sideways, and jumped, somersaulting up into the air. A static shock still arced from the staff, catching her leg on the way up. Smoldering flightsuit and cooked meat met her nostrils, acrid and rancid....

A flesh wound. Smash them.

Then she flipped like a barrel down a waterfall and landed crouched, several meters back from both of them.

Energy shields were meant for blasters she assumed.

So she lined up her slugthrower pistol and let rip double taps of high explosive toward each droid's chest. The second hand moved in unison, guided by the force and unnatural instinct. Teeth bared, she fired skywards at her Wingman drone, which had moved in behind the droids, switching to the Ion Paddle beamer function.

The one Kael Rose had configured to by pass shield and blade.

It warped each shot in its crystalline core, sending them arcing down in a semi crescent for the droids backs.

Again her guns talked, channeling her wrath like a lightning rod, each accenting the other....

LOCATION: Ossus, Central Atrium, under balcony.
OBJECTIVE: Make sure the ritual is completed.
NEARBY: [member="Matsu Xiangu"] [member="Six-O"] Lots of sithy ritual people. [member="Kor Vexen"[/COLOR]
[COLOR=rgb(102,102,102)][B]ENEMY: [/B]GA , the approaching [member="Karren Trask"]

History was a funny thing.

For as long as Darth Ophidia could remember, Ossus had been a bastion of the Jedi way; an irritatingly unquenchable source of light to oppose the coming darkness spreading from the Stygian Caldera and bringing hope to the systems of the Tingel Arm. It had belonged to the Galactic Republic and the Silver Jedi Order, both had failed to keep it. And now, the Sith Empire were coming to claim it back. All would fall beneath the Imperial decree in turn.

Finally, they would snuff out the last shred of hope this side of the galaxy.

'Who will face me, cowards?'

The Queen of Shadows rose to her feet as she heard the call to arms. Her hands brushed the heavy outer cloak to the side, exposing the two lightsabres on her belt and un-clipping them. Her hands retracted into the sleeves of her outer cloak, obscuring the two hilts under the heavy fabrics. She looked up at the balcony above, seeing the esteemed Darth Yaomo and her most peculiar droid companion.

"Resume the ritual" She spoke to one of the sorcerers who had glanced up at her as she rose. "We will hold them off."

Ophidia's neck cracked audibly as she moved her head in a circle and rotated her shoulders to remove the last stiffness of ritual-duty from the muscles within. Her presence in the Force, previously crystal clear and cold as ice, began to dwindle into nothingness as reality seemingly bled out of her, overtaken by shadow and void. Before soon, the master assassin had folded her presence so deeply into the background of the Force that it would require a dedicated effort to seek it out at a distance.

Next, she applied the cloak of shadows. Her form grew steadily more translucent before it was completely indistinguishable from the surroundings. The last to disappear were the eyes, burning like coals, unblinking, unwavering. A flutter of unseen fabric and a drift of wind that quickly stilled was all that then indicated Darth Ophidia having shifted her position.
Aboard The Behemoth
In Space Above Planet Ossus

Plans had changed. With the arrival of The Galactic Alliance, Okonnar was now instructed to assist the dozens of deploying TIE Squadrons in establishing aerospace superiority above Ossus. While not a Fighter Pilot by classification, Okonnar was certified by the same same flight school and was assigned his own personal Tie Fighter which he used as instructed.

Okonnar settled himself into the cockpit of his Tie Fighter and stowed his weapons in a locker nestled behind his seat. He had been assigned to one of The Behemoth's Tie Squadrons temporarily and would assist with their objectives while navigating any specific orders that came his way.

After completing his pre-flight ritual, Okonnar waited tentatively for his ID Number to be called for take-off. Once he received the order, he deployed.

In the distance, Okonnar strained to see the silhouettes of the enemy fleet. Whatever was occurring on Ossus' surface must have been of significant importance.
Location: Hall of Knowledge
Objective: Find something to read
Allies: TSE
Enemies: GA | [member="Aryn Teth"]

The tips of her fingers ran along and gently pulled at the various tomes and books lined among the shelves that littered the hall of knowledge as Jorryn searched for something to preoccupy her time as she patiently protected the first focus for the Sith Empire.

It didn't take long for the acolyte to grow tired of this duty, so she decided that perhaps there could be something of worth to gain from these dusty old books.

