Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[TGE vs. SJO] Eklipse das Licht; Imperial Invasion of Silver Jedi Charros IV

Zeradias Mant

Democracy Dies in Darkness
Deep Space
En Route to Bimmisari
ISV Resolute

Thrusters burning, busy chatter consumed the bridge of the Resolute, the flagship of the Chief of Naval Operations, Grand Admiral Zeradias Mant. Behind Mant was the might of the Iron Imperial Navy in all its might, ready to hand down a swift defeat to any who might challenge them. Confrontation was not the reason for their mobilization, but rather to stand strong with their Silver Jedi allies. Though the Iron Empire has refrained from involving itself in conflict on the intergalactic stage, it had an obligation to those its allies. If they weren't there for them in their time of need, what kind of allies would they be?

"ETA 20 mikes!", the navigation officer called out. Captain Odion Black, Zeradias' right hand in much of his dealings would be serving once again as his right hand today. They had an unspoken arrangement and uncommon sync with each other which resulted in Black doing much of the talking for the two. It was in this scenario that Black would be speaking on the CNO's behalf once more.

"Connect me to the ground.", he ordered the communications officer. A few short moments later, with confirmation, he was connected with their Silver Jedi allies on the ground.

"This is Overlord 5.", he spoke in military jargon. In the interest of preserving his own personal identity from those who might be listening in on their exchange. Though the channel was encrypted, the military didn't deviate from it's policy in the interest of operation security.

"With whom am I speaking?"

[member="Valae Kitra"]

Douglas Starwind

Head of Fire, Heart of Gold
Location: Charros IV
Objective: Regroup from Bombardment
Allies: [member="Arisa Yune"], [member="Dusaro Dresari"], all Silver Forces
Enemies: The Galactic Empire and Allies
Jedi Tunic and Robes, Lightsaber

Charros IV. Before today, it was a planet that Douglas Starwind was not very familiar with. Alas, he wished he didn't have to be here under such... Dreadful circumstances. He and his fellow Jedi Padawan Dusaro Dresari were working together under the Silver Jedi with some troops to try and help keep the peace on the planet. It was just them and their Master or any of the other Padawans they had associated with were nowhere to be seen. While he had been training as a Padawan for around four years now, he had never fallen into quite a situation as this before and it certainly was getting his nerves going. He hadn't felt such a feeling since the day his parents got kidnapped by Slavers and he stupidly went to save them by himself. That faithful day that lead him down the path to where he was today. Regardless, he kept a cool front on the outside. Showing any nerves would never be good here.

Charros IV had rather unusual terrain compared to what he was used to seeing. It might have made for some interesting sights had it not been for their predicament to put it lightly. He had been marching a little behind Dusaro along with all of the troops that Dusaro had been leading with them. The group were patrolling the ravines near a military base to make sure things were safe. They had taken a stop from their marching after things seemed clear so Dusaro could utilize a commlink to contact the command center. Doug's icy blue eyes were darting around in an almost instinctive manner. Dusaro seemed a bit worried about him and when asked if he was fine during a brief pause, Doug took a deep breath. "Yeah... I'll be alright..." He managed to let out before the command center responded again through the commlink. Not much time for any conversations.

Something seemed wrong when the communication abruptly cut off and a green laser whisked through the sky and an explosion roared through the area. Doug had quickly dived to the ground alongside Dusaro and the Troops and they had remained for around ten seconds before getting back up. None of them had been injured luckily. Doug's heart began pounding. Even though this was to be expected at this point, it always makes him feel almost surprised when it happens. On Dusaro's command in accordance to the command center, they had quickly gotten back towards the base within around ten minutes thanks to a direct path they had towards it from the canyon.

Once the group got to the base, things weren't looking so good. The communication tower had been hit and the rest of the base was in a bit of disarray from the aftereffects. Luckily, the base had the measures to set up a secondary communication unit after the initial one had been blown out and it was in. He had followed after Dusaro through the crowd to the command center. In a rather unnerving sight, the commander... Was dead. The secondary in not much better shape, but she was still alive. Doug winced slightly, but waited quietly as Dusaro had used the secondary unit to attempt to contact Arisa Yune, the current Grandmaster of the Silver Jedi.

When that was done, it seems their orders were to just wait at the base until everyone there had more information to work with. Doug had begun feeling more antsy at this point, but what else could they really do? Dusaro had been listening out for reports so that they would have more information on their predicament. Doug lightly patted his hand on his lightsaber to make sure it was still there as the waiting game had begun.

Travis Caalgen


The Delta-class T-3c shuttlecraft reverted from hyperspace into the gravity well of Bimmisaari quietly, exerting little to no detectable signature, and even if they were found out and scanned; they would only be identified as humanitarians from Coruscant, as their reconfigured IFF module would state. Gliding subtly through space, the ship entered the atmosphere of the planet, en route to the capital of Glastro.

"Director, we are close to landing." Came the pilot through the intercom, causing Travis to look up. He turned to his entourage, the six death troopers that made up Reaper Regiment; four of them currently fitting into mercenary disguises while the other two were fitting stealth field generators around their standard issue armor. "You two, with me. The rest of you, load off the 'supplies' and keep the shuttle prepared for takeoff."

The man strode down the recently lowered landing ramp, his cloaked sentinels cautiously treading behind him. He looked quite different from usual, as his duster, rank plaque, and code cylinders had been left in the ship, as to not immediately give away his affiliation. Unbeknownst to those without clearance to certain Imperial frequencies, an encrypted message would beam out to allies who were already making moves on the planet:
"Director Travis Caalgen will provide support."

