Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion That is not dead which does eternal lie | AC dominion of Wgah'nagl


Music: Geiseric pressed the lockdown button
Equipment: D16 slug thrower with extra mags, d16 slug thrower pistol, Cronose Power Suit, cross guard yellow lightsaber, Risen mynock
Lockdown Turned his attention to Geiseric "So thats it then? Something messes with your mind and you want to turn tail and run? Fine then go, run with your tail between your legs your no better than the Sith you hunt if thats what you wish to do." Turning to look back into the jungle he continued speaking to no one in particular.

"How many more have to succumb to this madness from this entity or creature till someone brave enough Attempts to put a end to it. How many more familys will have to get the call that their mothers fathers brothers sisters sons or daughters wont be coming home...Death is but a End to the nightmare....what I can tell you for sure if that if this thing got ahold of you you wont be killed no, you're worth much more to it alive as a plaything or breeding tool. Death is the preferable outcome."
Turning back to the group. "I once believed that you all were strong enough to accomplish anything thrown at you your all strong you survived a mental attack and kept your lives, Yet here you stand wanting to leave, look around you People had died here the distress began sent here to the grave and tomb of many who died here, did they run no they died fighting without a flinch or tear. Are you no, are we going to turn tail and run and make their sacrifice vain? I for one am not I may die if i push forward but at least ill die trying instead of dying running scared and screaming."
removing his helmet His normal red eyes replaced with his ghostly blue haze that he had not used in a long time. For once in a very long time Lockdown had emotions to from his hundreds of years alive pouring out of him to make this one point.
" If anything is still alive to be rescued or we have a chance to put a stop to this I'm going to take it so that others don't suffer the same fate I have. at least it will put some of my demons to rest what say you. Do you want to make a difference or for this situation to turn into another Ession?" He hated to use the name of Heinrichs homeworld in a negative light like that But he hoped it would get the point across and Motivate the others to press on not only that but he has wished not to crush anyone else's beliefs of ashlan's promised land or whatever these people belive they go when they die.

Looking to the wounded padone He reached his arm out to her and chanted something in a long dead language manafesting his eldrich magic the damage on her arm fixing itself however said spell wasn't a spell of healing more like trading ones state for another. His arm suffering the same damage however The pain seemed to not affect Lockdown as much. "Pick yourself up by your bootstraps children, We have work to do." He stated before putting back on his helmet and marching on.
Eina L’lerim-Vandiir, the First
Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic mascot and representative of the Ashlan Crusade
Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary; Liaison of the Fjölkyngi Smiðr Guild
Location: Unknown Location
Objective II.: Try to Survive
Equipment: Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tags:: Geiseric Geiseric | Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust | Omni Lockdown Omni Lockdown | Greer Caimbeulaich Greer Caimbeulaich
[ Torment and Pain ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Eina struggled with all her might to persevere until Gei reached her, but with each re-living the painful events, it became harder and harder. The whisper grew louder and louder and a huge multi-eyed creature was already visible in the garden. The whispers came from them.

"He said you saved him from the darkness, you healed him and gave him strength. And he will betray you over and over again. He runs away cowardly every single time. You know he's not coming for you, are you? You know he is not going to save you?" asked a voice from all directions. " He leaves you, again, poor little guardian angel. You are only good to them as long as you do what they need. After that, they throw you away, leaving you alone. They'll kill you because you're no longer one of them. Do you know what your beloved crusader said just a few seconds earlier?" asked again.

The creature didn't even wait for Eina to answer…

"Wait, Sibo. Our mission is over. Heinrich… we need to leave this place. If we journey any deeper we stand only to lose, and I… I’ve lost enough. I don’t wish to lose my life as well. We should recuperate and fight another day."

The Valkyrja heard and saw the group through the Force as the creature joined the senses of the creatures watching the group. Eina looked at the creature annihilated, causing her corruption, which was trying to break her. Tears flowed unstoppably from her eyes. She didn't want the man to die, but nonetheless, the words hurt more than anything during her existence. He promised… he promised.

"No! This is not true! You're lying, you're trying to manipulate me!" she said hoarsely from crying.

