Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Seasonal Terror and Tepani | Obulette, Harvest Day Festival



Tags: Todblaz Graker Todblaz Graker



"This? Work attire, I wear it everywhere. Though it can get uncomfortable when it gets really hot out."

"Dang," she remarked, frowning a little.

How dull. Who would go to a festival in work attire? And adding onto that, who just didn't wear other clothes out? Rayne admittedly lived a dull and uneventful life, but something as simple as wearing her jumpsuit all the time would drive her insane.

"Oh, I'm just here cause I was curious," the Twi'lek shrugged. "Thought it would be fun. It's been more... boring than anything."

She didn't see an out of this conversation, and it definately didn't help that his face was hidden. Rayne hoped this guy wasn't super talkative. Using her vocoder for too long was sure to give her a headache.


Todblaz Graker

Makes me wish for a nuclear winter


Tags: Rayne Lo'to Rayne Lo'to
Outfit: (What he's wearing in the image)

"Thought it would be fun. It's been more... boring than anything."

"That's odd, there seems to be a lot you can do for entertainment around here." Tod began, "You and your boyfriend must be unlucky if you guys can't find anything to do out here."

When Tod was walking around there were an assortment of activities, although he wasn't particularly interested in the types of things that couples might enjoy. Still, there should be a fair few activities the lady and her boyfriend could do for entertainment, it is still a festival. He was clearly overthinking it and just decided to not dwell on the idea of it as it didn't really matter to him.



Location: Obulette
Objective: Celebrate harvest
Tags: Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus Noah Corek Jr. Noah Corek Jr.

Costume: Alice

Annika waited and tried to hold in her mirth as Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus fought with and finally defeated her errant dentures. She nodded politely at the gesture of praise.

"Surprised to meet anyone from Zeltros. You doing alright among the crowds?"

"Yeah, same. I thought it would be fun and I have thos holo-channel I wanted to get some shots for. Crowds have been stressful, but I'm only a halfbreed, you're the first one who has recognised me as a pink." she grinned and scented the air around them for Lossa's chemical signals, she smelled nice, if a little tense.

"You not coping well with it then"

The other person came running over to them and greeted Lossa as if he knew her. She also gave a little polite raise of her had to greet Noah Corek Jr. Noah Corek Jr. then flinched as a gout of fire from one of the nearby entertainers spouted burning fuel into the air not far from their position. There were cheers and woops from the crowns and Annika felt the emotions surgeing with excitement, the passion in the air was actually quite invigorating for the girl, but it might be time to suggest a move. "Shall we find a calmer spot to watch some of the lights?" she said to the pair.



"Confidence makes the outfit."

Kahlil flashed a smirk as he squeezed her hand before glancing down to watch the triplets. To see them running around all excitedly as a unit of three was incredibly adorable. Adorable, and now alarming. He blinked once as he realized Aeryn had taken notice of an ATST dressed child. He knew where that was going. Should he stop them? Should he not? He hummed a little before closing his eyes.

It would be fine. Probably.

"Too much makes you feel sick and bloated, though. So clearly there is too much?"

Aris just blinked, clearly bewildered by his sister's belief. The last thing he wanted was to end up feeling sick after such a fun day. And this was going to be a fun one. Already he could see the other kids who were happy just to be here.

"Everything should be done in moderation, after all."

Valery Noble Valery Noble
Maldor listened to her critique.

He was not, by habit or inclination, a person who took such critiques well.

But these critiques echoed some of his own thoughts on the difficulty of his method, and he was inclined to accept his own thoughts more amiably than those of others.

"You are not mistaken in your observations," he conceded more amiably than usual, "and these are obstacles I see in my path. It remains to be seen whether I shall be able to overcome them. But I am confident in myself, and my ability to bring my plans to fruition."

He returned his attention briefly to the stage, where the repugnantly named singers were proceeding with their performance.

"I have enjoyed our conversation more than I might have expected," he told her as he watched the energetic ministrations of the musicians upon their instruments.

