Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Day The World Ends

"No, the person we have been calling a Sith is an amature, he was weak compared to what his true potential could be" Cryil looked at what left of his right arm "He has the Skill, He just needs to learn how to use it and while you say you're a jedi I have seen your combat abilities and you don't stand a chance. This is the second time he has lost, he should be training"
He had to say it but it was true. If he could somehow turn the young sith into working for him the plan would be close to reality
He stared down at her. His ablities were with ranged combat not melee, it had been his faliure that let the Zhall get away. He had to train, well first he needed a new arm but then he could train. Then it hit him an Idea that might work plus it was quicker than going to the Black Sun for help.
He snaped out of it realizing that Quinn was Crying "Sorry"
"I may have an idea of where to get an Cyperntic arm"
"I lost my arm due to my own weakness, I would have faught him anyways" He had compltely forgoten about D'vok. He exited the crew quarters and walked over to D'vok and gueture for him to take a seat in the lounge. "I belive we should cancel the trip to The Black Sun, I have another way of getting a new arm"
"Coruscant Level 1589, I did a job at a lab a few years back, It was to kill a rich scientist by the name Of Steinman and he had a huge lab full of machines, medical droids,, and other high tech stuff. " He looked at Quinn "Thats were we are heading"

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