Corvus Raaf

Corvus sat on the shuttle that drew ever closer to [member="Asmundr Varobalder"]’s Praxeum. She’d flown on it a number of times before and so was less in awe than first time around but still – it was a truly impressive sight.
Had she been more inclined to consider beauty and form, she would have marvelled at the grace and power of the craft – as it sat serenely in space. The fact it was a symbol of the Jedi way was not lost on her but its soft hull that curved and sloped to form great wings were – to her – a means to fly through space. The great balls of glasteel were simply a useful way to glimpse into the void of space.
But its size did impress her. As did its gardens and training rooms. The specifications said there was even an aquatic tank on board. Yes, she’d downloaded the specs onto her datapad just in case she needed them. And she had a plan how she'd spend her time in hyperspace too.
Taking her eyes from the viewing port she focused on that datapad, and thoughts of the ship quickly dissipated. She checked off the equipment she'd requested when they boarded the shuttle. She also glanced the skills that she hoped between them they had in order to complete the mission. If not, she had a back-up plan.
Finally she checked off the names of those that said they’d join in on the mission, the first having volunteered to pilot the shuttle at either end of their journey through hyperspace:
[member="Jack Rand"]
[member="Jannik Morlandt"]
[member="Kian Karr"]
[member="Marakai Al'Orren"]
[member="Meeristali Peradun"] (déjà vu – surely)
[member="Uri Aureleos"]
Had she missed anyone? She glanced up to check…