"Are you tired of being alone, Miss Rin? Or does the life of a wandering monk still appeal to you?"

Now he turned to look at her again, and there was some sincerity in his eyes that might seem out of place on the face of a noble, or even a Senator.

Athsheva Rin Athsheva Rin
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Costume: Vampire
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

Valery smirked, "True, it's part of why I look fantastic as a vampire too." She flicked some hair over her shoulder in the most sassy way she could, and flashed her fake fangs with a grin. The dressing up as a family was fun, and this was only the beginning, she knew. Aurra really wanted her Mom to dress up like a princess with her for another halloween party meant for little ones.

It was going to be some good bonding time.

But while Aurra was cute and innocent, Aeryn only had trouble on her mind. She pulled back on her sling and fired one of the plastic rocks straight at the other kid in his AT-ST costume. Harmless, really, if she hadn't managed to hit the kid straight in the eye. The boy started crying immediately and Aeryn just threw up her arms in victory for a moment.

Until she saw the kid was sad and started to cry herself.

"Oh dear. Love?" She looked at Kahlil and felt so embarrassed that this was happening to them. At least Aeryn seemed to feel bad about it, and wanted to hug the other kid. But it did start with her thinking it to be okay to attack like that...

"You don't have to eat all the candy right away!" Vera told her brother with a roll of her eyes. "You collect as much as you can for days to come. But if you don't like having lots of candy, you can give some to me!" She giggled and waggled her Racyon fingers at his bag of candy.

"Vera, stop trying to take your brother's candy," Valery said before glancing down at Aris.

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There is one thing Felix might have feared in all his years as a gunslinging mercenary with a heart of gold. The supernatural. Or more accurately in this case, ghosts. His heart pumping and drumming between his ears as his legs stretched as long as they could in a daring sprint forward. Arms flailing about as he ran haphazardly down the street, the beginnings of tears forming at the edge of his eyes


Stopping for a moment in his tracks as his entire body twisted left and right glancing down different directions to make his escape, Felix Faraday eventually peered forward and saw his one chance at escaping the dreaded specters haunting him: a large lamppost with a little pumpkin paper mache around the light fixture to give it an eerie yet festive orange glow.

Like a born-again spider-monkey, Felix's finger clawed and gripped around the metal--worn down with age, weather, and time--before dragging his feet onto the pole and clambering up until he reached the top. Gasping for breath as wrapped his arms over the top to hang on for dear life, Felix's eyes widened in fear. The specters were still in pursuit. They were approaching fast. Soon, he would be trapped and they would be upon him to enact all manner of supernatural evil.

They would . . .

Giggle as they chased after him?

Three small children giggling and laughing as they ran up to the lamppost, each dressed up in various spooky ghosts and specters ran up and began pointing and laughing at Felix. Giving a few more gasps and hollers of fear from his lungs, the faux-fear broke away into something much softer.

A pleasant smile and a wave.

"Okay, okay. You little rascals got me. Now run along to your parents before they get worried and upset," Felix released one arm to point in a direction, "They're right over there. Go, go, go!"

With that bit of encouragement, Felix watched as the laughing children ran back to their parents, safe and sound. As much as this festival can be about dressing up as scary creatures or sending a chill up one's spine, there is something to be said about making people smile through what is otherwise a very spooky holiday. Pulling himself up and over, Felix sat himself atop the lamppost and smiled as he began kicked his feet without much care.

Before leaning forward and resting his arms over the lap of his legs, Felix sighed as his eyes drooped a little. As fun as making other people smile of all ages was for the past few hours or so, it became a little tiring but only a little. Perhaps, it was the fact that no matter how he might try, there would always be that gnawing feeling in the back of his head that he was missing out on something important, like he was more alone that he realized.

Felix brushed the thought off with a smirk. Him? Alone? He knew all sorts of people from all parts of galaxy. Just that . . . none of them were here. Probably too busy. That and he was always more of a solo act anyway. The lone gunslinger who rides off into the sunset! Helping strangers and then gone with the wind! The shine and bluster of such a lifestyle would never dull with time! Hopefully, at least.

