Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Day The World Ends

"Wow, you're a jedi, and even you can't sense my sarcasm? I have some spare outfits in my ship."
D'vok quickly returned with two outfits. One had a clean black and gold dress shirt, with formal pants and shoes, while the other had a lime green tank top with combat pants and boots.
"You can go to the back room."
D'vok hands her a black duster.
"Should be a holder in there. But don't lose that! That was my fathers."
D'vok felt for his own saber. Well, not his own, but the one he was in possession of. It was hidden in his jacket pocket. D'vok looked at the woman. It was the first time he had really seen her, so as soon as he saw her he was struck by her beauty. He flashed a quick smile.
"So, what brings you and four eyes here to Coruscant?"
ooc: he is not dead plus you can kill without permission
He was watching quietly from the corner "I'll keep my outfit thanks". By this point he had wrapped the wound stopping the bleeding. "I am already in the jedi-sith war I don't want to get involved with the Black Sun, I have a old friend that may be able to help with getting an arm". He turned to Quinn "What's your plan? The Jedi Master isn't here"
ooc: Ok lol
Cryil used his good arm and grabbed the comlink from his belt and pluged in some numbers. After a few moments he managed to get a connection to [member="Growl"] "Hey, I may need some help. It is probably isn't the best to talk over coms though. I hear you have a big career now, do you think you could get me a replacement arm?" Cryil put the comlink back on the belt and looked back to Quinn "Don't rush, I will need to get weapon that can go up against his lightsaber" He gestured back to his knife "This is not good enough, plus I'm in no condition to fight"

Cryil could still sense it, the feeling of absolute darkness that was threatening to swallow him, He had run from combat for so long he was rusty and that cost him being too slow and losing an arm. He had contacted Growl... not his best idea since especially since they had gone their separate ways. That man was more of a monster than any Sith Lord could be but he accepted his path which is way more than Cryil has done. But he couldn't shake the feeling that the fights against Zhall was the start of a new path.
He shook his head "Now is not the time for those types of thoughts" he said under his breath
He fixed his glasses and looked at the destroyed room "We should get back to the Eclair"
[member="Quinncolson"] [member="Growl"]
"Why?" He gestures to the entire destroyed cafe "the authorities will be here soon and guess who we just declared war on" He had completely forgotten D'vok by this point TheEclair is safer plus I have someone who will recognize the ship and meet us,probably"
Once he had gotten away from the cafe he used his good arm and unholstered his blaster, pointing it at D'vok "Who are you, there isn't a good person on this planet so who are you and who do you work for"

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