[member="Kurt Meyer"] | [member="Kaileann Vera"]
Location: Unknown
Allies: GE
Enemies: Unknown
Objective: Prep for landfall

Ailuros keeping in mind the mission given to her by her people had left the rangers of the Jedi behind and now was learning about the government and people of the Empire. She didn't feel any remorse of leaving the other behind, she had learned what she needed, reported to her people and moved on. It was her mission. However, while staying with them and now the Empire, a call to war was called and she needed to fill a role.

Her mission to Charros was simple. The cat wanted to know about the people and government there. Experience their arts and culture. See what there was to see. So she gathered up a small crew of four agents to join her and [member="Alema Valla"], a Force user and Inquisitor of the Empire. They had been teamed up for this and now she waited for them to join her.

Wearing only a shirt and her belt, Ailuros checked over her RX4 Patrolship to make sure everything was still working. Not having had much opportunity to fly lately, the actions she went through in caring for her ship was calming. She hadn't know how much she had missed doing this and hummed one of her native songs as she went through prepping her ship.

Making sure the engines all fired and there were enough rations and medical supplies to last for two years as well as her special herbs, everything appeared ready to go. Taking one last walk around, Ailuros stopped as she waited at the rear of the ship for her passengers and company to join her. In the quiet time she had, she started cleaning herself and watching for the people that were going to join.
Seven Devils

Aboard the Knightsbane
Allies: The Galactic Empire, [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"], [member="Tanomas Graf"]
Enemies: The Silver Jedi Order, [member="Arisa Yune"], [member="Thane Drexel"], [member="Aedan Miles"]

The only sound that permeated the unlit room was a sharp intake of breathe, an inhalation of ethereal pleasure perceptible only to its sole occupant, as the lives of so many were ripped from the world below - as though their spirits, rising to the heavens like the vapors from the finest spice, could be pulled into lungs in such a manner. Even from so far above the pitiful planet, lingering in this metal bird, Irina could smell the odor of fear and panic that lingered just beneath the clouds, palpable to those who could touch the force and discern its ripples. It was the fuel to her fire, the means by which she would lay down the second assault on the Jedi and their aligned forces that would attempt to seek out the vessel and its fleet in retaliation. Did they know who lurked within, did they know the Dark Lord of the Sith had bartered his soul for her service?

The mirthful laugh that echoed across the chamber, unaccompanied by words to be wasted on the silence, spoke volumes of her thoughts on the matter. The people of Charros IV and their defenders, the crusaders of an imperfect order of light, did not know that which lay in wait for them in the depths of space. Even the Sith, for whom she was attending on behalf of, did not know much of her, beyond the fact that she possessed a terrifying array of eldritch abilities they did not understand. And yet here she was, sitting barefoot in the center of the massive ship that had just laid waste to many cities on the planet below in the breadth of a moment. She drew on the fear it had stirred, on the pain it had delivered, and the death it had created like a firestorm to her center. Like the invasion of Krayiss II Irina would not be putting her feet on the ground, nor did she expect to be picking up a physical weapon to bludgeon a foe with - rather she was preparing for an assault on the morale and the very minds of the enemy crews as they engaged with them.

If the Silencer was the Galactic Empire's greatest weapon in the initial strike, she was their most powerful form of support - lent to the Imperials as a favor directly from the Dark Lord of the Sith and leader of the Sith Empire himself for their service in the incursion over Krayiss II and Serenno. Her gently shut eyes opened slowly, taking in the darkness that surrounded her both physically and metaphorically, and rose to her feet as the firing of the massive laser cut through the surface of Charros IV like a saber to the heart. An automated door slid open with a hiss, the light outside flooding the interior of the featureless room, as the witch stepped out from her quarters and headed towards the bridge of the ship. She was clothed in little more than rags, tattered brown clothes that painted a picture of a slave more than it did a powerful master of the force that could command the fears of man like a Jedi or a Sith might wield their lightsaber.

"So it begins." The Yagan whispered with the beginnings of a smirk.

Location: Allied Naval Hub, Kashyyyk System
Objective: Storytime
Allies: SJO [member="Zeradias Mant"]
Opposition: GE [member="Tanomas Graf"] [member="Irina Volkov"]
Neutral: [member="Aedan Miles"]

On his way to bed after a long shift, Elijah decided to hang out for a bit in the mess, chatting it up with a few crewmen who were passing through and decided to sit with him. The younger Rangers, particularly junior officers and enlisted, still tended to avoid the Admiral like the plague, but more senior members on rotation had warmed up to him as they found him to be personable. The tone was relaxed but still respectful.

"Do know what's a great way to get your shore leave privileges taken indefinitely?" he started after a sip orange juice. Some offered the usual, bar fights or some other disorderly conduct in public. Elijah shook his head, smiling. "When I was a still a butter bar working out of a frigate, I hit the Denon night scene with my buddy the first weekend after we had made port. We had fun but nothing crazy happened. The problem came in the form of Dahlia. My buddy hit it off with the lady great, danced and talked the whole night. Probably would have kept at it right until closing, but then some meat heads came through the club giving him the stink eye. I got a bad feeling and pulled him out of there and headed back to the ship."

