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Approved Lore The Blackest Night: Raid on the Jakku Jedi Enclave

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"This world was special to them, ripping the skeletal remains of the super star destroyer "Ravager" from the depths, the Brotherhood found the foundations of what would become the "Fatalis" here. They would also encounter for the first time the heroes of the light, the defenders of truth and justice who rose from the sands to defend the people of Niima Outpost and it's neighboring settlements. It was here the Jedi led by Romi Jade had interfered in their great work, the subsequent capture and escape of said Jedi laid a foundation of conflict that would define the coming struggles with the New Jedi Order, Romi Jade , and Cedric Grayson. It started here, they had not forgotten."
Darth Solipsis, Raid on the Jakku Enclave


In a desolate corner of the galaxy lies the unforgiving desert planet of Jakku, its landscape dominated by endless expanses of shifting sand dunes and rocky outcrops. Underneath this arid surface, concealed from prying eyes, resides a hidden sanctuary of light and knowledge—the Jedi Enclave led by the venerable Jedi Master Romi Jade. It's a place where the Force flows like a soothing river, an oasis of hope in a world of relentless heat and desolation.​
The skies above Jakku are characterized by a relentless sun, casting an unyielding blaze that bears down on everything below. Yet, today, even the fiery sun seems to pale in comparison to the inferno of war that erupts within the confines of the Enclave. A cool breeze, a rarity on this sweltering planet, carries with it a sense of impending doom, chilling the spines of those who have gathered to defend the enclave.​
As Darth Solipsis and his sinister forces descend upon the Jedi Enclave, the clash of opposing lightsabers shatters the tranquility that once graced these subterranean halls. A deadly ballet of movement and color unfolds as Jedi and Sith engage in a deadly waltz, their graceful parries and lunges painting arcs of light in the dimly lit corridors. Blaster fire joins the symphony, a chaotic counterpoint to the elegant choreography of the Force-sensitive combatants.​
The battle is brutal and bloody, a clash of ideologies that echoes through the cavernous chambers. Vibrant bolts of energy cut through the air, leaving behind scorch marks and the acrid scent of ozone. Jedi and Sith, once comrades in the Force, now locked in a struggle for supremacy that threatens to consume them all.​
Amid the chaos, the steady rhythm of evacuation drums on, a desperate effort to salvage the lives that can still be saved. Jedi initiates and healers work together to guide the injured to safety, while the Enclave's archives are painstakingly transferred to portable data units, preserving the legacy of generations.​
Explosions rip through the ground, and the Enclave's subterranean haven is transformed into a battleground of fire and fury. The once pristine walls and floors are marred by scorched marks, and ancient artifacts are reduced to rubble in the wake of the merciless onslaught. The clash of titanic forces creates shockwaves that reverberate through the very earth, threatening to tear apart the foundation of the sanctuary itself.​
At the heart of this maelstrom stands the indomitable Jedi Master Romi Jade, her scarlet lightsaber a beacon of hope amidst the encroaching darkness. With every swing, she channels the wisdom of countless Jedi who came before her, her determination unwavering despite the odds stacked against her. Her nemesis, Darth Solipsis, is a figure of malevolent grace, his red lightsaber dancing in a deadly waltz of its own.​
Their duel is a spectacle of power and finesse, each strike bearing the weight of their shared history and the destiny of their respective orders. Sparks fly as their blades meet, the clash echoing with the age-old struggle between the light and dark sides of the Force. The very air seems charged with energy, and their battle sends shockwaves through the ground, mirroring the tumult within their souls.​
As the duel reaches its crescendo, lightning cracks across the sky outside, casting an eerie glow through the Enclave's shattered windows. Dust and debris swirl in the air, a manifestation of the turmoil that rages within the hearts of those who fight. In one final, cataclysmic clash, Romi Jade and Darth Solipsis pour every ounce of their being into their blades, the clash of their wills creating a blinding explosion of energy that engulfs them both.​
When the smoke clears and the echoes of battle subside, the once-hidden Jedi Enclave lies in ruins, its hallowed halls reduced to rubble. But amid the devastation, a new dawn emerges—one that carries the echoes of a fierce duel, a clash of ideologies, and the unwavering spirit of those who dared to stand against the encroaching darkness.​