Boring... Dull...

The words continuously rattled in her skull as she passed over tome after tome, her brow beginning to furrow in annoyance. Books of healing and philosophies of the Jedi that held no regard to the Sith, dropping the odd book off of the shelf for the satisfactory thud they made when the old leather and paper slammed against the floor.

Useless... Waste of Time.. Ew...

The Echani's fingers gently recoiled as she came across a worthless old holocron, nonetheless teeming with lightside energy from whichever nobody Jedi had made it.

The remaining lightside aura left in the room had already left Jorryn uneasy and restless, but touching something more focused with the aspect of the force had caused her to reel in disgust.

Her initial reaction would normally be to simply destroy the thing, but Jorryn reluctantly decided to let it be. All of these items would soon be oppressed by the dark side energy eventually, no need to rush the inevitable.

She sauntered over to another shelf, beginning the same process of selection that she had for the others. Eventually her boredom caused her to pull a book about the history of Ossus' history, hesitantly falling back into one of the chairs littering the hall as she began her read.
LOCATION: Central Atrium - Upper Balcony
OBJECTIVE: Continue bolstering ritual.
ALLIES: [member="Six-O"] | [member="Czernon Zambrano"] | [member="Darth Ophidia"] | [member="Lok Munin"]

The threat outside in someone else’s hands, Matsu once more looked to the droid - a hushed whirring, the tick and hum of mechanisms coming online in some precise machination for killing. “Most immediate threat was intercepted. But she won’t be the last.”

No, its retrieval from some power-saving mode was not in vain - the approach of the Alliance pressed against the malleable but strong outer shell of the Dark Side ritual, warning of a persistent danger to their goal here. Darth Ophidia, a woman endlessly fascinating to tell the truth, would hold off the interlopers - no doubt, with Six-O's eager help should it come down to it. For now however, it went on, reaching inky tendrils further and further in to the library, forging connections until all at once it could be pulled inward in invisible implosion - a Nexus.

If she had the spare concentration, she might have wondered what it was like for the droid, to watch humans participating in things like this and feel none of its effects. Even those without the power to wield the Force could feel the sensation of great power - Light, Dark, or otherwise - when used like this. What must it be like to look on and simply wonder why people were standing in a circle, feeling nothing?

As it was however, she did not have the spare concentration. The Ritual had gone up a notch, and she redoubled her efforts to help those crafting it.

And then, a quieter voice - one she was unfamiliar with - trickled through the myriad of sounds in her head. Interest piqued, her eyes scanned the room and...there. Hands wrapped around a cane, sickly gaze from under short-cropped hair. Interesting.


From her mind to his, the bridge formed, and the power of coordination found among those binding the Ritual grew. She closed her eyes, breathing slowed, as she sank in to the flow of connected minds throughout the atrium, now working with another to share the load.

She would keep an eye on this one.

Rayf Vigil

Location: Approaching Ossus Orbit
Objective: Escort NJO Transports
Allies: Galactic Alliance, Rogue Squadron
Enemies: The Sith Empire, [member="Darth Carnifex"]

Cockpit // TR-20 X-Wing
Adega System // Outer Rim

"I've got a bad feeling about this, R9," Rayf muttered as much to himself as to his trusty astromech droid, "Keep an eye on those long range sensors for me, will ya buddy?"

Their arrival in system had been a curiously inauspicious one. It hadn't taken them long to detect vessels bearing Sith Empire transponders in orbit, and more on the surface when they drew closer. But now that they were on final approach to Adega's third planet, Rogue Leader could not help but feel that something was off about their mission. This was hardly a full scale invasion fleet their intelligence from Voss had led them to expect. And their landing parties were clustered mainly around some old Jedi ruins, not any inhabited regions.

It was too late now to abort, they were committed, and anything on this rock that had caught the interest of the Sith was at least worth investigating. But Commander Vigil could not shake this unsettled feeling he could not quite describe.

"Eyes sharp, we'll be breaching atmo soon," he said, keying his internal comlink so the rest of his squadron could hear, "We should reach the target LZ before they have time to scramble interceptors, but its a good bet the Empire already knows we're here so watch out for ground emplace-"

A particularly alarmed series of beeps and hoots from R9 interrupted his train of thought as it was translated onto his ship's computer display, and despite decades of combat experience a chill ran down his spine and his eyes widened in alarm.