"It was a good thing we did. The SIS (Spacy Intelligence Service) contacted [SIZE=10.5pt]my buddy[/SIZE] the next day, and let him know that there had been a hit placed on him by a local Cartel. That sweet Dahlia character he met turned out to be some kingpin's wife. Those men had been his thugs 'retrieving' her up from the club. Wasn't allowed off the ship for the next month until we set off back home."

The revelation elicited a few chuckles from the group. "So there was buddy did my buddy did except catching the eyes of the wrong woman. Life is funny like that."

He had more to say but was cut off as his he was pinged through his neural link with a priority alert from his first officer. He straightened up in his seat, communicating with her directly through his implant.

<Halsey, what's up?>

<A few minutes ago, a GE fleet just reverted over Charros IV and started bombarding the surface. Massive casualties are projected in their opening strike. Now they're being engaged by the local defense force and Commander Patel's flotilla.>

Elijah's face twisted in an expression of disgust at that news, unable to figure out a reason for the attack aside from the system being aligned with the Silver Jedi. Terrorism plain and simple.

<Approximate force strength?>

<Enough to siege a sector if they wanted. Patel isn't going to last long even with the locals backing him up. And, there's one more matter...Grandmaster [SIZE=10.5pt]Yune[/SIZE] was planetside to preside over a new round of negotiations for a new unity government. She was it looks the area she was at was affected by bombardment, but her condition still reads as stable.>

Elijah sighed as the situation had grown more complicated. If anyone found out that [SIZE=10.5pt]Yune[/SIZE] was on Charros, then the Galactic Empire may get even nastier in their attacks, if it was even possible at this point.

<Halsey, raise status to condition yellow and mobilize the fleet. Get a hold of Admiral Xue, too. I want to crush [SIZE=10.5pt]them[/SIZE] with overwhelming force and send them screaming back to Kamino.>

<Aye Sir, see you in a minute.>

Elijah excused himself after the called had ended, then headed to the sink to pour out the remainder of his orange juice. Then he filled the thermos up to the brim with [SIZE=10.5pt]stimcaf[/SIZE]. The grizzled Admiral had plans to catch some shut eye after a 36-hour shift, but they had been shot out of the window and into a black hole. The wicked would never let him rest.


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
Meanwhile, somewhere close to Metal Lord territory,

HK was sitting in a dark workshop in silence aboard one of the many mobile manufacturing-ships recently refurbished and deployed by the Metal Lords from within their newfound territory. The autodoor leading to the workshop opened, allowing streams of light inside as one of the droid companions of HK came in, bearing ill news,

"My Lord, the Imperial forces crossed into Silver territory with projected intention of besieging and laying waste to Jedi worlds, our advanced sensors spotted hyperspace movement heading from First Order territory towards the besieged worlds."

It was then that the main difference between [member="Zeradias Mant"] and HK would be visible, for as Zeradias stood strong with his allies in the face of their adversity, HK did not even look at the messenger, just painting little roleplaying game figurines on his desk carefully as he responded,

"I do not care. The Jedi cast us out millenniums ago, if they are not fighting the Sith directly they are on their own."

However the machine would not be able to escape being pulled into the conflict as the messenger continued,

"We have received reports that our Master at Arms have taken up a defensive contract with the Silvers and is now preparing to face combat on one of the worlds. Some Metal Lord delegates are also currently on one of the besieged world negotiating access to old battle droid designs and manufacturing facilities."

HK stopped then, softly setting down the figurine he was working on as he looked up, looking away into the distance as he muttered,


"Your orders?"

The ancient droid turned back on his stool, looking at the messenger,

"Mobilize our raiding fleet and call upon the Lord of Tattered Hulls, see if he can summon our Imperial Remnants. Get me in touch with the Firemane as well, I might need to lend some more ships."

The messenger answered in a crisp mechanical bow,

"Yes my Lord."

"And get me my armor!"

HK ordered as the messenger turned around and begun marching back out the automated war,

"I will join the fray personally."

Shortly after the course was plotted through ancient and forgotten hyperlanes the droid navigators remembered and the Metal Lord reinforcements were on their way towards the Charros IV sector, sending out a tight beam communication to [member="Arisa Yune"] and [member="KeCholo"], asking for their current situation and position.
Sko sipped on a drink of some sort. He hadn't asked what it was but it felt remarkably fizzy in his mouth and as it went down his throat. It was an interesting feeling and he quite enjoyed it. Turning back to the datapad he resumed reading his book. He'd taken well to his new command ship and had arranged for several of the crew from his old Bearsloth transferred to the command crew.

Suddenly the comms channel was flooded with signals. It seemed that they were under attack. A large formation of Star Destroyers and supporting vessels had warped into orbit above Charros IV and seemed to have begun a bombardment. He had always liked blowing up Star Destroyers and from the initial sensor data the enemy seemed to be deploying fighters in force. Those would die very quickly once he launched his Wasps. The fleet he commanded began setting course for Charros.


