Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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SWRP Chaos IC Darwin Awards

In Umbris Potestas Est
Suhr said:
Whoever gave Circe the Master rank gets my vote for the Darwin Award.
I sense a Darwin Award in your future... This is almost as bad as giving Hinoa the Bucket of Pi- oh wait. This isn't Uncyclopedia, my bad. Point is, death and gloom await :O


Disney's Princess
Vyperion and I decided to write the most bombastic duel of epic-epic'ness ever. We never got around to writing the ending, (probably because we were laughing so much), but in the end the Universe was supposed to explode. Epic Duel of Epic Proportions. :p

But the Great Senator Leap, gets my vote. :D
@[member="Jorus Merrill"]

Point of clarification: Being processed does result in the organic dying. The brain is harvested and processed for a droid mind, then the superfluous organic subject is terminated. That said I have recently processed former Chancellor Saelari.
Moira Skaldi said:
Point of clarification: Being processed does result in the organic dying. The brain is harvested and processed for a droid mind, then the superfluous organic subject is terminated. That said I have recently processed former Chancellor Saelari.
@[member="Moira Skaldi"] so we are growing in numbers?

Steph Zenima

I dream that one day I'll win a Darwin Award.


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