Maybe I should hit up where the music is coming from next.

That would do him some good. For now, however, Felix was content to sit here and relax for a few moments as he hummed the beat to himself. Breathing in the air and looking up at the stars with a smile, Felix let his worries wash away from him. He was good at that. Moving forward was all the mattered, especially if it meant moving towards the free food and drink around the different parts of the festival.

"Oh man, what a lovely night."

Athsheva Rin

Yuuzhan Vong. Shaper. Exile.

Tagging: Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti

Confidence was one thing. Pride-- and the inevitable fall that came after-- was another. She suspected that the Senator was trying to bite off more than he could chew in regards to his political philosophy. On the homeworld, Athsheva had made her own political maneuvers-- sowing discontent, questioning the natural order of things, and finally breaking the status quo-- that had lead to her exile, and while she didn't regret them in the slightest, her experience had made her more cognizant of risk.

Or, at least, that's what she thought.

"I have enjoyed our conversation more than I might have expected."

On that, she and the Senator agreed. Gods, how long it had been since she had spoken with a stimulating partner? "As have I, Senator. You are a fascinating man... for a politician," Athsheva said, quick to couch her compliment with another barb. The words were accompanied with the return of her smile, slick as the scales of an amphistaff.

"Are you tired of being alone, Miss Rin? Or does the life of a wandering monk still appeal to you?"

She scoffed, the pit of her nose flaring with the sudden exhalation. Of all the ways she would describe herself, monk was nowhere on that list. The priestly caste had always been her most immediate political enemies, constantly fanning the flames of outrage at her "heretical" proclamations and inventions.

... Was she tired of being alone?

The question seemed absurd at first glance. She had spent nearly two years of her life doing just that, and she had been fine. Now, finally, she had the luxury of exploring a galaxy that had been kept hidden from her all her life. Being alone was the least of her worries. There was so much to do and see, so much to learn, that the idea of having company for it felt both unnecessary and insulting.

And yet... some distant part of her heart, atrophied over years of disuse, seemed to lurch at the question. She shoved the feeling aside. Athsheva Rin was a Yuuzhan Vong. If necessary, she would stand alone for eternity. The gods were the only company she would ever really need.

"Tired? No, Senator, not at all," she lied. Pointedly, she did not look him in the eye, her attention instead on the wild gesturing and movement of the band on stage. "I have not been traveling long, and there is still so much for me to learn. It would be foolish of me to slow myself down with unnecessary company, or settle down."

Her gaze flickered to him for a moment. "Why do you ask? Are you trying to recruit me, Senator Mecetti?"



Location: Obulette
Wearing: Mummy Costume
Tags: Syala Syala
Hearing her words about looking into getting new eyes he simply shook his head some. “I’ve only thought about it some. But right now I’m relying wholly on The Force to perceive the world and people around me. In some ways I’m trying to learn from losing my eyes. Maybe I’m just trying to find a silver lining.” Although it brought him no real joy to go blind, he was trying to ‘see’ things in a more optimistic light. Having a very, “make lemonade out of lemons” mentality. Perhaps that kind of positivity might be caustic to the young Sith. Could she take such a setback on the chin as he seemed to?

Ko laughed a bit as she tried to explain the little nickname. “Haha, yeah I get it. I suppose your name is kinda like… well… rein I guess. Like I need a tight rein to keep up with your fun dancing.” He couldn’t really think of anything else at the moment and he wouldn’t blame her for finding that terribly cheesy, since it was.

As the two danced he put his focus onto ‘Rayne’ the already blurry crowd around him continued to be even less cohesive to him and the image of his dance partner became more and more clear. Still he didn’t know yet of her true nature, but he wasn’t ‘looking’ for that right now anyways. It all made it rather easy for him to match her movements. Part of him thought back to the other women he’s danced with, Loomi, Lily, and Jonyna. All of them had a different rhythm and style to their movements, and ‘Ryane’ was no different in that regard.
Maldor peered into her eyes, trying to discern the truth of her heart through those alien windows.