1x Pantera-class Stealth Frigate: Hull 100%, Shields 100%

1x Lucerhulk-X-class supercarrier:Hull 100%, Shields 100%

6x Munificent-X-class heavy cruiser
#1 (Lead left wing): Hull 99%, Shields 100%
#2 (Middle left wing): Hull 100% Shields 100%
#3 (Rear left wing) Hull 100% Shields 100%
#4 (Lead right wing) Hull 100% Shields 100%
#5 (Middle right wing) Hull 100% Shields 100%
#6 (Rear right wing) Hull 100% Shields 100%

4x Damorian Light Cruiser
#1 (Lead left flank) Hull 100% Shields 100%
#2 (Rear left flank) Hull 100% Shields 100%
#3 (Lead right flank) Hull 100% Shields 100%
#4 (Rear right flank) Hull 100% Shields 100%

Kaiza Pawaro

Do, or do not. There is no try.
Location: Workshop Xcan
Allies: [member="Arisa Yune"]
The monumental factory-cathedral offered a most impressive insight into the Xi Charrian culture. Wide-eyed, Kaiza studied the impressive structure, hopelessly trying to comprehend how it worked. Coming from a simple background, everything seemed new and big to her. Slowly, her emerald gaze darted over to the hive-minded species, finding it most challenging not to stare.

Again, her origin showed, and while she was more than accustomed to humanoid races, the Padawan found difficulty in seeing the insectoids as any other sentient race. As such, the opportunity to follow Grandmaster Yune and see the strange race and its culture up close proved to be most humbling. Brushing aside a stray lock of raven hair, the Mirialan silently moved after the Jedi Grandmaster, always remaining close and always silent, even though one could easily see excitement written all over her tattooed face.

Vibrations beneath their feet offered an insight into just how massive the entire structure was, further proving high-precision manufacturing to be an inseparable part of life on Charros IV. Rhythmical pounding and whirring of tools carried through the place like some sort of strange music. Kaiza padded behind the Prelate and the Grandmaster, taking in the sights and finding the devotion to hard work quite relatable, although the native religion known as Xi Char obviously elevated it to a whole new level she could barely comprehend.

And just when she thought to have seen everything, the group descended further down, each level an overwhelming success at proving the Padawan wrong. Never the technical type, the young student found the process of creating droids and other pieces of technology even more fascinating. Gaze glued to one particular conveyor belt, she followed the process of assembling a large battle droid, practically witnessing its birth until the machine disappeared from her sight.

Still a learner, Kaiza did not recognize the sensation of impending dread that sent shivers down her spine. Something was wrong, prompting her body to shift uncomfortably, then turn her questioning gaze towards the older and more experienced Jedi. Soon enough, the thunderous whine of turbolasers made the while factory moan and scream, metallic structure struggling to withstand. Shock, fear, worry – all graced the Mirialan’s expression at the same time. Questions of who any why raced through her mind when a terrible screech came from above, swiftly followed by a destroyed conveyor belt plummeting down from above, dragging everything in its path with it. Hundreds of workers have been crushed, vaporized, disintegrated, mutilated within seconds and their deaths deeply disturbed Kaiza’s inner balance.

Part of her wanted to panic, act upon primitive instincts and allow fear to cloud her mind. Discipline and Jedi training forbid that course of action though – and so she took a few deep breaths of suddenly hot air, trying to come to terms with the incredible amount of deaths suddenly tearing into the Force. It was a battle, especially when the whole structure shook, threatening to collapse upon itself and bury every single sentient within. Another object turned scrap above them gave away, succumbing to gravity and landing not so far from the group with maddening racket.

“Prelate,” Kaiza spun on her heel, facing the Xi Charrian, “What is the quickest way out of here?”
Location: Charros IV
Objective: Defend SJO
Allies: [member="HK-36"] [member="Arisa Yune"] [member="Jessica Med-Beq"] SJO
Enemies: Imperial Scum and those sympathetic to their cause

A pleasant chime sounded from Ke'Cholo's wrist. He looked down to his comms unit and discovered he was receiving a message from HK-36. Ke'Cholo quickly converted the message to his pocketed holoprojecter. In just a moment, the droid popped up and asked where he was and what he was doing.

''I'm on Charros IV, Arisa is here too I think. It's a massacre out here, and the Sith haven't even deployed any ground troops yet. They're bombarding the planet with their turbolasers, only reason I'm still alive is because they placed shields over all the major cities. '' Ke'Cholo appeared mostly stalwart as he spoke to HK-36, but seemed a bit fidgety.

''I brought over two divisions of soldiers and several AA guns. I transported them over on our new supercarrier, I got word 30 minutes ago that it arrived safely back on Denon. I'll send you my roster, adjust what you bring accordingly.'' he sent HK-36 his roster of troops, and then waited for the droid's departing words before turning the projector off. As soon as he turned it off, a Battlewell Intergalatic Marine approached him.

''Commander Ke'Cholo!"' the soldier offered a salute to the ''commander''.

''Yes. General Mordarri?'' Ke'Cholo began trotting along, inspecting his troops in formation.

''Soldiers are ready, we only await the arrival of the Sith.''

''General, something tells me you won't have to wait much longer.'' Ke'Cholo looked up at the armada of Sith and Imperial aligned vessels.

Location: Bimmsaari - Glastro
[member="Kurt Meyer"] | I see you Krennic! [member="Travis Caalgen"]

Another joyful little smirk went dancing across Kaile's lips. There was a certain twinkle in her eyes at the concession by Kurt to go shopping.

"Yay!" a small steady clap of her hands followed suit, reflecting her excitement. The pair were blissfully unaware of the current events unfolding in Charros IV and what may potentially show up on Bimmsaari itself. For the former SIS agent and the three time winning Pod Racing pilot, they were just having a normal pit stop for refuel and refreshments. Both doing their best to try and stay out of the limelight and the trouble that had been brewing across the galaxy in one form or another.