"No, dear angel, I'm not lying. This is the reality, and you know it. That's why you feel it so painfully. You, you searched for him for more than a decade to save him, did not rest until you found him, searched him in the world of the living and the dead. You would have even undertaken death for him without thinking. He’s here barely a kilometre or two away from you and gives up. Your soul mate, the other half of your soul… who is said he loves you. It was a lie, if he truly loves you, he would never leave your side. Who only a few minutes ago promised you, he'll not leave you. You don't have to be afraid, I'm here, I won't leave you like your people, your family or he… You're just important to me, not to them!" said the thousands of voices at once and a black, smoky hand reached out to Eina's face and caressed her kindly. "He gave up on you, you're dead to him, I'll never do the same. See and feel it!" the creature offered.

The creature reached out to the Force and let Eina see and feel what was happening there. Emptiness, coldness... something broken in Eina… she sobbed one last time as reality burned into her consciousness. They leave her here, they give it up, for them she died. Even for Gei… she should never have trusted them. She should have stayed home, this is not her world. They were creatures of two separate worlds, no matter how much she wanted to belong here, she never had a place here. And now she will die alone with everyone giving up on her. She saw no point in fighting any further; she was alone, like in her whole life.

~ You promised… you promised… ~ the last painful thoughts toward Gei.

She had struggled to persevere until the man got here and saved her, but that no longer mattered. Gei gave up her. She didn't have strength to fight anymore. Through the bond, the man could still feel her pain, then only emptiness, cold remained like a death in the Force, but she was still alive, but something in her died. The moment when Eina gave up the fight…

"Good girl! We will be one soon." the creature said.

The creature and the darkness that made it up engulfed and embraced the girl who was no longer resisting and the garden disappeared too…

The metamorphosis has ended.



Objective 2

Equipment: Lightsaber Claymore, explosives, Icarus gravpack, Ashlan Rosary, survival kit
Tags: Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Geiseric Geiseric Omni Lockdown Omni Lockdown Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust Hyrva Vh'akli

Greens strength was returning to her, although she was still shaken, heartbroken at the new memories that had imprinted in her mind, it would take tangible proof to dislodge them, but that was a problem for later.

"Very well master, we can only hope that the artifact we are chasing will not be abused by this foul world. I hope to live to make amends for my failure here." She replied to the Jedi Master Geiseric.

As Lockdown healed her, the sensation was unpleasant was a relief, the burning sensation in her arm dissipated until there was no wound left. Here eyes widened as she saw the same wound open on lockdown's arm. "You did not have to take my wound, I would have carried it until I found alternative healing, but I am grateful, thank you."

As the change came over lockdown and he spoke, she replied, instinctively jumping to the defence of her order.

"Master lockdown, I respect that people before us have died, and to abandon them to our own fears, but doesn't Ashla teach that to follow your objective with blind obsession is also a path to the Bogan?"
She felt a true novice quoting her lessons, but she felt it was true, they came here blind and their over confidence had been their undoing. "We seek a treasure here, if we were to continue on our path, that treasure could consume us couldn't it? I think you were right that we shouldn't have come. There is likely more we can do at the crash site, but if Master Geiseric believes this particular part of our mission to be over, I am inclined to agree."

The sound of her own voice suddenly became very loud in her ears as she laid it out to someone far more experienced than her. She was a only learner, it was not her place.



Tags: Omni Lockdown Omni Lockdown , Geiseric Geiseric , Greer Caimbeulaich Greer Caimbeulaich , Hyrva Vh'akli, Inkara Liet


Heinrich still felt as if he were shaking off the feeling of existential dread that had accompanied the visions. His head was throbbing, and his body felt weak... he was going to need a good night's rest and some heavy meditation to get back to normal. Until then, he would be forced to keep pushing, as he had always done. Nevertheless, upon hearing Geiseric's words, he knew that they may already be too late. Turning back to Lockdown, Heinrich took a moment to weigh the options.

"I must agree with Geiseric. Though we are capable of many things, I believe we need to rethink our strategy. Besides, if what I believe is happening is, in fact, happening, we may be putting ourselves at greater risk than we can currently see. I don't wish to leave our friend behind, but we will not be any help to her if we are dead."

His words came across as cold... frustrated... he didn't like the idea of succumbing to failure. Heinrich was a man of determination purpose, and wouldn't ever willing leave a comrade behind. Despite this, he was also a pragmatist, and he couldn't in good conscience put the lives of his comrades at further risk.