"Check again, pal. Must be some kind of malfunction," taking one hand off the throttle, he manipulated the X-Wing's state of the art augmented reality systems, attempting to run a sensor diagnostic, "Those readings are impossible. Nothing that big could possibly...exist..."

The Behemoth tore into realspace, forcing Rayf to trail off while he struggled to comprehend how something so massive could possibly have been kept a secret. Twice the size of the Itsukusk, the Sith flagship was so gargantuan, he could glimpse it with his naked eye despite their extreme distance. It looked infinitesimal from this vantage point, and the Commander struggled to reconcile what he perceived with the sensor readings before him.

"Alright Rogues, listen up," it took all his many years of training to retain a sense of professional calm in his voice, "New plan, looks like we've got some party crashers. All fighters, break from your descent and reform on me."

"Look at the size of that thing!" one of the Rogues, a rookie ace culled from Green Squadron, chirped up on their frequency, "There's no way we can take it on!"

"There's no way we can kill it," Vigil corrected, vowing that if any of them made it out of this alive he would sit Rogue Eleven down for a serious chat about comms discipline, "But we can buy the Jedi some time."

Rogue Squadron
Rogue One/CO – Squadron Leader Rayf Vigil "Old Man"
Rogue Two/XO – Lieutenant Commander [member="Allyson Locke"] "Lucky"
Rogue Three –
Rogue Four – Flight Officer [member="Shesa Gragatus"] "Jaws"
Rogue Five – Flight Officer [member="Ava Cartwright"] "Goldilocks"
Rogue Six – Flight Officer [member="Jax Rhane"] "Skyhawk"
Rogue Seven - Lieutenant Commander [member="Choli Vyn"] “Smalls”
Rogue Eight – Flight Officer [member="Tristram Vos"] "Dizzy"
Rogue Nine – Flight Officer [member="Barnabas Harou"]
Rogue Ten – Flight Officer [member="Wedge Draav"]
Rogue Eleven –
Rogue Twelve – Flight Officer [member="Cale Gunderson"]
​Location: Ossus Central Atrium, Under Balcony
​Nearby: [member="Darth Ophidia"], [member="Matsu Xiangu"], [member="Six-O"], [member="Lok Munin"], [member="Czernon Zambrano"]
Enemies: Galactic Alliance, The Light
​It was a startling sight.

​To those who came upon the atrium. Alongside the other lords emerged a Dark Titan eclipsing eight feet in height clad from head to toe in black armor. The helm of a wicked fiend sat on his head and the very voice that emerged from it would sound like that of some mechanized demon. Some would say it was an avatar of war that stood there for nothing human could stand so large.

Or could it.

The dark side that saturated the area with so many Sith Lords present along with the ritual was joined with this beings presence, a carefully controlled storm that remained silent, motionless as he watched the proceedings unfold with interest, carefully as the other Sith swiftly destroyed the first interruption. The Dark Lord was paying close attention to their surroundings, as well as listening carefully to the regular updates he was receiving on that ongoing battle around them. Ossus once a symbol of the Jedi Order had been ravaged again and again through war, but now?

They would blacken it forever.

Before the Sith left the light would no longer shine on Ossus. The Sith Emperor flew in the skies engaging enemy fighters while the Shadow Hand stood below. All around them was a veritable whos who of Sith and skillful, determined fighters. For now the Dark Lord enjoyed the eerie silence that swept over them all. The battle raging around them crawled across his skin, the presence of death around them was almost euphoric. In his pursuits of power there wasn't much that he truly felt anymore both mentally and physically. But war and death were definitely a sensation he still felt.

Deep within he hungered for the war to come to them.


Seamus Valik

Location: Ossus, outside doing some therapeutic gardening
Objectives: Garden?
Enemies: [member="Vaylin"] and TSE
Allies: Who are you people?
Gear: Pants (dirty knees), shirt (sweaty), boots (also dirty), gloves (thick garden variety...dirty), Spray water bottle, pruning shears (small)

He snipped away the older dead growth with care and checked for parasitic insects as he moved calmly from plant to plant. As Jedi went, he wasn't much of one really. He was a fair investigator and was well suited for the job and was fair in a fight or so he told himself. He hadn't actually needed to fight for quite a few years and even then he had lost. Unless you consider survival a win, in which case he had done well enough.