"Well, you are kinda stinky," she sang over her shoulder, going off towards the tiny lounge of the Mesa for funds. "Who would want to kiss that greasy face of yours like that!" the Lorrdian would tease, doing a half speedy waddle up the ramp and into the ship. They had a few credits saved up, and with how frugal Kaileann was in making sure they got the best deal, they'd be able to spare a few extra on this trip.

A hand went sweeping over her belly, feeling the life inside flutter and dance. "I know, buttercup. It's gonna be a fun day."

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
Location: Bimmsaari - Glastro
[member="Kaileann Vera"] | [member="Travis Caalgen"]

"It's fine." Kurt said with a wave of his hand as he stepped onto The Messa.

He wasn't really all that concerned with how people here saw him, mostly because he knew in about two hours they'd entirely forget the stranger that had come passing through. Few people actually cared about strangers, though it just so happened his roommate was one of them. He frowned for a moment as he stepped into his room, inspecting half a dozen shirts that were laying on the floor and tossed over chairs. He sniffed them, assessing just how clean they were before he finally managed to grab a light blue one that didn't smell too bad.

He'd have to remember to do Laundry...or get Kaile to do it.

It wasn't that he wanted to pawn the task off on her, but he wanted to make her feel useless. Laundry was one of the few things Kaile could actually do, particularly the folding bits. He could swear that she'd once said something about enjoying folding laundry. Calming or something.

Or maybe he was just trying to convince himself.

"Good enough." He said as he stepped back into The Messa's common space. "Let's go."

He didn't bother washing the grease off his hands.
Location: Bimmisaari - Saari Ha Enclave
Objective: Humanitarian Mission
Allies: SJO – [member="Jessica Med-Beq"] (Indirect), [member="Zeradias Mant"]
Potential opposition: [member="Atmeiktes"]

Valae returned to work, and disappeared back into one of many medical tents. There was a young man with a fresh cut; he sat uneasily on the edge of his cot as he waited for treatment. Approaching the bedside, the Jedi healer began to draw the force around her. The wound was quite large, but not too terribly deep. As she knelt, she began to apply the force to the injury, and closed her eyes. However, there was an uneasy feeling that clouded her mind. And unfortunately, her concentration wavered, causing the wound to remain open. Maybe it was just fatigue, but there was a shadow in her mind that told her differently. She glanced up; she would have to mend this in the conventional way.

“Don’t worry; you’ll be patched up in no time.” She said with a flicker of a smile.

The healer slipped on a pair of gloves and readied her supplies. She let the force flow, suppressing the pain for her patient, it would be just enough that he would not need nullicaine while she worked. After a quick zap from her flash-sterilizer, the wound was clean and free of bacteria. A few biodegradable staples did the job, and a dermal seal would finish it.

Walking back out, she approached their small comm center – and just in time.

Her eyes went wide as a male voice came through, and she snatched up the comm to respond. Valae felt a powerful wave of relief, and she smiled as she spoke.

“This here is Valae Kitra of the Silver Jedi Order. Boy, am I happy to hear from you.”

Her cheerful tone contrasted strongly with the voice that had spoken. Valae cleared her throat.

“What’s your ETA, Overlord five?” She added, attempting to make her tone a bit more professional.


Well-Known Member
Mid Rim \\ Mara Corridor \\ Taldot Sector
Crusader-class Corvette [Img] \\ The Siren
Allies: Galactic Empire \\ Enemies: Silver Jedi Order
Captain Bast was no fool - inexperienced in some ways but never a fool. Green eyes scanned carefully across the command console in front of him, hands lingering at the controls. The Crusader-class Corvette had been his most recent acquisition. The Captain wasn't a gambling man however his luck had seemed pretty good, almost too good. In truth, the scales of chance had been heavily weighted in his favor. Memories of the encounter send a smirk across his features.

"Stow the gear. Be ready to make a directional change on my mark."
The Siren was already in hyperspace, it's route along the Mara Corridor headed directly for Silver space - in fact, they were already within its borders if the readouts were correct. The journey had been a significant one from Empire space but an easy one. As an independent vessel, it was surprising how empty the vastness of space really was. They'd run into a few mining vessels on their way but nothing worth stopping for, nothing that would net the crew a profit. The crew of The Siren weren't ones to ask for what they wanted, instead they took it. Pirates in every sense of the word, however even pirates had their uses, or at least it seemed. The Galactic Empire had posted numerous notices, notices of payment for both service and confirmed destruction of assets belonging to the Silver Jedi Order. Gideon and crew had jumped at the chance to test their new vessel, and while it lacked the proper weaponry to properly engage most capital ships, they were yet dangerous in their own right. Freighters and smaller vessels would find themselves quickly out of their depth should The Siren catch them.

As soon as the Captain had spoken, his second in command relaying the order throughout the ship by way of hushed tone to the comm. The gear in the hold would be secured, the crew armed and ready to make the brief transition from hyperspace back into realspace before setting off in the direction of the coordinates they'd been provided. Their objective was simple really - get in, deliver as much punishment across the sector as they could, and then get out. They would be rewarded with payment upon completion of the campaign, each confirmed vessel destroyed carried a heavy payout, the added benefit? They could keep whatever they might salvage, steal, or confiscate. Getting paid to do what they did anyway, but with the bonus of payment regardless of the prize taken? Today was a good day to be a pirate.
[member="Tanomas Graf"] | [member="Setzi Lunelle"]
Location: Hyperspace, Imperial Star Destroyer, Main Assembly Hangar.
Objective: Brief the Unit
Allies: [member="Anya Loma"] [member="Tanomas Graf"]
Enemies: The Silver Jedi Order & Allies

The Silence that had befallen the hangar was finally broken as Adron approached the General's under his command. The Marshal of his Army, a middle-aged Corellian with jet black hair, stepped forward to greet the High Moff. "Sir, I've assembled all of the Officer's to the Sector Command, as well as field Officers."