His philosophy relied on a common core between all sentients. That reliance was based on assumptions. Assumptions that were built much more on... faith... than he would care to admit.

Perhaps that made her the true victor of their sparring match.

"You are clearly intelligent and well educated. However recent your wanderings, the fact that you are here means you have already traveled widely. You have gained experience of the galaxy and the people in it.

I am no expert on your people, but I know this little bit: They are known to have skills, technologies, and techniques which are different, effective, and to be respected.

What sort of fool would I have to be if I failed to include such a person as yourself into my quest? Recruiting you would bring bright talent into House Mecetti."

He leaned close to her once more. Almost intimately close.

Perhaps, for a person like Maldor, an offer like this was as intimate as a kiss.

"Sometimes a wanderer isn't wandering. They find that they were headed all along to a very specific destination.

They simply did not know it until they arrived...

Until someone extends a hand, and invites them to make a home."

Athsheva Rin Athsheva Rin

Subject 73 Red

We're more ghosts than people.
Tags: Kathryn Foster Kathryn Foster , open

Red pushed is way through the crowd, moving through it, quickly. Too many people surrounding him, he felt... exposed, at a disadvantage. Maybe it was a result of the rigorous combat training, or maybe it was just his nature to dislike large groups. Whatever the case, he was uncomfortable, and on edge, and he needed to find a less dense area as soon as possible.

However, before long, he accidentally bumped into someone, pushing them over to the ground.

''Oof! It didn't struck you to look where to go?!''

"Sorry, didn't see yo-," He said, before he stopped mid sentence. He knew that voice... Looking down, he saw her, Kathryn Foster, someone he had known for a long time, and someone who had been a long time ally, even friend, of Red's.

''Red?! Is that you?''

"Kathryn? It's been a while, didn't expect to see you here." He replied. He reached out a hand, offering to help her up. "Sorry about that, didn't see you, what are you doing here anyway?"

Athsheva Rin

Yuuzhan Vong. Shaper. Exile.


Tagging: Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti

His unbroken stare did not go unanswered. To Athsheva Rin, it was a direct challenge, an attempt to get her to look away again-- to break, to shy away, to show weakness. She would do no such thing. The human's blue eyes were pretty, little jewels that seemed to sparkle in the stagelights. Athsheva felt the briefest momentary desire to pluck them out of his skull and keep them for herself. Perhaps, had he been a less interesting man, she would have.

As he spoke, his words of praise-- praise that had been denied to her for so long-- danced in her head, sickly sweet and dangerously tempting. It was all too good to be true, of course. She knew this. Like all politicians, his words flowed like water to the sea-- impossible to truly grasp and hold. She knew, of course, that he would tell her anything he believed she wanted to hear. She savored the words all the same. If nothing else, they sounded good, tickling the tizowyrm in her ear.

And as he leaned in slowly, so did she. She was close enough now that the warm breath flowing from her exposed sinuses barely tickled the end of his nose.

"... My, my, Senator," she murmured. "You certainly do have a way with your words. Yun-Harla herself must have gifted you your tongue."

Perhaps she should pluck that out, too. It was dangerous.

"And your offer is very, very tempting..."

Closing her eyes, the Yuuzhan Vong tilted her head as she pressed her lips to his to punctuate the statement. The kiss was as brief as it was powerful, Athsheva sighing into his mouth. The moment passed, however, as quickly as it came. The Shaper pulled away and rose from her seat. Her dark eyes regarded the Senator once more.

"But the galaxy still holds secrets it has yet to divulge," she told him, "and my journey is not yet over." A beat. She smiled. "However... I think I will see you again, Senator Mecetti. In time."