His senses outside of direct touch were not his best skill but even he began to feel unsettled as he went about his work. Something just didn't feel right. He paused and looked at the building, he had as yet not felt the need to enter and watched a moment. He had thought he had been alone all week. Had he been wrong to avoid exploring?

He took his shears and his water bottle and began walking to the small door that lead to the garden. His unease only grew with decreased proximity. He had the sudden desire to be anywhere else, but he pushed it down and walked in. Maybe it was just cleaning droids malfunctioning.
It had taken some time to grow accustomed to this state of existence. Life beyond death.

He walked across time and space, traversed the infinite, and yet steps the Jedi Master had taken in life always pulled him back here. To this time, to this galaxy.

It was maddening, in a way. He could feel the Force calling to him, beckoning to surrender and become one. Still, what was left of Admiral Zark held on and would not let go to who he had been and the oath he had sworn to safeguard the Light by whatever means.

There were rules, sort of. Not so much rules, more like universal laws that could only be bent so far before they broke and shattered his spirit along with them. His capacity for direct intervention was mostly limited, and so too were the spaces he could walk on this plane of existence. For the most part he was confined to the Core for now, anchored by the holocron within Coruscant's New Jedi Temple that served as his link to the corporeal.

But there were places of power throughout the galaxy where geography was not a factor, for the strength of their connection to the Force won out over such mundane concerns. That was how he walked the Library halls even now, rejuvenated by the lightside energy still radiating from the upper floors. He had been drawn by a sense of disharmony, and when the spirit that had been Zark came upon the beginnings of a Sith ritual that attempted to circumvent the natural order, he knew he was needed.

These ritualists, in their haste to subvert the Force itself for their own ends, had invited him in.

Sith spirits and darkspawn skittered throughout the shadows of the Hall of Antiquities, unseen to mortal eyes. But the white hooded warrior in ancient ceremonial Jedi battle plate could perceive them easily enough, and as he advanced towards the second Sith focus, Zark summoned a lance of pure lightside energy into his hands. Wielding it like a broadsword, his blade arced out to meet those creatures of the netherworld who rushed to intercept him.

If he could drive the shadows back before the Sith above sensed his presence and confronted him, perhaps he could weaken their ritual and in so doing, aid his comrades in life.

"Alliance," his voice called out like a thunderclap, driving several of his shadowy foes back with supernal force.
Kor Vexen

Perimeter around the Great Library | Location
/Two Akguza Guards/| Company​
The sound of electric buzzing created by the electrostaffs being swung filled the air as the two droids expertly wielded the melee weapons. One had been successful in grazing the woman as she attempted to create distance, but the droids were relentless in their pursuit as they chased after her, not giving her a chance to think or plan her moves out carefully. It would be a swift way to force her baser instincts to act and react to the attacks. The droids would move at her, seemingly unaware of the companion droid as they had both their backs turned towards it. As Karren lifted her revolvers to shoot at them, they would simply raise their forearms up as a protective deflector shield screen appeared about the size of a buckler shield. The first shot aimed at each droid would be successfully deflected away though it would cause their arms to stagger. One droid would hold steadfast though the other had its arm knocked to the side, the followup shot striking it in the upper chest. Its body would twist back from the force as its right arm went limp.

Vexen watched with little amusement as the woman refused to draw her saber and make it somewhat entertaining for him. Blasters and other ranged weapons were too boring to bring him any sort of excitement in combat. Against any force sensitive individual, they were practically useless. The droids, however, while not force sensitive, were still constructed with duranium alloys making them particularly resilient against Karren's chosen weapons. In fact, they were already beginning to adapt to the woman's current style of combat, a telegraphed moved of shooting up into the air causing them to move. Though the droids appeared to have forward facing heads, the sensors built in allowed them to have an unrestricted 360 degrees field of view, and as such, they were more than aware of the droid companion that Karren had deployed.

As the blaster bolts were redirected at the droids from behind, their bodies would shift as they made acrobatic dodges whilst staying in between the droid and Karren, having already developed a positioning that would likely lead to Karren shooting herself off a deflected bolt from her droid as its trajectory would be right at Karren where the Akguza guards had lined themselves up with. They came at her in an aggressive cascading formation, one making a sweep whilst the other jumped over it to follow up with another attack, just leapfrogging their way at her in an attempt to force her on the defense or opt to use a weapon that was actually going to be able to put down the droids. They would continue to use their shields as a defense against her blaster shots, not giving her the time to reload her 4 shot slugthrower revolvers.