Adron turned as he heard footsteps echoing through the chambers, approaching the group. The armored image of the lady of his House brought a smile to his face as he inclined his head towards her. He wished he had more time to speak with her before the mission began, but time had not been on their side. And in the halls of The Empire even those who loved each other must maintain a professional appearance.

"Marshal, dismiss all of the section leaders and Field Officer's. Order them to return to their ships immediately. I will brief personally brief the Corp Commanders, make it happen."

"Yes sir." He said, before turning back to the assembled formation of Officer's. As his orders were transmitted to the men he turned back to Anya. "I won't lie....I feel...hesitant." His words were below a whisper, yet they were true. The Silver Jedi had helped in the defense of Serenno against the very force that he now served, the irony of the situation was not lost to Adron. "Sometimes I wonder how far I will go to do what I see as right...." He muttered, before he could continue he heard the mass of Imperial Officer's disperse.

A group of Five Officer's approached him, escorted by the Marshal of the Sector as well as their General. Five Major Generals, each commanding well over thirty thousand men, it was a truly interesting thing to see the Chain of Command in action.

"We already had our primary briefing so I'll make this quick. The Imperial Fleet is set to move against Charros IV, our mission is to breach the planet's atmosphere and destroy everything of value. That being said our first mission will be to set up a staging area, after that we'll move on the nearest targets we can find. There will be no direct targeting of civilians. However, if they present a threat, hindrance, or can be perceived as collateral so be it. We WILL give the Grand Moff victory, am I understood?"

The group took the position of attention, each of them echoing out. "Yes, sir."

"Dismissed." Adron said, turning back to Anya.

Adron gestured for her to follow as the rest of the Officer's moved about to prepare the legions that were set to invade Charros. As they made their way down the halls he dryly smiled back at her. "We're committed." He reminded himself, more than her.

Once they found themselves on the bridge of the ship Adron's eyes stared through the view port. A massive Imperial Fleet was gathered and several of the ships seemed to be slipping into light speed. "Admiral." Adron called out, taking the attention of a bronze haired woman, staring at a datapad. "Sir, the Grand Admiral has just gone into light speed. Orders?" As Tanomas Graf's fleet disappeared from the void Adron's eyes washed over the cluster of transport and invasion class ships he had gathered for his mission. "Admiral, once all the Officer's have returned to their ships, get us underway. We need a good stagger between us and the Grand Admiral."

Adron clasped his hands in front of his waist as he watched the scores of shuttles flit from ship to ship. These were his soldiers, these were his men, this was his Army.

He closed his eyes for a moment, calling out to the Force, though more time than he intended must have passed because once his eyes opened the Admiral was approaching him once again. "We are prepared to jump to light speed sir."

Adron glanced over to Anya, before finally nodding at the Fleet Admiral. "Do it." He ordered, only moments later the entirety of his invasion fleet slipped into hyperspace.
Location: Charros IV, Near The Cathedral Factories
Objective: Take Control Of The Factories
Allies: Galactic Empire
Enemies: Silver Jedi Order
Gear: In Sig, three grenades, three thermal detonators, medical supplies

The Imperial transports began landing, some ahead of others, releasing the mighty legions onto the surface of Charros IV. Their objective was clear, march on the Cathedral Factories and lay waste to any opposition along the way in an attempt to claim these structures for the Empire. The factories were known to create a specific type of battle droid, thought it had been centuries since these robotic warriors saw the galaxy, however the schematics on how to create them where hidden deep in vaults under the one of the Cathedral Factories; where they sat safe since the invasion of the Yuuzhan Vong. It was unclear what purpose the Empire needed for droids, but for the white legions it was not their place to think; only follow orders.

The last transport to land carried myself and the company I was assigned. The moment those doors dropped, out the boys went poised to get the mission, and our orders, underway. Walking behind them, I smiled under my helmet. Despite being a Medic, I came from a life of hunting; which to me was only slightly different than what we did here, the exception being that hunting prey usually don't shoot back. When we finally lined up in formation, our company commander shocked us all when he said our orders changed from the time we left the star destroyer till the time we formed up.

"Ladies and gentleman, we will not be a part of the main force," he explained walking back and forth in front of us, his hands locked tight behind his back, "We have been tasked to conduct a recon mission near and around the factories, while the main force gathers itself for the big march. Your squad commanders have been given their mission directives, and I expect nothing short of success from you. Form into your squadrons and bring glory to the Empire. Dismissed!"