  • Author: A Jedi Archivist
  • Publisher: Jedi Order
  • Reception: As the battle's aftermath was meticulously transcribed and preserved within the hallowed halls of the Jedi archives elsewhere, it became an indelible record of the sacrifice, resilience, and the eternal struggle against the forces of darkness. Jedi from across the galaxy would come to study these accounts, drawing inspiration and wisdom from the experiences of those who had faced the shadows head-on and participated in the skirmished that sparked the Second Great Hyperspace War. Upon reading the detailed retelling of the harrowing battle, Jedi scholars and initiates alike were struck by the raw emotions and courage that permeated the words. The critical response to this recorded submission was one of somber reflection and renewed dedication to the Jedi path.

"Within these accounts, we find the echoes of countless struggles that have defined our order throughout the ages. The darkness of our adversaries has always sought to extinguish the light, but it is within these stories that we find the unyielding spirit of those who stood in defiance. We must remember that the Force is not just a source of power, but a beacon of hope, a guide that continues to lead us through the darkest of times."
Jedi Historian Master Elara Vos


These quotes reflect the harrowing nature of the battle and the emotional toll it took on the participating Jedi, as they faced the full brunt of the Sith's relentless assault.

"In that moment, as blaster bolts streaked overhead and lightsabers sizzled through the air, I felt the weight of history upon my shoulders. The Enclave's walls trembled with every detonation, but it was the resilience of our spirits that truly held them up. We fought not just for survival, but for the ideals we held dear."
Jedi Knight Erevan Maris

"The ground trembled as explosions rocked the Enclave's halls, and I watched helplessly as ancient artifacts crumbled to dust. The agony of loss was palpable, and I couldn't shake the feeling that we were witnessing the end of an era—an era that could never be reclaimed."
Jedi Master Aric Volan

"The wounded lay in a macabre tapestry of suffering, their groans mixing with the symphony of battle outside. Every life I fought to save was a testament to the fragility of existence, a stark reminder that our fight against the Sith was a fight for life itself."
Jedi Healer Lirra Talis

"The screams of fallen comrades still echo in my mind, a chilling reminder that even the bravest among us can be silenced. I can still feel the desperate heat of the battle, the sweat mixing with tears as we fought not just for ourselves, but for those who had come before and those who would come after."
Jedi Initiate Kira Faelan

"The earth shook with the might of the Force as Master Romi clashed with Darth Solipsis. Their duel was a tempest of raw power, and I couldn't help but wonder if the ground would open up beneath them, consuming them in a vortex of darkness. It was a battle not just for victory, but for the very essence of the Force."
Jedi Knight Talia Voss


"The New Sith Order have uncovered the location of the Jakku Jedi Enclave, wrestling a Jedi Compass from one of the foul ilk of Lightsworn that dwelt within, their body broken and their mind shattered but not before revealing what the Sith desired. Seizing a code given to members of the New Jedi Order and Wayfinders passing through, the New Sith Order call upon the forces of the Brotherhood to return to Jakku with fire in their hearts. With the majority of the New Jedi Order locked in inquests and investigations, the Brotherhood aim to silently enter and strike the first blow in the mission to eradicate the Jedi."
Darth Solipsis, Raid on the Jakku Enclave


The harrowing battle on the desert planet Jakku marked a crucial turning point in the ongoing struggle between the Jedi and the Sith, two ancient orders locked in a perpetual clash between light and darkness. The hidden Jedi Enclave led by the revered Master Romi Jade had stood as a bastion of hope, pushing the teachings of the Jedi Order to new heights and nurturing new Force-sensitive individuals. The Sith Order, under the leadership of the formidable Sith'ari Darth Solipsis, saw the enclave as a threat to their dominion over the galaxy. As blaster fire and lightsabers illuminated the cavernous halls and sand dunes, the battle on Jakku epitomized the profound clash of ideologies, the scars of which would forever shape the destinies of those who participated, and reverberate throughout the annals of history. This was the battle that sparked the events of the Second Great Hyperspace War.
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