[member="Karren Trask"]​


The Pan-Galactic Scumbag
LOCATION: Ossus - Central Atrium - Balcony
OBJECTIVE: Support Sith Organics
ALLIES: TSE | [member="Matsu Xiangu"] | [member="Lok Munin"] | [member="Darth Ophidia"] | [member="Darth Prazutis"]
ENEMIES: GA | Idle Musings
GEAR: Cylix Pistol | HPB Pistols x 2 | Magnetic Reaper | CF6 Concussion Rifle | SIF-71 | YVHa-60 Chassis

Sensors scrutinized the Ritual below the hanging balcony that lined this great circular cavity. Unblinking, ablaze, but somehow lifeless and embraced by cold indifference to the proceedings at hand. The cerulean glimmer that hung frail shadows of crooning Sith huddled under sagging robes and cavernous hoods, clung abnormally across stone floors and ancient block walls. Their likeness corroding what once was pale, sand yellow stone. Inscribed forever still as a memory of this ghastly moment as what once burned blue in that ornate brazier blossomed upwards, black flame pedals spreading open to unleash what horrible torments were within as the Dark Side began to take breath and birth outwards from between these sickly creatures of worship.

The machine studied, heeded every moment that unfurled before it. From a time before the Mandalorian Wars all the way to this very moment now. A witness to things most others would never believe, nor understand. Much the same way it could not grasp the significance of this and what it meant for these mutts of flesh and bone. They were clay and dust, even the names their simple tongues could enunciate would drift off in the wind, out of memory. Out of time.


Could they even sense it? Were these brittle bodied things even aware? Had the seen the delicate beauty of each eternity between the hands of a second?

Pitiful things.

It detested them.

But not all of them, with that bizarre, machine-driven locomotion, it turned those crimson sensor lamps back towards [member="Matsu Xiangu"]. Some of these rodents, were worth further ciphering. Shifting back towards the ceremony below, there stood [member="Darth Ophidia"], a rawboned and angular sort of instrument, it found the particular shape and round area calculation of her hair barren skull quite curious. Of course, YVHa-60 had never met the simple creature itself. But it was fully aware that she had dealings with it's muse, Matsu, on Maena.

[member="Darth Prazutis"], so broad, so grand and massive. It's gait was recorded, the mannerisms of his movements calculated. Stranger, friend, or foe. The Droid would identify this mountainous ogre.

The largest ones always provided the most pristine howls of terror as it harvested their flesh for the trophy leathers that could shroud it's mechanical chassis.

Not that YVHa-60 could or would ever do such a thing, it's protocols denied it such wondrous pleasures.

At least. . .

While it was under Contract.
Location: Eh...that place where everyone seems to be.
Allies: The Sithy Organics. [member="Six-O"], [member="Matsu Xiangu"]. Brooding
Enemies: The Jedi Organics. Enyo's inferior template, even though she's not there.

So this was Ossus. Abandoned ever since the First Order invasion. The Great Library was in a poor state. Though it had withstood the test of time for millennia. Time was indeed of great relevance. For it was a force more powerful than any laser sword, Super Star Destroyer or feat of great sorcery.

Time made a mockery of the noblest ideas, stripping away the illusions of righteousness. Time brought down even the mightiest empire, relegating it to the dust bin of history. Time saw Dark Lords, Corporate Magnates, Grandmasters and Chancellors rise and fall. In the end, only ashes remained. There were no gods in this galaxy. Yet Jedi and Sith continued their age-old struggle across the aeons.

As if this was all some kind of theatre play and they were forced to play their part. Like their predecessors - and the predecessors of their predecessors and so on and so forth. It was redundant, but the show must go on. Ossus was as good a place as any, for it was considered 'holy' by the Jedi. So naturally the Sith had to taint it in some manner. Supposedly an artefact was stored here. Or maybe it was all a bit farce. Ossus had, after all, been abandoned by the Jedi. Enyo had little use for ancient trinkets and even less interest.