"Eina would want us to be safe. The last thing she would want is for us to die on her behalf. We will find a way to save her, but we'll have to find another way."

He placed a hand on Geiseric's shoulder.

"We'll get her back, Geiseric, I promise."

Heinrich didn't know the full extent of Geiseric's connection with their friend from the Netherworld, but he knew enough to understand that they shared a bond. Today may have not ended in the Crusade's favor, but one way or another...

They would get her back.

Omni Lockdown Omni Lockdown Greer Caimbeulaich Greer Caimbeulaich Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir

Geiseric stared at Lockdown in abject shock. Such abrasiveness, such impatience, such foolishness. All masked as resolve. Gei’s blood boiled as the man tried to rouse them, playing upon their supposed weaknesses, guilting them into following his suicidal tendencies.

The others threw their lot in with Geiseric and Lockdown continued on the path. But Geiseric could not simply let him walk. The crusader knew everything that he was putting on the line by suggesting they turn around. Heinrich and Greer could not console Geiseric. He shook Heinrich’s hand from his shoulder and took a few steps after Lockdown.

“I demand that you stop, churl!“ the anger in his voice made it snap loudly. His aura in the force was filled with swelling pain and anger, seemingly kept from consuming him by the powerful light energy of the rosary Eina had gifted him.

“You dare speak of Ession!? You know nothing of Ession! If death is the end to the nightmare you wish for, then I am happy to oblige. But I will not die today for revenge! I can end this now, or you can continue down this ruinous path and suffer even more!“ Geiseric’s lightsaber whirred to life, and his energy shield extended from its wrist mounted generator, complementing the blue of the saber with its own, slightly lighter blue hue. He wasn’t sure if Lockdown would fight him, but he prepared himself nevertheless. The dark side clouded his mind with images of Eina and the bombardment of Ession. It wanted him to to succumb, to heed Lockdown, to venture further into the darkness and, like Eina, fall to it. A whisper in the darkness, touching gently on the back of his mind’s eye told him that everything he fought for was closer than he imagined. But he knew that wasn’t true.

“Would you strike down an ally?” the whispers sent a chill down his spine, and Geiseric gritted his teeth in defiance to those awful feelings.

“He only wishes to help you, Geiseric.

He gripped his blade tighter.

“Journey deeper, into the darkness. You cannot bring light to this place if you do not embraace its darkness first.”

Geiseric began to falter. His vision blurred a hazy red. He slowly raised his saber, though it pained him to the core with every minute movement of his muscles. When the blade reached the height of his chest, held directly out and pointed at Lockdown, both it and the shield powered down and closed. Geiseric lumbered forward with a stagger, then fell to his knees. The symbol of Ashla hung from his neck began to emit a soft glow, which then grew brighter and brighter before finally enveloping Geiseric. Once Geiseric‘s entire body radiated the golden light, a blinding white flash came from him, shooting in all directions. Even though it was momentary, its effects could be felt by all. The Dark Side energy seemed to run from it. All around them the sick energy of the Bogan retreated or was vaporized by the powerful Force Light.

Geiseric was semi-conscious, his vision blurry and his mind mangled as the dark side was purged from it. A single phrase chimed again and again in his mind. They were Heinrich’s words.

“We’ll get her back, Geiseric, I promise.”
Eina L’lerim-Vandiir, the First
Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic mascot and representative of the Ashlan Crusade
Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary; Liaison of the Fjölkyngi Smiðr Guild
Location: Unknown Location
Objective II.: Try to Survive
Equipment: Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tags:: Geiseric Geiseric | Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust | Omni Lockdown Omni Lockdown | Greer Caimbeulaich Greer Caimbeulaich
[ Torment and Pain ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Eina choked, living this on that way the darkness completely covered her. She didn't want to fight, just wanted to die to end the pain. She no longer felt anything from the outside world, though if she had felt Gei's pain, she would have struggled further to help him. But in such a way? It did not make any sense. She felt the creature dig into her mind, it was incredibly painful, she screamed again and then there was nothing left…

She no longer felt anything from the fact that her body had changed completely. The parasite will wake up and control the woman's body. They touched the casing carefully and then hit it, but they couldn't get rid of it. The parasite, and that creature what Eina became, had already felt what was happening out there. They could feel the man's darkness through the dyad and began to feed on it. That is why they experienced the next as pain.