With that, she turned from him, head held high as she walked away. Athsheva gave him one final, appraising glance over her shoulder, touching her lips as she did so-- and then she was gone, disappearing into the darkness and the ever shifting crowd.
Tags: Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus Annika Starfire Annika Starfire
ARC Trooper Armor

Grinning as he was acknowledged he quickly made his way over to Lossa and the other person with her, another Zeltron by the look of her. Dodging and darting between entertainers and entertained alike Junior had to avoid a few hazards before he finally made his way to the two women. Stopping short he reached out and offered a hand towards the newcomer with an exaggerated bow. "Noah Corek at your service ma'am."

Once his hand was shook he would turn towards Lossa with a grin and look her up and down in her outfit, taking notice of the fake fangs that she was securing in her mouth, his tongue swiping over his very real slightly extra pointed canines in his mouth, courtesy of his half Zoren ancestry. Another thing he surely took notice of was her height...had Lossa grown a couple inches since their last meeting? Shrugging internally he grinned even wider at her and gently clapped her shoulder.

"Good to see you again Los...hopefully this time without any disruptors or falling from third story windows." His comment was followed by a wink and an even wider grin at the mentioning of their first fateful meeting. Junior surprisingly flinched at the nearby fire spitter when it came a little too close for comfort and looked over at the other woman at the mentioning of moving elsewhere. "Yeeeeeeah. That sounds like a good idea...been too good of a life to get take down by a carnival act."



~paint your palette blue and grey~

TAG: Rayne Lo'to Rayne Lo'to | Todblaz Graker Todblaz Graker



I always try to find a reason to join everytime the New Jedi Order are off on a journey abroad. All my life, I have spent in Coruscant, beneath the skyscrapers and rusty pipelines, buried under the concrete jungle of the Alliance's capital world. I don't think that I've seen actual soil until I was well above ten, and still it has never been a norm. When I finally joined the New Jedi Order, it took me to Coruscant surface level, yet I never found it beautiful. I resent it, all the beauty and allure that comes with it, for at the end of the day, it is built above the sweats and suffering of the billions of denizens of Coruscant living in the lower rung of the ecumenopolis. Planets like Obulette, however, everything might still also revolve around the urban area, but the planet still retains a vast, natural land, where people are still people, and the streets aren't shadowed by another street.

That's why, even when I'm not the biggest fan of grand festivities, I decided to join Obulette's very own; The Harvest Festival. And as per the local's tradition, I put on a costume for tonight, a medieval knight armor. Now, people can see this and say, 'oh, you're so pretentious', 'put on something fun!', but I'm not really someone who knows how to dress for fun. I think I do look ridiculous wearing colorful garments, and I'm not confident enough to pull it off. It's not everyone's forte, after all, so I'll just let my more adventurous Jedi colleagues take those roles while I'm here looking like an edgy teenager.

Speaking of colleagues, I did spot a Twi'lek lady sitting on a bench. She isn't exactly a colleague, I don't think I've seen her around the Jedi Temple, but I think I've spotted her with some padawans around Coruscant. Perhaps, someone's padawan that I'm not aware of? It seems that she is force sensitive, I can feel a quite significant ripple of force in her direction, yet I can also feel uneasiness in her, as she was approached by a smaller figure, draped in a menacing costume. I eavesdropped on their conversation, and all I can make out of it is the Twi'lek lady is looking for an out from the conversation, using the excuse of waiting for her boyfriend.

Well, I only have a cotton candy in my hand, not a perfect disguise for a boyfriend, they usually bought two. Still, it doesn't mean that I can't try to help, it's not like I have anything better to do tonight anyway. My ideal festival is me just people watching on my own, and after I help the Twi'lek lady get rid of the menacing figure, I guess I can go back doing that. Approaching the two from a direction where the lady can see me, I waved towards her, giving her an empathetic smile. "Hey! I got you… this." I referred to the cotton candy, just realizing that maybe I should've got something else too, a pumpkin latte perhaps. Well, it's too late now, I just hope that this works.

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"You and your boyfriend must be unlucky if you guys can't find anything to do out here."