I wasn't a fan or supporter of my squadron commander. His position as our commander was a temporary station, because we all knew his Father was some big wig in the Imperial Army so it was only a matter of time before he left us; and we would not be saddened by his departure. Mainly, he had no idea how to conduct military tactics, but more important than his failure to truly lead us; he seemed to 'go into hiding' when the first shots erupted. It was only through the communication links in our helmets that allowed us to hear his poorly crafted orders. In the bunks, there was a pool among the boys on how long he would last, not as our commander before being promoted and shipped out, but how long it would take before he fell to the enemy; or friendly fire. As a Medic, it was unethical for me to place a bet, plus there was a conflict of interest in place; cause if he fell I would have to make the effort to save him, possibly sabotaging my chances to win the pool.
Alema was sitting quietly, she had pulled herself up to sit on the small ledge of her viewport, her body weight resting against the transparent material, marveling at the beauty of hyperspace. She had never grown accustomed to it, even now after so many trips, it still took her breath away. It was a pleasant distraction from the unsettled twisting of her gut; a flurry of emotion- fear and anger, sadness and conviction. They had just liberated Bothawui, driving the Rebels from the planet and incorporating the natives into the warm embrace of the Empire. They had just recovered from the attempt on the Grand Moff’s life on Kamino, avoiding what would have been a death knell for the galactic power. They had just freed the people of Tatooine and brought them into the Empire’s welcoming fold. And now? Now the Jedi had to be dispatched. It seemed there had been nothing but violence and conflict since she joined the Inquisition. The Empire lurched from confrontation to confrontation, never given even a moment’s respite. Her mind idly wondered, was this all there was to life? A series of struggles without end?

[SIZE=11.5pt]No. There will be peace. There will be order. And the Empire will be its harbinger. [/SIZE]The fleet reverted from hyperspace and throughout the ship secondary lights powered to life, casting a flashing red light over her room. Through the onboard communications system the voice of an officer rang out, a deep Imperial accent coloring his orders as he demanded all hands report to battle positions. Alema rose to her feet, the planet visible just beyond the viewport was beautiful. Tranquil. She exhaled slowly, knowing what was to come. She would never understand why they always chose resistance. Why so many chose to die in reckless pursuit of meaningless fantasies.

She made her way out of her room and into the connecting barracks, waiting in the common area was a group of four men and women, ISB agents the lot of them. Alema had grown accustomed to the members of the secretive law enforcement agency and had learned to respect the work they did, it was important and while she had no doubt an Inquisitor could outperform them, there were only so many Force Users in the Empire. “On me,” she said, motioning for them to follow; they were not technically under her command, but their CO had already left to make final preparations in the shuttle bay. The thought of the strange cat woman was a true oddity to the young Twi’lek. The woman was new to the Empire and had a curiosity fitting her feline ancestry, but it wasn’t her place to question the hiring decisions of the ISB. “I’m told this is a beautiful world we’re over,” she said conversationally to the group of agents, “it’s a real tragedy what is about to happen.”

She made her way to the hanger where fighters and bombers were already zipping freely off to join the fray. The small transport looked utterly foreign sitting in the hanger filled with the Empire’s spacefaring arsenal. The group moved quickly, it seemed everyone on the hanger was rushing, fueling ships, jumping in cockpits, inspecting vessels, loading armaments. Alema and the group entered the cat’s shuttle and she nodded to the woman, outside it seemed the gravity well had already begun erupting into complete havoc as automated planetary defense shields sprang to life. She sighed and made eye contact with the alien woman, “and you’re use you can get us through that?”


Viathae Qarmast

Mandalorian Exile Jedi of Clan Qarmast
Location - Bimmisaari
Allies - Silver Jedi Order (currently Master [member="Valae Kitra"])
Enemies - The Galactic Empire and their allies.
Objective - Humanitarian Aid, and hoping that the enemy does not reach this planet.

This damn war...

Viathae tries hard to not be labeled a hypocrite... and hopefully, this won't apply here. Her pacifism has to be kept, and to help lead the New Mandalorians forward, this had to be made. However, even if she is in this area, she wanted to ensure that the people are secure from the Empire's tyranny and acts of villainy. A call for supplies had came as she had picked up from one of her intercoms. Viathae was responsible to ensure that the New Mandalorians sent these supplies quickly. As such, Viathae was on the cargo ship preparing to land and meet with [member="Valae Kitra"]. The ships was full of food and water that was needed to help with the refugees. The outbreak of this war made Viathae even more worried that her plans might not go to full fruition, should they be attempted to be implemented.

No matter, Viathae grabbed her jetpack as soon as the ships full of these supplies landed at the refugee camp on Bimmisaari, hoping that the refugees are fine. Her ship landed at the camp, and Viathae flew out from it with two New Mandalorian Secret Service officers whom were in their uniforms, though also carried more military graded blasters than the police did in addition to having jetpacks and such. Viathae then took a small fly around the camp with the guards and inspected the refugees. She then landed before Master Kitra with the guards and took off her helmet. "Supplies had arrived, Master. Hopefully they'll be helpful." she said to the Jedi Master. "I've ensured that as much as possible is mustered up to help with the refugees. Hopefully, the war won't spread to here." The Mandalorian then glanced at the two guards. "<Leave us. Go help with counting up the refugees and handing out the food and water needed.>" she said to the guards in Mando'a. The two guards gave a "Hoo-ah!" and a salute as they begun to fly back on their jetpacks to help with the others. Viathae then turned back to Master Kitra after observing the amount of refugees. "Hmm... this seems worse than Ceralium... How can I help?"
Allies: The Galactic Empire.
Enemies: The Silver Jedi Order.
Post: I.