Still, she was under contract. Sensors scrutinised the proceedings that went on ahead and around her, as the ritual proceeded. The Cyborg was clad from head to toe in fully sealed, black coloured phrik armour that encased her body ike a second shell. Much like the one that contained her brain box. Despite the weight of her armour, she moved fluidly, though the sound generated by the nervos was audible. She walked close to Matsu and Six, whilst keeping an appropriate distance. She was loaded with guns suited for close combat, plus her lightsabre and her implacable beskar war hammer.
Location: Ossus, Central Artium, Balcony
Allies: [member="Matsu Xiangu"], [member="Six-O"], [member="Darth Ophidia"], [member="Darth Prazutis"], [member="Czernon Zambrano"], [member="Enyo Typhos"]
Enemies: Galactic Alliance
Objective: D-fence

Ever since the Sith Empire's assault on Kashyyyk, Lok had followed her. Like a discipline, loyal child to their mother. His loyalty and trust was hard to earn, a trait well shown even his time when in the ranks of Clan Munin. But for Matsu? She earned it completely with so little time. Despite her being a Sith and them unfortunately sharing no blood or DNA, she was the first person he trusted.

A unique bond they shared, forged by murder when they had destroyed a once familiar cartel ring when they first met in the Underworld of Coruscant. A true and genuine happy memory he enjoyed to remember.

But it was not them two alone. No, a droid in service of Matsu joined them. Lok was unfamiliar with the droid, but any company of Matsu's he enjoyed to be around with. Besides the droid had the nature of a killer...something the Munin enjoyed.

And here they are. Ossus. A world of the Jedi.

He scoffed at the thought of the word. He knew Vilaz had once raided Ossus during the waning days of the incompetent Mandalorian Clans, with his warriors bringing death and destruction to them. Few things Lok shared with the man, and the main important one was their distaste for the Jedi Order. Whether it be Old, New, Silver, Gold, Green, whatever they called themselves these days.

As he sat down on a bench, with his adopted mother doing concentrating on the Force, he played with his pistols using his index finger to twirl one of them around.

And then a voice.​
Who will face me. Cowards
He stopped his fiddling and looked up at Mastu, hearing his mother speaking to the droid.

"Intriguing," the Outlaw said in general with an amusing tone of voice. Never had he heard such aggression from a Jedi, but alas they would given the dance of another Sith.

He was ready and eagerly waiting for his prey to come. The latter was very difficult to maintain considering his nature and behavior; however, in time they would come. They had was their very way of chasing vessels of the dark and people such as him.
Central Atrium - Under Balcony
Planet Ossus

It had been a short time before the girl had begun taking her training seriously, and here she was, about to get smacked down. Standing by the entrance to the room, Jane Lilley waited for the approaching enemy.

The gear she claimed was nothing but her two lightsabers and a few knives, however she felt capable enough to survive with only these. The rest she wore, a black robe to cover what she had equipped.

The look of her was rather laughable, a short girl thin as a twig, looking as though she couldn't lift a feather, however she was determined to show some worth despite what the others may think. Her reputation was on the line, and she didnt't have much to lose.

As she heard the distant cry, Who will face me. Cowards, she prepared herself, knowing the approach had begun. Pulling her sabers from their holsters, she focused on her cloaking, slowly melding with the shadows until her form became translucent and near indistinguishable, aside from her lack of expertise and the ever so slight shiver of light every minute or so. She couldn't claim to have perfected the ability, no, however it was better than being in plain sight.

After preparing herself, Jane started off towards the battle cry.
Location: Ossus | Great Jedi Library | Exterior
Objective: Defend the Ritual - Fight Jedi
Allies: TSE
Enemies: [member="Seamus Valik"] | GA
Equipment: Sith Lightsaber x2 | Shoto Lightsaber x1 | Armour | Oculus | Firestarter |

Each step away she took, the more Vaylin felt the pull to return to the Great Library. The ritual was in full swing, the sorcerers' were conjuring the Darkside energy - bolstered by the others like Matsu Xiangu. The Light was steadily being consumed, the sicking feeling of its presence being obscured in darkness.

It was enticing, the Zabrak wanted to go back inside and fight at the epicenter. But she couldn't, no there was insect that had separated from the group, making a move towards the Library.

Vaylin couldn't have that.

She pressed on, following Seamus' presence as the Jedi made his own way towards the commotion he was hearing. It hadn't taken long for the Zabrak to finally find him, dressed nothing like what she assumed he would be. No armour, just a dirty set of clothes...and shears?