Oh, right. She had bluffed about having a boyfriend. That was... awkward. What was she even supposed to say to that? As if by some kind of miracle, the most bizarre thing happened. A new individual came along, a bit taller than the armored fellow. Maybe a few inches shorter than herself? He wore a suit of knights armor, a detail that very much encapcilated how she felt about him in the present moment.

"Hey! I got you… this."

'My hero' is how she wanted to respond, but instead Rayne simply gave a warm smile, awkwardly brushing her Lekku over her shoulder as she got to her feet.

"Thanks," her vocoder responded in a pleasant tone. "You're the best."

She turned to the helmet-wearing fellow, giving a sympathetic looking frown. Rayne was quite good at faking her facial expressions at the very least, even if she couldn't mask her emotions well in the force at all. This was her out and she was taking it.

"That's my que," she noted. "See you later... uh, mask guy."

He had never given his name. Kind of weird, but whatever. She was off now.

The young woman promptly took the arm of the man who had come to her aid and walked them around the corner and out of the awkward situation. Of course, now she was in another one, here with some random dashing young fellow who had noticed her distress. Whenever they were far enough away the Twi'lek would let go of his arm and hide her face behind her hands in embarrassment

"Oh my gosh I am so sorry," she apologized profusely with the device on her hip.

This was more interaction than she usually got in a night. At least she could see this one's face.


Todblaz Graker

Makes me wish for a nuclear winter


Tags: Rayne Lo'to Rayne Lo'to ; Aymeric Prendergast Aymeric Prendergast ; (Now open to any newcomers)
Outfit: (What he's wearing in the image)

Watching the man approach Tod couldn't help but smirk under his helmet thinking the costume the man wore was funny. A knight is a clever costume, seemed like a fun idea. Though it had appeared that his conversation with the lady had ended. It had appeared the woman's boyfriend had arrived. That was fine conversation felt slow anyway but who knows.

"Enjoy the festival you two," Tod said with a wave of his hand. He turned and started walking again before he could see the 'frown' she made continuing his walk. The two would enjoy their festival and that's no concern of his.

As he continued his stroll, he paused at a souvenir stand and perused the various trinkets. One item caught his eye: a little plastic animal that appeared to be sleeping. He reached down to touch it but then withdrew his hand, realizing it was a real animal. This unexpected discovery brought a chuckle from him.

Shaking his head, he resumed his walk, and his music returned to accompany him as he continued to stroll through the festival.

A hot flare of strange delight.

An unexpected turn, on this festival night.

He could still feel her warmth as she walked away.

And he believed her when she promised they'd meet again, someday.


Well... tonight's miserable duty had become the most unexpected pleasure.

It was the little surprises in life that made the ordeals of duty worthwhile: A chance encounter at a curio shop. A remarkable meeting at a concert. A challenging confrontation across an office desk.

Once she had faded from view, Maldor also got up and departed the venue.

He'd made the requisite public appearance. Given the required photo-op for the state-affiliated press. Now he could go home, report to his mother, and receive the inevitable reprimand for fraternizing with unknown persons who hadn't been cleared by the Ministry of Inquiry.

This would be a good chance to petition for an MI operative to assist him, at least. Such help would be worth its weight in humiliating reprimands.

Athsheva Rin Athsheva Rin



Outfit: X
Tags: OPEN

The sounds of music loomed in the air and filtered though dim light of the world of Obulette. A world seemingly divinely designed for creatures that prowled in the night. The monsters you told stories about to children to keep them obedient. Beings as you got older you started to believe were just myths and legends. Yet most of those beasts of horror stories did exist and they hide in plain sight wearing the skin of your neighbors and friends putting on a humanoid smile in greeting every time they saw you.

A glass of what looked like red wine betwixt between thumb and pointer finger of the right-hand touch red painted lips take just a sip. Jade eyes watched the crowds from her like a monster on the prowl. The music pouring through her, hunger in her wanted to bite but after years of training she knew better than to do it within the sight of others.