Enroute to Charros IV
There was a rush across the entire ship, alarms blaring orders out. It overwhelmed Oni briefly. She quickly snapped back into action, wearing her pilot uniform she marched down the hallway along behind her comrades with her helmet perched by her side, under her arm. Even then she held back her nerves behind a facade placed over her real expression. Twelve pilots marched in front of her, several friends of hers. Notably her best friend, Maia. A fellow pilot which she attended the Naval Academy with. One of the few people Oni actually cared for. Maia would snap to the side, so she could be in front of Oni, speaking over her shoulder to Oni.
"Ready for your first mission, Oni?" She said with a wide smirk on her face. "We've worked for this." She concluded with. Oni would smile for a moment before replying in her soft voice. "Of course I'm ready. We will smash it." She said, confidently. Hiding her true feelings, she was frightened. She'd never been sent out to a real battle before, but the call had come and she wouldn't turn it down. This was her chance to get noticed by her superiors. The first step to promotion. "You remember Flight Code Four-oh-one?" Oni asked, attempting to take her mind of what was coming. Maia glanced over her shoulder with a roll of her eyes. "You're chitting it, aren't you?" She said, with a chuckle. Oni sighed in response. "Don't worry, me too." She said, attempting to reassure her comrade.
Then they marched into the hangar, seeing countless officers running across speaking to one another. Reciting orders through the speakers, to the entire ship. Before a group would catch his eye. Stood together, before a Moff of some sorts. Though she continued to march forward making her way to the TIE/LN Mk IV fighter she had been assigned to. Climbing up the ladders attached to the cockpit. Before sliding in and beginning pre-flight checks. Once satisfied she would begin to link her communications device to her squadrons frequency. "This is Conquest-four. Reporting all clear and ready for takeoff." She declared over the radio. All was set, and it was nearly time. All she awaited was the signal to begin.

Location: Bimmisaari - Tower of Law (Glastro)
Objective: Negotiate a deal for the housing of refugees
Allies: SJO [member="Valae Kitra"] [member="Viathae Qarmast"] (indirectly) [member="Zeradias Mant"] (in orbit)
Enemies: Galactic Empire [member="Atmeiktes"] [member="Gorba the Hutt"] [member="Travis Caalgen"] (potentially)

While, of course, the crux of the issues was the scope of the refugee relocation operation on a logistical level and the extent at which the Bimm authorities should be supporting the refugees fleeting the Tingel Arm, Jessica knew that some legwork was already done to this end. Then again, in her mind, it was a delicate balancing act: how to balance the needs of Bimmisaari vs the needs of the other planets in Silver Jedi space that also play host to significant numbers of refugees. Bimmisaari was a happy medium on distance vs. ability to house refugees, and that's why these refugee camps (Saari Ha enclave, Camp Kresh, to name the main ones) have the size they do. Another round of talks was happening between Jessica and the Bimm officials over whether jobs should be included in the package deal and for how long these refugees would be entitled to free food and fuel vouchers. The topic of the moment was about jobs: Jessica knew that jobless refugees could grow restless, but advocating conscription of refugees was going to end badly: she needs only to look at the past few years.

"I'n not sold on the SJ's ability to guarantee jobs to the refugees: what can actually be done on that front?" the Bimms' chief labor official asked.

"The SJ does understand that, with each round of refugees, there will be people ready to enlist, to fight against the faction(s) that drove them away in the first place, usually the more extremist of the gang. Channeling the more radical by granting the refugees priority for military recruitment will make security risks in the camps less of an issue, which is a win-win for both parties" she told the Bimm officials. "Standby one, I have an urgent transmission"

"Northwest Actual, this is Southwest Command headquarters: Commander Patel is reporting that a Galactic Empire fleet has reverted over Charros IV and started bombarding the surface, with massive casualties projected in their opening strike. Patel has begun to engage the Imperials, alongside the local garrison made up of vulture droids" the communications officer at the allied naval hub on Kashyyyk relayed to Jessica.

"It appears that Charros IV will be another planet from where refugees are expected to come, ladies and gentlebeings. The Xi Charrans will likely want to return in short order however, especially if we win, so the tentative agreement we have should also include Xi Charrans at minimal cost"

"I knew that they considered work as a religion, so I trust that they will exert due diligence not to make us spend too much of our resources" the chief labor official told the others.

So the Galactic Empire commits yet another atrocity? They made a number on Hapes, and they have long supply lines in order to attack us here; however, the local sensor arrays show no Imperial fleet movements, she thought, while harboring hopes that [member="Elijah King"], [member="Sko'saht"] and the others will be able to fight the Imperial assault back, head-on or not. With these considerations, she decides that elevating alert levels beyond yellow alert is unwarranted at this stage: only confirmed Imperial troop or fleet movements over the planet will warrant putting the city on full alert. Plus it will only drive the refugees and native Bimms to panic, which is just not good for her, nor is it for the SJ she serves or the Bimms she is there to attempt protecting. Jessica also received another message from [member="Zeradias Mant"], this time from Iron Empire channels. She knew the IE was a key ally of the Silver Jedi out there, so any assistance on their part was better than nothing, even though she fully trusted one Julie Jutland to fight the Imperials back if necessary, despite commanding from the pilot seat in her flagship:

Zeradias Mant said:
"This is Overlord 5.", he spoke in military jargon. In the interest of preserving his own personal identity from those who might be listening in on their exchange. Though the channel was encrypted, the military didn't deviate from it's policy in the interest of operation security.

"With whom am I speaking?"

"This is Northwest Actual: I'm in charge of the ground defense of Bimmisaari. If reinforcements are needed, I can always ask for Admiral Jutland to join the battle" she told Zeradias once that channel was open, with a bit of delay.

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