The moment the Force Light erupted from Geiseric's body, just a kilometre or two away, the exact opposite happened to Eina. She screamed again, but it was already the parasite, the Force scream smashed the incubator in which the Valkyrja had spent the past two weeks. The power of the Force Entity raced through the woods. The scream blew up the trees and rocks nearby, and the woman's power flew far.

When the Force Light disappeared, Eina's dark aura slammed through them like a wave for a few moments. Who knew her aura recognized that it was her, Eina. Lockdown in Nether may have heard of the woman, but for him, this aura is probably interesting in other ways. It was Ingrid and Adrian at the same time. He had felt both of them earlier, the person they wanted to save had the aura of the couple as if someone had merged them into one person.

The creature hovered above the ground, looking through the destroyed area. Fallen, torn trees, about half a mile away around them. And they are in the middle. They had to follow their mistress so they rose into the air. The nearly five-foot-tall, tentacle, disgusting entity flew closer to the others and looked down at them. The team could see them too, they could feel her(?). The aura of the former warm gold now was sickly purple, greenish and corrupted.

She watched them for a few seconds, then flew back, deep into the jungle at high speed, and disappeared from the team's line of sight.

Last post.​

OOC: If the team doesn’t go for Eina’s belongings/equipment (2 swords, 1 armour), Valkyrja members will take them home in a few IC days.


Objective 2

Equipment: Lightsaber Claymore, explosives, Icarus gravpack, Ashlan Rosary, survival kit
Tags: Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Geiseric Geiseric Omni Lockdown Omni Lockdown Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust Hyrva Vh'akli

Greer was confused now, none of this made sense any more. "Masters, is Lady Eina really here or is it a trick? I thought we we just chasing some stolen treasure." The thought that it was one of their own that was lost here did change the arithmetic in her head, but from what little she knew of Eina, she was much more powerful than the others gathered here for her potential rescue.

She hated to feel like a failure but she was completely out of her depth, she might as well have been a youngling at this point.

She was about to ask Geiseric for further guidance when a flash of light, almost bright enough to sear her eyes erupted from the Jedi, she instinctively shielded herself from it but was unharmed. She felt something strange though as the light washed over her, as if little seeds that had been planted inside her were being forcefully uprooted, she the briefest discomfort as she was bathed in the light.

The next feeling was significantly worse as something dark smashed through them, it had the familiarity that it knew them, but she did not know it. It made her sick to her stomach with a feeling of true loneliness and pain.

Greer looked at the other Jedi with a mixture of fear, anger and confusion.

"Are all your missions like this?" As much as she was ready to go home, she would follow the orders of her masters to death if it was required.


Music: Geiseric pressed the lockdown button
Equipment: D16 slug thrower with extra mags, d16 slug thrower pistol, Cronose Power Suit, cross guard yellow lightsaber, Risen mynock

Ty howled in pain crumpling from the force light as smoke began bellowing off of him like he was cooking alive in the armor as the light quickle disapated. he was laying in a fetal position From the pain letting out struggling breaths as he tried to will his body to just be able to breath from the pain he was in. "H-help...Help me" He weakly croked out as the pain from being steeped in darkness was hit by the force light. He felt weak and unable to move so when the parasite barroled into them with great force Lockdown was tossed into a tree shattering it under his weight.

System failure....attempting to stabilize....System recommends to find cover...

His suit yelled at him threw his thought before movement softwear. Struggleing to even move he found it impossible to even lift his gun to defend himself as he lifted himself to his knees to see this monster he could feel framilurarity to Ingrid and Adrian causing him to panic as he looked at that thing. "Mg, mg, mg Y' l' gotha nafl ah'mglw'nafh geb! Heinrich Help Me!!" Lockdown yelled afraid of both the framilure presence but mostly from the edlrich parasite that looked at them. With his helmet knocked off his head the metal that he once wore over his body making him look like a omni drone had burned away in places showing himself a scared 19 year old with silver hair and pale skin. something heinrich had seen before during their trip to the font of power.

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