She watched as people dressed as the demons of their nightmares dance with the repressed that decided to explore their wilder untamed selves for a night. Phoenix a woman of Tetan High Society so did love mingling amongst the more common of folk. That and their ideas of excitement were way better than the stuffy parties of nobles. Also, the adrenaline that pumped through their veins was much tastier. It made her almost want to lick at her limps with just the thought of it. With excitement she could wait to see what the night had in store.



Objective: 1 - Night Lights
Costume: Angel
Tags: Open​

Katherine’s eyes were flickering everywhere as she took in the sights of all the lanterns that were hung up along the streets. This was her first ever experience with a festival, at least as far as she remembered anyway. It felt like with every corner she turned, there was something new to catch her attention. For a good chunk of time, she had been enraptured by a street performer.

How in the Force are they able to bend like that? Do they have any bones in their body?

The winged Padawan felt her choice of costume was fairly lazy, but it had been admittedly last minute and an easy pick given she already had the wings. Albeit, the blood-stained part of them did kind of ‘ruin’ the look. That, and the halo stuck atop her head, that refused to remain in one place no matter how many times she tried to adjust it.

But the array of carnival games, street performers and food vendors soon saw such thoughts pushed to one side. Katherine had opted to attend the festival to have some fun, to enjoy herself, knowing full well that soon there likely wouldn’t be a lot of time for either.

Right now, tonight? Katherine was eager to see what the people of Obulette had set up, and if she’d run into any interesting people.
ᴏɴᴇꜱ ᴀɴᴅ ᴢᴇʀᴏᴇꜱ





| LOCATION: Obulette |
| TAG: Jalen Kai'el Jalen Kai'el |

BB-610 glanced around, still utterly mesmerized. These were people that shared the same passion as him, that same sense of relief upon hearing music. The concert was loud and he wouldn't want it any other way; far too often was the astromech by-the-books and worry prone. He needed to release the stress he kept bottled up inside, whether it be from the war, from babysitting, or from general day-to-day life in a galaxy that still seemed adamant on not showing droids the respect they deserved. Thankfully, BB-610 was free to be himself for a couple of hours, unburdened by the need to conform for anybody in his life.

"Hey there, buddy."

He froze. Slowly, the droid pivoted his head, staring in sheer horror at the man stood before him.

Immediately, BB-610 began to panic, instinctively wanting to throw off the cosmetics he'd adorned, eager to dismiss everything as a misunderstanding and that he definitely didn't enjoy this sort of thing. Jalen seemed unfazed, however, without an ounce of judgment. The droid's panic shifted to confusion, and then relief as his returning clarity reasoned that if anybody were to understand the beauty of music, it would Jalen.

Bweeping in response, a little louder than usual to try and combat the rhythmical screaming of rocking singers, BB-610 replied as he told Jalen that Valery was out with Kahlil and the kids in the city, and that he'd came on his own. The droid warbled, his binary growing increasingly concerned as he pleaded for Jalen to not tell her that he was out here, and that he was scared that she'd think he was being a bad influence on the children.

The astromech flinched as Jalen's fingertips brushed his fake lashes, still a tad unused to touch, but he quickly leaned in. He giggled, servos warming up in response to Jalen's compliment, bweeping back in response as he told Jalen that he looked really nice as well. He'd always enjoyed the company of the Kai'el brothers, and BB-610 was endlessly thankful that it was Jalen of all people that he'd run into. He couldn't even begin to think of what Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania might have thought if she saw him like this.

Glancing down at the offered hand, BB-610 slowly outstretched his utility arm, chassis rotating to allow it to reach higher as the metal appendage placed itself atop Jalen's palm ever so carefully. The droid hadn't ever really danced before, especially with a partner, so it was a foreign sensation at best and a nerve-wracking one at worst. He didn't want to mess things up.

Chirping, BB-610 asked Jalen what his reasoning for showing up was. He'd assumed that it was simply an interest of his, but perhaps there was a deeper explanation his friend was willing to share.



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