For a moment it threw her off, a momentary hiccup where she second guessed if she was sensing things right. But no, appearances could be deceiving.

The Zabrak pulled one of her lightsabers off her belt.

"You aren't going any further, Jedi."
Transport Besh
Allies: [member="Rayf Vigil"]
Enemies: [member="Darth Carnifex"] | [member="Daniel Okonnar"]

The co-pilots voice rang out through the cockpit and bounced back towards the small cargo space reserved for herself and the others. The mixture of pure panic and the half dozen alert noises that resounded throughout the vessel were enough to cause Aela to half jump, her face growing stern. A few of the others mumbled something, one of the troopers half turned to look at the cockpit, but Aela was already moving. She squeezed her way passed the others, pushing herself between two Alliance soldiers.

They glanced at her, and then tried to pressed themselves against the wall to allow her passage. "What is it?"

Aela asked as she poked her head through the cockpit's door. No answer came, but as soon as she caught sight of what was in the viewport she didn't need it. A massive star destroyer was now sitting directly in their path, likely having dropped out of hyperspace from somewhere in the trajectory of Sith Space. Aela's lips thinned, and she glanced at the console. She knew that the Alliance had sent a few destroyers as well, but she wasn't entirely sure when they'd get here.
"Ma'am we're taking evasive actions, they've alrea-"

"No." She frowned for a moment.

A small prickle of goosebumps ran over the back of her neck.

There was an odd sort of feeling that gently nudged her. Lips thinned for a moment and she glanced towards the back of the vessel. Three dozen troopers sat within the transport, joined by a few Jedi and of course herself. She glanced at them all for just a few seconds and then returned her attention to the viewport. Her fingers tightened for a moment and then she glanced at the Escape pod bay that was just off to the right of her. "Get as close to that ship as possible."

She would take care of the rest.
Aryn Teth

Hall of Knowledge, The Great Jedi Library, Ossus, Ossus System, The Outer Rim Territories
Interacting With: [member="Jorryn Fordyce"]
Aryn couldn't help but feel vaguely nostalgic as he moved through the halls of the library on Ossus. He had not been to the library or the planet itself for a number of years now, but it was where his journey had properly begun, plundering the shelves for books of knowledge on the Jedi, and even stealing his first crystal from the depths of the library itself. Perhaps the only good thing about the library's properly abandoned state was that no one would be hounding him to return what he'd 'borrowed'. Yet, time was not on the Supreme Commander's side enough that he could linger on nostalgia, the Sith had developed quite a presence on Ossus, and the Alliance would be damned if it would let them corrupt the ancient library unchallenged.

As he stepped into the Hall of Knowledge, Aryn felt the twisted mask shift briefly as he settled it upon his face, his gaze shifting around as he felt the ebbs and flows of the force within the room. Aryn had developed a habit in recent years of getting places he didn't exactly belong, and it seemed that today this was just such a place. He had sensed the central point of the ritual, but what had drawn Aryn's attention was the tendrils which connected to the focus of the ritual, to the focus which altered the light side energy within the hall itself.

Setting his gaze upon the focus within the hall, Aryn took a step into the room before he noticed the other presence. It was clearly dark in its energy, and it didn't take long for Aryn to note that it was a Sith, of course, they wouldn't have left such a focus unguarded. As he shifted his grip down to take his lightsaber from his belt, Aryn reached out through the force, the sinister tendrils which lashed out from him connecting to the presence in question, wrapping around the signature of the Sith as he probed into her mind and her very being. It was a power that he had learned not to utilize, one not of a Jedi, but habits of the Jedi were growing increasingly uncommon for the Supreme Commander.

As he rounded a bookcase, his gaze firmly settled upon the Echani woman who sat reading, his own expression and face hidden behind the twisted imagery of his mask. For now, Aryn kept his lightsaber deactivated and at his side as he took a few steps closer, stopping a good twenty feet from the woman still as he watched her. "You can take the book if you'd like, but i'm sure you know I can't let you stay here." He commented in an official and firm manner, as if he were some security guard that had caught someone sneaking about where they didn't belong. His voice was flat, but she would feel as he continued to probe at her mind, those same tendrils latching on and solidifying with each passing second like a leech.

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