Nimue Stormson
Empress of Effekt
The entire city of Halaban, the capital city of the planet Effekt, had been a buzz for over a week when Empress Nimue Stormson had made her announcement. They were to hold a royal ball welcoming people of all importance from across the galaxy. It was time for Effekt to be truly known to the rest of the people of the galactic society.
Effekt had often been one of the lesser known planets within the Outer Rim. This was due to the Effektians being a very solitary people for so long. The most contact they’d ever kept with any of the other species was trading their valuables for new technology or weapons. Some had almost thought it was a myth or just a false front for some criminal organizations workings in the Outer Rim. But after a message had been sent to some of the higher heads of the galaxies factions it became clear Effekt and its people were real.
When this announcement was made it was mainly by the consensus of the Empress herself. The heads of the royal houses that ruled the individual kingdoms of the worldwide empire had made their votes, but a fair majority had been against it. They feared anymore tampering from the outside worlds would cause more harm than good for the people. The Empress, however, dismissed the idea and blamed it on them only being scared of the change her and her late husband, the Emperor Victor Stormson, had planned. But she had made it clear Effekt would no longer be an unknown entity in the galaxy. It was time for them to step into the light and be known.
So for the remainder of the time the city had been prepared for the arrival of the outside leaders and representatives to arrive. Large banners bearing the symbol of the Empire, a six-legged horse, were hung from every window and street. Large meals were prepared ahead of time to be refrigerated and thawed for later, just so the cooks would be able to make more during the ball itself. And even a large carper had been made ready from the landing platform all the way to the front doors of the royal palace. The platform itself was only a mile away, yet personal speeders and/or carriages were made ready to personally escort the guests to the doors with armed guards to keep them safe if need be.
The entire time the Empress was anxious to meet and see so many of the leaders. To meet people with authority such as hers, perhaps some who were higher, it was all so grand. The night before she was up for hours looking up to the clear night sky as the two moons were clear as could be.
Looking to a pictures of her late husband Victor she’d sighed and said “It’s just as we dreamed, my love. I only wish you were here to see it…both of you…” she looked down, touching her stomach that once carried her child-to-be.
Today had finally arrived. The city was a buzz to welcome the guests from across the galaxy to the great event.
When they would land they would be met by a personal guard who would escort them to their speeder or carriage in-waiting, which would then take them through the streets were the citizens of the city cheered while throwing flower petals down from above at them, welcoming all of them to their planet.
Upon arriving at the large broad open doors into the palace the guests would be escorted inside by a personal attended, free to ask them any questions, before bringing them through the archway into the courtyard. There they would see a number of statues standing fifty feet tall, all polished and looking new. They were each representations of all the former Emperors of the Stormborn Empire, starting with Archibald Stormson.
Once at the actual doors into the palace they would enter the main hall where the ball itself was being held. A large dark green carpet went from the door all the way to the throne where, oddly, the empress had not arrived yet. Her large, golden throne was unoccupied currently. If anyone asked they would tell how the empress would arrive in time, wanting to allow her guests time to mingle before speaking with her. However the other noble heads of the kingdoms were awaiting near the throne to speak with anyone.
Tables of food were spread out with all manner of meals from meats to fruits to deserts and back. The most handsome of men and beautiful of servant girls acted as servers, carrying trays over to the guests and asking if they wished for anything. All the while the band was playing in the area that would soon be the dancing area for later on. Everything was extravagant for this event. This was Empress Nimue’s way of showing appreciation after all, and as she would say, why not give it your all?
Only one rule was made clear: Step out of line or cause any distruption, and not only are you taken away from the party but you're to leave the planet as well.
[member="Darth Arcanix"] [member="Thalia Rist"] [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] [member="Cryax Bane"] [member="Slate Estrada"] [member="Alask Diruno"] [member="Alessandra Lacer"] [member="Jack Rand"] [member="Feena Mason"] [member="Gherron Vael"] [member="Armand Temi"] [member="Tyson"] [member="Darth Vornskr"]